MTL - The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby-Chapter 35

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The child's walking posture is not proficient. He walks crookedly and can't even walk in a straight line.

Jian Ning's chubby face was almost deformed on the glass. He stared blankly at the kid and asked Wagner, "Shall we say hello to him?"

Wagner's face was also stuck to the glass. Not only did he stick his face to the glass, Wagner also stretched out his spiritual power to the outside.

About the Zerg's spiritual force wave, it is a knowledge point that the children of the Empire must learn from kindergarten.

Wagner is the son of the marshal. Although he was not born with S+ mental power like his father, his mental power level is also very high.

It's just that he is still too young, even if he releases his mental power, he still doesn't know how to skillfully use the skill of attack. He just checked the little friend who appeared out of nowhere.

"Not bugs."

Wagner gave his own judgment: "He may be separated from his parents, Ning Zai, let's go and bring him in."

Wagner finished his judgment, but Ning Zai, who was still hesitating whether to greet the children, did not agree with his judgment. Dad always taught him that if Dad wasn't around, you couldn't stay with strangers, and you couldn't bring strangers home.

Strangers are not allowed, and strange children are naturally not allowed.


Ning Zai was still studying the kid who walked over crookedly, he said in a low voice, "This kid is so strange."

Wagner took a closer look and felt a little awkward: "Did he just learn to walk, so he can't walk well? Hey, he fell!"

While they were talking, this strange kid who was walking straight towards them tripped over a stone under his feet, and the kid didn't stand up for a long time.

He didn't stand up, but he was crawling forward with his little hands and feet, watching them steadily while crawling.

Wagner, who has always been bold, looked at this scene and suddenly moved his face away from the glass. He stretched out his hand, touched his arm, and then looked up at Ning Zai: "Ning Zai, I'm a little scared of this kid."

Jian Ning also slowly backed away.

He looked at Wagner, and there was a trace of surprise on Xiaopang's face: "Wagner, I think he looks like a bug when he gets up."

The two cubs looked at me and I looked at you, and they both saw panic in each other's eyes.

Jian Ning is not afraid of bugs, he even killed bugs under the guidance of his father and uncles. But he had never seen a kid who looked like a bug, and like Wagner, he was a little scared.

The children outside were getting closer and closer. The children's hands and feet were crawling on the ground, but their heads were kept high and they were still looking in their direction.

Jian Ning plucked up his courage and looked outside again. When he looked over, his eyes met the other party's sight again. Then, he saw the kid smiling at him.

Dad said that a smile is an expression of kindness.

However, Jian Ning, who was frightened, sniffed, thinking that the children outside laughed so frighteningly.

He looked up at the glass, and then, he stretched out his chubby hand, and pulled back a curtain that hadn't been used much on the glass.

There are curtains blocking the glass, and the children who are still crawling outside cannot see them.

"Ning cub."

Thinking that the kid was getting closer and closer to them, Wagner's voice was small, as if he was afraid of alarming the other party: "Why hasn't your father come back?"

When children are in fear, they will always instinctively seek the protection of adults.

Jian Ning already missed his father, but now he was shocked, his eyes were filled with tears, and his milk voice was strong: "I, I don't know."

Seeing that no adults came back and there were still children crawling outside, Jian Ning raised her hand and wiped her eyes. After wiping his eyes, he took Wagner's hand.

"Come on, let's go play with toys and wait for Dad."

In order to divert attention and make herself less afraid, Jian Ning took Wagner to play with toys. The two of them sat cross-legged on the floor, playing absent-mindedly with their toys.

I guess it took a few minutes.

Jian Ning became more and more absent-minded, he broke the mecha model toy, accidentally broke the legs of the mecha. The mech's leg fell to the ground, and he lowered his head to pick it up.


Suddenly there was a crashing sound on the glass, and Xiao Zaizai, who was about to pick up the toy, panicked and turned his head to look at the glass that made the sound.

"Bang bang—"

There were two more voices.

This time even Wagner panicked. He clutched the toy and looked at Ning Zai.

There are not only the sound of knocking on the glass, but also the giggling and babbling of children. Wagner couldn't understand, so he asked nervously, "Ning Zai, what's that sound?"

Jian Ning felt as if he could understand. His little milk trembled and trembled, and translated to Wagner: "He, he is asking us to go out and play."

Wagner shook his head like a rattle: "Ning Zai, I don't want to go out to play."

Jianning didn't want to go out either.

His eyes saw the star machine on the chair, and his eyes lit up slightly: "Call my brother! And uncle!"

Jian Ning is too young, and his family is not rich, so Zhan Xi didn't provide him with a star machine. The father and son share a star machine, and in this star machine, the number that Jian Ning wants to save is also saved.

He was the first to call Huo Lin.

Fortunately, Huo Lin answered quickly: "Ning Zai, what's the matter?"

As soon as he heard his brother's voice, Xiao Zai Zai, who was still tense just now, couldn't hold back all of a sudden. He didn't dare to cry loudly, but choked up in a low voice, complaining to his brother: "Brother, Zai Zai is so scared."

"There are children outside, knock on Zai Zai's window."


Xiao Zai Zai's fear and panic clearly fell into Huo Lin's ears. Huo Lin stood up suddenly, and he left the table in a hurry: "Ning Zai, send me the location. I'll teach you how to send it..."

The phone call didn't take long, because after Huo Lin taught him to post the location, he went to find someone and planned to go find the cub.

After finishing the phone call with his brother, Xiao Zai Zai also memorized the address. Wiping away his tears, he started calling the people in the address book one by one.

Xiao Zai Zai is not stupid at all, and he is very particular about the order in which he makes calls.

The first one to call Zhan Rao, in Xiao Zai Zai's heart, the uncle is very powerful. The second one called Mance. My brother said that Mance is the strongest general in the empire.

When calling these two, Xiao Zaizai hid with Wagner in the cabinet of the room away from the glass, his crying was small, trembling, and he only said a few words—

"Come pick up Zai Zai, Zai Zai is at Lan Ou Xing."

"Papa hasn't come back. It's scary outside the window."

After calling the two most powerful uncles and Uncle Mance, Jian Ning also thought of Uncle Ling Qi who was very beautiful but not very good at fighting.

He also cried and left a message to Uncle Ling Qi: "Uncle, you, you don't want to come to Lan Ou Xing."

After a round of phone calls, Wagner, who didn't want to call at first, was influenced by him. Wagner called his father again, but his father still didn't get through.

"Ning cub."

Wagner, who can hear the sound of smashing glass here, also blushed. He was clutching the star machine that hadn't made a call, and his little face tried hard to pretend that he was not afraid, but he was still just a cub less than one year older than Jianning, how could he not be afraid at a time like this.

He asked, "Is that kid a little monster?"

Normal kids wouldn't walk like that, nor would they knock the hard glass of a spaceship like that. They didn't meet lost children anymore, they met little monsters.

Ning Zai, who was asked, nodded.

The two of them were close together, and Wagner's mental power spread out uncontrollably. Ning Zai sensed Wagner's mental instability, so he stuck out his little buds and began to comfort him.

The moment Xiaonianya leaned out to work, the kid outside smashing the glass stopped suddenly with his fist.

next second.

A big smile appeared on the face of this little friend, and the appearance of a human cub he maintained gradually faded away, replaced by a white and tender insect that was obviously young.

There is a touch of gold on the worm's eyebrows.

This worm is just a newly born king worm.

The king worm no longer made the sound of inducing the cubs inside. His worm body was attached to the glass. At the same time, mucus was spit out from his mouth, and the mucus fell on the glass. The glass, which was originally hard enough to resist bullets, began to A little corroded.

He still had no fluctuations in his mental power. Zhan Xi could sense the net of Wang Chong's mental power in the past, but it had no effect on him.

Zhan Xi's mental power level has improved a lot in recent years, but even if it is His Majesty the emperor, it is impossible to detect a king worm without mental power fluctuations.

The whole process is not long.

After the king worm corroded the glass to create a large enough hole, it climbed directly into it. The king worm is born wise, so although the king worm is very young, its thinking ability is not that of a cub.

He climbed in, even missing the steps to find the target.

Because he sensed the spiritual power he was looking for, the healing spiritual power that had disappeared for a long time and should not exist among despicable humans in the future.

There was a soft rustle of crawling.

The tightly closed cabinet door was opened, and the two cubs who were hugging each other looked at the bug in front of them, with deep fear in their eyes.

The star machine fell into the cabinet.

The two cubs who were hugging each other a moment ago disappeared into the cabinet a few minutes later.

Not long after they disappeared, Zhanxi rushed back.

"Ning Cub!!"


When Zhanxi came back, looking at the closed door, he was about to relax, but when he opened the door, he saw the broken window and the mucus left on the ground.

At this moment, Zhan Xi fell into an ice cave.

He searched the spaceship, and after he couldn't find the two cubs, he chased towards the glass breach without hesitation. Outside the glass gap, there is land everywhere.

He forcibly stabilized his mind, lowered his head to look for traces and clues on the ground.

The vicinity of the spaceship was cleaned very clean by him, others were even nearby, and the cubs were also in his "net". For people with high levels of mental power, the mental power net is like the most sensitive private domain. The private domain is recognized as the safest place.

Now, in his "net", he can't find his cubs.

And the people who were shaken by Xiao Zai Zai's phone are all rushing towards Lan Ou Xing at the moment. Zhan Rao ordered a team of people with the strongest force values. Apart from explaining the phone call to them, these people did not hesitate, they all took their guys and followed Zhan Rao onto the spaceship.

General Mance, who had just finished the battle, felt something was wrong when he heard the words Lan Ou Xing.

The place where His Majesty the Emperor personally marched was Lan Ouxing. It stands to reason that with him, Xiao Zai Zai would not be so afraid to ask him for help.

Mance recalled Xiao Zaizai crying for help, and then looked down at the missed call from His Majesty the Emperor. His heart sank and he didn't care about cleaning up the blood stains on his body, so he ordered the army to divert to Lanouxing.

Ling Qi, who was told "Don't come to Lan Ou Xing" by Xiao Zai Zai, hung up the phone without any hesitation, and rushed straight to Lan Ou Xing.

Everyone from all walks of life now has only one goal: Lanouxing.

Maybe it was because the father and son had a good understanding, maybe Zhan Xi was careful enough, in such an anxious state of mind, he managed to calm himself down and found the trace left by the little boy.

Xiao Zai Zai may have found milk powder.

When he was "taken away", the chubby hand secretly spilled the milk powder in his pocket on the ground.


The cub, which was not killed by the king worm, and was not parasitized, was wrapped in the cocoon of the king worm, and was being dragged forward. He and Wagner were in the same cocoon, and the two cubs were hugging too tightly, and they couldn't be separated from life and death, so that the king worm could only use one cocoon to take them away.

The king worm can move here alone, but without any helpers.

The surviving insects in a radius of several miles were all found by the owner of the spaceship and killed one by one. The spiritual power of human beings can always target their Zerg like this.

Fortunately, his appearance will completely break this targeting.

The little cub wrapped in the cocoon also found the king worm's "weak power". He looked at the corpses of the worms around him, and suddenly thought that his father must be nearby!

Dad won't put Zai Zai in danger!

When he thought of his father, he immediately summoned up courage in his heart. Driven by his little head, he no longer appeased Wagner's mental power. Instead, he touched Wagner's arm, causing Wagner's mental power to riot quickly.

The mental power of the riot is uncontrollable and will spontaneously attack other spiritual powers.

Ning Zai himself has no mental power and is not afraid of being attacked. He wants Wagner to attack his father's mental power so that his father can know their exact location.

The king worm crawled very slowly.

A few minutes later.

Zhan Xi, who was nearby and looking down for milk powder, suddenly raised his head and locked in one direction.

King Chong was born with ten thousand insects to serve him, and his independent ability is very poor. Not only is their independence poor, but the newborn king worm is far less powerful than the adult king worm.

With killing intent in his eyes, Zhan Xi attacked the king worm.

Jian Ning felt her father getting closer, and tried to kick up the chubby legs.

As the father and son got closer, they brought their king worm and suddenly said, "Do you want to meet your emperor? He's in Lanou Star."

King Chong's language is different from that of the imperial people, but Jian Ning doesn't know why, he just can understand it.

After hearing King Chong's words, the little cub trapped in the cocoon replied, "I don't believe it! His Majesty the Emperor is super powerful, he will definitely kill you all!"

Xiao Zai Zai did not call him Uncle, but deliberately called His Majesty the Emperor, a more imposing title.

Wang Chong continued to crawl, and he was still saying: "Believe it or not, your emperor's spiritual power has rioted. Don't you want to appease his spiritual power? Just follow me, and I can show you to see him." .”

In this case, there was a hint of shake on Xiao Zai Zai's face.

Before Ludwig set off, Xiao Zaizai had already sensed that his mental power was unstable. If he was in this place and his mental power rioted, it would have a high probability of happening.

While hesitating, Xiao Zai Zai saw his father not far away through the cocoon.

Behind is Dad.

Uncle Lulu is ahead.

Xiao Zaizai fell into a struggle for a while, and when he was still struggling with his thoughts, a horizontal ditch appeared in front of him suddenly.

Wang Chong didn't even think about it, he just jumped down. Jumping down is the real land that belongs to Lanou Star.

There are a small number of humans and a large number of worms living on the Lanou star. The king worm was born here, but he was born here, and his ambition does not stop there.

The moment they jumped down, Zhan Xi's figure also appeared behind them. They jumped down one after the other, and Zhan Xi saw the face of his little chubby cub clearly.

"Not afraid."

Zhan Xi opened his mouth to the little fat boy. With him here, even if he enters Lanou Star, his chubby cub will be safe and sound.

Moreover, before jumping down, he already knew that General Mance and the little prince were coming. In addition, Wagner's Marshal father also connected the phone.

Dare to kidnap his cub, and the only son of the marshal of the alliance, even if Lan Ouxing has the king worm, he must die!

The author has something to say:

Zai Zai: Grab the territory!