MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 517 you are all my good friends

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   There was only one night, the staff discussed with Su Wei, and arranged Luo Xi and Yaoyao to stay at Su Wei's house.

  The two fathers agreed without hesitation, and Su Wei accompanied Luo Xi to put the luggage together, and introduced each other along the way.

  Although the two have never met, they have heard each other's name.

   "Coffee Prince Luoxi." As one of the owners of the program group, Sol Wei has the right to know about the invited guests.

   "Hey, netizens are talking nonsense, I'm just a hard-working worker, but you, the new media leader." Luo Xi and Su Wei started the mutual praise mode.

   "What kind of new media leader, I am also a hard worker." Su Wei said modestly.

   "Mr. Su, Mr. Luo, don't be modest, both of you are industry elites." The staff endured for a while and said.

   "Call me Solvay."

   "Call me Luoxi."

   "Okay, Su Wei and Luo Xi, both of you are my idols."


  The three talked and laughed all the way, and arrived at Dudu's house unknowingly.

   Didn't know that Luo Xi would return. Su Wei didn't arrange the room in advance. Fortunately, he is a clean person, and the house is well organized.

   "This room is clean, you and Yaoyao can stay here." Su Wei opened the door to the west room.

   Except the direction is different from the one I live in, the decoration and area are exactly the same.

"I also can."

   "That's it, I'll let the logistics make the bed." The staff dialed the intercom.

   "The house can finally be more lively tonight." Su Wei sighed.

   "Luo Xi, do you like lively or quiet?" The man asked Luo Xi's opinion by the way.

   "I can do it. Yaoyao must like to be lively. Before coming, he mentioned Kaikai and them a lot, and asked me when I could see them."

   "That's good, Dudu also likes to be lively."

  After putting down the luggage, Luo Xi waited for the logistics to come to spread the quilt. Su Wei poured a cup of tea and prepared to let Luo Xi take a rest: "I've been on the road all afternoon, so I'm tired. Sit down for a while."


  In the office of the program group, the guests sat down one after another, and the children went to the lounge next door.

  Xia Mo pulled the chair next to Lin Wan: "Do you have any comments?"

  Lin Wan said casually: "What?"

   "Isn't there no one coming back? Why is Luo Xi here? Boss Li's expression is not right."

   "Xia Xia, you are overthinking. Boss Li is in a good mood. Look how loud he is laughing." Lin Wan glanced at Li Yanchen from the corner of his eye.

  Li Yanchen and Xiao Tianlin were bragging.

  Xiao Tianlin said no matter how he looked at it, he thought Li Yanchen was extremely handsome, while Luo Xi didn't look masculine.

  Li Yanchen was delighted when he heard it.

  Xiao Tianlin also said that Li Yanchen looks very noble, and he looks very successful with temperament.

  Xiao Tianlin's words won Li Yanchen's heart deeply.

  Although he knows that Luo Xi is nothing, netizens like to associate Luo Xi with Lin Wan and compare him with Luo Xi.

  Of course, with Xiao Tianlin's words, Li Yanchen decided to see Luo Xi take the initiative to say hello, so as to show his generosity and confidence.

   Next door lounge.

  Li Zekai became the bridge of friendship between everyone and introduced new guests to Yaoyao.

  Yaoyao is very well-behaved, and her brothers and sisters keep barking.

   Qi Yue learned that Yaoyao was still living in the orphanage, so she knelt down and hugged him.

Yaoyao didn't want to be sympathized with by others, so he raised a smiling face: "Although I grew up in an orphanage, I am very happy, and now I have a father, and in a few months, I will be able to live with my father, Luo Xi is my exclusive father."

   "Yaoyao, do you have a phone watch? Let's touch it." Dudu stretched out his hand and asked.

   "Yes." Yaoyao rolled up her sleeves and added friends with everyone.

   "You are all my good friends, so you are also good friends." Li Zekai stood in the middle and put Yaoyao and other people's hands together.

   "Okay, we will send more messages in the future, but chatting is not allowed in class."

  The kids bonded quickly.

  Luo Xi came out of Su Wei's house, and first enjoyed the winter scenery of Lan Village.

  The last time I came here was Jinqiu.

   "Has it snowed a few times in Lan Village?" Luo Xi would watch the replay occasionally.

   "Well, I heard that you are running all over the country, will you run with Yaoyao in the future?" Su Wei knows the story of Luo Xi and Yaoyao.

"After Yaoyao got home, I stopped running around. Yaoyao has to go to school, and I want to participate in his growth. Every store in Mumu Shiguang has a store manager sent by the headquarters. I should hand over the power to them "Before Luo Xi was alone and had no worries, but he felt lonely when he was fixed in a certain city, and his busy work could fill his life.

   "Don't consider finding a mother for Yaoyao?" Su Wei asked.

   "What about you?" Luo Xi asked Su Wei noncommittally.

"Think about it, but I haven't met a suitable one yet. Your conditions are much better than mine. There must be many people chasing you." Su Wei looked down at his beer belly: "My appearance... hey, since Xu Xiaoxiao , everyone thinks that they are here for the calligrapher, and they don't really like me."

"Be more confident, buddy." Luo Xi patted Su Wei on the shoulder: "Don't just focus on the appearance, good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand. You are sincere, and there must be someone who can truly appreciate you girl."

   "I hope, don't talk about me, tell me about you. Did you get chased by a lot of people when you were in school? Why are you still single now? Anyway, I was married once."

Luo Xi looked up at the sky and was silent for a while: "I once met a person, do you believe it? Some people have such an impact on you that you can't imagine, so that you don't like anyone afterward. "

  Luo Xi didn't mention Lin Wan clearly, but after the Song Jing incident, Su Wei knew about the entanglement between these few people.

   "Brother, look forward, you don't open your heart, how can you accept new people? In fact, it's all your own stubbornness. Look at the people around you, maybe there is a good girl." Su Wei turned into a bosom brother.

  Luo Xi smiled slightly: "Okay, let me borrow your good words, but I am unmarried, and there are probably few girls who fall in love not for the purpose of getting married."

   "Unmarried? You can say this casually. If the person you once liked agrees to be with you now, would you still say that you are unmarried?"

  Luo Xi was suddenly stopped by Su Wei.

  He duplicity said: "Of course I still don't get married."

   "Okay, then I wish you a girlfriend who thinks the same as you."

  The two people who returned to the program office went straight to the fathers.

  Li Yanchen took the initiative to speak: "Luo Xi, long time no see."

  Xiao Tianlin looked at the man next to him in disbelief, what's going on?

   "Long time no see." Luo Xi shook hands with Li Yanchen.

   "We were talking about your coffee shop just now. After the last live broadcast, we went to Mu Mu's house on the old street. The taste is really extraordinary." Xiao Tianlin praised.

   "Send me a message later, free of charge."

   "That's not okay, open the door for business."