MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 522 not difficult to meet

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  Su Wei walked back to the living room with heavy steps.

   "What is this?" Luo Xi asked.

"Luoxi, tell me which countries are interesting, or ask auntie where she goes, I want to send my mother out, otherwise she will be at home all day, just thinking about finding someone for me." Su Wei had an idea : "Does she have no time to think about me when she goes out to play?"

   "Does your dad have time? If not, your mother will be alone. If you don't want to." Both Luo Xi's parents love to travel, so it's interesting to be together.

   "That's right, my dad is very slow, and my mother probably doesn't want to go out alone. Traveling is no longer feasible. Is there any other way?" Su Wei once again felt worried.

   "Are you saying that my mother can't play mahjong well after playing mahjong? How nice it is to play happily, and to know that my niece is divorced." Su Wei murmured.

   "It's great to help you pay attention all the time."

   "Okay? I have a heavy burden in my heart, and I am always afraid of disappointing them." Su Wei said helplessly: "Especially with previous experience."

   "Boss Su, just said that I am not optimistic. Look at you, you are a little confident. Auntie probably wants to find something to do."

  Su Wei and Luo Xi chatted late.

  Mai Maijia.

  Mai Mai sat by the window, resting his chin with both hands: "Auntie, shall we leave the village at noon tomorrow? Will it be difficult to see Yueyue and the others in the future?"

Nan Nan sat at the table, stroking Maimai's hair with one hand: "It's not difficult to meet, but it's difficult to get together with so many people. We added WeChat to each other, and we agreed to make an appointment when we are free, and bring you along." .”

"But Yueyue said that she will go to training after returning home. She is not in Yuncheng. She has to attend classes, train, and participate in various competitions. She is very busy." The only girl around my age."

   "You can make video calls, but you can only make calls on rest days. During winter and summer vacations, you can also watch games." Nan Nan comforted Mai Mai.

   "But, is there no chance for all of us to play together?" Mai Mai was still unhappy.

   "Not necessarily. Maybe everyone has time during the holidays. Don't be so depressed."

   "Auntie, you should contact other aunts in the group."

"Well, good, be happy, step back ten thousand steps, even if you can't all get together, you can meet up one by one, now you are free to move around every day, don't you just find a few people you can play with, right?"

"It seems that, like me, I like to play with Yueyue. Before Yueyue came, I liked to play with my younger brothers. Brother Xinxin likes other big brothers. We all find our own playmates." Thinking of this, Mai Mai revealed smiley.

  Xiao Xiao's house.

  Xia Mo and Xiao Tianlin lay down early, and the two looked at the roof, chatting without saying a word.

   "Honey, is this my side job? Taking advantage of my son, I actually got the first notice fee in my life."

   "Well, me too. Of course, the biggest gain is not making money, but meeting many new friends, Wan Wan, Nan Nan, Jing Yuan... I also met the idol himself, and died without regret." Xia Mo was very contented.

   "Just after Chinese New Year, I'm not allowed to say that word, I am very content." Xiao Tianlin smiled and said: "Xiao Xiao also took in an apprentice."

   "Our son is not sentimental at all, he is really indifferent." Xia Mo recalled the scene of taking pictures at night, everyone took pictures with each other, and Xiao Xiao stood by, waiting for others to call him, not active at all.

   When they went back to their respective houses, the other children seemed very reluctant, Xiao Xiao turned around and went into the yard without saying a word.

"My son, don't you understand? The more you don't talk, the more you care." Xiao Tianlin knew that Xiao Xiao had been like this since she was a child. She would not fight for what she liked, and she would not say it if she was reluctant, and the more indifferent he looked The lighter the wind, the more you care.

  Xia Mo sighed: "That's right, this kid is good at expressing other things, but not expressing feelings. Encourage him to say goodbye to his friends tomorrow and don't leave any regrets."


  Xiao Xiao's room.

  The boy turned the globe aimlessly.

  Leaving the village tomorrow, it may be difficult to see friends who have been on the show together for half a year in the future.

  He wanted to hug everyone and say goodbye, but he just couldn't move his feet or open his mouth, so that when he took pictures at night, he kept standing on the side in a daze.

  He suddenly envied Li Zexin's shameless appearance, able to mingle with everyone.

   Cocklebur and the others sent many messages, asking him to bring back the signatures of Teacher Bai Xue and Teacher Qi Ming, but he has not opened his mouth to find Bai Xue and Qi Ming for a long time.

  The light of the globe left dots and spots on the wall, Xiao Xiao stared at the gray wall in a daze.

   After a while, Xiao Tianlin came over. He knocked on the door many times before he heard his son say to come in.

   "Dad, haven't you slept yet?" Xiao Xiao asked.

  Xiao Tianlin moved a chair and sat down: "Originally, your mother and I wanted to talk to you after we got up tomorrow, but if we don't talk about it now, I can't sleep again, so I just talked about it."

  Xiao Xiao thought it was a big deal, his expression changed: "Did something happen?"

   "No, just seeing that you are not very happy at night, so I come to care about you, are you reluctant to renew them?"

   "No way, Li Zexin will come to me as soon as the holidays come. It's quite easy to meet him." Every time Xiao Xiao returns after recording the show, the three brothers of the Li family contact the most.

   "Is that because you are reluctant to have other friends?"

   "No, it's just that I feel empty in my heart. Originally, I didn't communicate much with other people." Xiao Xiao said duplicity.

   "Son, just deny it, who am I? I am your father, how can I not understand you? But don't they all take photos with you at night?"

   "Maybe it's because I'm leaving the village tomorrow. My emotions come and go quickly. I'll be fine after a night of sleep. Dad, it's ten o'clock, and you should go to rest quickly." Xiao Xiao pushed her father away.

   "Okay, I'll go by myself, good night."

  Backing to the room, Xia Mo asked her husband, "I'm back so soon."

  Xiao Tianlin closed the door: "As expected, the child who was driven back is unwilling to tell us what's on his mind when he grows up. Let him digest it by himself."

   "Or, I'll go?" Xia Mo wanted to ask in person.

   "No, it's more inconvenient for you to go, sleep and sleep." Xiao Tianlin got into the quilt.


   Feifei home.

  Tao Jingyuan and Zheng Kuo put their son to sleep together.

   The two chatted quietly.

   "Feifei has learned a lot." Tao Jingyuan said.

   "Well, although we are not resident guests, Feifei has clearly felt that Feifei's ability to take care of himself has become stronger in the past few months."

   "If there is another opportunity like this in the future, I will take him to participate."

  "I think so too. Living in a group allows Feifei to do many things that he didn't dare to do before. My wife, I used to worry that my son would not live well without us. Now it seems that he is just like a normal child."