MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 531 The new waist is exposed

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   A few seconds ago, Xiao Xiao grabbed Li Zexin's name tag first, and he pulled it up hard, but not only the name tag, but the whole piece of clothing.

  Feeling the danger approaching, Li Zexin stretched out his hand from the side, instinctively grabbed Xiao Xiao's name tag, and pulled it aside.

  Xiao Xiao's name tag was torn off.

  In order to complete the whole set, Xiao Xiao didn't let go of his hand immediately, but continued to try to pull the name tag. In fact, he knew that it was impossible to tear off Li Zexin's name tag by grabbing the whole piece of clothing.

   Li Zexin was dumbfounded, Xiao Xiao grabbed his name tag first, he was obviously a little late tomorrow, how could it be Xiao Xiao who was eliminated?

  【Xinxin is fast, accurate and ruthless】

  【Great God not only grabs the name tag but also the clothes, Xin Xin’s waist is exposed】

  【I saw it too, so detailed, hahaha】

  【You rascals】

  【Am I the only one who thinks the Great God did it on purpose? Deliberately grabbing the clothes, and pulling them up hard, making Xinxin feel that she was being torn, and then Xinxin thought that if she followed the order, she was the one who was eliminated, but she didn’t expect her name tag to not be torn off]

  【I can see it, but isn’t it because the Great God doesn’t want us to see it? 】

  【Great God loves Xinxin】

  【The master let the apprentice】

  【Xinxin also hopes that the master will win】

  【Xin Xin is confused. To be honest, I didn’t expect to win]

  【Xinxin doesn’t look happy at all, it’s more sad than losing】

  【Great God embraces Xinxin】

  On the field, Xiao Xiao hugged Li Zexin: "Congratulations."

  Although the hug was only for a few seconds, Li Zexin was still very moved.

   "Thank you, Master." The boy squeezed out a little smile.

   "Our competition is over. The final winner is Li Zexin. Li Zexin's prize is a toy big blind box." While the director was speaking, the staff brought a big bag half the height of a person from the side.

  Everyone:? ? ?

  【Sack? 】

  【Could it be all kinds of dolls inside, hahaha, if it’s really a doll, it doesn’t matter if you don’t win this competition, boys don’t like dolls】

  【If it's a doll, it can't be an ordinary plush toy. It must be suitable for boys. After all, there are more boys among the guests. Even if you don't know who will win in the end, you should have a higher probability of preparation】

  【Ten thousand steps back, it’s a plush toy, you can share it with others】

  【The staff felt a little heavy when carrying it, but the plush toy is not that heavy】

  【It’s definitely not a plush toy. Although this bag is big, it’s flat and doesn’t bulge for a year】

  【Vacuum-packed will not bulge】

  Li Zexin took the bag, and didn't even bother to guess what was in the bag. He looked at Xiao Xiao from the corner of his eye, thinking in his heart, Master should be really happy for him, not because he forced a smile in front of the camera.

   Seeing his brother holding a big bag of toys, Li Zekai pulled Dudu and the others forward together: "Brother, these toys will be shared, and everyone who sees them will have a share."

  【Kaikai can't wait anymore】

  【Hahaha, the cub is waiting for a gift】

  【So Dudu and the others are the big winners. They ate the whole field of fruit, ran for a while, and finally got gifts】

  【The second son hasn't agreed yet, the gift seems to be divided】

   "If there is enough, share it with everyone." Li Zexin wanted to share it with everyone, but he was afraid that the gifts would not be enough.

   "Okay, thank you brother, Dudu thank you brother."

  The cubs thanked Li Zexin one by one.

  【Quick release blind box, see what's inside】

  Li Zexin opened the package in front of the camera.

   There were many small boxes in the big bag, and he dumped the boxes on the ground, covering the floor with large and small boxes.

   "Let's open the box together." Li Zexin asked all the children to come over.

  So each of them picked up one and took it apart.

  【Mai Mai was brave enough to unpack the package, and it fell off as soon as he tore it with his hands】

  【Yes, no Yong unboxer】

  Mai Mai took out a set of bricks from the box.

   "It's a brick." The girl said happily, although there are several sets at home, but which girl would dislike too many bricks, not to mention that the stickers are completely different this time.

   "What is a card brick?" Li Zexin said he didn't understand: "If you like it, I will give you this."

   "Thank you." Mai Mai hugged Kazhuan.

  Li Zekai didn't know what it was, he only saw white brick-like things, which didn't look good at all.

  【Brick stuck? What is this, sisters? Have not heard. 】

  【Searched, similar to Guka】

  【What is Guka? Am I behind the times? 】

  【I'm going, I don't know at all, the first time I see you, is it called Kazhuan? 】

  【Quick search, it’s my own DIY card】

  【It's over, I suspect that I and Mai Mai are not in the same world】

  【Boys don’t like these handmade things, and the second son is also asking what it is】

  【Looks like a lot of fun, the next order is for the kids to play】

  【I haven’t heard my daughter say this before】

  【I know, but my family is Guka, I have never played Kazhuan before】

  【The program team knows a lot】

  After Maimai, it was Dudu who opened the box, and Dudu got a fire truck model.

   "Mine is a fire engine, so heavy, this door can be opened." Dudu said as he held the car in front of him.

   "Dudu, do you like it? If you like it, I will give it to you." Li Zexin said.

  【Xinxin, you are arranging for all the staff to dismantle the blind box. Whoever dismantles it will get what it is】

  【The things in this bag are actually different, Yueyue took out a crystal cube, it’s so beautiful】

  【Yaoyao took out a small doll】

  【Everyone’s gifts are great】

   "Second brother, quickly take it apart and see what yours is." Li Zekai pulled Li Zexin's sleeve.

  The box in Li Zexin's hand is only the size of a palm.

   Shake it and there is still sound.

  He finally took it apart, and inside was a little doll holding a basketball, which was very delicate.

  【Wow, this one is also good】

  【Which basketball star is the doll? so cute】

  【Q version characters】

  【Xiao Xiao has a football doll in her hand, she really has a tacit understanding】

  【Although cross-border, but these two are the most similar】

  【Everyone likes their gifts very much】

  【The program group is prepared for everyone, right? There are all of them】

  【They’re all small gadgets, but I’m thinking about it】

  【There are all kinds of toys, I am very careful, everyone can exchange independently】

   "There are still two hours. Everyone is free to move around. You can rest at home or say goodbye to your friends. We will gather at the entrance of the village at twelve o'clock."

  【I forgot, everyone is leaving the village at noon】

  【Can’t it be evening today? It's the last day, and it's still half a day]

  【It won’t change anything if you take half a day or less, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain】

  After the director announced the disbandment, the guests still got together. In the last two hours, no one went home to rest.

  In order to make everyone less restrained, only one camera was left on the field.

  The children sit together.

  Yaoyao looked very unhappy without saying a word. He held a branch in his hand and drew circles on the ground.