MTL - The Villain Has Blackened Again-Chapter 1097 Sorry, I have to eat.

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Xiao Ba: "Where can you guess?"

Nan Hao snorted, and did not feel the mood with the little gossip haha.

She doesn't know what Beigong Yao will do next, but no matter what she does, once this matter is exposed, it is extremely bad thing for the Wanjun Zhongfeng family or the entire Wanjun family.

A hunter with a vampire, the vampire has his child in his stomach, which will become a shame for the entire Wanjun family.

However, when everything had not happened, Nanxun suddenly got the news that Beigong Yao was arrested and was caught.

This happened in a few days. After counting, the child in her stomach was almost three months old, probably not showing up.

If Bei Gong Yao does not say, no one knows that there is already an unformed half vampire in her stomach, just like Nai.

Before, Nanxun had been unclear what Beigong Yao wanted to do, until she learned that she was pregnant, she understood.

The daughter who originally wanted to raise a friend grew up, but later discovered that this half vampire had been exposed to the sight of hunters and vampires, and she could not grow up with her.

Now she has become a lonely lonesome because of her own death.

Perhaps it is too lonely, or perhaps to experience the so-called happiness in the mouth, she made such a bad decision.

It was Wan Jun Zhong Feng who caught Bei Gong Yao. He got his wish to complete his mission before all the hunters.

Although the rewards of catching vampires are nearly double that of killing vampires, many hunters are directly killed and rarely caught in case of accidents.

At this point, Wan Jun Zhong Feng seems to show his kindness.

But it can also be said that this is another kind of cruelty.

The living vampire will eventually die and die even more fiercely.

With the first example of the hostage-taking escape, the arrested Beigong Yao limbs were nailed to the wooden stakes and the thighs were pierced by silver swords.

Once the silver sword is pulled out, Beigong Yao will have blood flow, and soon he will lose too much blood and die.

In addition, the Hunters Guild also hired double hunter escorts at high salaries, and many uninvited hunters were uninvited, wanting to see the vampires who escaped the hunt.

The vampire is still nailed to the wooden stakes of the College Square, but the warning line on the square is farther than the last time. The hunters are armed with blood-staining guns. Once the change is found, only the vampire will be shot on the spot.

This time, Beigong Yao is difficult to fly.

The ritual of removing the vampire will be carried out at the time of Buddhism. It is said that the sunshine at that time is the purest, and it has a purifying effect on the vampires who depend on the dark forces for survival.

The day is still not bright, and all the students of the Hunter Academy are assembled.

Students from the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departments as well as teachers from the entire school were present.

The square was quiet and terrible, no one spoke.

Nanxun is not tall, and Wanjun Yueling is at the forefront of the primary department.

She looked up at the high platform and looked at the woman who was nailed to the stake. The brow could not help but screw up.

The current Beigong Yao has no first noble and decent.

In order to escape the hunter's pursuit, she wore a plain dress, the chestnut-colored wavy roll became black and straight, and the delicate makeup on her face was gone. It was no longer beautiful, but it was a bit more pitiful.

The mahogany nail pierced the palm of her hand and the palm of her foot. In addition to the movement of the head, the whole person was crucified and became a still picture.

She looked up slightly as if she was looking for someone.

Wan Jun Zhong Feng stood at the forefront of the hunter, she is not looking for her, she is looking for Nai.

Nanxun’s mood is a bit complicated. At this moment, she suddenly has a lot of things to ask her.

In the world of cultivation, her gods have been cultivated sufficiently powerfully, and even if this body does not have immortality, her spiritual power can be released.

After a little hesitation, Nanhao did this.

For a moment, the huge mental power was released, and her voice appeared in the mind of Beigong Yao. "Yao Yao."

The North Palace Yao was shocked and his head was raised higher.

Even though the sky was still not bright, there were lights on the square, and there were countless torches burning around, and the faces of the children were flamboyant. This time she quickly found Nai.

"Small sly." The woman's lips were slightly moved.

The extent of her lips is small and does not cause the idea of ​​others.

Nanxun quickly said: "Yao Yao, I have a special function, you can whisper, I can hear."

This distance, the current Wan Jun Yue Ling still can not hear, and other people do not have such a good hearing.

Bei Gong Yao sighed, and his mouth faintly hooked, "Small cockroaches are really powerful."

She seems to be very tired and says that she has to pause for a long time. Or maybe she didn't know what to say for a while.

In front of this child, she wants to keep her good side.

However, time is running out, and Nanxun wants to know a lot. She wants to hear her say.

She volunteered to ask her, "Yao Yao, I know. Why do you want to do this? He... know?"

Bei Gong Yao’s eyes were slightly wide and muttered: “This is impossible. There is no second person to know about this.”

"Yao Yao, I can see the past future." Nan Ludao.

Xiao Ba: I can know the past and the future is the Lord!

Beigong Yao lived.

"Why do you want to do something for Uncle Wan Jun? Why do you want to have his children? Yao Yao, do you also like Uncle Wan Jun? But Uncle Wan Jun already has a family, and you will destroy him. family."

"Small, you are not like a child." North Palace Yao sighed.

"I just had to be precocious." Bei Gongyao suddenly smiled, but his eyes were somewhat free. He whispered: "Who likes this stinky man, I lived forty years old. I have seen many good men like stars, I will watch." The man who is so incomprehensible? What I am looking at is his strong body. The gold hunter Wan Jun Zhong Feng is barely able to enter.

My eyes. Since I want to have a baby, I naturally want to find a good health, so that my baby will be healthier than a small baby.

I was thinking about this year, as long as I gave birth to a child, even if I am dead, my child can continue to protect you..."

She looked at Nanxun from afar and looked stunned. "Small sly, saying good to accompany you, Yao Yao can't do it, my children can't... accompany me on your behalf."

After saying this, she regained her gaze and looked down at the lower abdomen that she had not yet shown. There was regret and disappointment in her eyes.

Nan Yan’s eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly.

"You are... for me?"

For her, just thinking about borrowing?

"Yao Yao is just afraid that you are alone. If you have a half vampire like you, wouldn't you be afraid of it? My child must be strong, he can protect Xiaoxiao. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find it. He was born."

Beigong Yao’s tone is full of regrets, but there is no complaint.

She already knew her own ending, so I don't blame anyone, just regret that I didn't insist that the child was born.

If the child is born, Xiao Yan will be accompanied, and her child will be able to continue to guard her.

One is her child, and the other is a child who is away from her, how good.

Nanxun had a throat and suddenly couldn’t speak.

She once disliked her selfishness and disregard of other people's behavior, but now she discovered that she is not selfish, but stupid, it is this time, but still thinking about the future.

She may have used the wrong way of love, but she never thought about destroying anyone.

Probably afraid of attracting the attention of others, Beigong Yao did not look at Nanxun again. She looked up at the distant horizon and muttered to herself: "When the dawn is approaching, I am about to leave the world. Last time, I can't wait to die soon. This time, I want to take a look at the world." ”