MTL - The Villain is Happy Being a Father-Chapter 8 纨绔Dad (eight)

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"You are still small, you don't understand. If you follow Luo's family, the group left by your parents will change their surname and change to Luo's surname!"

"Do you think that whoever has no relatives will want you such a small oil bottle? For the property left by your parents!"

Middle-aged men still think that they are bitterly persuaded.

Luo Sheng tongue tipped the top back molars, seeing that man is not pleasing to the eye, only feel itchy and itchy feet.

If you follow the style of his past work, he will throw it away from the bottle and throw it away. But the group is there, what might be wrong with fighting?

The young brown-haired man stood on the stairway, and his hand was upside down and he held the prisoner. He looked at the middle-aged man with greed in his eyes and his eyes were sharp.


The sound shook the chubby body and whispered: "Dad, Dad don't fight."

The big hand paced twice on her furry head, and the coldness in the eyes of the young brown hair seemed to be iced, both fierce and embarrassing.

The white family relatives who were so scared that they came back again and again retired, even the white-brother, the brawny, took a step back.

He has come back to God, hey, what is your little yellow kid?

"I teach my pro-wife, what is your outsider?"

Luo Sheng is still not how, the arms in the arms are childish and resentful: "Dad is not an outsider!"

Her voice still has a tremolo, but she is not allowed to marry her father. Just like a little animal with a hairy hair, I have to say no to you.

Luo Sheng snorted and asked Mrs. Luo to hold the group down. There were several relatives in Luosheng and Baijia in the living room.

He pulled his sleeves and stepped closer to the white uncle.

He is alone, and there are several people who have retreated. The Luojia rabbit scorpion has heard that it is awkward and fierce.

Bai Ershu did not believe in evil. In order to be courageous, what should be said should not be said, and eventually it was carried out.

Go straight in and out.

When the white family lifted away, they were so angry that they couldn’t breathe and gasped, and they wanted to let Luosheng look good!

Luo Sheng turned his wrist and stood in the same place to watch a bunch of silly goods going out. Suddenly, the little soft body hugged his thigh from behind, raised his head, and the black and white clear eyes were stunned. "Hey, your hand. Didn't it hurt?"

Luo Sheng: "..."

The up-and-coming circle of the city is a lively and interesting thing, one after another.

First, the Bai family took power and the couple died. The relatives of the Bai family playing the autumn wind rushed to raise the little princess. After that, the little golden doll chose a father himself, or a famous dude.

This prince, Luo Sheng, just hit the country a few days before he got a fight and put people into the hospital. The hospital just came out and was bitten by the white dog. The big guy was amazed and happy.

And now something is wrong.

The white gang's gang went to the door to manage the Luo family dignitaries, and the white prince who led the head went straight in and went out into the hospital.

I heard that Mrs. Luo personally admitted that their family would recognize the little golden doll of Bai’s family and recognized it in the name of Luo Sheng.

The little doll screamed cheerfully, and the father and the daughter both looked quite like that.

The competitors of Luobai and Baijiao in the mall were panicked. They didn’t use their ulterior motives to try to catch something about this white house accident.

They are waiting for the white house to fall into the hands of the white-skinned mud-legged nouveau riche, and returning to the next few sets, it is enough to kill them.

After all, the relatives of Bai’s family are not high-level, and they can live in a city by relying on the surname, and their shortsightedness is easy to get.

But if there is a Luo family behind Bai Jia, it is not only impossible to get cheap from Bai Jia, but also to be wary of the two companies without their foothold!

A bunch of scorpions didn't think so much, the only thing that was shocked was the fact that they had spread from Zhangjia.

They Luo Ge actually agreed to recognize a cheap daughter? ? ?

When Luo Sheng arrived, the car key was thrown to the younger brother of the parking, and several young people waiting for him came together.

Huang Mao had a close relationship with Luo Sheng and did not avoid it at all. He directly asked: "Brother, do you really want to recognize the white house?"

"No, who is your Luo Ge? From a young age to a cat in Dalian, you don't want to see it. Don't say soft children, it must be a rumor!"

Luo Sheng did not speak yet. After asking Huang Mao himself, he first shook his head and denied it.

Let a master who is lawless from small to large to give a milk doll? The sun will rise from the west!

Everyone looked over, and Luo Sheng said that he had no choice. He had refused it before. Could it be true that he should have come back?

A group of people went to the clubhouse, and Luo Sheng slowly walked. Some young people were anxious to scratch their heads and eager to know what to do. They had to walk slowly behind them.

Suddenly, he stopped and did not say that he did not deny it. He only said one sentence: "I have covered the little sister."

Yellow hair:? ? ?

Whether this is recognized or not recognized!

If he recognizes that he can't prepare a small gift for a little niece to meet up?

The Baishi Group is now in the management of Xia Yang, the vice president of Mr. Bai’s life.

When Mr. Bai and his wife just left, the share price of Baishi Group went down. Fortunately, it was stabilized in the back. Mr. Bai’s style was always good, and no one in the short term was on the surface.

Even if you don't have the heart, you are ready to wait for the white house to stir the crowbar and then pour the whites, so the Baishi Group is still operating normally.

However, in the past two days, several projects were forced to stop. It was not a temporary inspection by the public, or the partner suddenly retreated.

Even after several large projects have stagnated, even a group like Baishi can't afford it, and liquidity has been locked up.

But there is no one in the White House, and the temporary principal Xia Yang asks who is taking the idea? The shareholders who only took dividends regardless of the situation were irritated and forced Xia Yang to find a solution.

Xia Yang can't go to the white princess who is only three years old? As soon as the news came out, the Baishi Group's share price began to fall again.

Shopping malls, such as the battlefield, whoever has a wind and grass can immediately spread around the circle, Mr. Luo of the Baishi Group raised it at the dinner table.

Due to the relationship between the group and the troupe, it is also a matter of relationship between the Luo family and the Bai Jiaming, even if it has not been officially recognized.

He frowned. "Some people are afraid that they can't help."

When I finished, I also blamed Mrs. Luo for being a quicker at Zhang’s home. She directly said that she had recognized the sound. Those who had ulterior motives couldn’t sit still.

Mrs. Luo didn’t understand the things in the mall. She only said one thing: “You have to help, and you can’t let the things that belong to the small sounds be swallowed by these gangsters.”

Mr. Luo nodded. "There are two projects in Bai's that I was optimistic about, and I can discuss the investment."

Mrs. Luo nodded, and with the injection of funds from their family, Bai’s thought would relieve a lot of pressure.

At the beginning, it was quite smooth. Both groups sent people to meet each other. The contract was negotiated. At this point, Luojia’s company also had an accident!

The sound is playing under the pink swing of the yard and the golden retriever dog hair. These days are the happiest days for her to be brought to the world by the system uncle.

Every morning, when I get out of bed together, I can go to Luojia to find a cockroach, and I won’t be driven out. Although she is not very enthusiastic about her, she will not catch her.

This has been called a good deal.

The little girl had a sweet smile on her face, and she kept throwing the ball in her hand. When the golden hair came back, she smirked and smirked, like a stole, and she was filled with joy. .

The young corps didn't know what the company was doing, and the system suddenly said: "Little cubs, your family is going bankrupt."

"Your father's family may... also go bankrupt."