MTL - The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven-v3 Chapter 54 Umbrella

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

Vienna, Abrecht Palace.

"Uncle Karl, I need an army." Franz said straight to the point. Grand Duke Karl didn't have many conversations with his nephew, but this did not prevent the latter from being one of the few people he recognized.

"Didn't your grandfather specially leave you a regiment of dragoons? Isn't three thousand troops enough for you?"

Franz shook his head and replied.

"Uncle, after trying for a while, I found that the number of people is really not enough, and they are not suitable for the task I sent them."

Grand Duke Karl suddenly became interested. He wanted to hear what kind of whimsical ideas burst out of this junior's head.

"What I urgently need are soldiers who are professional and follow orders."

"These dragoons are one-in-a-million elites. If they are not professional enough and obey the command, who else will?" The veteran Zou Liao, who came out of the sea of ​​blood, frowned thoughtfully.

He didn't think that the troops directly under the royal family could degenerate to such a degree, especially the personal guards prepared for the new king would not be a bunch of poor people.

"No, they are all excellent soldiers, but what I need are mercenaries."

"Do you mean that you need a group of consumables that can be discarded at any time?" Grand Duke Karl said with a bit of sullen tone.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be trying to quibble, he turned to speak earnestly.

"The experience of wandering on the battlefield of life and death for many years tells me that the lives of soldiers should not be played with so easily."

"Sometimes the country cannot officially recognize that they are fighting for the country, but correspondingly, they can make up for it with material." Franz replied.

"Do you understand what you are talking about? This is a blasphemy to the honor of soldiers, and since ancient times, no army that is completely tempted by money can maintain its combat power for a long time."

Grand Duke Karl is still expounding his own cognitive rhetoric and hopes that the other party will listen to it.

"Uncle, I absolutely have no idea of ​​letting mercenaries replace the regular army. It's just that sometimes under certain circumstances, an army of mercenaries is needed to complete some tasks that are not obvious and not so honorable.

Of course, I don't want anyone to sacrifice their lives in vain, so I came here to ask you for some soldiers and commanders who can carry out special missions. If you don't want to help, I can leave now. "

Although Franz came here on the grounds that the royal family would increase their security, in fact he came for a pair of black gloves.

The problem of the guards is easy to solve, and it is not a problem to select a few thousand young and strong from the families that have been loyal to the Habsburgs for generations. But a group of cheap scapegoats cannot rely on such selection criteria.

The church can take the blame, but it cannot be ashamed in Europe. Fanatical believers tend to act on their own, compared to mercenaries, which are efficient, inexpensive, and more adaptable to different environments and occasions.

As for providing security for the royal family, it is just a gimmick. As long as financial resources allow, the Royal Guard can expand as much as they want, and they are more valued for their loyalty than their combat effectiveness.

What Franz is eagerly looking forward to is a force that can stir up the wind and clouds in the world. In fact, it's not that he hasn't tried other paths, such as the "Holy Sword Knights" that conspired with the Archbishop.

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

It may not be weak in terms of combat power alone, but the moral cleanliness of this group of people means that they cannot play the role of black gloves at all. For example, the aborigines who migrated to the two countries in Central America finally had to rely on the help of local landlords and gentry.

In the coming stormy year, if there is one more army that can be controlled, he will have more confidence in survival. He can set up a mercenary organization similar to the modern Blackwater Company without the Archduke Karl's family, and even its ability Perhaps not inferior to what the latter helped to establish.

But without this bond, Franz would always feel a little uneasy.

"Then let me ask you, in your eyes, what is the meaning of the existence of soldiers and the army?"

"It is a violent machine of the state and a tool to maintain the rule. No matter what the army does, it has only one ultimate purpose, which is to maintain the rule and let the country continue.

The same is true for soldiers. They are a group of flesh and blood people, but they must put down their personal feelings and even the consumables of life. "

Knowing the other party's next reply, Franz recited the "Knight's Declaration" that he could recite backwards, trying to make him understand that the times have changed.

"I swear to God, to show my will;

Don't bully the weak, spend time modestly;

Don't be afraid of strong enemies in the battles you have gone through;

Wherever there is evil and absurdity, I will cut down its banner.

Women, weak children, and children are the result of war;

A woman is weak and should not commit crimes in the end;

Colleagues work together and do our best to help each other;

Treat friends with sincerity and consider yourself a gentleman;

My beloved, faithful and faithful. "

Grand Duke Karl was a little surprised when he heard Franz recite the Knight's Declaration. He always believed that the boy in front of him lacked relevant emotions. He was more like a businessman than a nobleman, and he didn't understand chivalry.

"Frantz, I don't understand. Since you know the meaning of knighthood and honor, why do you learn to think like a dirty politician?"

"Hey, among the bureaucrats and lawyers in the empire, how many of them are not high-sounding or righteous in front of people, but have another kind of virtue behind them?

They know, understand, and often use those legal and moral viewpoints, but it may be another picture when they actually do things.

Uncle Karl, Cervantes already fabled the end of the future chivalry era in his "Don Quixote" many years ago. At the moment, the torrent of capital is rolling in. We must either make changes, or we will be overwhelmed by it sooner or later. "

Grand Duke Karl understood that what Franz said was true, even the Crusaders who were known as "fighting for the faith" could rob the object they never forgot to save for wealth, and the destruction of the Knights Templar was no different.

"But people can't just live for money..."

His answer seems very unfounded, because it seems to make sense to apply this naked theory of money capital to all the things that have happened throughout the ages. But Grand Duke Karl still believes that talent is the master, not pure wealth.

"Of course not. It's just that black and white light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong are all relative. A single yang does not grow, and a single yin does not grow.

Any unilateral action is a disruption of the balance. When the balance of power is broken, the state of the object will change, the psychological imbalance of a person will make his character become extreme, and the power imbalance of the regime will make the country go berserk..."

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【War court and knee pillow, Austria's destiny】【】

After hearing this, Archduke Karl felt After all, the above discussion is too complicated for a pure soldier in this era.

"That's enough, Franz. You're becoming more and more like a philosopher. Tell me your real intentions."

Relieved, Franz quickly drank a cup of coffee to suppress his shock, because the taste was too strong, he stuck out his tongue.

"I am determined to build a universal empire, so that the poor will be happy. Let the laborers get their wages, and the noble bear their responsibilities; the poor have their honor, and the rich make the best of them; the good will be honored, and the bad will be punished; Those who have their own support..."

Before he finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Grand Duke Karl. Obviously, the latter didn't want to hear these theories of governing the country, after all, he was just a soldier.

"Well, I admit that your vision is not wrong. Maybe you will become a good emperor in the future, or follow in the footsteps of our crazy uncle.

Of course, these are not things I can judge right now. From now on, I will try my best to help you, no matter what extraordinary things you want to do, or any crazy actions, I will support you. "

"You finally agreed?"

Grand Duke Karl nodded, and took out a box by the way.

"This is the archives of the outstanding veterans and officers of the entire empire in the past ten years. They are all good guys. I hope you can make the most of them." He didn't beat around the bush, but straight to the point and said to his nephew.

"I will, Uncle Karl."

Grand Duke Karl felt a little relieved by Franz's solemn reply with a solemn face, and the latter asked immediately afterwards.

"Does the security company you just mentioned have a name?"

Franz thought for a moment.

"Not just now, but now. Umbrella, Umbrella."