MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 1 go home

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"It is reported that Jiang Liuyi's world tour will end at 10 am on the 24th, and she will return to China..."

drop! The playing page was paused, and Jiang Liuyi was wearing a blue and white long trench coat on the screen. The collar of the trench coat was turned up, covering her red lips. Inside was a sweater and slim-fit jeans. Wear high-heeled shoes and sunglasses, and the coldness that repells people thousands of miles away rushes towards your face, and the indifference and alienation can't be blocked even through the screen.

Editor-in-Chief Yuan Hong put down the remote control and raised her chin towards the screen: "What do you think?"

Others from the magazine were sitting around the conference table. He Xiaoying said: "Jiang Liuyi is very popular now, especially since she has never been interviewed before. If we can succeed this time, it will definitely be a good start!"

Others echoed: "Indeed, you all know that I ate melons from a short man yesterday, and when the news of her return to China rushed, the popularity of the artist was actually blown away!"

"Jiang Liuyi is pretty, you don't know how many fans you have."

"And she admitted that she has a partner this time, it must be a big hit!"

"I also want to vote for Jiang Liuyi."

Just as the editor-in-chief was about to make a decision, someone said, "But I really can't get it!"

The man almost wailed: "You don't know, I haven't even seen her assistant!"

The others were dejected: "The last time Meixiu wanted an exclusive interview, it took so long." She stretched out six fingers, and the others were stunned: "Six weeks?"

"What's six weeks!" she exclaimed, "It's six months!"

"That's why we didn't invite her, so let's invite Zhang Susu honestly."

The editor-in-chief was silent, and the director stood up and said, "I also recommend Zhang Susu. The main thing is that Zhang Susu has cooperated with us for a period of time before, and everyone knows the whole story. Besides, hasn't Zhang Susu had a love affair recently? We can start from this aspect."

"I heard that Zhang Susu's rumored boyfriend is a rich second generation, you can dig it out."

"Zhang Susu, it's easier to talk to, and easier to dig."

The editor-in-chief looked at the crowd and hesitated for a while, but her gaze was still attached to Jiang Liu, but everyone's words were not unreasonable, so she made a decision: "Then Zhang Susu."

She looked at He Xiaoying: "You are still the chief writer, contact Zhang Susu."

He Xiaoying got up, feeling a little regretful, but she really didn't have the ability to invite Jiang Liuyi. Seeing that the first column was about to be typeset, she didn't dare to let the magazine open the window. To be on the safe side, Zhang Susu should.

She nodded: "Got it."

The editor-in-chief said, "The meeting is adjourned."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at the person at the end of the meeting: "Song Xian, wait a moment."

Song Xian said hello to his colleagues, and seeing the editor-in-chief approaching, Yuan Hong said, "Thank you for your hard work, I still have to trouble you for this shoot."

"It's okay." Song Xian's voice was clear, unable to detect any emotion: "It's okay to help each other."

Song Xian is not a photographer by profession. Mantong magazine is divided into two sections, one is children's book section, and fashion entertainment. Mantong started out publishing children's books, but over the past few years, children's book publications have become less and less, making ends meet , so two years ago a new issue was launched, Fashion Entertainment, and the sales have been good. This time the editor-in-chief received a call from the headquarters and decided to add a celebrity interview to the new issue. Song Xian used to be the beauty editor of children's books, and was also in charge of illustrations. Now The main force is on the side of the new issue, and she is often pulled over.

She has a photography certificate. A while ago, a photographer came home to have a baby, and the boss was reluctant to recruit new ones, so he asked Song Xian to help.

Yuan Hong patted her on the shoulder: "It's not easy to shoot, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Song Xian smiled: "It really doesn't matter."

Yuan Hongrun moistened her lips: "I'm not joking, but I have something to do. My cousin, the last time he saw you, he insisted on..."

"Editor-in-chief." Song Xian said with a gentle attitude, "I'm already married."

"Need me to give him your WeChat, what, what?"

Yuan Hong was surprised: "Married! When did it happen!"

Song Xian said, "Last month."

Yuan Hong was really surprised: "Why didn't you invite everyone to dinner?"

Song Xian said lightly: "It's not a big deal."

Yuan Hong: ...

After Song Xian left the conference room, He Xiaoying immediately turned the chair and squeezed beside her seat, smiling: "Are you being retained by the editor-in-chief again?"

The editor-in-chief has a lot of relatives at home. One time, his cousin came to deliver documents. After seeing Song Xian, he asked around and asked the editor-in-chief to introduce him. In the circle of friends, the editor-in-chief's unmarried boys and girls were dispatched together, and some parents were even alarmed.

Thinking of this, He Xiaoying was amused: "What reason did you refuse this time?"

Song Xian looked as usual: "I said I'm married."

"Choose a good reason, what, what to get married!"

Song Xian looked at He Xiaoying and said calmly, "I'm married."

He Xiaoying exploded: "Damn it!!"

Within an hour, everyone at Mantong Magazine knew that the most beautiful flower in their magazine had been plucked. When the director was making coffee, he pretended to walk up to her and asked, "Are you really married?"

Song Xian nodded, no matter how many times he was asked, he never got impatient, and replied calmly: "Well, it's really over."

The director's heart was pounding, she couldn't help tightening her hand holding the coffee cup, and asked again: "Is it from the club?"

In a word, the ears of the people around are pricked up, wanting to hear gossip. Although they are usually curious about Song Xian's private life, Song Xian will only open his mouth when he wants to say it.

The other goddesses are all aloof flowers, but Song Xian is not. Whether she is aloof or not, she is the most difficult flower to pick.

Now that the flowers have been picked, who is not curious?

Song Xian shook his head: "It's not from the club."

The director wants to laugh but has to hold back, she likes a planner in the agency, but whoever plans to throw all his heart and soul at Song Xian, he keeps asking for warmth, no matter how many times he is rejected, he can put a hot face on his cold ass, the director is just angry, but he has never approached Song Xian. Song Xian's stubble.

Firstly, Song Xian is the beauty editor of children's book publishing, and she is not in the same department as her, so she can't control it at all. Secondly, Song Xian has excellent professional knowledge. Whether it is shooting, capturing the details of other people's expressions or retouching the final picture, he is impeccable. There is no reason at all.

Of course, the most important point is that Song Xian is good-looking, and it is not her fault that she attracts others. Although the director likes the plan very much, she has a clear heart, so she is a little cold towards Song Xian.

Now that she heard that she was married, the director was immediately elated, unable to suppress his smile, and wanted to gossip again, He Xiaoying said: "Director Ye, do you still have Zhang Susu's contact information?"

Director Ye turned his head: "It seems to be in my computer, I will send it to you."

She said and finally left Song Xian's seat.

Seeing her leave, He Xiaoying immediately raised her head to gossip: "Director Ye is going to attack again this time?"

The person opposite her looked up: "Sure, you didn't see that Director Ye was laughing out loud just now."

He Xiaoying looked at Song Xian: "But why are you moving so fast, you are married when you say you are married, how long have you known each other?"

Song Xian thought for a while: "Two months."

He Xiaoying: ...

Are all beautiful women so fashionable? Marriage requires a fashionable flash marriage?

He Xiaoying asked in a low voice: "So did you fall in love at first sight?"

Song Xian bowed his head: "It doesn't count, everyone takes what they need."

He Xiaoying: ...

After experiencing two heartbreaks, He Xiaoying struggled unrelentingly: "There are always advantages, and it's not like just finding someone and getting married."

Song Xian thought about it for a while, and then said lightly: "Well, she has a nice voice."

He Xiaoying: "Are you voice-activated?"

Song Xian retorted calmly: "No."

He Xiaoying: ...

After losing three times in a row, He Xiaoying withered. After receiving the message from Director Ye, she went to contact Zhang Susu. Song Xian only looked at the screen after she got up. It was the news that the editor-in-chief released in the morning. In the room, looking down at the phone, pursing his lips, he could not suppress the arrogance and self-confidence that radiated from his bones.

Jiang Liuyi became famous at a young age. The first stop was the Paris Music Festival. Since then, several famous orchestras sent out invitations, but she decided to return to China to develop. At that time, some people were not optimistic, but Jiang Liuyi threw out the most beautiful report card.

At only 26 years old, he has already launched a global tour, solo shows and band shows, the shows are sold out, especially the solo shows, which are hailed as the most extreme auditory feast on the Internet.

Song Xian met her by accident, she doesn't like cooking, so she used to carry a bag of bread from her friend's bakery for breakfast after get off work, and Jiang Liuyi was there that day.

It can't be said that she took the initiative, or Jiang Liuyi was more active, or maybe the two hit it off, and when she came out of the bakery, she asked Jiang Liuyi if she wanted to find a place to sit.

After sitting down, the two confirmed their relationship and got married.

The speed is a bit faster, but each other is quite satisfied with this marriage.

Song Xian's cell phone next to the computer lit up and vibrated, she picked it up, and it was the person on the screen who sent her a message.

Jiang Liuyi: "Just got home, what time do you get off work today?"

Song Xian typed, deleted it after a few seconds, and sent her a message: "5:30, do I need to leave work early?"

Jiang Liuyi: "Is it possible?"

The two haven't seen each other for more than a week, Song Xian understood Jiang Liuyi's mood: "Yes."

Jiang Liuyi: "Then shall I come pick you up?"

Song Xian: "No, you just came back, let's rest first."

Jiang Liuyi smiled when she received the news, and put down her phone. Song Xian was still so caring, afraid that she would be tired, so she didn't let her pick up people.

Song Xian didn't know that she had made up so much. Just as she was about to turn off the screen after posting, her friend sent her a message: "I baked a new variety today, which is very suitable for breakfast. Come get it after get off work?"

Song Xian didn't hesitate, and replied directly: "But don't come, I have something to do today."

The friend was surprised: "What's the matter?"

Song Xian turned off the news on the computer and typed with one hand, but before sending it, his friend asked, "Do you want to work overtime?"

She held the mobile phone in one hand, her fingertips fluttered, and she typed expressionlessly: "No, I will leave work early."

The friend wondered: "Leaving get off work early? What's the situation? Why are you in such a hurry to go home?"

Song Xian looked as usual, and replied honestly: "Fulfill your marriage obligations."