MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 28 wallpaper

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Jiang Liuyi looked at the phone and fell silent. Are the books Song Xian sent her really meaningless? Or is she out of control of her emotions recently? After thinking about it, she simply asked Song Xian: [The book you bought? 】

Song Xian hesitated for a few seconds when she saw this message. In order to take care of Jiang Liuyi's mood, she didn't say it directly for the first time, but sent it tactfully: [Well, I'm not in a good mood recently, I'll buy it to see, and send it to you. 】

Jiang Liuyi frowned, Song Xian was in a bad mood?

Is it because of Yu Bai?

It must be, they have been married for so long, when did Song Xian get in a bad mood? Recently, it was all her fault. Jiang Liuyi blamed herself very much. She was lying on the edge of the sofa with her mobile phone in her hands, and she had no intention of practicing the piano at all.

It was past half past five.

Song Xian still didn't come back.

Jiang Liuyi looks at the door from time to time, she reads a few pages in the book on the phone, she flips through it boringly, Jiang Liubing looks for her from time to time in WeChat, Jiang Liuyi quits to look at it, and let her go to intercede.

She left in a hurry last time, but she didn't tell Yu Bai about it.

I don't want to contact you personally now.

The phone vibrated all the time, Jiang Liuyi sighed lightly, and replied Jiang Liubing: [What's the matter? 】

Jiang Liubing typed: [Sister, what are you doing, you didn't reply to me until now. 】

Jiang Liuyi: [Rest. 】

Jiang Liubing was bored: [Mom asked you to go home for dinner on weekends. You haven't been back home this time, and your parents are talking about you again. 】

She also made another appointment with Yu Bai, but she didn't tell Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi thought about it for a while, and it was true that she hadn't gone back for a long time. Her relationship with her parents was mediocre. There was a lot of trouble when she was learning the piano. Later, her father brought her back after a quarrel. She was not forbidden to play the piano, but she was not supported either, so at that time she often went to Zhao Yuebai's house to play the piano.

After graduating from high school and going to college, Zhao Yuebai and the others collected money to buy her a piano, and she moved out. After that, the contact with her family has always been like this. When she returns to China, she will go back. She rarely calls because every day Every time I make a phone call, I will quarrel.

She doesn't like to quarrel.

Jiang Liuyi regained consciousness, looked at the phone, and replied to her: [Understood, I'll go back after Yuebai's birthday is over. 】

Jiang Liubing was happy.

She didn't ask about the matter of looking for Yu Bai before, Jiang Liuyi closed the chat box with her, clicked into Song Xian's avatar, and scrolled up. Song Xian spoke very seriously, with a serious look, and her personality was quite good. like.

Jiang Liuyi looked at it for two seconds, and saw that the input was displayed on the top, she sat upright suddenly, and her heart beat subtly faster.

Song Xian was sending her a message.

What will be sent?

Jiang Liuyi was looking forward to it, when Song Xian sent: [I'll be back later, you can eat dinner by yourself. 】

Seeing Song Xian sending a message, Gu Yuanyuan smiled: "Are you reporting to your wife again?"

Song Xian raised his head: "It's better to say it."

Gu Yuanyuan said, "Why did you remember to invite me to dinner?"

Song Xian put down the phone, moved her neck, her hands touched the skin on the back of her neck, and it still hurt a little, Jiang Liuyi bit too hard yesterday, she said: "I want to relax."

"That's right." Gu Yuanyuan said, "When you get married, you need some private space."

"What's this called, marriage preservation!"

Song Xian chuckled, private space doesn't matter, she was prepared to have no private space before marriage, but Jiang Liuyi's mood fluctuated a lot recently, and she couldn't bear it.

Although she is keen on bed affairs, she can't spend it on it every day.

Too late.

I almost didn't get up today.

Gu Yuanyuan still didn't understand, and Song Xian said to Song Xian, "Let's order food."

The waiter handed over the menu, Gu Yuanyuan bowed his head to order, and asked Song Xian, "Do you want to bring one for your wife?"

Song Xian didn't raise his head: "No need."

Gu Yuanyuan let out an oh and continued to order.

Song Xian turned his head to look, just now Jiang Liuyi sent her a message: 【Got it. 】

She was silent and turned off the phone.

Jiang Liuyi ate dinner alone at home, and ordered the one she often eats, and the boss even arranged an extra dish for her, after she finished eating, she lay down on the sofa and continued to read.

When Song Xian came home, he saw Jiang Liuyi lying on the imperial concubine chair, looking down at the phone seriously. She changed into her slippers and walked in. Jiang Liuyi raised her head and sat up: "I'm back."

She hung up her bag, put the wedding gift on the coffee table, and asked Jiang Liuyi, "Have you eaten yet?"

Jiang Liuyi: "I've eaten."

Song Xian nodded, went to the balcony to find pajamas and prepared to take a shower, Jiang Liuyi sat on the sofa without moving, Song Xian didn't turn on a light when he came back, and didn't make any loud noises, walking quietly, But she always felt that the house was filled with something.

My heart suddenly warmed up.

Jiang Liuyi asked, "Take a bath first?"

Song Xian said, "Well, someone was smoking in the restaurant just now."

She doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, Jiang Liuyi watched her take a shower, the light in the bathroom was on, smudged the floor with light yellow, Jiang Liuyi boiled water, brewed two cups of tea, when Song Xian came out of the bathroom, the tea was just It was warm, she took a sip, and it was a little sweet on the tip of her tongue.

It was good tea, she took another sip, Jiang Liuyi asked, "Would you like more tea?"

Just as Song Xian nodded, the phone in her bag rang. It was Gu Yuanyuan calling. She asked Song Xian if something had been left behind. Song Xian looked at the coffee table and asked, "What is it?"

"A red box." Gu Yuanyuan said, "Shall I open it?"

Song Xian remembered that it was Yuan Hong who gave them the wedding present, and she said, "I'll go get it from you after get off work tomorrow."

"Okay." Gu Yuanyuan patted his head after finishing speaking: "Forgot, I will rest tomorrow. Is your wife at home tomorrow? Or I will send it over tomorrow."

Song Xian said: "Okay, I'll ask her."

She covered the microphone and turned her head: "Are you at home tomorrow?"

Jiang Liuyi said, "Yes."

She has no schedule recently, Song Xian said: "Then you can send it over tomorrow."

Gu Yuanyuan smiled: "Okay, that's it, I'll hang up first."

Song Xian hung up the phone.

Fireworks suddenly rose outside the window, Jiang Liuyi went to the balcony with a cup in her hand to look out, the lights were feasting, neon lights flickered, the fireworks rose to high altitude and exploded, making a bang.

Song Xian also came over with tea, the evening wind blew her long hair, and the ends curled up in the air, fluttering, Jiang Liuyi saw this scene and suddenly shouted: "Song Xian, come here."

She pointed to the location beside her.

Song Xian looked over: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Liuyi pressed her to the position where he was standing just now, took the mobile phone in her hand, and asked her to hold the cup in one hand and the cup holder in the other. Song Xian looked at her inexplicably and saw Jiang Liuyi backing away After a few steps, I picked up my phone and prepared to take a picture.

"Taking pictures?" Song Xian asked.

Jiang Liuyi nodded.

Song Xian said: "My camera is on the coffee table, use that to take pictures."

Jiang Liuyi agreed, she took two quick steps to get Song Xian's camera bag from the coffee table, Song Xian followed, took out the camera from the bag, lowered her head and adjusted the pixels, her movements were fast, skillful and natural, the ends of her bangs were still a little wet , close to her cheek, Jiang Liuyi really wanted to reach out and help her put it behind her ear.

She stretched out her hand, then retracted it.

Song Xian quickly adjusted, and said to Jiang Liuyi: "You stand there."

Jiang Liuyi was taken aback for a moment: "It's not about shooting me."

Song Xian said: "I know, I'll see the effect."

Pretty professional, Jiang Liu smiled, she walked to the balcony, the fireworks outside were still blooming, but the sound was not so loud, Song Xian looked for several angles, she was wearing thin pajamas, blown against her body by the wind, The curves are beautiful and can be seen at a glance. Jiang Liuyi lowered her eyes slightly and heard Song Xian say: "OK, this angle is not bad."

She finished speaking and took two pictures.

Jiang Liuyi walked over, and the person in the camera was profiled, with clear and deep outlines, it was clearly her own photo, yet she looked a little strange.

She took the camera and said to Song Xian: "You stand over and I'll take a picture."

Song Xian didn't ask her what she used to take the photos, maybe where she needed them, she had already asked about the photos in the afternoon, so Song Xian didn't ask too much, and stood obediently, Jiang Liuyi was just about to take pictures, she asked: " Do you need a change of clothes?"

Jiang Liuyi paused: "No need."

Song Xian nodded, still in the previous posture, Jiang Liuyi clicked twice from Song Xian's angle, and Song Xian holding a cup appeared on the screen, elegant and quiet, with a gentle temperament.

After the photo was taken, she asked Song Xian to send the photo to herself, and Song Xian asked, "What do you want the photo for?"

Jiang Liuyi received the photo, looked down for the filter, and said, "Make a phone wallpaper."

Song Xian was stunned, turned his head, and asked suspiciously: "Mobile phone wallpaper?"

With her picture?

She still couldn't hold back, and asked curiously, "Why did you use my photo as the wallpaper?"

Jiang Liuyi didn't find a suitable filter, but found that the original one was the best. Without raising her head, she said, "Didn't you also use my photo as a wallpaper?"

Also made several.

Jiang Liuyi's face was slightly dry.

Song Xian frowned: "I didn't."

Jiang Liuyi turned her head: "Didn't you show it to me that day?"

Song Xian understood, and understood that Jiang Liuyi had misunderstood, she explained: "That's because He Xiaoying and the others thought the photo looks good, so they asked me to help."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the phone and unlocked it. Sure enough, the wallpaper was a landscape photo. Jiang Liuyi lost her mood in a flash. The wallpaper she had set halfway got stuck, and her fingers turned back and forth on the screen unconsciously.

The screen was stuck on the option to save the wallpaper, Jiang Liuyi bowed her head in silence for a few minutes, and finally clicked on save, she changed to a new one and looked up at Song Xian: "How is it?"

In the mobile phone handed over was the photo Song Xian had just taken. Standing on the edge of the rooftop, holding a cup in her hand, her long hair fluttering, the artistic conception is not bad, she said honestly: "Not bad."

Jiang Liuyi withdrew her hand, rubbed her phone, and asked tentatively, "Then do you want to change the wallpaper too?"

Song Xian didn't care about the wallpaper. If Jiang Liuyi wanted her to change it, she would change it. Song Xian said, "Okay."

After she finished speaking, Jiang Liuyi sent her the most satisfied one: "Change this."

Song Xian is not very proficient, so Jiang Liuyi helped her set it up. She paused when she chose the wallpaper and screen saver and changed them to new wallpapers. She changed them and saved them.

Turn off the phone, turn it on, and inside is the photo of Jiang Liuyi standing by the window of the studio.

It fits well with the artistic conception of Song Xian standing on the balcony just now.

Jiang Liuyi set up and returned the phone to Song Xian, her expression was calm as usual, but after turning around, the corners of her lips raised slightly, revealing a shallow smile.