MTL - The World I’m Wearing is Wrong-Chapter 2 self-help

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Fu Xia was stunned, his mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, but he couldn't make a single sound for a long time.

After waiting for him to recover his voice, Bu Tian had already dragged the man into the basement. After collecting his gun, he pulled the hemp rope on the ground and tied the man firmly.

"Fu Xia, can you lend me the shoes?" Bu Tian asked again, looking at Fu Xia's face.

"Can, can..." Fuxia replied subconsciously.

Bu Tian was caught off guard and returned to reality from the game world, and when he just fell asleep, he was wearing only coarse clothes and trousers, but no shoes on his feet.

Fu Xia is only 1.75 meters, but he has a pair of big feet, the same size as Bu Tian, ​​who is 1.85 meters. He looked at the strangely dressed Bu Tian who was putting on his shoes and tying his shoelaces with a sluggish expression.

Eyes swept across the corner of the corner of the unknown person, Fuxia finally recovered, he swallowed, and said tremblingly: "Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​that person, that don't..."

"Dizzy." Bu Tian withdrew his strength, even if the other party was heinous, he did not judge him, "You stay here for the time being, and I will deal with the people outside as soon as possible. There is also a gun," he threw the gun into Fu Xia In his arms, he asked, "Didn't you forget how to open it?"

Fu Xia hurriedly caught the gun and stammered: "Tian, ​​Brother Tian, ​​are you still going out, going out?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Bu Tiandao, his footsteps paused again, and warned: "No matter what you hear, don't go out, let alone touch the door."

Fu Xia wanted to ask why, but Bu Tian's tone was unbearable, and his indifferent and handsome face was not angry and arrogant, which made it impossible for people to doubt it.

"Brother Tian, ​​take the gun with you..." Fu Xia finally regained a sense of reason, and hurriedly handed the gun out, Bu Tian wanted to go out, that was the real danger.

Bu Tian glanced at the gangster on the ground, and with the strength of his internal force, the gangster couldn't wake up for an hour or two, so he still took the gun and was prepared.

He quickly went out of the basement and closed the door. The door lock was an old-fashioned bolt-type iron lock for courtyard doors. Even if it was no longer locked and fixed, it would be difficult for someone inside to lock it from the outside.

Put the lock on, flick the right thumb on the left bracelet, and a Gu, only the size of a grain of rice and shaped like a white jade, appears between the fingers. Those who do not take out the Sleep Gu within a month will die in their sleep.

"Help look at the door." Bu Tian put Sleep Gu on the rusted latch and said a few words to it silently.

The sound of helicopter propellers was getting closer, and, more than one.

Bu Tian is very unfamiliar with this house and the surrounding terrain, and he is not sure what it will be like after going up the stairs, but he knows that when the helicopter is dispatched, at least half of the gangsters will focus on the outside.

He took light steps and stepped up the stairs step by step. The first thing he saw was a man standing in front of the window with a gun with his back to him. It was also an empty room with only cement walls. The window was About one square meter in the shape of a square shape, the glass on all four sides has been painted black, but the bottom two pieces of glass are each missing a corner, which is convenient for the muzzle to come out and detect.

Only a mobile phone with a flashlight on the ground and the light outside the room is not very bright, these gangsters are indeed very cautious.

Bu Tian didn't go any further, but picked up the holy scorpion on his trouser legs. His holy scorpion was still a juvenile body, and his body was a rare blue color, because it was still slightly transparent in its juvenile body. Adult holy scorpions are highly poisonous. If they are not treated in time, they can lead to death. The venom in the venomous sac of the juvenile holy scorpion is very small, and the poisoned person will be paralyzed and unable to speak. This is why Bu Tian chose it.

The weather in Yunnan Province was already hot at the end of April, and the criminals were wearing jeans and a vest over their upper body.

The holy scorpion runs very fast. It is small and light in weight. It climbs from the heel of the gangster to the jeans and runs up, all the way to the gangster's belt, and the gangster doesn't notice it.

The holy scorpion turned twice around the belt, as if looking for a suitable lower tail position. Soon, the location was chosen, and the stinger did not hesitate to stab it. After tying up, he didn't hold back, and quickly left along the same path.

Bu Tian breathed a sigh of relief. The owner and the pet had a good heart. He had not researched the reason for a long time, and he could only summarize it as a talent.

When the gangster went to touch the stung back waist, the holy scorpion had already escaped without a trace, the pain was accompanied by paralysis, and the arm holding the scorpion quickly lost control due to the paralysis.

Bu Tian exerted force on his feet, and the whole person jumped up to a height of more than two meters in an instant, and then tilted his body in mid-air, staring at the wall with one foot, one foot was not enough, and the second foot quickly stepped on. He seems to have ignored gravity, walking on the wall at a 90-degree vertical angle. His movements are fast and fast. If there is one word to describe his move, it can only be "flying over the eaves and walking the wall" commonly used in martial arts works, commonly known as light work.

He passed over the top of the door, avoiding the possibility of being discovered.

After landing, he couldn't take his breath away, stepped forward with a big step, stretched out his hand to support the gangster who was about to land, but "saved" the gangster, but didn't have time to "rescue" the gangster.

"Hey—" The gangster fell to the ground, making a noise that couldn't be ignored.

Bu Tian thought that he was going to suffer, and sure enough, after this sound, someone came over immediately, "Why..." Then his pupils shrank suddenly. He is an old hand, and he raised his hand to shoot almost immediately.

When Bu Tian noticed something was wrong, he stood up and walked over, kicking his wrist when he pulled the trigger.

"Bang—" The gun shot upwards.

Bu Tian kept moving, the left foot that kicked the gangster's wrist landed and instantly shifted his body weight to his left leg, raised his right leg, kicked the gangster's stomach, and the gangster was kicked and flew upside down. the other two gangsters.

"Bang—" Before the gangster shot, Bu Tian raised his hand and shot, but he hadn't touched a gun for six years, and his hand was a little raw.

The gangster who was shot screamed, and the other was startled. He didn't have a gun in his hand, he only carried an iron rod. He might have been a novice. Standing there bewildered.

"Go away..." The veteran who heard the movement pushed the frightened gangster aside, holding a machine gun in his hand, even a Type 88 general-purpose machine gun.

Objectively speaking, the 88-type general-purpose machine gun has insufficient range and power, but it is almost fatal in a small space in a large environment.

The gangster with the machine gun thought it was the SWAT police who sneaked in to save the person, but they attacked the figure without seeing the indoor situation.

When Bu Tian found him, he rolled over with one hand on the ground and fell to the other side of the gangster who was paralyzed by the scorpion poison. At the same time, he grabbed his vest and raised it as his cover.

"Da da da..." The sound of the machine gun was particularly harsh in this small space. Fortunately, it was almost completely blocked by the sound of the helicopter propeller.

Even if Bu Tian had a bunker in his hand, it was only a dead end. He took the bunker and stood up, listening to the sound of bullets sinking into his body, and slammed his right elbow against the window.

It was not a house for people to live in, and the windows were not strong. Bu Tian easily broke the window and jumped out at an unimaginable speed and posture.

"Shit!" The gangster with the machine gun cursed and walked quickly to the window, not looking at the blood-covered accomplice who was shot into a sieve.

But he never imagined that although Bu Tianren had already jumped out of the window, he did not leave immediately, but squatted under the window sill. The gun was taken away.

In the next second, the muzzle had already turned its direction.

The tall gangster's face was ashen, and the width of his body almost occupied the entire width of the window. The gangster behind couldn't see what was happening, but wondered why he was standing still.

"Tiger, Brother Tiger?" The voice of the suspected novice gangster trembled slightly.

"What happened?" Another voice came from inside. It wasn't the one who was kicked in the stomach by Bu Tian and couldn't straighten his back, nor the one who was shot in the shoulder and moaned in pain, but another accomplice.

The tall gangster stared straight at Bu Tian, ​​as if he was certain that he would not dare to shoot, so he quietly touched his waist, such desperadoes, they had more than one gun on their bodies.

However, before he could reach for the other gun, the muzzle of the machine gun was turned again, followed by the **** of the gun rushing towards the door like a gust of wind.

"Hmm..." The gangster was smashed to the brink of blood, and he took a few steps back to make room for the window.

"Da da da da-" Bu Tian pointed the machine gun at the house again, and fired five shots in a row. The first shot hit the last gangster in the stomach... It was the first time he used the machine gun, and his accuracy was not enough. The other four shots all hit the knees, except for the tall gangster, the other four fell to the ground.

Bu Tian jumped back into the house and kicked the tall gangster before he could touch the gun again. A tall man weighing nearly 200 jin was kicked against the wall by Bu Tian, ​​who was only half his size, with a heavy impact. sound, and fell to the ground due to inertia.

The tall gangster only felt that his internal organs were being kicked out of place, and even breathing became difficult, and fear was born in his heart for no reason.

Bu Tian had no intention to speculate on the gangster's mind, he took away the gun of the tall gangster and removed the magazine with one hand, with a skillful technique.

"I advise you to put down your weapons." Bu Tian aimed the gun at the gangster who had been shot in the stomach and knees. It was a mean-looking gangster with inverted triangle eyes. He was skinny and skinny, but his inverted triangle eyes were full of viciousness. Li, is a cruel character.

The inverted triangle eye didn't listen to the advice, and instead wanted to attack unexpectedly, but Bu Tian moved faster than him and directly sent him a bullet. This time he used a pistol-gun, at least the hit rate was high.

The bullet hit the inverted triangle eye gun, rubbed against the gun body and shot out sparks, shot straight into his right chest, just avoided his ribs, and flew out of his back.

The gangster, who was holding his stomach and also touched the gun, looked at Shang Butian's turning gaze, and his body froze with fright. It's true that he is a desperado, but who stipulates that a desperado is not afraid of pain or death?

They were flattered because they had guys in their hands, but even if they were flattered, when they robbed and murdered, their hearts were not completely fluctuated. Although the person in front of them didn’t kill people, they didn’t even blink their eyes when they fired the gun. Desperados are still stable. Especially when Brother Hu came with a machine gun before, the person in front of him used his companion as a cover, and watched his companion get killed, but he did not hesitate at all, which made him feel fear - if his life was threatened, this person must be Will kill without hesitation.

He was frightened, and withdrew the hand that touched Rob.

Bu Tian turned his head, stunned the inverted triangular eye with his bare hands, and did the same, stunned the other three people except the tall gangster one by one. After collecting their weapons, he lifted the tall gangster again and asked him to act as the own cover.

One in the basement, one dead, four in a coma, plus the tall gangster, there are seven in total, that is to say, there are eight or nine more. At this time, they should be negotiating with the police, and...waiting for him and Fu Xia. a "hostage".

The author has something to say: My brother Tian is upright, and he will not kill people easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

This article is updated every day, and the update time is 20:00:00 in the evening. Occasionally it may be later. It must be that the salted fish forgot to set the background time qaq

There are red envelopes in the message, rolling and selling cute flowers, nutrient solutions, and collections to ask for a set, what are you? (╯3╰)