MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 168

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Wu Hongying went astoundingly. Yi Cui Yan Cang, Bi Yi promised. Bai Ruo Longchi Meiruo, Feng Xiao low press the gods.

Water 珮 lotus fragrant dark 伫. Jasper makeup, Gu Ling Lingbo dance.惆怅 Golden wind 露 Yulu, this heart every night with Qing.


At night, the breeze is blowing and the rain is sparse.

"The golden wind and the jade dew, this heart complained every night." Someone sang squeakily in the "Old Rain House" in Mocheng, with the fine endings unique to Jiangnan women. Downstairs, there is an old man carrying a big bowl of water and wine. In the building, there are faint pipa singing, dense, like big beads and small beads falling on the jade plate.

In the lobby on the first floor, the delicate table case next to the window is filled with fresh fruits and delicate desserts, and it is filled with transparent glass dishes, which seems to move your index finger.

At the table, there was a young boy sitting in a plain shirt, sitting casually by the wine case, and drinking by himself. There seemed to be more drinking, and the pair of cold-eyed phoenix eyes, with a little sorrow, with a hint of haze, made people feel distressed for no reason.

He was drinking on his head, and the lines from his forehead to his neck were beautiful. All over him, there is an intoxicating elegance and a decadent laziness. The two breaths combined perfectly on him, making him look even more fascinating.

The prostitutes around the side are mostly long-established characters, but they have never seen such wonderful people. They took the step of Sona and slowly walked towards the boy, all wanting him to be a skirt. Minister under.

However, the boy didn't seem to have much interest in the beauty in front of him, and gruntly lifted the jug, drank all the jug of wine, and then walked out in a staggering step.

When Fang went out, he saw that he was about to fall. Two guards outside the door supported him, and whispered: "Master! Be careful!"

I waited until the boy was put on the carriage by two guards, and the people in the building knew that the drinking boy was the heroic king of the past.

"Since the King of Kings was taken over, he has become like this, buying drunk every night, 唉 ... it's really heartbreaking!"

"Yeah, whoever will do the same, Jiangshan, who has been working hard to protect him, is just making wedding clothes for others, alas, all the worldly talents, unparalleled conspiracies, fear that it is only a thing of the past! "


A few long sighs are the emotions of the people in Mocheng for the injustice that is smokeless at night.

In the horse-drawn carriage, he leaned against the couch at night without smoke, and the random hair scattered casually concealed his peerless appearance. He put his cheeks on his cheeks, and the thick eyelashes cast a fan-shaped shadow in the light.

The horse-drawn carriage drove slowly across the streets of Mocheng, and stopped slowly until the night of the smoke-free Mocheng mansion. The two guards came forward and lifted the curtains, and drunk out the drunk smokeless night.

Mocheng's mansion is very large. He passed through the courtyards, and as he passed the backyard, he saw vaguely that Yi Lengxue was standing on the front steps of the house, and the figure of the cricket was reflected under the lamp under the corridor, which became a dark Dark shadow.

Yan Ye took a sloppy step without smoke, and went to his residence in the backyard. Inside the house, he reclined on the couch. After a while, the kitchen brought a new hangover soup.

I have been hangover for several days without smoke. A bowl of sober soup has basically become a must-have soup every night.

Although he was pretending to be drunk, after all, he drank a lot of alcohol, his head was a little dim, and he leaned against the couch at night without any smoke. He heard the opening of the door faintly, and the general manager of Jintang Jin came in slowly. On the battlefield, Jintang is his military division, and in the house, is his chief.

He held a sealed secret letter in his hand and bowed it to Ye Ting, the waitress beside Yewuyan. Yan Ting took the letter and presented it to Ye Wuyan.

Yan Ye took the letter without smoke, and looked carefully under the lamp, Xuan Mei, slightly coagulated.

Yu Xin was sent by his confidant in the palace. That confidant was not someone else, but it was Han Shuo, the **** director.

朔 Han Shuo is the eunuch's chief. He came from Yemen, and the martial arts he learned are peerless martial arts that only those in the palace can practice. He is responsible for protecting the saints, and his brother Guan Ning is responsible for protecting the future emperor Prince Zi Ye. Of course, no one knows, but in fact he secretly communicated with the king.

If the emperor did this, if the emperor knew it, it would be a felony for beheading and exterminating the tribe. However, Han Shuo was unhurried, and for several years, he exchanged letters with the emperor. When Ye Wuyan was still in the palace at that time, Han Shuo took care of Ye Wuyan. If it were not for this person, Ye Wuyan might have been poisoned and killed by the queen.

The palace is regulated, and the eunuchs have always been harsh. The emperor and the prince are all stern and strict, and they treat one without mercy at night. Not only Han Shuo, but other eunuchs have also been under his care.

Yan Ye finished reading the letter smoke-free, and Yan Ting took the letter from his hand and placed it on top of the candle flame. The tongue of the fire rose.

"It seems that they can't wait to act anymore." Ye Wuyan said lightly, his eyes were cold like ice. It seems that these days, their decadence has been successfully introduced into those people's ears, and they have no fear of him.

"Ying Ting, research ink!" Ye Wuyan said coldly.

Wu Ting was surprised for a few years, no matter which time, Wang Ye never received the letter from Han Shuo, but tonight, did he want to reply? She honed the ink gently, and took hold of the wolf without smoke at night, contemplating her thoughts, and finally swiping her pen.

"Did the news about Tianjiacun reach the East China Sea?"

Wu Jintang said: "It will be time for the princess to have received it."

Yan Ye nodded slightly, and handed the sealed letterhead to Jintang.

East China Sea, Water Dragon Island.

Although it is summer, because of the early morning, the wind on the seashore is a little bit cold and blows on people, and it is cold.

He stood on the beach, facing a large open sea in front of him. Asahi rises little by little from the sea, turning the sea red. "Half the river is red." Her name should be the name she gave her when she saw the beautiful scenery at sunrise!

In the sea of ​​red water, there are densely packed warships, three of which are led by the puppet warships, which look extremely mighty under the reflection of Asahi. The flag of "Lingbo Canghai" hung in the bow, and hurled in the wind.

These days, Feng Mian is hardworking and dedicated to building a warship for her. Although only three ships have been built so far, it is already very useful for some small naval battles.

Ma Mayue and Ning Fang stood side by side, both of them wearing black capes, blowing in the wind.

"King, you are ready to start!" Ma Yue walked to Seluo and bowed.

瑟 Every morning in the morning after taking over the East China Sea Pirates, the pirate martial arts, swimming, and even the technique of controlling the ship will be drilled.

Nodding, Ma Yue strode to the seaside reef.

I saw that the front row of warships had been prepared, and stood in a row, standing like a wild goose, and stopped in front of a straight silk fabric.

Ma Mayue held up the flag in his hand. When the trumpeter met, he lifted the conch and blew his voice. Only a thick horn sound was heard, and Ma Yue put the red flag in his hand into the wind.

The foremost row of canoes, chopping wind and waves, sailing quickly.

Falconing at the front is the Falcon battleship made by Feng Mian, like the arrow off the string, throwing the back of the warship far away. Stepped on the reef, staring at the fast-moving battleship.

Ma Mayue beamed his eyes brightly and said with admiration: "King, this is a very powerful warship. I wonder if I can build more?"

Falcon's eyes followed the distant black spot, and smiled softly: "If possible, naturally, but just, this falcon is so difficult to build.

Su Ning nodded and said, "We can have these three ships, it is a great fortune."

At the turn of the turn, the first row of warships returned from the waves, and naturally the warships came out on top.

He squinted and looked, and saw Feng Mian stroll slowly down the boat, and Asahi reflected his erect posture, covering him with a faint halo, looking like a god.

She smiled slightly, and even Feng Mian, who could not martial arts, could easily manipulate the battleship, which was extraordinary.

Wu Fengmian raised his head and looked at it, walking slowly towards this side.

"Go and lead everyone to practice!" Secretly said to Ma Yue and Ning.

The two men nodded, leaped from the reef and headed for the sea.

He gave a distant glance, and descended from the reef, Feng Mian had already walked slowly, once a robe fluttered and danced in the sea breeze, and the black eyes were sparkling.

"Feng Mian, 艨 艟 the battleship is really powerful, and not to mention anything else, naked speed is the difficulty of ordinary warships and getting on." Said with a smile.

Wu Fengmian raised her eyebrows, a flash of joy flashed in her black eyes, and said lightly, "That's natural, but I will build a warship for you in a few days, which will surely surprise you!"

He chuckled, "I'll wait and see."

Xun Fengmian's smile suddenly condensed, and she took out a letter paper from her sleeve and handed it to Seser.

"This is a letter I just received this morning. It is from the Lord to you. It should be important."

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Ye Wuyan sent someone to send a stationery. That day, he set off from Feicheng and went north to Mocheng, and she went east to the East China Sea. I thought it would never be a problem since then.

伸 She reached for the letter and read it carefully.

She did not expect that Ye Wuyan sent someone to the Tianjia Village where she was rescued that year, and she did not expect that the results of the investigation turned out to be so unexpected. In the summer of Tianjia Village four years ago, that is, the summer when she left, the entire village was drowned in Hong Tao due to a flash flood and a landslide. All the villagers in the village were spared, including the father and mother of the sinking fish.

Is this a natural disaster or a human disaster?

Twenty-four years ago, who was the boy in the mouth of Shen Yu? At present, I'm afraid only the sinking fish knows it!