MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 81

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Her eyes widened, her cold eyes met Ye Yan's deep eyes.

He stared deeply at her. There was no expression in his black eyes, like the dome of Spring Night. Although it was full of stars, it was as black as ink.

I wondered why he saved her! He always seemed to be lying in the grass over there, and at the moment of crisis, he just saved her.

His body is a little shaky, it seems that he can no longer stand still, and just falls on her like that. His head rested on her soft chest, motionless.

She glared wide, her eyes subconsciously reached out and touched her back, only the fingertips were sticky, reflecting the moonlight glance, but seeing crimson blood on the fingertips. His heart shrank suddenly and jumped up uncontrollably.

Yan Ye was injured without smoke for the sake of her.

Howling almost thought he was dreaming, how could this happen!

躺在 She lay on the grass and didn't dare to move. She was afraid to move, and then touched his wound. He lay on her, faintly hearing his heart, beating heavily.

Howling winds flew warmly, with extremely fast speed, with a cool cold wind. He carefully lifted Ye Yan smokelessly, crawling up from the grass, staring at it, and seeing Ye Yan's back, there were faint blood droplets infecting his robe, although he was wearing a deep The colored robes, however, were still startling.

Because of that feather arrow, it just hit his back.

Yan Ye's smokeless complexion was extremely pale at this moment, and the slender Xuan eyebrows were deeply locked, seemingly enduring unbearable pain.

Wu Fengnuan just yelled at it before, already shocked the people who were watching the dance, Yun Qingmang rushed out from the crowd first. Seeing Ye Wuyan injured, his face suddenly sank, and he pointed out and stopped at several large holes on Ye Wuyan's back.

"Is he okay?" Seser asked softly, and she felt her voice tremble so much that it didn't seem to be her own voice.

Jin Yun froze lip frantically and didn't speak, her dark eyes were terrifying.

I never saw Yun Qingmang have such a cold and somber expression.

He carefully opened the shirt on the back of the night smoke-free, when he saw that feather arrow inserted half an inch away from the back of his heart, his heart was slightly loose. He lifted his eyes and said coldly, "The king's life is so great that even the king of the king cannot take it away."

Suddenly he heard that the heart that had been hanging from his throat finally fell back into his chest.

The fact that Yan Ye had no arrows for her at night was shocking. Why are you trying to save her? Surprisingly staring at the smokeless night, he saw him sitting quietly on the grass, letting Yun treat him lightly.

The moonlight hovered over him like flowing water. His handsome face was extremely pale, but he had no expression on his face, giving him an unspeakable sense of coldness. However, in his bottomless phoenix eyes, there was a trace of joy and tenderness. The closest thing to her saw it, she felt incredible, why was she so happy when she was hurt?

The sound of gongs and drums and the sound of matouqin have long been silent. People watching the dance of sacrifice all came to this side. Khan and Li Shi were surrounded by Ye Yan's side with shocked expression on their faces. It was no trivial matter that the King of South Vietnam was injured in the Northern Lu Kingdom. It's okay if it can cause war.

I just didn't say a word, all silently watching Yun Qingkang patted his chest in the smokeless night, and shot the **** feather arrow from his back. Then, he took a bottle of wound medicine out of his pocket, spread it carefully on the wound, and wrapped it in layers.

Zhu Yi Lengxue stood in the crowd, her shoulders were weak and her shoulders slipped, her eyes were full of worries and pain. At this time, she finally removed the invisible mask with a touch of emotion. However, she didn't walk towards the night without smoke, but stood in the crowd and looked at him quietly.

When Yun Qingkang bandaged the wound for the smokeless night, Khan whispered, "Wang Wang, what's going on?"

Yan Ye sat quietly without a word the next night, but snorted quietly, and slowly stood up, his eyes staring straight at Yi Yingxiang, who was standing not far ahead. In the beautiful face, at this moment it was a chill, such as the frost and snow of winter and the cold light of the sword. In those clear and beautiful black eyes, it was also frost.

With Yiyingxiang holding a bow and arrow in her hand, she stood in the moonlight, seeming totally frightened. She hated Jiang Sesher, but the person she didn't expect to shoot was the smoke brother who cared for her.

She scrupulously knew that Yi Yingxiang hated her, but never thought that her hatred for her was so deep that she let her throw a cold arrow at her. The Meiya incident was because she was a simple girl, she didn't care about her, but didn't want to get her such crazy behavior. This time, she didn't plan to spare her, because the consequence of tolerance was that she would continue to throw cold arrows at her recklessly.

"Isn't it ... was made by Princess Xiangxiang?" Khan asked loudly.

"Yes!" Said faintly.

"How is the King going to deal with her?" Khan asked, raising an eyebrow.

She Yiyingxiang was the daughter of the largest tribe chief in Beilu, and he was named a princess. Her sister was a priest in Beilu. Yi Yingxiang herself was once the princess of the King of Kings. Although she was sent back by the King of Kings this time, she was also a figure of Jinzhiyu in Beilu. However, she was injured again and again.

Khan Khan's eyebrows were fixed, and it really embarrassed him to deal with it. After all, Yi Yingxiang was also the princess of the King of Kings, so Khan threw this difficult problem to Yewuyan.

Yan Ye Wuyan smiled slightly, and said coldly, "In this case, I think you have to ask Girl Jiang." Then he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Miss Jiang, what do you do with it?" Khan only seemed to know at this time that Yi Yingxiang shot Jiang Jisei.

"Shoot!" Selly looked up and said decisively, the clear voice spreading slowly in the crowd, with a chilling coldness.

Yan Ye heard the smoke without a word, and her closed eyelids trembled slightly.

I still shoot? Khan heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief. He had some doubts as to whether this beautiful and elegant South Vietnamese woman would shoot an arrow, so she responded to her request, and then the guard brought a bow and arrow to him.

This pair of iron bows used by a man is difficult for a woman to pull. Khan is intentionally embarrassing her.

He sneered coldly, put the arrow on the bowstring, squinted, and pulled it open little by little.

There was silence in the crowd, and someone seemed to take a breath. Yi Yingxiang, three feet away, had already lost her blood on her white face, and for some reason she felt unprecedented panic.

Everyone had never thought that this South Vietnamese woman would be able to pull the iron tire bow, which was extremely surprising.

"Girl, please forgive the little girl!" A middle-aged man rushed over and said in a deep voice, thinking that Cather would never shoot an arrow, at this moment, seeing that she even opened the bow, praying anxiously.

He didn't look at him, but said coldly, "Let's go!"

Khan glared and said loudly, "Matriarch Iha, your daughter has done something wrong with others. According to the rules of the grassland, you must have others shoot back, and you must stop them. If you dare to do it, you will bear the consequences. You let open."

男人 The man seemed to be Yi Yingxiang's father, and he resigned reluctantly.

He shoved hard, the bowstrings continued to tighten, and there was no sound of crows and birds on the grasslands. Only the night breeze swept across the grasslands.

Suddenly, an elegant white shadow stood in front of Yi Yingxiang, the priest Yi Lengxue.

He pursed his eyes for a moment, his eyes clearing.

"I priest, what are you going to do?" Crowly asked with a frown.

"I am the priest of this steppe, and I will not allow you to kill in front of me! If there is any accident in the king, let me Lengxue go against me." Yi Lengxue said faintly, the voice was cold Like snowflakes, falling gently.

Yan Ye opened his eyes smokelessly, and looked dimly at Yi Lengxue's cold beauty, the dark black eyes of the phoenix, like the abyss of a cold pool, which made people see at a glance.

Feng Nuan stood there with her arms folded, a slight smile on the corner of her lips. He laughed at Yi Lengxue. Did he think he was a priest? In his impression, once the fiber boy has decided, few people can stop it.

Sure enough, a faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and said lightly, "Whoever accounts for who counts, why use a priest to resist!"

He slowly aimed, and Yu Jian pointed at Yi Yingxiang's brows. Yi Lengxue frowned, stepped slightly, and blocked Yi Yingxiang behind her.

"Okay, you shoot!" She said lightly, in a cold and arrogant tone.

With a cold smile on her lips, she raised her bow and arrow, and gently moved her arm, but this time aimed at Yi Lengxue's brows. Do you think she can block her arrow when she is in front?

Suddenly the atmosphere was condensed, and everyone was staring nervously at Seor and Yi Lengxue.

Dozens of strong bows around him also aimed at Seser. After all, Yi Lengxue was a priest, and they couldn't just watch the priest shoot at the priest.

Khan Khan was also a little bit embarrassed this time. How could the priest be there?

Suddenly Feng Nuan shouted loudly, "Are you still children on the grassland? The words have already been spoken, and life and death are free to fate.

These people heard the words, and lay down their bows. They almost forgot that this woman was a favorite of the second prince. What can I do now?

"Although I hurt Brother Yan, if you hurt my sister, Brother Yan will not spare you, nor will the people of the whole country of Lubei will spare you." Yi Yingxiang's voice from Yi Lengxue From behind, there was a hint of pride.

Stinging her words made the dignified atmosphere even more tense. She smiled bitterly, even if she did not spare her at night without smoke, today she is bound to shoot this arrow, Yi Yingxiang is really crazy.

Someone heard Yi Yingxiang's words and looked towards the night without smoke, but saw that he was still sitting there lightly, seemingly indifferent to the surroundings.

She hurriedly pulled the bow like a full moon, her fingers trembling gently on the bowstrings, but she never put an arrow.