MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 994

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"But how do we get to the first singularity now? Tell the doctor the shape of the bar door and let them summon the bar?" Artoria asked.

Artoria has no objection to Chen Luo's desire to become Lancelot's master.

As Chen Luo said, Chen Luo is still Artoria's master, and Chen Luo's command spell can still work on Artoria.

Artoria can't even reject Chen Luo, so even if Lancelot becomes Artoria's servant, can Lancelot reject Chen Luo?

The reason why Chen Luo wants to become Lancelot not important. Maybe Chen Luo wanted Lancelot's inherent skills.

The people in the bar knew that Chen Luo could master other people's skills, but they didn't know the reason. And Chen Luo never wanted to explain.

"No, not through the bar. Although it's more convenient to go through the bar, I don't think Merlin is willing to tell Roman and them how to get to the bar, right?" Chen Luo turned to look at Merlin.

"Yeah." Merlin nodded.

It's one thing to be connected, it's another thing to be completely connected.

In addition to telling Doctor Roman and them about the bar, Merlin will lose a lot of fun, and the impact on the future is also a problem.

The future is not static, not to mention that when the opponent is Solomon (Gaetia) who has ex-level clairvoyance, the greater Chen Luo's influence on Roman and the others, the easier it is for them to make mistakes in the final ending.

Now that 7 singularities have been formed, even if Solomon (Gaetia) is solved, the singularities need to be resolved one by one.

If you don't solve the 7 singularities and collect the Holy Grail, you can't analyze the location of Solomon (Gaetia)—the exact location of the Crown Time Temple.

With the advantage of the plot, it is better to let things follow the plot, because both Chen Luo and Mei Lin felt that the ending was perfect except for the regretful thing about the doctor's self-explosion.

Therefore, the best time for Chen Luo and the others to play should be when they are crowned at the Temple of Time.

The further the plot goes, the less Solomon (Gaetia) and the others can do.

Now is the first singularity. If Solomon (Getia) and the others find out the abnormality, even if they can't beat Chen Luo and the others with hard power, Solomon (Getia) and 72 Demon God Pillars can disgust Chen Luo and the others to death.

For example, making many subspecies of singularity and the like.

Or, after knowing that he can't succeed, he simply smashes it, directly detonates the treasure in advance, and only cleans the surface of the current world line...

Although this possibility is very small, or even almost non-existent, Chen Luo doesn't want to gamble.

Therefore, Chen Luocai only gave the doctors some support that would not be too much.

It's just that if Getia really appeared in front of everyone, Chen Luo might try to sneak up on him.

I don't know if the puppet can control the 72 pillars of demon gods?

Or wait until the finale to **** the Crown Time Temple together!

In this way, Chen Luo could also save the doctor from using one soul-returning talisman.

It was never Chen Luo's party that was at a disadvantage, but Solomon (Getia) and the 72 Pillar Demon Gods.

Taking a step back, even if Chen Luo can't beat Solomon (Gaetia), can't Chen Luo shake people?

Let you see the power of the true Demon God!

Othinus still owes Chen Luo a wish.

Solomon (Getia)'s only advantage now is that he runs fast, and he holds the [Destroy the World] card.

Destroying the world is always easier than saving it.

Chen Luo thought about letting Othinus directly appear on the stage to solve everything.

But it always feels unreliable to let Othinus, a demon **** who is good at destruction, save the world.

For some reason, Chen Luo always felt that Othinus was relatively good among all the demon gods in the catalog of forbidden books of magic.

"So this is the reason why we couldn't help them save the world with all our strength early? I probably understand." Artoria understood why she did this after Chen Luo and Mei Lin's explanation.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

"Also, if we intervene suddenly, the restraining power may not appreciate it. I don't want to fight against Solomon (Getia) while fighting against the restraining power."

Things like restraint...I always feel that many things are done by themselves.

"It's best not to let me see Solomon (Gaitia), otherwise I have 100 ways to make him unable to survive in this world!" Chen Luo sighed.

It's a pity that Chen Luo can't be empty [It's like old friends at first sight], otherwise he can directly [Immediate old friends] and use the account of friends to get Gaitia to the bar, and then he can give Gaitia a prison play.

But this also has a disadvantage, that is, Gaetia may appear, but it is impossible for the 72 pillar demon gods to appear at the same time.

Just taking away a Gaetia, but the 72 pillars of demon gods are still harming the world, that's not enough.

It's better to wait to turn around and catch them all in the Temple of Crown Time.

"Anyway, it's actually pretty good to watch them save the world quietly." Chen Luo then looked at Gu Dazi and the others with peace of mind as they confronted Hei Joan who was tired and out of breath after using several rounds of treasures.

Quietly feeding all kinds of small props, you can also get some rough stone rewards, and you can also watch the fun of the doctor...

Chen Luo believes that there must be a serious illness (reason) for this magic Meili's deputy editor's authority to be able to exert such a miraculous effect.

Besides, aren't these 7 singularities the scene of 7 large-scale commissioned releases?

Make more friends with those servants in the singularity, and one day you will "use" them.

This is the charm of traveling to another world.

Quietly complete the 7 singularities, get more rough stones, make more friends, and then you can rush into the Crown Time Temple to grab it!

72 Demon God Pillar, All Foreheads!

Chen Luo felt that the real Solomon would definitely not be stingy with these Demon God Pillars.

At worst, turn back and divide the Demon God Pillar into half for Roman.

Also, the Crown Time Temple itself looks quite precious, so take it home and use it as a decoration!

Or take it back and use it as a fox den!

Chen Luo didn't believe that the little fox could still destroy the Temple of Crown Time!

If the little fox is really that powerful, then Chen Luo...then Chen Luo will throw the little fox out!

Whoever loves this fox can raise it!

Chen Luo could recall the smug expression on the little fox's face after he bit off his four bed legs this morning.

No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

"Wait a minute, let me beat a fox first to vent my anger." Chen Luo threw down the antenna and walked to the No. 2 door of the bar.


Chapter 989 Joan of Arc: I have suffered from being uneducated!

"Where did you just say?" Chen Luo, who turned his neck and clenched his fists, asked as he returned to the bar.

And on Chen Luo's right calf is hanging a pink fox

To be precise, it was the little fox who was biting Chen Luo's shorts tightly and did not let go.

"I just said that I want to help Lancelot relieve the troubles of ordinary people." Merlin said

"It's to help Lancelot wake up." Artoria corrected.

"But the question now is how to get to the first singularity."

"Oh, this, don't worry. Since you already know that there is Lancelot in this singularity, I naturally prepared a full set of services for you. I have always treated my own people well." Chen Luo Reassure Artoria


"Don't bark, you're not human." Chen Luo said to the little fox while raising the antenna again.

And in the antenna, the picture of Black Joan of Arc and the others appeared again.

At the same time, there are processed chat records between Chen Luo and Roman.

Dr. Roman: @魔法少女Teriri save save save save save save save save save save save save (3 minutes ago)

When Chen Luo was cleaning up the little fox, Chen Luo skipped the distress message.

But what is shown on the live broadcast now is the scene where Matthew and Joan of Arc release the treasure to resist the flames ejected by Fafna.

Favna's output power far exceeds that of ordinary followers, this is a real fantasy species that far exceeds the reaction of followers.

The power of the fantasy species living in the age of gods is beyond the imagination of modern people.

Coincidentally, none of Mash and the others were followers before the Age of Gods, and they had no way to deal with Favna.

Oh, except for the half-dead Siegfried.

"The shield has used its power in the girl's hands, but the potential has not been discovered enough." Artoria commented objectively.

"Yeah." Merlin nodded.

Galahad, an existence that no one in the Knights of the Round Table could ignore.

That shield, that round table, as long as there is still the belief of resistance in the heart, this shield will never be broken!

It's just that Mash still can't use this shield perfectly, so it is extremely difficult to resist Favna's attack.

Magical Girl Teriri: What are you doing?

Dr. Roman: Almighty Teriri, I finally waited for your reply.

Magical Girl Teriri: I'm not a nerd who stays in front of the computer every day and never leaves his eyes. Of course there is a delay in receiving messages.

Dr. Roman: Hmm...

Roman, who is currently monitoring Matthew's situation in front of the monitor every day, feels that he has been slandered.

Dr. Roman: Can Teriri see the situation here?

Magical Girl Teriri: I see it, but didn't that Siegfried scare Favna away just now?

While Chen Luo and the others were chatting, Siegfried suddenly stood up and was about to launch the imaginary great sword, Heavenly Demon Lost Fall, but upon hearing the name of the treasure that was specially aimed at him, Favna took Joan of Arc and the others directly into the air

slipped away.

Get out of the range of the treasure first

And Siegfried, who shouted the name of the treasure, didn't really release the treasure, but took Mash and the others and ran away before Favna and the others could react.

Although Siegfried looks honest, but Siegfried is not stupid. All the brave men who can defeat the dragon are brave and resourceful.

Magical Girl Teriri: That's why I said don't rely too much on me. I can help you if I can see it, because I am omnipotent. But the premise is to be able to receive the news.

Dr. Roman: That's all right now.

Magical Girl Teriri: No, there is something else, before you let Mash escape, leave the communicator I gave you in place, and get some magical reactions. In case that village girl...that Joan of Arc picks it up out of curiosity, I can help you spy on Joan of Arc. But only to help you provide his location information.

Dr. Roman: Really? Thank you so much! It was a big help, Teriri sauce.

Magical Girl Teriri: Uh, don't use the word sauce, it's disgusting.

Dr. Roman: Woohoo, great, Teriri-chan scolded me.

Magical Girl Teriri: ...

Chen Luo turned to look at Mei Lin, but Mei Lin could only shrug helplessly.

Matthew, Joan of Arc and the others were retreating, while Chen Luo locked the angle of view on Black Joan of Arc and the others before they escaped the limit range of clairvoyance.

"It's really troublesome. It turned out to be Siegfried. I want Favna to wipe them out in one fell swoop, but for future considerations, I can't make Favna too tired. But it will be difficult to let Siegfried use that sword again." It's gone..." Thinking about it, Joan of Arc showed a disgusted face from France.

"Berserker, swordsman, your prey this time is the dragon slayer, give him priority." Joan of Arc said to the two servants following her.

"The crazy assassins will join us soon, you must completely eliminate Siegfried this time."

The swordsman and berserker who got the order each rode a wyvern and chased after Mash and the others.

And this was the limit of what Chen Luo could monitor. Afterwards, as Matthew and the others fled, Chen Luo's eyes were also forced to leave Hei Joan.

"There is a chance." Merlin said immediately after watching the berserker Lancelot and the swordsman break away from Joan of Arc to pursue Matthew and the others.

"Well, now is an opportunity, but not the best one. But it is indeed time to prepare to go to the first singularity." Chen Luo nodded.

"However, you haven't told us how to get to the first singularity until now," Merlin said.

"Shanren has his own tricks. Wait, the magic reaction smeared on the communicator seems to have the effect of bait, and someone picked up the communicator." Chen Luo said.

"Can you feel this?"

"Of course, because the communicator has been humanized."