MTL - There is No Bottleneck In My Practice-Chapter 21 early bliss, dead man

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  Chapter 21 Early ascension to bliss, the dead

   Jinzhou City, south of the city.

   Liang Sheng looked at a man and a woman in the room, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed and angry. He was almost taken advantage of. Fortunately, Liang Sheng's dirty thoughts didn't happen to the other party.

   "Hua Niang, I have wronged you all these years."

  The monk's voice was full of magnetism, and the woman called Hua Niang shook her head, "My lord, I am not bitter at all. It is my honor to be able to work for the teaching. Even if I die, I will have no regrets."

   Then Hua Niang took out a large stack of banknotes from the underwear and handed them to the monk, "Your Honor, that old man only gave me this little money until he died, and it was a waste of me serving him for so many years."

  The monk took the bank note, flipped through it casually, and estimated that it was about 20,000 taels of silver, but this is already a huge sum of money for ordinary people.

   "Hua Niang why blame yourself, this is not your fault, you have done a good job, I can only say that this Liang Qiang is too cunning to leave the inheritance to you.

  Furthermore, the 20,000 taels is already a large amount of money, which is of great use to the development of the church. Your efforts over the past few years have not been in vain. "

  Hearing this, Hua Niang was excited, "I swear to devote myself to the Holy Mother, and I will die."

   "By the way, apart from giving you money, did Liang Qiang explain anything else before he died?"

   Liang Sheng, who was hiding on the roof outside the house, couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this. The second uncle didn't reveal himself to this woman, right?

  The next moment, Liang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, because Hua Niang directly shook her head, "He didn't say anything.

  Even he has been hiding his identity from me, saying that he is an ordinary businessman, but he doesn't know that I already know his details. "

  The monk couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard the words, but quickly adjusted his mood, "Since this is the case, you don't have to stay in Jinzhou City. There are other tasks for you in the church."

   "Okay, no matter where I am going next, no matter what I am asked to do, I will definitely live up to the trust of the teacher."

At this moment, the monk suddenly turned his head to look at the inner room, and Hua Niang instantly understood what he meant, "My lord, once Liang Qiang dies, this little beggar is useless, in order not to leak the news, we can only let her go to bliss early. "

  Then Hua Niang walked into the room and slapped the little **** the temple with her palm, causing the little girl to die instantly.

   Then he saw the monk take out a jade bottle and sprinkle it on the corpse. Liang Sheng knew what it was at a glance.

   Corpse powder.

   Sure enough, not long after, the little girl's body was completely wiped out, and after the two checked that there were no traces left, they separated completely.

  Hua Niang went out of the city, but the monk went in the direction of Liang Qiang's house. After all, he would continue to do things for Liang Qiang tomorrow.

   After a while, when there was no movement here, Liang Sheng frowned, glanced at the room where the little girl had turned into nothing, and then left quietly.

  He has already remembered the monk's name, but he is so secretive, Jinshan Temple is afraid that there is really some big secret.

   There are also Hua Niang's words such as ascending to bliss early, teaching inside, etc., which also made Liang Sheng secretly wary, what are they planning?

  Spring goes and autumn comes, another ten years.

  Jinzhou City has been extremely peaceful for the past ten years. After that night, Jinshan Temple did not make any movements. Liang Sheng seemed to have just had a dream, and the flower girl never appeared again.

   At this time, Liang Sheng already looked a bit old. He was 47 years old. In this age, ordinary people already have a lot of children and grandchildren.

  After Liang Qiang had no intention of saying that he was young, he used ten years to gradually control his face and become what he is today.

  In the past ten years, because the Golden Dragon Jue and the health-preserving exercises have already reached the same level as his own realm, even though he has the seal of Fudoming King, his progress in cultivation is still extremely slow, so he has not broken through the eighth layer of Houtian.



   Yichun Building.

  A beautiful girl nestled in Liang Sheng's arms, with a look of pity on her face, "Master, why don't you take this slave back to serve you, you make my heart hurt."


  Liang Sheng glanced at the girl in his arms, turned his head and shouted outside the door: "Chun Niang..."

  When the girl heard this, joy flashed across her eyes, and then she saw the old bustard Chunniang approaching, and Liang Sheng pushed the girl away from her arms.



   Before the girl in her arms could react, she was dragged out of the room by two strong men behind Chunniang.

   Immediately afterwards, another little girl came in, Liang Sheng's hand naturally touched her, and Chun Niang carefully exited the room and closed the door.

   "Teach this girl well in the past few days, so that she will be more sensible in the future..."

After speaking, Chunniang didn't look at the girl who was already limp on the ground. Her mouth was gagged with a piece of sour cloth. When Chunniang left, she couldn't help but sneered in her heart. She really thought that the "waste" of the Liang family was an infatuated lover ?

  Early the next morning, Liang Sheng felt relaxed and happy. When he came out of Yichun Building, some people would glance at him from time to time and sneer in his heart.

  This trash of the Liang family doesn't have a strong cultivation base, so he might follow in Liang Qiang's footsteps if he behaves like this, but no one dares to ridicule him publicly.

   After all, no matter how good-for-nothing Liang Sheng is, his surname is Liang. At this time, Jinzhou City, apart from the county government, is already in the shape of the Liang and Wu families.

  As for the government, it is too far away from the common people, and their feelings are far worse than those of the two families of Liang and Wu that they can usually come into contact with.


   Ma San's body was even more stooped than before, but he still helped Liang Sheng into the carriage, and then walked slowly to the restaurant.

   When they arrived at the restaurant, the drinkers had already become acquainted with Liang Sheng, and they all greeted each other, and some regular customers even made fun of him.

   "Shengdong's family, are you still going to Yichun Tower with your body?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

  Liang Sheng didn't take it seriously, "My body is very strong, you don't need to worry, but you old drunkards, take it easy."

  The atmosphere in the restaurant became more cheerful. Seeing this, Liang Sheng was not polite, and sat down directly at the vacant table.

   "I'll have a glass of wine, do you have any objections?"

   The drinkers naturally didn't care, and they were very welcome. Who didn't know that Shengdong never let the drinkers suffer, and today I'm afraid they can have a free meal.

  Liang Sheng was also willing to make trouble with them. At this moment, there was a gong beating outside, and many people on the street crowded over to watch the excitement.

   "It seems that someone is dead again. I don't know who is so bold that he dared to make trouble in Jinzhou City. Aren't you afraid of death?"

   The drinkers were a little bit aggrieved, whoever can often come to Shengde Building to drink is not a small fortune?

  They enjoy wealth, so they naturally don't want to add variables to their lives, so they appear to be more righteous and indignant.

  At this moment, Zheng Wanchun strode in, and Liang Sheng hurriedly got up to meet him with a smile on his face.

   "Catcher Zheng, or the old rules?"

   Zheng Wanchun shook his hands when he heard the words, "I won't drink today."

   As he spoke, he walked to the middle of the restaurant and glanced at the drinkers, and the drinkers upstairs heard the movement, and all looked at Zheng Wanchun in unison.

   "Everyone, there have been a series of homicides outside the city in the past few days. The victims are all wealthy families. Everyone, you should be more careful in the future and try not to go out of the city.

  Last night, fifty people from Baijiazhuang outside the city were all silenced overnight. The murderer can be described as extremely vicious.

  If you hear any rumors or get any clues in the future, I hope you will inform the county government as soon as possible. "

  As soon as this remark came out, the whole restaurant immediately began to whisper, Zheng Wanchun didn't care, and went directly to Liang Sheng.

   "Shengdong's family, in fact, a policeman died in the city last night, but the county lord ordered that there should be no chaos in the city, so try not to go out at night."

  Liang Sheng nodded immediately, without asking about the specific situation, but said that he would be careful.

  Even Zheng Wanchun is like this, it seems that something really happened...

  (end of this chapter)