MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 49

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Surprisingly, when this fire from the Internet burned into reality, it did not have much firepower. In any case, most newspapers and magazines did not report too much on this incident, and even those who always liked to break the news just put a small report in the lower right corner of the entertainment page.

Everything was a little calm, but nothing seemed to have happened. Only on the Internet, there are constant negative comments about it, and it is noisy on forums and Weibo.

As of noon the next day, ## has been clicked by more than 30 million people and 500w comments. At present, the red and blue firepower is comparable, and it is difficult to separate them. Until the topic became more and more intense, and gradually became a source of 燎 hara, Foxnet first stood up and published a report--


The report first briefly summarized the Internet controversy that occurred from last night to today, and then the editor of Foxnet Entertainment ’s gossip area expressed his views: The most important thing in a song is the inner quality it expresses and the soul it conveys. This song is undoubtedly sad, and countless people were infected and wept. In this respect, He Shushan was very successful.

It may really be a song to commemorate a deceased friend, and it may also cause many audiences to resent it. However, in the eyes of the editor, the deceased is gone, and the dead is big. Has paid the price of life, I still ask the audience to understand, and listen to and appreciate the song with their hearts, rather than simply to listen to criticism.

Starting from this report by Foxnet, Surfnet, Qiandunet, etc. all published news reports within an hour. The general meaning was the theme of "respect for the dead." Only the report of was slightly neutral. . For a time, the trend of online media gradually approached one direction.

All fans and spectators originally thought that in this smoke-filled cyber scolding battle, in general, celebrity individuals often avoided suspicion and would not show their stand. But to everyone's surprise, at 3 pm on the same day, Shu Shan's personal Weibo account posted a more than one hundred words of Weibo, which directly stated his attitude and position.

He Shushan: "At the cost of life, I think he has given everything he has. And now, I just want to commemorate a friend who has passed away, and I want to tell my mood to more people and share this sadness together And blessings. If it arouses everyone's dissatisfaction, I hereby apologize to everyone! But it is my hard work and cannot be vilified! "

The picture of Weibo is a bunch of bright white roses. From sharp spikes to soft petals, just blending with softness, hardness and charm, it looks very harmonious. He Shushan did not directly name Qi Wenyuan, but anyone knew who the "he" was.

Netizens were surprised and had not recovered from the sudden statement of He Shan. Many people found that a Uranus star actually reposted He Shu Shan's Weibo and attached his own opinion.

Zhu Qing: "Simply for the person I know, although he did something wrong, it is worth remembering. He Shushan: At the cost of life ..."

Zhu Qing's statement was fair, and used the way of reposting and Shu Shan's Weibo to show his attitude. On the other side, a queen with sharp words and a domineering style actually sent a separate Weibo to directly indicate his position.

Ye Yiyi: "I only know that Qi Wenyuan is a friend I really like and admire. I am very sad when he died. No matter what the new song and Shu Shan want to express, I just miss him now, how?"

As soon as this Weibo refreshed, everyone's attention shifted from Zhu Qing and others to Ye Yiyi, and even the subject of the topic with Shu Shan failed to attract the attention of netizens. Ye Yiyi's Weibo directly clicked on Qi Wenyuan's name, with a strong tone and strong feelings. He expressed his attitude with quite decisive words, and there was no room for change.

Although everyone knows that Ye Yiyi's attitude in public has always been tough, she even sent a lawyer's letter to netizens who denigrated her plastic surgery on the Internet, so fans have always known the personality of her goddess. But like this time, the tone was so resolute that they saw it for the first time.

"Oh, Goddess Ye, who would dare treat you?"

"Goddess speak, where do we dare say anything more?"

"That is, please feel free to go, Goddess Ye."


Gradually, various ridiculous comments began to appear on Ye Yiyi's Weibo. Even if a large number of fans vindicated the goddess, they still couldn't hold back the voices of the increasing number of sunspots. In just ten minutes, thousands of comments appeared, seven of which were ironic and abusive.

Just when others thought that Ye Yiyi's scolding would be the closing ceremony of this incident, to everyone's surprise, Ye Yiyi suddenly reposted a big v user to comment on his Weibo.

Ye Yiyi: "Please don't use your vulgar and dirty words to stain my Weibo picture. I really want to ask your mother how to educate you as an adult, and please receive my lawyer's letter tomorrow. Entertainment frenzy Person: Isn't it just relying on a cosmetic face? I don't know how many people have gone to bed. "

Like a fire of stars, a little like, began to Kashihara. Some people continued to support Ye Yiyi's domineering response, and the situation began to move closer to Ye Yiyi. Just before the crowd had not digested Ye Yiyi's previous repost, they were surprised to find that Ye Yiyi actually reposted another Weibo.

Ye Yiyi: "These words are returned to you, I wish you all the best. Xiao Fei Fei Fei: 脸 Ye Yiyi, you really have a face, you really treat yourself as a bonsai, and have been stunned by thousands of people.艹 艹. "

It's not over yet--

Ye Yiyi: "You are really insulting this id name. There is a beauty in the north: Ye Yiyi, your mother's beep, long ago wanted to kill you!"

Ye Yiyi: "Please look at your words before scolding. Is your language taught by a physical education teacher? Ai Longqian Xu: Your mother Ye Yiyi, there is no child to have a daughter *, you!"


No one expected that Ye Yiyi would so carefully select the comments under Weibo and forward the responses one by one. However, in five minutes, Ye Yiyi had already posted more than a dozen Weibo posts in a row, and his humorous words were still sharp enough to make people unable to fight back.

Due to Ye Yiyi's domineering personality that is not in line with her own appearance, her Weibo is often criticized and abused by many so-called big v, but she has never ignored those people. Today, Ye Yiyi has solemnly and seriously selected these swearing replies, replying to the past, and sees a recognition in the eyes of all fans and passers-by:

Ye Yiyi was serious this time.

For a time, the sunspots on the Internet became more active, and many of the Wumao Squadrons also mingled with them. However, with the goddess taking the lead, fans who did not have the direction of the leader now break through the sky, and no longer have the state of a blindfold.

Ye Yiyi continued to reply, which undoubtedly added another barrel of oil to the already fierce battle. Passersby, fans, and sunspots are looking forward to it. Ye Yiyi will forward any comments and reply to the other party's words.

Just at this tense moment, an unexpected person suddenly appeared and posted a Weibo.

King of Entertainment Gossip: "This is the first time I have seen Ye Yi. It is difficult to say that there are so many true and false friendships in the entertainment industry, but I think Ye Yi must really treat Qi Wenyuan as a friend. Ye Yiyi is enough Righteousness! Those who are still pouring dirty water, it seems that you still want to plan your grave and vent your anger? "

The entertainment gossip king has always liked breaking news, and every time he is a star of the front line. Although repeatedly hacked as a marketing account, his fans still exceed 5 million and have attracted a lot of attention. Ye Yiyi also often becomes a black material on his Weibo. The two can be said to be opposites. But today, the king of entertainment gossip suddenly posted a Weibo to publicly support Ye Yiyi. This move really hesitated many netizens who were still watching. Unconsciously, the balance gradually fell to Ye Yiyi.

Lin Xi just finished a day of promotional activities and returned to the apartment. He took a hot shower and went out of the bathroom. I casually wore a thin piece of pajamas, and in a well-heated room, I didn't feel cold at all. He picked up his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and clicked on the popular Weibo. The first thing he saw was Ye Yiyi's long series of Weibo.

Looking at the familiar name, Lin Xi's delicate eyes widened. He quickly clicked into Ye Yiyi's Weibo.

From the first Weibo that was retweeted five minutes ago to the last one that was published almost two hours ago, with the word by word reading, Lin Xi's heart became heavier and heavier. His Qingdai's eyebrows frowned slightly, and the light amber pupils were slightly darker. There was no emotional ups and downs on Qingjun's elegant face, but it was very heavy.

Yeyi ...

Lin Xixiu's long and slender fingers pressed on the name, his eyes looked down for a long time, without speaking.

In the quiet and quiet room, a dim yellow bedside lamp exuded a faint light, like a thin layer of gauze, so that the whole room was covered with a strange sense of haze. There is also the sound of water dripping in the bathroom, which is especially noticeable in this quiet environment where the air is stagnant.

After a long time, Lin Xi shook her head gently, and gave a deep sigh from her throat, as if she was distressed for Ye Yiyi's attachment, and as if she was sorry for her stupid past.

But in three minutes, countless Tianxian spouses suddenly saw their new special group posted a new Weibo. As this war has not yet burned to their own Tianxian, the Tianxian partners have entered a "low-key life" state since last night, lest they accidentally point the air of public opinion to Lin Xi.

In different parts of the Huaxia land, under the same vast expanse of night sky, countless celestial beings quickly opened their phones and refreshed the page. I saw that the simple and concise Weibo suddenly had a short and monotonous reposting Weibo—

Lin Xi: "Candle" Ye Yi: I only know that Qi Wenyuan is ... "

All Tianxian deceived when they saw this Weibo. At first, they only thought about protecting Ming Zhe, but they did not expect that Lin Xi would take the initiative to join the war. But after a little thought, they also realized that Lin Xi was once an artist of Tianyu, and Qi Wenyuan was an artist under the same agent. Presumably they must be friends.

If Tianxian wanted to mourn for her friends, how could they not support and still want to protect themselves?

As soon as this idea took shape, Tianxian partners found all the things that they should do, and they should have done.

Lotus yolk cake: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

Southern flower: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

Xiaoqiqi: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]


Not only fans, but many more also joined this silent mourning and blessing.

Entertainment gossip king: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

Cheng Hanfei fannie: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

Edit Wan Qiu: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

Zhu Qing: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]

He Shushan: "Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]


Lin Xi's finger swiped a few more times on the screen before stopping. He put the mobile phone on the solid wood cabinet next to the bed, took a step and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling glass window, stretched out a handy beige off-white European style curtain.

The cool moonlight poured down instantly, lighting up the darkened room. Looking down from the 16th floor, it is a bustling street view like a long dragon; looking up to look into the distance, it is a large and colorful neon light. The extravagant nights of city b are only now beginning.

Lin Xi's indifferent eyes stared quietly for a while before turning away with a sigh. However, for a long time, the dim yellow bedside lamp was pressed, and the room returned to a quiet, dusty darkness. The muted phone is still flashing the signal light on the bedside table, but its owner has slowly fallen into a dreamland in a heavy and incomprehensible state of mind.

At the same time, when Lin Xi didn't know it, a man who didn't know what to do was suddenly reposted his Weibo, and posted a seemingly strange but normal Weibo--

Onuo: "I miss him. Candle] Lin Xi: Candle]


Things in the entertainment industry are usually short-lived, and even the scandals and breaking news are just a humble wave in the rivers of time. And this time the event is under the powerful public relations ability of cx entertainment, but in just a few days it has been forgotten by the public in more dizzying new baked gossip.

After another two weeks, the promotional activities have basically ended. Ji Chengshu was told that Lin Xi, who was able to rest for about four or five days before taking the audition, started a new round of no-go plans. But things did not go as expected, this time Wang Xiaofei didn't cooperate to buy him a pile of food for the winter, but Lin Xi had no choice but to wear sunglasses and a mask hat, went out on his own, and was self-sufficient.

In the half-month of winter, there is much less dust in the air in city b, but the cold wind blowing from the north is like a sharp sword, and it is scraping Lin Xi's skin. He wore a pair of black toad glasses covering most of his face, and two thick masks covered the slender nose and pointed jaw, plus a silver-gray woolen cap, although it did look like It's thicker, but it's not that strange at temperatures below zero.

Successfully mixed into a nearby supermarket and bought a large bag of daily necessities and ready-to-eat food, Lin Xi safely exited the supermarket door and set out on his way back to the apartment.

Time to buy a car.

Lin Xi thought secretly.

A tall man with a tall and straight figure, carrying a transparent plastic bag and walking to the road, had to let the passing people look at him, not to mention the fact that the other person was still wrapped in a rigorous look. From time to time, there are a few passers-by lamenting the words "good temperament" and "good body", but no one associates with the star.

Lin Xi didn't care about passersby's eyes at all, he raised his head and walked forward generously, without any strangeness. Just happened to meet a red light, Lin Xi changed the plastic bag and held it with his hand. As soon as he looked up, he suddenly saw a black Audi A8 passing by his eyes.

Through the back window of the car, pulling down the 10 cm gap window, Lin Xi saw a familiar person laughing and talking to the boy beside him. In a short glance, Lin Xi was surprised to find that there were several deep wrinkles on that handsome and tough face. His light swept over the smiling boy, and his head flashed quickly over the other's. Name-Yang Sichen.

Under the cover of sunglasses, there was a trace of disgust in those clear and elegant eyes, and the beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Lin Xi sneered his lips sneerly, thinking to himself: Is the current bed companion Yang Sichen in the Lotte group? It looks like it will never be indispensable ...


The unexpected impact interrupted Lin Xi's thoughts. A light body slammed into Lin Xi's chest violently, allowing him to take two steps back. The plastic bag in his hand moved freely to the ground, and all kinds of things were scattered all at once.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm in a hurry, I didn't see you, are you okay? I'm really sorry!" The crisp and sweet voice of a girl suddenly sounded, Lin Xi hadn't looked back, and he stared blankly. To the girl wearing a little pink jacket.

The other party was buried with their heads picking up things scattered on the ground, and moved quickly, but put everything back into the plastic bag within a few seconds. The girl with pigtails immediately got up, carried a plastic bag and handed it to Lin Xi, and kept apologizing: "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't really watch ... Hey? You are Lin Xi ? !!!!!! "

The sunglasses that were hit on the ground were lying quietly in the middle of the sidewalk at this moment, about two meters away from Lin Xi. The original mask hanging on the left ear was also dropped in half, revealing a half-skinned and delicate cheek.

Lin Xi's pupils widened slightly, as if aware of something.

The rising voice of the girls spread quickly in the air, and passersby coming and going on the street gave them surprise eyes. When they found out who this clear and upright man was, they screamed first. , And then ... is a rush of madness.

The author has something to say: Promise of God is about to appear, so

Fuwa resurrection spicy ~! Effort code word ovo

Fuwa rolls hot ~ big one, big two ~ one more round _ (: 3∠) _

Selling Meng, asking for comment, asking for flowers ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ la la la 2k novel reading network