MTL - This is How the Heavens and the Worlds Come-Chapter 747 source plate

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While "he" was in a coma, a figure walked out of Cheng Kong.

The figure looked cold, lowered his head, glanced at the unconscious "him", then stretched out a finger, and a white light burst out from the fingertip.

in white light.

A time-turner appeared on "his" wrist.

The shape of a watch, the second hand is ticking.

"Lord of the Black Mist, I let you escape back then, but this time, you can't escape."

Then, he disappeared again.

Only Cheng Kong was left, staring blankly at Yang Shou, who was unconscious on the ground, and hurriedly stepped forward to check.

After discovering that Yang Shou was in a coma, he carried him to the school hospital.

"The person is fine, but he was stimulated and then fell into a coma. It's not a big problem. After returning home, take a good rest and don't let him be stimulated any more."

After the doctor's diagnosis, Cheng Kong helped Yang Shou out of the hospital.

Along the way, Cheng Kong seemed to have forgotten everything in his dream, and looked at Yang Shou with concern: "What do you"

Yang Shou shook his head, "It's alright."

He is still immersed in the strange figure emerging from Cheng Kong.

The power of this figure, in Yang Shou's perception, has completely reached the tenth level.

And after he appeared, he said that he had already collected seven of himself, and there were still two, what did he mean?

"Then don't go to class today, I'll ask the teacher for leave for you."

Cheng Kong looked worried.

Yang Shou nodded, took a deep look at Cheng Kong and left the school.

Afterwards, he continued to let his memory develop, and he did not commit any derailment.

However, he was deeply alert to the time-turner that suddenly appeared in his hands.

At this point in time, it was obvious that no one had sealed his memory in the back of his mind.

So he knew that he was suddenly in a coma and got a time converter after waking up.

As for the function of the time converter, Yang Shou felt that at this point in time, he should not be able to figure it out.

It is now the second year of high school, and there is only one year left in the last year of high school, and this dusty memory of him will come to an end.

So the climax of this memory will be in the next year.

Yang Shou waited silently in this ordinary high school life, getting up every day, washing, early self-study, going to class, and finishing get out of class, and soon came to the third year of high school.

On the first day of high school, a strange thing happened again.

In the middle school where he was, a student disappeared mysteriously. The school and the police searched for a long time but could not find it.

And this person is a friend of Yang Shou High School, Cheng Kong.

Yang Shou was not surprised by this.

Because entering the third year of high school, another "Yang Shou" is coming.

Cheng Kong from World No. 1 obviously won't leave such obvious flaws. He tried his best to hide every Cheng Kong in the top ten worlds in order to prevent them from being discovered by the three ancestors of the holy clan.

I want the Lord of Black Mist to carry this black cauldron for me, attract the attention of the three ancestors of the holy clan, and usher in an opportunity for myself to develop.

Sure enough, not long after, a person who looked exactly like Yang Shou appeared in front of Yang Shou.

"Are you the next piece chosen by the Lord of the Upper Realm?"

Yang Shou narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

In fact, this is just a picture in a memory, and he can't change anything at all.

He entered it only to find a truth.

This person, who appeared in front of Yang Shou, was exactly the same as him, and he was the Lord of the Black Mist.

He has been staring at the time converter in Yang Shou's hands all the time.

Obviously this thing is a chess mark prepared by the Lord of the Upper Realm for him.

Just like when he obtained the time converter, he was guided by Cheng Kong all the way to the peak.

And now, he will also guide Yang Shou all the way to the peak.


He saw doubt and anger in Yang Shou's eyes.

Between heaven and earth, no creature will allow others to control its own destiny.

Freedom is the innate longing of every living being.

"Interesting, this time, the Lord of the Upper Realm actually found such a chess piece for me, am I among the countless templates?"

The Lord of Black Mist looked at Yang Shou, the more he looked, the more interesting he became.

"He has obtained nine empty life source boards, but... I intercepted one, which is incomplete, so it is impossible for Eternal Life to climb to the eleventh level. No matter how you calculate, you will eventually come to me."

In front of Yang Shou, the Lord of Black Mist didn't hide anything, and told a secret.

Yang Shou's heart trembled when he heard this.

It was so...

He finally knew why the Lord of the Upper Realm kept looking for Cang Gu.

Not just to kill the Lord of the Black Mist, but more importantly...

The Lord of Black Mist took control of one of the empty source plates.

It was also the preparation made by the Lord of Black Mist for future recovery, but unexpectedly, Yang Shou discovered it, blocking his plan to return to the peak.

From this point of view, if Yang Shou hadn't discovered his plan, I'm afraid... what he has to face now is not just the Lord of the Upper Realm.

There is also a heyday of the Lord of the Black Mist!

At that time, the Lord of the Black Mist took advantage of the emptiness of World No. 7 to revive...

And this Chengkong is now suppressed by him in the Great Thousand World!

"This is empty, it is very important!"

Yang Shou finally found the relationship between Cheng Kong and the Lord of the Upper Realm in this dusty memory.

The Lord of the Upper Realm, or Cheng Kong, was found by Yang Shou in this memory.

If you want to achieve level 11, you must master all the life source boards.

So... the Lord of the Upper Realm killed the Lord of the Black Mist and captured Cheng Kong in his hands.

But then, Yang Shou discovered another problem.

If that's the case, the Lord of the Black Mist...why doesn't there be "Yang Shou" who controls every world?

It can't be because he disdains breaking through the eleventh level, right?

"No! It's not that the Lord of Black Mist doesn't have the Yang Shouyuan board that masters all the worlds, but... he has already mastered..."

Yang Shou quickly figured this out.

So there will be no fear.

Thinking of this, Yang Shou felt extremely tired.

Dealing with these big guys, they take a hundred steps, and if he makes a careless move, he will lose everything.

Even now, the Lord of the Black Mist was slashed by the blood-red Remnant Soul Time's thorn, and temporarily lost all energy, he did not dare to be completely relieved.

In the picture of memory, then the Lord of Black Mist cast a spell on him, causing him to have cancer, and at the same time, he took out... three statues of evil spirits, urging the statue of the blue head among them, sealing all his memories in the in.

At this point, this dusty memory is also over.

It contains the earliest calculations of the Lord of the Upper Realm and the Lord of the Black Mist.

The two played a game, using him as a pawn.


In a thousand worlds.

Yang Shou's consciousness walked out of the blue remnant soul's memory avenue.

The dusty memories in the depths of his mind were also revived in an instant, and they emerged in his heart.

The blue remnant looked at him with a complicated expression, and sighed softly: "Your life is a calculated life. No matter how hard you try to grasp the future and freedom, it is impossible to get rid of the calculation of the Lord of the Black Mist."

Yang Shou glanced at it.

He understood what it meant.

The Lord of Black Mist has mastered all the source boards of "Yang Shou", which also means... he is also under control.

Although he doesn't quite understand the relationship between the life source board and the life template.

But he is Yang Shou who was born in World No. 2, and the Lord of Black Mist is also Yang Shou who was born in World No. 2...

"What is the source board?" Yang Shou asked in a deep voice.

The blue remnant hesitated a little, sensed Yang Shou's depressed state, and said slowly: "In the era of the existence of the three, there was a strong man who gathered countless creatures in the world and created a set of templates."

"Because of this template, he was chased by the three..."

It tells an ancient secret.

"And each creature in this set of creature templates has ten source plates, and if you gather all ten source plates, you can be considered a complete creature, and you can aspire to the eleventh level!"

Hearing the words of the blue remnant soul, Yang Shou gradually understood the true meaning of the source board.

It is no wonder that the three ancestors of the holy clan have to evolve ten identical worlds.

It turned out to be evolved from ten source boards...

As for Yang Shou's source board, I thought that it had been collected by the Lord of Black Mist long ago.

But in order not to let the saints find out, the Lord of Black Mist still allows these source boards to evolve, so Yang Shou appears in every world.

In the same way, in order to prevent the saints from discovering, the Lord of the Upper Realm chose a completely different approach, hiding all Chengkong who was not exposed in front of the saints.

Only the emptiness of a world number exposed his flaws to Yang Shou.

As for the current three ancestors of the holy clan, there is simply no time to deal with these exposed matters.

In a thousand worlds.

After Yang Shou heard the function of the source board that the remnant soul talked about, his heart sank, and he returned to the abyss of karma.

Among them, three creatures are imprisoned, the Lord of the Black Mist, Koos, and the real body of the ancestors.

It's just that the three of them are now sluggish, and they are all slowly recovering cross-legged.

The Lord of Black Mist, who was sitting at the very center, seemed to be able to detect Yang Shou's eyes, slowly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked beyond the abyss of karma.

"My template, you did a great job!"

At this time, he didn't have the slightest... panic.

From beginning to end, even if he was trapped in it, he took it easy.

It turned out to be waiting for him at the source board.

"Without the fusion source board, is it impossible to break through the eleventh level?"

Yang Shou's phantom returned to his body and reappeared on Earth, and immediately, he took out the evil ghost compass.

Feet stomped on the ground.

The whole earth seems to have fallen into the end of the world.


The sun and the moon are dull.

At the same time, the aura of the seal on the compass was also revealed.

"The last evil ghost statue, I want to see where you are sealed!"

Yang Shou wrapped around the thread of cause and effect, and began to look for the coordinates of the last remnant soul across the endless void.

He did not directly destroy the earth, but only shook the earth a little, and did not cause irreversible damage to the earth.

Then, on the compass, he saw the hideous face of the evil ghost, grinning, as if trying to break free of the seal.

"It turns out, it's here!"

With a change of heart, he stepped forward, flipped through the mountains and seas of the galaxy, and ran directly to the upper realm!