MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 20 Would you like to join the Vine Tribe?

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Under the low hills in the jungle, in the cave, a dozen tribal people in tattered grass skirts surrounded the fire, and there was no hope in their eyes.

Among them, the faces are yellow and skinny, and at first glance they look like people who often go hungry.

There was only one middle-aged man who was relatively stout, but his left arm was broken, and his fighting power was drastically reduced.

One of the women squatted on the ground and hugged her knees and said, "More than 100 clansmen fled, and now there are only a few of us left. If we continue like this, we won't be able to survive."

When the others heard this, they all had a desolate look in their eyes.

They are a group of people who have lost their tribe. Without the protection of the tribe, they cannot live long in this wild jungle.

The one-armed middle-aged man was silent for a moment, then comforted with difficulty: "There will always be a way."

A man stood up, spread out his hands in a state of collapse, and said, "We've heard enough of this. If we knew it was like this, it was better to stay in the tribe and die with the tribe."

Two women sobbed in a low voice, but they didn't dare to cry, so they bit their arms repressedly.

Some people were leaning against the cave wall, staring blankly at the rock at the top of the cave.

The one-armed middle-aged man stood up. This environment was too depressing and despairing. He wanted to go out and get some air.

Walking outside the cave, the air after the rain was very fresh. Looking at the sprouting grass and trees, the feeling of depression in the heart of the one-armed middle-aged man was slightly relieved.

But he didn't know that there were five pairs of eyes staring at him on the big tree not far from the cave.

On the thick tree, Jiang Xuan turned to look at Chi Shao and whispered, "It seems that they have similar experiences to us, they are all people who escaped from the tribal battle."

The quarrel in the cave just now was too loud, and the tribal people who were in a state of collapse were shouting hoarse, so the five Jiang Xuan could hear it clearly.

Chi Shao also looked at Jiang Xuan and whispered, "Yes, they are all tourists."

Tourists are people who have lost their tribe.

They are like lonely ghosts, wandering in the primitive jungle. Some are lucky enough to join other tribes, and some are unlucky because they died in the jungle due to various accidents.

Jiang Xuan and the others are very lucky.

They found Shishan ancient vines, settled under the bamboo forest, and established a small tribe.

These tourists are more unlucky. Due to various accidents along the way, more than 90% of them died.

Chi Shao seemed to have guessed Jiang Xuan's thoughts and said, "Do you want to take them in?"

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Let's observe it first to find out their situation."

Although the Teng tribe is indeed short of people, it is risky to take in tourists, and it will be troublesome if the time comes.

Therefore, it is very important to understand the situation of the other party.

"Then let's observe it again."

Several people squatted on the tree, watching the middle-aged man with a broken arm walking around the hole.

Not long after, someone came out of the cave.

Although the situation is very bad and people are distracted, they still have to eat, and no one wants to starve to death.

They dug some wild vegetables near the cave, caught some easy-to-catch big bugs, set up a few simple lasso traps, and caught some small prey as food.

Of course, because I didn't dare to run too far, the food I got was limited. After a dozen or so tourists shared the food, they could only guarantee that they would not die of starvation, and it was impossible to eat enough.

That afternoon, Jiang Xuan and others returned to the bamboo forest, because it was too dangerous to spend the night in the virgin jungle.

For the next two days, Jiang Xuan has been observing these tourists, determining their number and their combat effectiveness.

After observation, Jiang Xuan discovered that there were a total of twelve tourists in the cave. The one-armed middle-aged man should be a one-colored warrior, and the others were ordinary people.

In other words, these people's combat effectiveness is very low, and even if they join the Vine tribe, it is impossible to overwhelm the host.

What made Jiang Xuan really make up his mind was an unexpected situation on the third day.

A tourist who was seriously injured died on this day.

The remaining eleven tourists did not choose to eat his body when they could not eat enough every day, but dug a pit and buried the person.

It was this move that made Jiang Xuan decide to absorb these tourists into the Vine tribe.

Because in a desperate situation, the viciousness of people is the easiest to be stimulated, but if there are a few ferocious and unscrupulous people among these tourists, when food is scarce, this fresh corpse may be eaten as meat.

This wild world is very dangerous, and the habits of each tribe are also different. There are many tribes that do not eat people, and there are naturally cannibal tribes.

Jiang Xuan didn't want to take in some tourists from the cannibal tribe, it was too dangerous.

After Jiang Xuan obtained the consent of Chishao, Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nanxing, he stopped hiding and appeared directly outside the cave where the tourists temporarily lived.

Five Ishiki warriors with totem patterns on their faces appeared, and the eleven remaining tourists in the cave immediately panicked.

The one-armed middle-aged man bravely walked out, holding a stone spear tightly in his hand. The others followed him nervously, holding simple weapons such as wooden spears and stones in their hands.

Eleven pairs of eyes stared at Jiang Xuan and the five, but no one spoke, and they were ready to work hard at any time.

Except for the one-armed middle-aged man, Jiang Xuan felt no threat from these people at all, because he was already a one-colored warrior, much stronger than these starving tourists.

Jiang Xuan said to the one-armed middle-aged man, "Don't be nervous, we have no malice."

"We are from the Vine tribe, and the reason why we came to you is to save you."

"The Teng tribe, save us?" The one-armed middle-aged man looked at Jiang Xuan suspiciously, hoping that he would give an explanation.

Jiang Xuan continued: "Yes, you are all people who have lost their tribes. If you can't find other tribes to take them in, how long do you think you can live in the dangerous jungle?"

The one-armed middle-aged man was silent, and the eyes of those tourists also dimmed. Jiang Xuan's words obviously hit their hearts.

"I don't like to go around the corners. If you are willing to join the Vine tribe, you can get the protection of our Vine God and the protection of the tribe. You can have a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear, and you don't have to worry every day."

Jiang Xuan's words made these tourists' breathing become heavier, because what Jiang Xuan said was exactly what they longed for.

After experiencing starvation, freezing, and precarious fears, I realized how important a tribe is.

"Why do we trust you?"

One-armed middle-aged people are more cautious, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Because Jiang Xuan is too young, the people around Jiang Xuan, although they are all warriors, are equally young.

Jiang Xuan asked naturally, "Do you have any other options?"

The one-armed middle-aged man was silent.

Although he is also a one-colored warrior, he has already broken an arm. Facing five one-colored warriors, he has no chance of winning.

If Jiang Xuan and the others were to force it and tie everyone back to the Veng tribe, the one-armed middle-aged man would at most give a symbolic resistance.

The other tourists are not stupid. They are very aware of their situation, but still no one speaks. Instead, they all look at the one-armed middle-aged man, hoping that he can come up with an idea.

At this moment, Chi Shao said, "It's your luck that the Vine tribe is willing to take you in. If you stay here, none of you will survive."

Jiang Xuan answered at the right time: "Our patience is limited, you'd better make a decision early. If you don't want to join the Vine tribe, we'll leave right away, you can just stay here and fend for yourself."

When the tourists heard these words, they panicked. They finally got a tribe to take them in. They didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Jiang Xuan took all their reactions into his eyes, so he said, "I'll ask you one last time, are you willing to join the Vine tribe?"

The one-armed middle-aged man struggled in his heart for a long time, then looked back at the tourists who were looking at him eagerly, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "We... are willing to join the Vine tribe..."

Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that these people would have a muscle and would not be willing to join the Vine tribe.

The next thing is simple.

After letting the tourists clean up easily, I gave them something to eat, and then brought these tourists directly back to the Veng tribe.