MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 42 1 litter of bamboo rats

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An hour later, Jiang Xuan and the three walked through the dense awn grass and finally found the place they saw on the tree.

Chishao squatted down and observed carefully, and found that several places on the ground had been excavated, and many buds of Miscanthus had also been gnawed.

"The wounds on these buds are still fresh. They should have been gnawed last night or today. The soil dug out of these shallow holes is also very fresh."

Chishao got up and said, "Look around to see if there are any holes. The bamboo rat should be nearby."

Jiang Xuan and Uncaria bent down and continued to drill in the nearby awn grass bushes. Fortunately, there were still many gaps under the tall awn grass bushes, otherwise it would be really difficult to drill.

Jiang Xuan didn't go far when he suddenly found a trail. The trail was about fifteen centimeters wide, very smooth, and the ground didn't even have moss or gravel. Obviously, wild animals often walked.

"This should be the way the bamboo rat came out, right?"

Jiang Xuan continued to follow this small road. The further he went, the more holes he found in the ground, and the more marks the buds of Miscanthus had been gnawed.

This made Jiang Xuan very excited, he felt that he was about to approach the big bamboo rat's nest.

After drilling for about five or six meters, Jiang Xuan suddenly saw a large pile of granular soil on the ground, but he didn't see where the hole was.

The upper layer of these soils is relatively fresh and moist, and the lower layer is relatively old and dry.

Next to this large pile of dirt, the traces of the bamboo rat's activities became more obvious. There were many miscanthus that fell on the ground, and the bottom was eaten.

"Sister, come here quickly."

Jiang Xuan shouted, and the red peony and Uncaria cut off the Miscanthus and got to Jiang Xuan's side.

Jiang Xuan pointed to the pile of dirt and said, "Sister, do you see if this was dug by a bamboo rat? But I didn't see any holes in the ground."

Chishao walked over, first trampled the nearby Miscanthus to the ground, clearing a space for movement, then pulled out a newly withered Miscanthus from the mound, and glanced at it.

Miscanthus seems to still be growing on the ground, but in fact the roots have already been gnawed, and it will fall off as soon as it is pulled. No wonder it will wither.

Chishao also pulled up other Miscanthus in the mound, but the result was the same, the roots had long been gnawed off.

"That's right, it's here."

As soon as Uncaria heard that the giant bamboo rat was here, he was excitedly looking around on the ground, hoping to find the giant bamboo rat's burrow.

Unfortunately, he searched for a long time and couldn't find it, so he asked in confusion, "The earth is all piled up here, why didn't you see the hole of the big bamboo rat?"

Chishao said: "The big bamboo rat is a very smart beast. After it enters the cave during the day, it will dig soil by itself and cover the cave again so that predatory beasts will not find it."

"Look, I just need to remove all this pile of dirt, and I should be able to find the real hole of the big bamboo rat."

Chishao pulled out all the rootless Miscanthus, and then quickly dug up the whole pile of soil with the bone stalk, clearing it aside.

Sure enough, when the real ground was exposed, the bamboo rat's nest was exposed.

Chishao dug out the loose soil, and then used the bone to dig 20 to 30 centimeters deep. An oval hole appeared in front of the three of them.

There are still a lot of Miscanthus poles in this cave. The red peony was all pulled out, and some of them were still dripping with juice. Obviously, the bamboo rat was still gnawing.

Chishao continued to dig with the bone stalk. After digging for about half a meter, a large pile of soil had already been cleared.

Fortunately, Chishao is a warrior and has great strength, because it is very tiring to dig so much soil with primitive tools such as bone stalks.

"Sister, let me come."

Jiang Xuan volunteered to take the bone stalk in Chishao's hand and continued to dig into it.

Unexpectedly, not long after he dug, the earth hole actually divided into two forks.


Jiang Xuan was dumbfounded. He thought that if he kept digging, he would be able to dig out the bamboo rat. No one thought that the bamboo rat would actually dig two holes. Where should he dig?

Chishao said, "The bamboo rat is very cunning. The place where it sleeps and the place where it really hides are separate."

"The place where it sleeps is usually made of soft grass as a nest, and there is a granary next to it to store food. Even if it encounters natural enemies blocking the outside, it can last for seven or eight days with these foods."

"The place where it is really used to hide from predators is much deeper than the place where it sleeps, and some will dig into other caves and escape directly."

Chishao walked over, observed the positions of the two caves, and then used the bone stalk to dig a hole on the left, not too far, and dug out a "granary", which stored a large number of inch-long Miscanthus rhizomes and sprouts.

After digging for a while, Chishao really dug out a nest made of soft grass leaves. This nest is obviously where the bamboo rat usually sleeps.

This cave is gone when it is dug here. Apparently, the bamboo rat hid in the deeper hole.

Chishao found a Miscanthus that was nearly two meters long, and poked into the undigged hole, and found that it was quite deep.

Chi Shao said helplessly, "Keep digging. Fortunately, the soil here is thick and there are not many stones. Otherwise, we might have dug to the end and found that the bamboo rat's hole was hidden under the big stone, and we couldn't dig it out at all."

"Uncaria, clean up the Miscanthus in front of you, and pay attention to the ground. If the hole of the bamboo rat goes up, it may dig through the ground and slip away."

"it is good!"

Uncaria immediately cleaned up the Miscanthus in the direction of the cave's extension, and then stayed there to listen carefully to the movement of the ground, so as not to let the bamboo rat have a chance to escape.

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao took turns digging. As they dug deeper and deeper, there was finally movement in the hole.


There was the sound of mud rolling in the hole, and the sound of the big bamboo rat digging the soil.

Chi Shao was refreshed and said, "It's almost digging to the end, the big bamboo rat is trying to dig a hole to escape!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Xuan digs faster. He is a one-colored warrior, and he has eaten many fruits of the whip tree.


Suddenly, Chi Shao told Jiang Xuan to stop and stared at the cave.

She found that a hairy head actually drilled out of the cave, which was a small bamboo rat.

This little bamboo rat is about the size of an adult's fist, and it obviously has no way to escape, so he just drilled outside to see if he could escape.

When the little bamboo rat left the cave and wanted to crawl out, Chi Shao quickly pressed its head with a wooden stick. She didn't dare to use too much force to avoid crushing the little bamboo rat to death.

With her other hand, she grabbed the little bamboo rat's tail and lifted it up.



The little bamboo rat is not big, but very fierce, with a threatening sound from his mouth, and a pair of front teeth colliding quickly, trying to use this method to scare people away.

However, it looks too small, UU reading looks very cute, not scary at all.

"Put it into the animal skin bag first. It's impossible for this little bamboo rat to dig such a deep hole, there must be something inside."

Chishao asked Jiang Xuan to take out an animal skin bag, put the little bamboo rat into the animal skin bag, and continued to stare at the cave.

After waiting for a while, no other big bamboo rat burrowed out. On the contrary, the sound of digging in the hole continued.

Chishao immediately picked up the bone and continued to dig.

Before digging too deep, two more bamboo rats came out, and were also caught by Chishao and put into the animal skin bag.

Chishao continued to dig. It didn't take long. The big bamboo rat found that it couldn't escape, and finally gave up and continued to dig. Like the first three little bamboo rats, he chose to climb out.

Chishao pressed the big bamboo rat with its bone stalk, then grabbed its hairless tail and lifted it upside down.


This big bamboo rat is much bigger than the bamboo rat Jiang Xuan had seen in his previous life, weighing 20 to 30 pounds, and it is very fierce.

Its two front teeth kept colliding with the lower teeth, making a deterrent sound, and at the same time, it turned its head, wanting to bite Chishao's hand.

Unfortunately, after being lifted upside down, it couldn't bite Chi Shao's hand holding its tail.

Chishao put the big bamboo rat into a sturdy animal skin bag, and said with a smile, "I'm lucky, I dug up a big bamboo rat with a cub, just so I can take it back for domestication."

Jiang Xuan also smiled and said, "Thanks to my sister's rich experience, otherwise we wouldn't be able to catch them even if we found them here."

Chi Shao said: "I also learned from the experience with the hunting team before."

"It's been a long time since I've been out today, let's go and go home."

With joy, the three embarked on the journey back to the tribe.