MTL - Thousand Autumns-~ Page 7

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There was nothing on the body except a green bamboo stick, not to mention copper coins, not even a little bit of dry food.

Yu Shengyan apparently left no room for it, and really planned to let Shen Yun go to death on his own.

The sun shines warmly on the body, with the breath of spring, is not uncomfortable.

He squinted slightly, raising his hand to cover his vision.

In fact, he is now able to perceive some external light. Although it is blurry and tingling and tearing for a long time, it is better than opening up his eyes and seeing nothing.

Shen Yan turned around and glanced at Bezhuang.

Although Huan Yuezong was uneasy from beginning to end, it is undeniable that they did accept themselves and give medicine to their doctors. This is an advantage that cannot be erased.

If we can see Yan Wushi again in the future, he still has to say thank you in person.

The author has something to say:

You can see that Shen San and Lao Yan's three views are ten thousand miles away ...

Yan Wushi: Let's go, see you soon anyway (^ _ ^) ~~

Shen Yun: Why is my life so bitter? _____ ㄒ

Chapter 6

At this time, more than two hundred years have passed since the Jin people moved southward. After experiencing the five hurricanes in the north, the territory gradually stabilized.

On the east and west sides of Qi and Tuesday, Qi Emperor Qiwei was absurd and indifferent to state affairs, which led to the decline of Northern Qi and the exile. North Zhou, under the rule of Emperor Yu Wenyu, was flourishing and the country was more stable and wealthy.

There is still a considerable distance from Funing County to Zhou, and there are many refugees along the way. If there is no adequate preparation to go on the road, then it is true that every day should not be called, and the ground is not working.

Beiqi began to experience severe drought from last year. In winter, even snow fell so little that last year's drought lasted until this year. From Tancheng to the south to the border of Chen State, there were refugees everywhere. It is said that some places even started Yizi eats food, Shen Yan feels that his eyesight is not good, and the fight can't beat others. About to reach the point where people eat, he is also grabbed by the people first.

Funing County is located to the north and is relatively close to Yuncheng. Although there was little rain last year, there was no major disaster. It was relatively stable. The county was quite large. It was very busy during the temple fair.

Qi Tuesday is located in the north. The Xianbei custom prevailed in the early years. Over time, it has gradually become Chinese. The clothes and clothing are also mixed with the style of the Xianbei in the Chinese language. This pursuit affects the folk, but all wealthy people also have long skirts, and hat-shaped skirts that are similar to Hu's styles. There are many styles. In the county town of Funing County, during the temple fair, they even presented a "small Beijing city". Sight.

The Jianggong Temple, which held the temple fair, was newly built later, and it was Jiang Taigong Jiang Shang who worshiped. The original Jianggong Temple was located in the south of the city. It was said that it was built in the Han Dynasty. Later, it was completely destroyed by the military disaster. There was only a broken shell. Inside, even the seated figure of Jiang Gong disappeared. It has become a shelter for the beggars and the poor.

Recently, there is one more person named Chen Gong who lives here.

He worked as a short-time worker in the rice shop in the city during the day, loading and unloading the rice. He did all these heavy tasks, because he had less money to spend on the leased house, and returned to the ruined temple in the dark. Freedom is that there are two other beggars in the ruined temple. They can't be a long-term residence. They have to take their money with them, and they have to take good care of the food, so as not to be taken away.

When he returned that evening, he noticed that there were more people in the ruined temple.

A man in a gray robe, sitting there.

Chen Gong frowned subconsciously at first. The ruined temple was not big at all. If there was one more person, it was as if his own site had been taken up again.

Then he noticed that the other man was holding a paper bag in his hand, and slowly ate it with a sip, the aroma was coming out of the paper bag.

It was the scent of a donkey cake, and he smelled it. When my dad was alive, Chen Gong also ate a few times. After the death of my father, the stepmother kicked him out with his own children. The money he carried in the rice bag every day could n’t wait for one to save it. Can you still taste this?

The aroma evoked memories of his long absence, and Chen Gong swallowed a sip.

At the second glance, Chen Gong saw a bulging paper bag next to the man.

In other words, there is a donkey pie.

Not only Chen Gong, but the other two beggars also noticed, one of them had already said loudly: "Hey, you live here, and asked if we have, the temple is small, so many people ca n’t live, do n’t hurry out!”

Chen Gong knew that the other party was deliberately looking for differences, and he didn't squeak. He went directly to the place where he usually lives and sat down, gathered the haystacks, his ears were still up, and his eyes didn't leave the donkey meat cake.

The gray robe said warmly: "I have nowhere to go. I see there is a place here, and I want to come in for a rest. I am grateful if this brother can do it easily."

The beggar said, "If you want to stay and rest, you will give everything to you!"

Chen Gong sneered with disdain: "I don't want your belongings. As long as you pay for food, I'm willing to help you block those two people!"

The beggar said angrily: "Chen Dalang, we haven't recruited you yet, why are you having trouble with us!"

Chen Gong is not very old, only 16 years old, and he is not very tall, but the young man has good flexibility and patience, and he has a strong spirit in his bones, otherwise he won't come up later and can occupy the largest in this broken temple. A "site".

"Why, you are allowed to speak, you are not allowed to speak?" Chen Gong said lazily.

They are beggars, but in the city they are all linked to each other and communicate with each other. Depending on their own two people, they may not be afraid of Chen Gong.

The man didn't talk about Chen Gong anymore, but instead stood up and grabbed the donkey sandwich next to the gray-clad man. "Don't talk nonsense, give everything out of you. You want to enter the temple door, you have to rely on it. Grandpa has the last word! "

Before the hand touched the food, his wrist was choked, and the beggar was furious: "Chen, you want to worry about your business again, I'm having something to stop you ?!"

Chen Gong picked up the donkey cake: "I want to eat too, why don't you ask me!"

He said he opened the paper bag and took a bite first. He was proud of himself: "I have eaten. Would you like it?"

The beggar rushed over to fight Chen Gong, who hurriedly shoved the paper bag into his arms. The two scuffled into a ball. The other beggar joined him. The scene of the fight changed from two to three. Chen Gong was no better than the other two. He is not taller than the other two, but the secret of his win is to fight hard and die hard enough.

After slamming one of the beggars on the stomach, Chen Gong clapped his hands and sipped on his hips: "Lao Tzu has been patient with you for a long time, relying on you to come first, and you ca n’t go with me everywhere, originally I spit in my food secretly, don't think I didn't see it! Do you still fight? Come on! Anyway, I have nothing to lose, and you can let it go if you have the ability! "

The other side stabbed him fiercely. He heard a glance at his companion who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. He immediately persuaded him, leaned back, and ran.

The companion saw him run away, naturally he didn't dare to fight anymore, covered his stomach, oh oh oh, got up, put some hard words "Your boy is waiting for me", and then limped out.

Chen Gong took the uneaten donkey meat pie from his arms and took another bite, satisfied: "Okay, did you buy it from Li Ji in Chengnan? The meat is chewy, hot and hot to me Your chest is almost ripe! "

For this donkey meat, he felt that the one just hit was worthwhile. Anyway, he had long seen the two people displeased. He just caught a chance today, and would be able to monopolize it here.

Seeing that the man in gray didn't say a word, he said again, "Hey, what about you, dumb?"

The other person looked up: "You beat them away, aren't you afraid they will come back to seek revenge?"

Chen Gong found out that the other person's eyes seemed to have some problems, his eyes were dim, and it seemed that he was not looking at him.

After looking at the bamboo stick next to the man, he was shocked: Dare is not dumb, but a blind man.

He snorted and said disdainfully, "Afraid? I've never been scared! What can they do like a bear?"

Chen Gong looked up and down on the gray-clad man. He was in a coarse cloth. There was nothing unusual in the material and nothing unusual in his dress. The only thing he could see was that face.

To put it bluntly, he is not as homeless as he is, but rather a traveler.

"Who is your last name? Seeing that you don't look dismal, why did you come here? Here, even the mouse is unwilling to make holes!"

The grey-clad man nodded in the direction of him and said, "My name is Shen Wei, and I have no money because I am sick. I had to find it here, live for a few days, wait for some money, and then go home. Thank you for helping me drive those two away. I wonder how I should call you? "

Yu Shengyan's words were half-true and half-false, and he couldn't fully believe it, but if he didn't go to Xuandu Mountain, Shen Yuan had nowhere else to go. He thought about it and decided to go to Xuandu Mountain first.

Xuandu Mountain is located on the border between Beizhou and Nanchen. There are two ways to go to Xuandu Mountain. One is to go south from here until after entering the Chen Dynasty, and then go to the northeast, which is equivalent to a large circle. The other road is Going south directly from here is relatively closer and more convenient.

Shen Yan chose the way behind.

Although the world is chaotic, because Funing County is not affected by disasters, it is fairly peaceful and prosperous. It is a rare piece of pure land in a troubled world. As Shen Ying said just now, he has no money and can only rectify here.

His eyesight recovered slowly, but not without progress. When the light was sufficient during the day, he could see a vague outline. Compared to the situation where he could not see his fingers when he just woke up, it was very good. Chen Gong Sit down: "Whatever you want, my last name is Chen Minggong, you just call me Chen Dalang, then you just ate a donkey cake, just as it is the cost of your stay here today, I will help you drive those two out, plus For tomorrow, you will have to pay back my three donkey sandwiches tomorrow! "

Shen Yan smiled: "Okay."