MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 18 Carl's idea

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Wouldn't it be a coincidence? Downey felt inexplicable weirdness and fear like a big hand, holding his heart tightly, causing breathing difficulties.

"You, too, have nightmares?" He asked anxiously, even if he tried to make the sound smooth and normal, but after exiting, it continued to drift like smoke at night.

"Yes." Carl adjusted his breathing first, and answered Downey's question. Then his clear silvery purple eyes looked at Sami and others with a solemn, solemn, "I dreamed that Sami was His ghost possessed himself, lost his consciousness, and walked to the center of the 'Eternal Sleeping Graveyard', and Downey and Jones followed him in order to find the reason ... "

"Me too!" Before Carl's words were finished, Downey and Jones blurted out at the same time, their expressions and eyes were terrified. How many people in the bedroom had the same nightmare?

Is this too weird?

Is there really a ghost wandering in the bedroom, affecting everyone secretly? Or a curse in the collective?

Downey swallowed hard, and the cold sweat on his forehead gathered, sliding across his face, feeling the fear and fear never before seen.

"You all are the same? Follow Sammy into the tomb and see the" First Body "and find something sealed under it?" Carl's epilogue was a bit high, as if astonished and scared, but faintly excited.

Jones said blankly: "Well, when we marched through the tomb, undead creatures such as mummy, dragon lich, ghost and so on still turned a blind eye to us. It turned out to be because of dreaming ... I said. It's impossible for everyone to have me like this "Talent, but, but why I was noticed, affected, and had the same dreams as you ..."

In horror, he kept mumbling to himself, and it seemed that he didn't believe that he would be involved in this weird thing without a sense of existence. At this time, he really showed the 17-year-old boy's Mind.

The more you listen. Downey was more certain. Everyone did have the same nightmare, but it was also a nightmare from a different perspective, or so to speak, waiting for someone to complete an opera.

How could this weird thing happen!

"What about you, Sammy? What did you dream of?" Carl jumped out of bed. His eyes stared at Sammy. He is wearing a thin shirt. Back straight.

Sammy sat on the bed, and the ghost behind him seemed to have lost his vitality and swayed lazily. He never spoke, and seemed to be immersed in the nightmare.

Hearing Carl's question, Sammy shivered, and the remaining confusion on his face turned into fear: "I, I dreamed that I was summoned by something, walking uncontrollably forward, all the way Above, the darkness was silent, as if the ultimate destination in the legend. Later, later, the huge corpse composed of countless intelligent creatures appeared, so that I woke up and felt like I had entered a dream-like world, struggling to wake up. Come, but I ca n’t wake up until I feel death ... ”

His voice was like a nightmare, not clear enough, but enough for Carl and Downey and others to understand that Sammy had the same nightmare! It was just that he was standing at his own angle, his eyes were closed with his eyes closed, and he felt it.

"Carr, this thing is too weird. I don't think we can solve it at all. Let's go to the college at dawn?"

Fat Jones and Sammy immediately nodded in agreement. Although they have their own talents, they are unavoidably a little proud, but after all, they are still underage children, even without the strength of a formal magician. They will surely panic and seek out what they can rely on, and there is no doubt that the college with many advanced magicians and even teachers is their inner pillar.

The reason why he asked Carl was that Downey realized from his dream that he had a cat-like sense of curiosity and exploration. He might inspire himself to investigate secretly, so he first used an inquiry method to dispel his eagerness and his background. Deep, maybe you can see something and give valuable advice.

Carl walked back and forth a few steps in the dormitory, suddenly suddenly said lowly: "What if it is a hidden experiment of the college?"

"What? College experiments?" Three surprised voices sounded, shocked and unbelievable.

"I just said in case, after all, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Maybe which faculty member is studying the relationship between soul and dream? This seems to be different from ordinary dreams based on brain structure. If this is secret, not Experiments that are willing to be known to other arcanists, we rashly report to the Academy, maybe they will be ... "Carl made a throat slitting action.

Downey was startled, his voice trembling, "It's just possible ..."

His voice was getting lower, because he found it really possible! This is in Heidler's Miscellaneous Lock and the "Tower of Life". Whoever wants to secretly affect themselves and others, it is difficult to escape the induction unless the induction will not be processed ...

Suddenly the entire bedroom became extremely quiet, and only the sound of breathing was a sign that there were living things.

"But we're just magic apprentices ..." Sammy frowned, clutching her velvet quilt tightly with her hands, her hands bulging.

Sitting at the foot of the bed like a ghost, Jones seemed to be trying to cover up his own existence: "Don't scare yourself, if the college's secret experiments, we can't escape anything, so why not gamble? I don't want to be like this every day Have nightmares, waiting for the end of the day, and hope that the people behind them are not malicious! I don't want to! "

He has a secret journalist career for nearly two years, and can reasonably think, but when it comes to the back, he also shows a kind of hysteria.

"Everyone has the same nightmare ... this level of strength is not something we can secretly investigate ..." Downey managed to remain calm.

Carl smiled unexpectedly, in the dark bedroom, like a starlight, water lotus blooms: "I know, I mean, don't rush to report to the college first, I have a secret channel to contact the outside world, I will This matter is passed on. Professionals are asked to analyze the reasons and give suggestions. After all, there are several ways to make several people have a nightmare at the same time. We do n’t have the ability to judge which one. After that, we make a decision and wait. Rescue, or report to the college. "

"It only takes one more day. It should not be too dangerous."

Secret channels? professional? Donny suddenly remembered Carl's deep background. It was like seeing the dawn in the night, and said with a little excitement: "Really? Then please!"

As Carl. It should not be difficult to deal with such a sneaky conspirator!

If he really has terrible strength. Why cringe in the shadows? Stand up long ago to overthrow Parliament and do what you want to do!

Jones and Sammy were equally excited, looking at Carl together, until Carl nodded gently. They were quietly relieved. One shrank even further into the corner. One eyelid started to fight and looked around.

"I thought you would encourage us to investigate and explore ourselves ..." Downey said casually, relaxed.

Carl laughed aloud: "Am I so reckless and don't know the priority?"

image! Downey, Sammy and Jones all secretly said.

"I have a keen sense of inheritance from my parents. When I feel that things can't be solved by myself. I will find someone to help." Carl slightly said, "I will pass things on and wait for dawn Mr. Lippe's public class. "

He seemed to have forgotten his previous fears and fears, and became "carefree" again.

"Yeah, Mr. Felipe's public class, I have to hurry up to sleep." Sammy nodded, looking very anxious for sleep, and never felt like a nightmare.

Although Felipe's expertise is not in the direction of the ghost, he is the most well-known Necromancer in the past two or three decades, so Sami also worships him and wants to listen to his public lessons.

Talking, Sammy lay down again, and within a minute, the three heard the familiar breathing sounds when he fell asleep again.

Carl raised his eyebrows: "I suddenly admired him so much that he could fall asleep without worrying about insomnia."

"Your focus is completely wrong ..." Jones whispered. How dull and confused his brain was at this time. "My roommates are really monsters ..."

Downey glanced at him, so did you, only I was normal!

However, according to Carl, the huge undead creature I saw was the "first body"?


Outside the Heidler School of Magic, tombstones are obliquely inserted, while the graves behind them are cluttered around a huge tomb, but hidden in mystery ~ ~ Two figures are gray from the necropolis Lowering into the bleak sky, a baby-faced blond young man smiled at the man beside him and said, "Mr. Felipe, this time intending to establish a branch of a genetic laboratory in the college?"

He seemed to be using the power of the Miscellaneous Lock, so he was able to make a sound in the "permanent graveyard."

Felipe still has high nose and thin lips, handsome and thin, full face sickness, hands in the black long trench coat pockets, looked left and right, briefly said: "There can be a lot of factors to avoid research."

He wore only two badges on his chest, one was a member of the Arcane Audit Committee with a "hand-held quill", and one was a pale palm-shaped badge. There was no arcane badge or magic badge.

Seeing that Felipe did not have an in-depth communication, the baby-faced man smiled and did not dare to ask any more. He accompanied him through the "permanent cemetery" and walked towards the main entrance of the college.

Suddenly, Felipe stopped and stared sharply at the dark grave in the center.

His expression didn't seem to change, but the whole thing was a little more gloomy.

"Mr. Felipe?" The baby-faced man asked in confusion.

Felipe pulled his white gloved right hand out of his pocket, and pointed to the center: "There seems to be a bit of death there."

"This?" The baby-faced man didn't think it was a problem at all.

Felipe gave a cold snoring, without explanation, and directly commanded: "After the public class, give me the information of the last three days of the lock record."