MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 520 Old guy, you still want to make excuses!

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Chapter 520 Old guy, you still want to quibble!

Hideki's eyes darkened, the wind blew by, and there was a rustle in the forest behind them.

“Ten princess, if you tell the truth about some things, it may be cruel...”

 “I’m not afraid!” Qi Xiuwei interrupted hastily.

Seeing her like this, Xiumu could only sigh.

 Pretending to feel sorry.

"Master Qi is our internal agent in Cangyun Kingdom. He was bribed by us before you were born. Rather than saying that he is your father, it is better to say that he takes care of you on behalf of King Da Ri. He is from Changliu Kingdom. warrior."

As he spoke, Hideki seemed to comfort him: "Princess, please don't feel sad for his sacrifice. If he can take care of you to this point, the King of the Sun will definitely grant him the title of Marquis."

Qi Xiuwei lowered her head and sneered calmly.

 She handed the paper to Hideki.

Xiumu said: "Ten Princess, we must leave Cangyun Kingdom immediately. The carriage prepared by Wei Chen is waiting for you at the bottom of the mountain. You go down the mountain first. Wei Chen will deal with Princess Funing and then come to meet you."

Qi Xiuwei glanced back at Shen Ningning lying in the pavilion.

She pursed her lips and said, "You'd better hurry up, otherwise it will be too late when her maid comes back."

"Don't worry, princess." Xiumu handed over his hand and arranged for four followers to accompany Qi Xiuwei down the mountain.

 At the foot of Qingshan, the carriage arranged by Hideki was already standing there alone.

Strangely enough, there was not even a coachman.


There was the sound of sharp arrows piercing the air in the woods.

With a "swish", the entourage behind Qi Xiuwei was shot through the heart and died!

The Qingyun Army led by Jiang Zhi appeared, raising their swords high: "Kill the thief!"

 Several followers suddenly panicked: "Set off smoke bombs quickly and tell Mr. Hideki to run away!"

 However, as soon as they took out a tube of cigarette bombs, Qi Xiuwei held down their wrists.

The entourage was shocked: "Princess Ten, you..."

 Qi Xiuwei's beautiful face was full of cold disgust.

“I am not the tenth princess, I, Qi Xiuwei, am a citizen of Cangyun Kingdom!”

Several attendants immediately took out their daggers and tried to hold her hostage. Fortunately, Jiang Zhi arrived in time and killed the attendants.

 Qi Xiuwei had some blood splashed on her face, but she couldn't care less about herself.

“Hurry up the mountain, Ning Ning is alone, I’m afraid she’s in danger!”

Although Shen Ningning pretended to be drunk, the experts brought by Xiumu were all hiding in the woods.

Jiang Zhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry, the mountains are full of the prince's people. How could he let Ning Ning stay alone?"

 Qi Xiuwei quickly picked up her skirt and followed Jiang Zhi and Qingyun Jun up the mountain.

 However, after returning to Peach Blossom Pavilion, he saw neither Shen Ningning nor Hideki and others.

At this moment, a smoke bomb was set off somewhere in the mountain.

Jiang Zhi raised his head and frowned immediately.

“No, Ning Ning and the others didn’t seem to catch Xiumu and let him escape!”

"What?" Qi Xiuwei's heart skipped a beat.

 The situation that has been carefully laid out for so long is still allowed to run away by this old fox?

Jiang Zhi immediately dispersed his soldiers and ordered them to block the road and surround Xiumu.

 However, I'm afraid that Hideki will escape into the mountains along the trail.

at the same time.

 A group of elite soldiers and generals escorted Hideki through the mountains and fields at high speed.

As soon as Qi Xiuwei left, Xiumu immediately fled with others.

“Mr. Hideki, this is the best opportunity to kill Princess Funing, and you just leave like this?” His confidant was a little anxious.

Hideki's face was cold and calm. He threw the paper in his arms to his confidants.

“See for yourself, do you think it’s really that easy for Qi Xiuwei to trick her into getting the secret recipe for gunpowder? Oh, I already knew they had a problem!”

The confidant opened the paper and took a look, and sure enough... the secret recipe for gunpowder was a recipe written by Shen Ningning.

"One tael of saltpeter, two taels of pork heads...this..." The confidant suddenly reacted: "How dare Qi Xiuwei! She is not afraid, we checked on the spot, and when we found out the clues, we detained her." Hideki sneered: "Of course she is not afraid, you Didn’t you notice that the road up the mountain is clean without a single fallen leaf? This is wrong, unless a large number of people have already gone up the mountain before us, they are afraid they are hiding somewhere, just waiting to catch us all!"

 Speaking, Xiumu quickened his pace.

 “Let’s go quickly! We must leave the capital before dark. Then the troops will be divided into three groups.”

“But Mr. Hideki, we haven’t found the third prince yet.”

“I can’t care so much anymore. The third prince must have joined his secret guards. He knows how to protect his own safety.”

After Hideki finished speaking, he sneered in his heart.

 He was called the wisest man in three hundred years by the King of the Sun.

Even if Shen Ningning led people behind them, she would never have imagined that they would leave along the road to the west.

Except for this road, Hideki has already placed confusing things on the rest of the road.

 Shen Ningning wanted to fight him, but she was still young.

The sky was clear, but the woods were dense, covering the path forward in darkness.

Hideki and his group were walking quickly through the woods. It only took half a stick of incense to walk before they could reach the embankment.

 The ship they prepared for their escape was already waiting.


 A figure appeared in front of him.

Hideki suddenly stopped alertly.


The man walked forward slowly, and it turned out to be Tuo Ye, whom he hadn't seen for many days!

Hideki was shocked, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Third Prince, how could it be you?”

"I heard that Qi Xiuwei and Shen Ningning were going to meet here today, so I came here to stay early." Tuoye's voice was imperceptibly cold.

Hideki was overjoyed: "That's great. You can leave with Wei Chen now. Shen Ningning and the others think they have set a trap. We must not let them succeed."

He walked forward quickly. When he passed Takuno, Takuno suddenly took out a sharp dagger from his sleeve and struck directly at Hideki!

"Mr. Hideki, be careful!" His confidants were the first to react and rushed to protect Hideki.

Tuo Ye struck quickly and accurately, and the dagger plunged directly into the chest of his henchman.

 A trickle of blood flows out.

The confidant didn't even have time to say a word before he fell down with his eyes open.

Hideki was shocked. He raised his head and said, "Third Prince, you?!"

Tuo Ye holds the dagger, like an evil ghost coming back from **** to seek life, his eyes are brown and black and cold.

"Old man, you want to kill me? I tell you, today is your death anniversary, you can't run away!"

 After saying that, he rushed towards Hideki.

At the same time, many secret guards from Tuoye sprang out from the surrounding woods, fighting with the elite soldiers and generals brought by Hideki.

Hideki's body was covered with paint, his forehead was cut, and blood was flowing everywhere.

He ran for his life in front, and Tuoye chased him wildly until Hideki tripped over a stone and was completely trampled under his feet by Tuoye.

Hideki spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Third, why are you doing this? Who provoked you!"

"Provocation? Don't think that I don't know. It's a lie to find the tenth princess, but it's true that you want to take the opportunity to get rid of me! Are you bribed by my elder brother, or someone else?"

Xiumu was shocked and immediately realized: "It was Shen Ningning who tried to divorce her!"

Takuno angrily put the dagger on Hideki's neck, causing a **** mark.

 “Old guy, you still want to quibble!” He told Hideki about the day he lay on the roof and overheard the conversation between the two.

One of them once appeared in Hideki's room late at night.

This old guy must be hiding what he is discussing.

Hearing this, Xiumu was so anxious that he vomited blood.

"You are confused, Third Prince! Those are Princess Funing's people!"

 (End of this chapter)