MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2238 pay money in

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Zilan was not used to the members of the Liu family, so she did it right away.

And the Liu family had already seen Zilan's temper that she would strike at the slightest disagreement, so they immediately attacked one after another, saving Cheng Shan before he could fly into the air.

Zi Chen sneered, "Want to fight? Then we will accompany you and see who dies first!"

"Stop messing around here, it was you who stole our things first!"

Liu Jia scolded angrily, "Return the map immediately, and this matter will be considered closed."


A cold light flashed in Zi Chen's eyes, "Do you want to lose face? How did you get your map, don't you know?"

The two sides are **** for tat, obviously not backing down.

Although there are only four people on Zi Chen's side, he is confident in breaking arms with the Liu family.

The big deal is to use all means and send these people to heaven.

"The mantra is probably in another town, can you sit down and have a good talk."

Zhang Qingshan said, "Continuing to quarrel like this is not an option after all."

Although he is only at the eighth level of spiritual enlightenment, the Liu family dare not lose face.

Even if they had heard the news, the Zhang family didn't have any decent experts this time, they were just juniors.

Zhang is notoriously united, if he knows that Zhang Qingshan has not been respected here, or has been wronged, it will definitely be very troublesome to go out in the future.

Zi Chen took out the map, opened it, glanced at it, and then said: "This map was bought by Lao Chen with his life, and I will not go around with you. If you want to enter another hidden town, you can take money. This map is It is equivalent to the continuation of Lao Chen's life, and no one can get in for free!"

Without waiting for the members of the Liu family to respond, Zi Chen said directly: "One hundred thousand spiritual money per person, no credit!"

"One hundred thousand, you are crazy about money, it is ours!"

Liu Jia wanted to step forward to **** it, and the eyes of the rest of the Liu family also had murderous intent.

Others are also staring at the map in Zi Chen's hand.

For years, no one has entered Hidden Town, and this is their only chance.

"If you have no money, get out!"

Zichen looked disdainful, "Also, if Chengshan wants to go in, he has to give me 200,000 yuan!"

Then he said: "As for the others, fifty thousand at the Enlightenment Realm and one hundred thousand at the Mountain Cheng Realm!"

"you wanna die!"

Everyone in the Liu family was furious, this was obviously deliberately targeted.

They can't afford to lose face.

"It's fine if you don't give it."

Zi Chen turned around and was about to leave.

The members of the Liu family dispersed and surrounded the four of them again.

A cold light flashed in Zi Chen's eyes, "Kill!"

Wu Haoqi, Wang Yiling, and Zilan are ready to attack.

Zhang Qingshan stepped aside and came between the two parties, "Our Zhang family will give it first, these belong to the six of us."

Zhang Qingshan took out a cloth bag, "We don't have enough cash. These are crystals of spiritual origin. Although they are the lowest grade, each piece can be exchanged for a thousand spiritual coins."

There are 600 of them, which means Zhang Qingshan doubled the price.

Zi Chen didn't expect Zhang Qingshan to be so generous, and was startled for a moment.

Zhang Qingshan said: "Everyone is here for opportunities, and conflicts can be avoided if possible. This is our sincerity."

In fact, he has seen that Zichen is not afraid of the Liu family, nor does he plan to have a good talk with the Liu family, so he took the initiative to come forward.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Zi Chen took Zhang Qingshan's things, and then looked at the Liu family.

Someone made a sample, and the people from the Liu family didn't bother anymore, and directly took out the resources.

They don't carry so much spiritual money with them, so they can only use the crystal of spiritual source instead. In real conversion, Zichen can still make some money on the exchange rate.

And Zichen also sensed that the energy contained in a piece of spiritual source crystal is more than one thousand spiritual coins, so he is also happy.

After collecting those from the Liu family, Zi Chen looked at the others.

Although many people died on this day, there are still hundreds of people who survived.

If it is calculated according to the minimum 50,000 spiritual coins per person, Zi Chen's income will be unimaginable.

"If there is any more, forget it." Zi Chen looked into the distance.

Several people gave Zichen resources.

Then one after another, some people took out spiritual money or crystals of spiritual origin.

Immediately, he stood on the left side of Zichen.

Everyone here has paid.

"That friend, you didn't pay, please stand here."

Zi Chen looked at a person who was trying to walk to the left.

"Is this your place?" The man turned his head to look at Zi Chen, "I can stand wherever I want, you can control me?"

Zi Chen smiled, "Excuse me, when we leave, you can do whatever you want. Look, this place is still very big."

"You also said that this place is very big, so why don't you just roll aside?" The man said with sarcasm in his eyes, "This place is public, I want to stand here!"

Zi Chen smiled again, "Send him to heaven!"

Zilan shot, a green light wrapped around the man and flew to the sky.


Flowers of blood bloom.

Zi Chen shook his head, "I've already lived till now, so why bother?"

"Hey, are you being too unreasonable? Everyone can come to this place, why can't people stand there?"

Some people complained.

Immediately, there was a matching voice.

Zi Chen shook his head and sighed, "Hey...send them to heaven!"

Zilan continued to shoot, and all the people who spoke, even those who nodded and said nothing, also went to the sky together.

The sp of blood; the flower of blood, continues to bloom.

Everyone's face changed drastically, they didn't expect Zi Chen to be so decisive.

Not to mention, Zilan's strength is so strong!

Among the people who had just ascended to heaven, there were three from the Seventh Heaven of Enlightenment, but even when they were well prepared, they still couldn't get rid of Zilan's attack.

"My friend, even if what they said was wrong before, you can't kill people casually."

A young man stepped forward, "This is Du Bin, from the Du family in Yiyang County."

When everyone heard this, there was joy on their faces.

The Du family was as famous as the Liu family, and obviously they couldn't understand Zi Chen's arrogance, and planned to stop it.

What's the difference between this and Ming Qiang?

"I haven't heard of the Du family, but I know the Zhang family. Are you better than the Zhang family?" Zi Chen looked at Du Bin.

Du Bin got a big blush, if the Zhang family was not there, of course bragging was fine, but the Zhang family was right in front of him, how could he dare to talk nonsense.

"We can't compare to the Zhang family, but our Du family naturally has extraordinary background." Du Bin said: "Everyone can get together, it's fate, and you got the map, it's just good luck."

Zi Chen frowned.

Du Bin continued: "Don't you don't want to listen. Although I represent the Du family, I don't want to use the power of the family to oppress you. I just want to reason with you. Don't think that if you are lucky enough to get the map, you can oppress others. In other words, this thing should be shared, you get the map to show that you have the right to use it, but you don’t have the right to refuse everyone, so you have to share the map.”

Zi Chen seemed to have heard a big joke, seeing the other party's serious expression, he lost his breath.

So he said, "Do you know why the Du family is not as good as the Zhang family?"

"Why?" asked Dupin.


Zi Chen said: "The Zhang family has given the resources to you. You rubbish, you still want me to share it? Lao Chen has been killed by the Liu family for this map, and his family is almost destroyed. This is something he desperately wanted. , what kind of dog are you, let me share the map? Why don't you share the treasures of your family?"

Zi Chen was really angry, it was enough to have a shameless Liu family.

Unexpectedly, another Du family came.

"Send him to heaven!"

With Zi Chen waving his hand, Du Bin went to heaven.

Even though several Qilings and a Chengshan shot, they couldn't stop Zilan from killing people.

Zilan really felt Zichen's anger, so she became serious.

Doberman turned into a flower of blood.

"you wanna die!"

Murderous intent began to surge, and members of the Du family surrounded him one after another.

Seeing this, the members of the Liu family were all happy.

They are happy to see dog eat dog on both sides.

Zhang Qingshan said: "I said, are you really shameless? What is the purpose of getting a map so hard? If it were you, could you share it for free?"

Zhang Qingshan should give some face.

Cheng Shan waved his hand and said, "Give me the money!"

Zi Chen said: "You and the Liu family have the same price, 100,000 for Qiling and 200,000 for Chengshan!"

The price has doubled!

The Du family was furious, obviously not willing to suffer this loss, and decided not to give it.

Immediately afterwards, the others did not give either.

Next, as long as the members of the Du family can go in, they can obviously go in too.

It is a fool not to take advantage of the advantages!

Zi Chen didn't force it either, but looked at the people who paid the money, "Follow me!"

Zi Chen took the map and moved forward.

Those who paid the money followed.

Those who did not pay also followed.

Zi Chen did not stop. UU reading

When he came to a shop, Zi Chen glanced at the map and said, "Ten people go in first."

Everyone was startled, why did ten people go in first?

Isn't everyone going in?

"The opening time of the gate is limited, hurry up!" Zi Chen began to urge.

In an instant, several people rushed out, but they were not those who paid, but those who wanted to take advantage.

They rushed into the shop, and their bodies decomposed directly.

Everyone's face changed drastically!

Including those who paid.

If they went in, they might be dead at this moment, so they all stared at Zichen, wanting to explain.

Zichen smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I made a mistake in the room number, it's the one next to me."

Seeing Zi Chen's expression, the ghost believed that Zi Chen made a mistake, obviously on purpose.

Zi Chen said again: "Next, you line up, and according to my instructions, let you go in as many as you want, and just go in as few as you want."

Worried that everyone would not listen, Zi Chen said again: "You only have one chance, if you miss it, you will continue to pay."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the next house, and he pointed to the front, "Ten in."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Those who want to take advantage of it don't dare to rush forward.

Just when Zi Chen's face was ugly, the people in front finally moved, and they entered the front nervously.

At this moment, ripples appeared in front of him, and a portal appeared out of thin air.

Everyone was overjoyed and walked in immediately.

With the last person gone, the portal shuts itself.

Everyone else also breathed a sigh of relief.

Zi Chen was expressionless, and walked to the next building, which is a private house, "Go in ten more."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, someone rushed out next to him, none of whom had been paid.