MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 63 Hang Ning Wang

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Now Rui Wang has become a target of public criticism. Before being suspected of attacking his younger brother, he is now suspected of assassinating his brother. This kind of filial act is not determined yet, but in the eyes of everyone, in addition to flying, Rui Wang has one more. There is no crime of filial piety.

Qingde Emperor did not think that two things involved the three sons. He looked at the arrow that was put up by the Guards in the Imperial Case. He only sighed for a long time. Regardless of the facts, Yuaner was not a material for the Emperor. .

"Your Majesty, Shugui Yu Niang asked for help," the **** general manager came in and came to him.

Qingdedi stood up and walked to the window and looked at the woman standing outside the courtyard. He closed his eyes and said, "Let Shugui go back, and say that the government is busy and she does not see her."

The **** supervisor showed a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then he resumed his face. After a ritual retreat, it seems that the emperor was disappointed with the three halls.

"The noble lady, the emperor is dealing with government affairs at this time, I am afraid I can't see you." The **** supervisor went to the front of Shugui, and respectfully said, "You still have to come back."

"The emperor does not want to see this palace?" Shugui looked at the open door, his heart was annoyed, turned and left, apparently angry with the act of the emperor.

"Congratulations to the lady," said the eunuch's general manager, who bent down and looked at Shugui's hurriedly leaving his sight. Then I slowly stood up straight, showing a smile that was no different from the past. Shu Guifei’s temper has not changed for so many years. It’s just this juncture. What are you doing with this temper?

Shugui took out the gate of the Tianqi Palace. After sitting down, he sank a face, and even the bright sunshine did not make her look better.

When Jing Guizhen met Shu Guifei in the Royal Garden, she was holding two large-scale rose flowers in her hand and saw the ugly face of the other party. She smiled and said: "Where is this sister?"

"Sister is very interested," Shugui snorted. "There is no serious injury to the royal king."

"Isn't it God bless you," Jing Guizhen handed the flowers to the palace lady around him. "I don't know how the injured person feels at this time."

Shugui sneered a sneer, she never looked at Webster's pretense, and used the rhetoric to make a happy time, indicating that the eunuchs who were carrying the steps continued to go, and there was no meaning at all.

Jinggui blinked at the departure of Shugui’s popular and desperate, lazy and revealed a smile: “This palace likes her temper.” Otherwise, why can she climb to this position?

When everyone decided to do this with Rui Wang, Dali Temple Shaoqing Tian Daren said something in the Dang Dynasty. The content of this speech made the people in the DPRK very surprised.

Tian Daren said that Dali Temple received a report from the Ruiwang House in the three months before the end of the king's assassination. It said that it was a lot of trees lost in Houshan. Although it was not a valuable thing, it was not to be derailed, but it was still in Dali Temple. .

"Tian Daren's words mean that because there are people reporting on the case of the three brothers, they have no connection with the three brothers," He said with some funny words. "I wonder if the adults thought about it, what did the three brothers deliberately do?"

"How the truth of this case is, the minister is still unknowable, the minister is only reporting the things he knows to the emperor," Tian Jinyu did not care about the martyrdom of Ning Wang. Instead, he went to Qingde Emperor for a courtesy. "The emperor, the minister also checked." By the end of March, the Guards had encountered some carriages carrying timber in the suburbs of Beijing. After asking them, they knew that these people were the servants of His Royal Highness, and even some of them showed the waist of His Royal Highness.

"The letter is yellow, the king was just a man who had repaired the Bezhuang in the suburbs of Beijing. He had been fired six months ago. It is something that everyone in Beijing knows. What does Tian Daren mean?" He did not expect Tian Jinxi took things to himself and suddenly angered. "This king looks at you and is deliberately deliberate, deliberately framing the king in front of his father."

"Please ask the King of Ning Wang to be angry, and the minister has said that the minister has only said something that has been found. It does not mean that this matter is related to you." Tian Jinxi said to him, "Maybe it is just a coincidence." ”

Qingde’s eyes looked at his eldest son with a slight gaze. He trusted him for Tian Jinxi. After all, this was the person he met when he was not enthroned. He was impatient to interrupt the message that He Wei had not yet exported. Let the people in the Ministry of Industry check to see how much wood you used to repair the Zhuangzhuang." After that, he turned to Tian Jin and said, "Tian Aiqing knows how much wood Ning Wang had entered."

"Wei Chen has already found out, please see the emperor." Tian Jin squatted and put his hands and hands on him. When he saw the **** of the temple, he presented the eclipse to the emperor's hand, and he retreated to the side silently.

"Father, do you not believe in the children?!" He Wei looked at the man in the high position with disbelief. He slammed his sigh. "The children will never make such a filial piety, please ask the father to see." ”

"Isn't it for people to check it out? Let's get up," Qingde emperor waved his hand. "Tomorrow, you have to know the result and retreat!"

When the emperor left, the ministers left in twos and threes. He looked ugly and looked at Tian Jinxi. The calm expression of the other party made his heart anger more vigorous. "Tian Daren is really a good dog, biting people to half. Life."

Tian Jinyu lifted his eyelids and handed it to him: "Ning Wang’s Highness and the House of Directors laughed. Wang Ye and his friends with Xiaochen, it’s better to go back and check where the wood is wrong."

"A good Tian Jinyu!" He Yan's face was blue and his sleeves went away.

Tian Jin’s eyes glared at Ning Wang’s anger and rushed out of the House of Representatives. His face was calm and he was just wearing his own dress. He continued to walk outside the temple without hesitation.

In the Fushun Villa, Qu 裾 裾 sits in the tub, watching the man holding a hand to bathe with himself, rubbing his chest with a cloth, touching the other's chest muscles, nodded with satisfaction, "Wang Ye's body is very good."

"How is my body, scorn, of course, the clearest," He Xiao smiled and touched the scornful hair, suddenly said, "When you were young, did you ever have something you wanted?" His sight Sweeping the jade gourd hanging on the other side of the chest, sweeping her white chest and seductive chest, slowly removed the line of sight.

"What do you want?" Qufu’s movements kept on his hands, and he wiped his lower abdomen. He smiled a few times, intentionally or unintentionally. “When I was young, I wanted too many things, and my daily thoughts were different. When I saw other people's beautiful clothes and beautiful headwear, I felt that I wanted to be particularly special. Later, I thought about being safe and secure. I can have someone to live with me and tolerate me and love me." Here, she laughed, not knowing whether she was happy or self-deprecating.

He Wei thought that the other people she said were Qujosu and others, and smiled. "You don't have to envy others in the future. I will give you a lot of good things and let others envy you." He reached out and touched it. Run the jade gourd, "I will stay with you, love you."

Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾How long does it last, one month, one year or a lifetime, no one knows.

The slender and soft palms touched the back of the other side, and the song whispered softly: "If the king loves to live forever, he will never leave."

He Wei’s heart trembled, I don’t know why there was a slight tingling tingling sensation, as if there was a kind of sweet and sour cover in his heart. He sneaked in her waist, and the waist in his arms was very soft, but gave him a toughness. a feeling of. At this moment, he suddenly felt that even if a better woman appeared in front of him in the future, no one would give him the feeling of this moment.

The water vapor in the tub blurs the figure of the two people, and the two people's eyes are stained with mist, some beautiful and some unreal, but it makes people think it should be.

On the second day of the pilgrimage, the courtiers stood in trepidation, and the people in the ear listened to the data of the Ministry of Industry, and the attention was placed on the final result.

"...When the ministers and the subordinates went through an overnight investigation, they found that the woods under the palace of Ning Wang were partially inconsistent with the facts of the materials used." The Ministry of Industry’s book was ruthlessly finished with the data in hand, and then stood on the side of the head. .

He Wei did not expect that this will involve this step. He went forward and said: "Father, this matter is not dry with the children, and there is a loss of wood in the renovation of the house. These data are not necessarily true, please ask the father."

"Since I have nothing to do with you, why are the nails of the assassin's body contaminated with your impatiens and rose flowers?" Qing Dedi threw a secret fold in front of his eldest son and saw him with an unbelievable sigh. He was heartbroken. "You still have shoes and clothes on these people's feet. It's the craft that you don't want to embroider the mother. You think that these people can't find out the other things. If you don't know, you can't do it."

"These assassins are similar to those who used to assassinate Cheng Wang. Even the swords and arrows are the same craftsmanship. What do you explain?" Qing Dedi said very angry and coughed a few times. "You As the eldest son, I was so trapped in killing my brother, is there any embarrassment in my heart, and there are no brothers?!"

"Father of the Emperor, the children of the court!" He Wei did not understand how the assassin arranged before would be confused with this assassin. He slammed a few times. "Father, the parents are ignorant of this matter, ask the father. Emperor Mingchao!"

"Before the case of the assassination of the assassination, I will hand it over to you. I thought it would be possible to get out of the water. Who knows that the black hand behind the scenes is your unfilial son," Qing Dedi pointed to He Wei and did not want to listen to his excuse. If you are not a beast, come and take him to the Yueyue Building in the suburbs of Beijing. This life must not be released!"

After saying this, he swayed and leaned against the arm of the dragon chair.

"Father of the Emperor!" He Wei saw the Qingdi dizzy past, the original bad face became more ugly, and he was dragged out of the hall by the guards without standing up.

He struggled from the hands of the Guards and looked up. He only saw the chaotic hall, and a group of ministers surrounded the father.

At this moment, he suddenly thought, if the evidence is placed on He Yuan, will the father also make such a decision?

He twisted his body and saw that he couldn't move without moving, letting the guards drag him away. He looked up at the blue sky with clear skies. Where did he lose?

Was it awkward to He Yuan, or was He Yuan acting too well, let him think that the other party is really just a prince who has no brains but no brain?

He lowered his head, and the delicate white jade crown fell to the ground, looking at the crown that fell on the bluestone board, and his low laughter came out.

The author has something to say: Nanzhu began to count Ning Wang early in the morning, and even hinted that the song is scorned away from the Ning Wangfu, I do not know that they see the wood, 嘿嘿2k