MTL - To Raise a Soul-~ 23. Three in one

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Both of them didn't sleep for a night, but a ruddy and radiant spirit, and a pale face with red blood.

Qiu Feiqian took a look at this, and looked at that. Finally, he handed Yin Yin a sympathetic look that "just sleeps for one night, actually becomes like this". He slaps Yin Yin’s shoulders and sings with Yin Hexiang. door.

"Tang Jia has made me play, big brother, Yu Ge, I am going out first."

Yin Le also followed the door, fearing that if he stayed at home, he couldn’t help but fill his brother and Yufu’s husband’s life.

Hey, the door is closed, and Yu Yu looks at Yin Yan.

Yin Yan looked calmly and took out a ball to eat. He took the scarf that Yu Yu hung on the porch shelf and took it around his neck. He blocked his eyes.

Yu Wei: "???"

"Go to the apartment."

Once again, standing in the apartment kitchen with a pile of ingredients, Yu Yu held the kitchen knife for a few seconds, then decisively put down the knife and turned to the living room, and asked: "What happened to Yin Yan? Is there something wrong?"

The sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows, climbs over the carpet, spreads onto the sofa, and warms the sofa and the Yin Yan sleeping on the sofa.

Yu Yu shuts up and looks at Yin Yan. Even if he is asleep, he still has a face with no expression. He puts his foot on the front and knees down to look at him.

Yin Yan is very good to see, this is beyond doubt, but at this time he is squinting in a funny way, trying to blur the facial features of this face.

Open this pair of skins, and now the crown of the "Yin Yan" identity, what will the real look look like?

Is it better to look at it than now, or is it ordinary?

There must be dark eyes and hair, and it must be very white, but the curvature of the eyes may be colder, the lips are always squatting, and the corners of the mouth are rarely raised.

If you are a comprehension, you should be long hair...

The hand did not consciously stretch out and touched Yin Yan. When the fingertips were about to touch the other's face, a white shadow suddenly appeared and was lying on his arm.


The white kitten of the tiger's head raised his head and screamed at him softly.

Yu Yu returned to God, immediately took back the hand and held the milk cat into his arms, gently rubbing it, his eyes bent, and lowered his voice and said: "How come out, hungry?"

The emptiness of the tail, standing upright, began to sniff on him.


Yu Yu's head, look at Yin Yan, holding the empty body, and put it lightly to turn upstairs.

Finding a thick blanket from the slightly empty closet, he glanced at the ground and waited for his nothingness, and was about to open it to the blanket, and he climbed up his legs. Go straight to the top of his head and kneel down.

Yu Yu stiffened his neck and didn't dare to move. The eyeball looked in vain and looked at it naturally. He didn't see anything. He felt the tail of the hair behind his head, but he smiled. "You can really find a place."

That is to say, but did not catch it down, just like it, holding the blanket down the stairs.

Put the blanket on Yin Yan, and adjust the position of the pillow on the sofa, so as not to feel uncomfortable sleeping, Yu Yu looked at it with satisfaction, reached out and pinched it to pinch its tail, and turned into the kitchen.

Wash and cut, fry and cook.

The soup in the pot braved the heat, and walked on the cooking table with a step on the catwalk. From time to time, the claws were stolen.

"Your body is a tower. Is it okay to eat these?" Yu Yu asked curiously.

Nothing looked at him, and snorted, and hit him again, sweeping his hair with his tail.

"It seems to be no problem." He smiled and simply fried a small fish for it.

When the dish was on the table, Yin Yan was still asleep. Yu Yu hesitated, or went forward to wake him up.

Yin Yan’s posture has not changed since he fell asleep. Yu Yu first observed it with the look of “seeing” and then extended his hand.

The sun was offset, and Yin Yan’s eyes were suddenly closed. After seeing Yu Yu, he first squatted, and then immediately grasped the hand he had stretched out, showing a nervous feeling in his eyes.

"I have a fight with you?"

Yu Yu let him hold his hand and smiled and shook, saying: "Get up, eat."

When he was ignorant, he fell down from him and fell directly on Yin’s abdomen, screaming at Yin Yan.

Yin Yan’s emotions quickly converge and calm down, bowing his hands, sitting up and pressing his forehead and asking, “How long have I slept?”

"It will be three or four hours. If you are still sleepy, wait for the meal and then go to bed to sleep."

Yin Yan looked up at him, moved away after a few seconds, and walked toward the restaurant with nothingness.

Yu Yu looked at his back and wondered his face.

Strange, why didn’t it start right again, isn’t it okay to eat the lead?

"It was only temporarily relieved and it did not heal."

After the meal, Yin Yan gave such an answer to his question, and then held his hand, the power of his hand flowed silently.

Yu Yu only felt that the hand he was holding was very hot, it was a very comfortable heat, and people couldn't help but sink.

After the heat was inflated to the extreme, it slowly dissipated. Yin Yan let go of his hand and asked, "Is it still cold?"

Yu Yu tightened his fingers and shook his head. He was expecting to ask: "It's not cold, is it cold if I am cold?"

"You are only strengthening the soul now, and have not completed it. If the soul is affected by the earthquake, the situation of physical cold will still appear."

Yin Yan explained that he was sitting down from the opposite side and took out an ancient book. He said: "With your current strength of the soul, you can already try to introduce qi into the body, but this area is lacking in aura, normal venting method. It won't work, so I figured it out."

The words on the ancient books seem to be scorpions, but they are slightly different. Yu Yu does not know.

"This is the text of the realm of comprehension. It can't be read by the naked eye. Close your eyes and bring a little merit to the book."

Yu Yu said according to the words, hand touched the ancient books, recalled the method that Yin Yan taught him yesterday, and forced the merits of gold.

A translucent book suddenly appeared in front of the darkness. He held his breath and was surprised. "Looking at" the book became a little bit solid and slowly revealed the words on the cover.


This time, the text became a simplification of the Chinese language. Now he couldn’t help but whisper, and then the breeze blew his face, and the book in front of him turned into a light spot and disappeared toward him. He was reflexive and blinked. The books under my hand have changed a lot.

The quaint brown book cover turned into a soft sheepskin, and the size changed. Now it looks like an ordinary leather case.

"If you like to plant flowers, then you should enter the road. The aura of this world is thin and difficult to absorb, but the seven emotions are floating. The chances are everywhere. The way is not picky. If you absorb the aura, then you will gain merit."

Take the flowers into the road?

Yu Yu didn't understand much, but inexplicably felt that the notebook was very attractive to him, couldn't help but reach out and pick it up and gently open it.

After the cover was opened, on the modern paper, there were a few large brush characters on the surface - one question: daughter.

A faint ink scent spread out, and he reached out and touched it. The text seemed to have temperature and life. The moment he touched it was blurred and turned into a line: for the woman, she had to suffer seven lives.

Seven bitter in life? Is this not a Buddhist statement? Do you really understand Taoism? Shouldn’t it be Taoism?

"I said that there is no way to enter the road."

Yin Yan seemed to see his doubts. After the explanation, he got up and said, "Let's go."

Yu Yu couldn't keep up with his thoughts and asked: "Where?"

"Buy tools to buy flowers."

The low-key black car stopped outside a nursery in the suburbs of B. Yin Yanhua bought a set of tools that had been used for a long time from the old flower farmers. He said to Yu Yu: "With this, at the beginning of the road, the new is not as good as the old one. ""

Yu Yu looked at this set of tools with a muddy taste, picked up a pruning shear and rubbed the traces left over from years of use. He took a look at Yin Yan and showed him a smile: "Thank you."

Compared with the new tools, he also likes old objects.

Unfortunately, his own tools were all buried under the Taoist ruins, and the decay could not be found.

Yin Yan looked at his face with a gentle smile, and his eyes blinked for a moment, saying: "You have become funny."

“Is it?” Yu Yu touched his face and smiled even more brilliantly: “Probably the mood is good these two days.”

I have become self-confident, and I am no longer careful when I talk to people. I can look at them normally and I don’t always dare to avoid them.

The refining effect is beginning to appear.

Yin Yan took back the line of sight and walked to the side of the car to open the door and said: "Get on the bus and go to the next stop."

An hour later, the car stopped at a mountain that was not well-known in the suburbs of B City. Yin Yan took out a bag of sugar and handed it to Yu Yu. He said, “Go, use these sugars to find the mountain people for seeds.”

“Seed?” Yu Yu looked down at the imported candy in his pocket, which looked very expensive. He said: “What seeds are you?”

"Yes, the seeds that are now being discussed are only used as carriers for future cultivation, and they are not limited."

Yu Yu seems to understand and nod his head, holding sugar toward the nearest village under the mountain.

The people who live at the foot of the Imperial City are very smart. Even if they are dressed in a good manner, people look at the kindness and not like a liar, but everyone still has a hundred and twenty-thirth guard against him. Most people do not wait. After listening to his request, he asked him to leave.

Yu Yu helpless, look back at Yin Yan, who is far away from the entrance to the village, pull the scarf down, and simply change his mind, specifically looking for children and the elderly.

The operation finally went a lot. By relying on the children to play and the old man happy, he successfully changed to a small bag of seeds, mostly vegetable seeds, and a small part was wheat and flowers.

"Thank you, Grandma, enough, enough."

Yu Yu smiled and stopped the old grandmother who wanted to stuff the seeds to him. He helped the grandmother to sit in the house. After thanking him, he was somewhat curious. He observed this deserted and dark room and asked: "Grandma, do you live alone?" What about children?"

"No, nothing."

The old grandmother was sitting on the wooden chair in the hall, and the turbid eyes looked around in a circle that seemed to be inaccessible to the sun. The tone was calm, but with a desolation that looked through the world.

"I was married here at the age of sixteen and gave birth to five children. When the boss was born, he was gone. The fortune teller said that he had misplaced the baby, so he went back to the government and re-born."

"The second child is a prostitute, fat, crying, up to seven years old, not listening to the water, when the belly is so high, I am lying on the water's shore, crying, my eyes almost cried..."

"The third child is a good boy. He is always fat and not fat. If he is famine, he will say that he is going to find food for me. As a result, he will never come back."

"The fourth old soldier went to the army. The living person was sent to the train and changed into a military uniform. He couldn’t cry out and couldn’t cry out.”

"The old five... the old five married, married to the city, there are many cars in the city, people said no, no, the little grandson left behind does not know where the old five men took, can not find ""

"The old man also left, and the house is empty, leaving me alone."

The old man said, his eyes fell on the sun at the threshold, there was no tears in his eyes, his face was not sad, he could show a smile, raised his hand to touch the teacup and teapot on the table and said, "Children, thirsty." Come and drink water. For a long time no one listened to me, now the policy is good, every month someone sends me oil to send rice, and you young people give me sugar, the days are good."

Yu Yu took over the water that the old man handed over, and smiled at the old man with red eyes. He drank the water and sighed: "Yes, the days are good."

The old man who has seen everything does not need pale sympathy and comfort, and quiet listening is all he can do.

Yu Yu was happy to bring sugar into the village, but when he left the village, he lowered his head and shouldered his shoulders.

Yin Yan looked at him and asked, "Would you like to go home?"

Yu Yu nodded, and soon shook his head, as if he thought of something, reached out and put the bag of seeds into his arms, and turned and ran towards the village.

Yin Yan touched the two wet spots on the bag and stepped forward.

Returning to the place where the children in the village gathered together to play, Yu Yu found a child who had talked to him beforehand and asked: "Is there a lake near the village? Or is there a place for water?"

"Yes, there is a small pond in the west, but you better not go, Grandpa said there are water ghosts, eating people!"

"Thank you, my brother is a ghost-hunting, not afraid of ghosts."

Yu Yu touched the child's head and walked straight to the west side of the village.

The fewer houses around the west, the less the houses were even seen.

The path under the foot was slowly covered by the grass, so that no one came to the small pond at all.


A sound of a broken branch broke, and Yu Yu was shocked and turned back.

"It's me." Yin Yan walked over to him and glanced at the small pond in front of him. He asked, "What are you doing here?"

Yu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and followed the small pond. He replied: "I want to try to find someone, no, I want to find a ghost."

"There are no ghosts here." Yin Yan asserted.

Yu Yu heard a word, did not give up a step forward, and looked around the pond.

"You are the body of the half soul, and connected with my destiny. The ghost is the most basic ability. If there is a ghost here, you can see it as soon as you approach." Yin Yan explained, holding his shoulder forward and stopping him. Looking for the action, said: "There are only a few ghosts who can escape the stagnation. Most people will reincarnate immediately after they die. Yu Yu, what do you want to do?"

Yu Yu looked at him sideways, but the words had not been exported, and a sigh came out first.

I bought some fruit rice noodles at the village head shop. Yu Yu and Yin Yan, together with things, came to the grandmother’s house again.

The old grandmother insisted on not wanting anything, and refused to refuse it. In the end, she said that she would accept it, and said that she would stay with them. Yu’s excuse was that someone was waiting to be pushed away, and went out with Yin Yan.

After going out, Yin Yan said: "The life is strange, there is no child, and Yangshou will do it."

Yu Yu didn't expect to hear such a fate, and opened his mouth and looked awkward. He looked back at the dilapidated old house and asked, "That... there is no way for the old man to walk comfortably."

"Yes." Yin Yan nodded, looking down at his eyes, adding: "Also let her see the children and husbands who have died before they die, but at a price."

Yu Yu’s eyes blinked and asked: “What is the price?”

"Give her the merits of your accumulation. Give it to her. She can only see the person who misses her heart before she dies, but you have to fix it in half, and again accept the cold."

The surprise on Yu’s face slowly faded, and the brows were raised.

Yin Yan looked at him quietly and asked: "Would you like to divide?"

Yu Yu tightened his fingers, tightened his lips, raised his eyes and looked at him. He nodded hard: "Yes! How do you tell me how to divide? I am not afraid of cold, isn't there still you, and the merits are gone." ”

Obviously so afraid of touching ghosts.

Yin Yan sighed in his heart and took his hand.

I buried the golden wheat seed in front of the old grandmother's house. Yu Yu rushed to Yin Yan with his stiff legs and put his hand in his hand. He showed him a silly smile and said, "Go home. It’s late.”

Yin Yan looked at his smiling eyes and clenched his hand. He whispered, and took a bag of seeds and took him to the car parked at the entrance to the village.

The two went home hand in hand, and then they were stuck in the porch by the bag box filled in the living room.

"Oh, come back, come over, try this down jacket, see if you don't fit!"

Qiu Feiqian stood in the middle of the clothing bag and the box, holding a white long down jacket in his hand, greeting with red light.

Yu Yu swallowed his mouth and looked at the pile of tea on the coffee table. After the pile was taken out, he was arbitrarily placed with a tag and asked: "Mom, these are..."

"The clothes that you and Xiaoyan bought are the latest models. I went to the mall after going to the company to open the regular meeting today. The items in the shopping malls in H province are still monotonous. There is not much here. Come and try. I don’t like it, I don’t like my mother to change it for you tomorrow!”

First, a batch?

Yu Yu quickly shook his head and said: "You don't have to use it, these are enough. It's spring right away. You can't wear too much winter clothes."

In his concept, a person's clothes only need a few sets of washes is enough, and now this room full of living room is too challenging his perception.

Qiu Feiqian heard the frown, put down the down jacket in his hand, and thought about it: "Also, this winter is almost over..."

"Yeah, it’s almost over." Yu Yu nodded madly.

"That spring dress should be done, the mall really has to go again!" Qiu Feiqian made a board, and pulled out a camel sweater, and continued to say: "Small sly come! I think this sweater is right for you, fast. Come try it!"

Yu Yu: "..."

"Go." Yin Yan pushed him and said: "When you make money, you will return, and the elders' good intentions cannot be deducted."

So is money so good in your eyes?

Yu Yu had no choice but to look at him, reluctantly let go of his warm palm, and daring to go to Qiu Feiqian.

After being tossed at least eight sets of clothes, even Yin Le was arrested, helping to unpack and pack the boxes.

Until the dinner was released, all the talents were relieved. Yu Yu and Yin Le looked at each other and an invisible revolutionary friendship rose between the two.

Yin Le walked to Yu Yu, patted his shoulder with sympathy and said: "Mom she is not very keen on anything, just like to buy something... Habits are good."


I continued to change my clothes. After eating Yu Yu, I took the initiative to pull Yin Yan back to the room and escaped from the living room.

"Resume, you haven't slept one day and one night." Yin Yan said, pointing to the bathroom: "Go wash first."

The merits were divided out. Yu Yu had long felt sleepy. He couldn’t help but yawn, and turned to the bathroom and closed the door.

The sound of the water rang, Yin Yan stood outside the door, backed up, and then backed off, and then retreated to the sofa farthest from the bathroom to stop, sit down and call: "Nothing."

The white cat appeared and sat in front of him.

Yin Yan reached out and held his forehead, a touch of golden light flashed, squinting at nothing, shaking his ears.

"Follow him, protect him." Yin Yan retracted his hand and whispered.

Nothing opened his eyes, and he shook his hair and nodded, disappearing into the air.

Yu Yu was really sleepy. After washing the hair, she didn’t have time to dry it and fell to the bed and slept.

Yin Yan got up from the window and walked over to the bed and bent over to touch his hair. The power in his hand flowed silently. The semi-wet hair quickly dried out and fluffed and softened.

"good night."

He whispered, covered him with a quilt and turned into the bathroom.

In the middle of the night, Yin Yan, who was sitting on the sofa and closed his eyes, raised his eyes and looked at the figure that shivered unconsciously in the quilt. He sighed silently, and before he got up, he opened the quilt and lay in.

When I noticed the heat source, the sleepy and fascinating Yu Yu immediately rolled over, and the hands and feet stretched out, and the whole squatted on Yin Yan.

Yin Yan body froze, and then he was beaten to the chest.

"Don't make a noise."

Yin Yan caught his hand, took another piece of meatball to eat it, then hugged him, patted him on the back and closed his eyes.

One night without dreams, Yu Yu woke up in a warmth, his eyes had not opened, his head instinctively smashed a few on the warm chest in front of him, and the legs on the other side also moved up.

"It's time to get up and have breakfast."

A dumb voice rang at the top of the head, familiar and strange.

Yu Yu opened his eyes and stared at the pajamas neckline that he had opened in front of him for a few seconds. He recovered the arm and legs that were placed on the other side of the body. He rubbed back and looked up, and he was very close to Yin Yan. Eyes.

"Oh... early."

He tried to break the ambiguous atmosphere at this time.

Yin Yan looked at him quietly, and he was lifted up, then pulled up the quilt and covered him all in.


The door to the bathroom is closed.

Yu Yu pulled the quilt and looked at it carefully. He sat up a little and annoyed and licked his face.

No wonder the dream is warm and warm... So Yin Yan is angry, and the place where he just put his legs is really unharmonious.

When eating breakfast, Qiu Feiqian began to observe in secret, swept a glance at the Yinyan, and his normal eyes were bright and seemed to sleep well. Another glance at the jealousy, cheeks ruddy and full of spirit, but also dare to eat fried cakes, no taboos.

It still seems to have failed.

"Oh." She couldn't help but sigh.

"What sighs in the morning." Yin Hexiang looked at her with a puzzled face, and then thought of something, and couldn't help but sigh and said: "Oh, isn't the project something going on? Go back and look for someone to go to the hospital to ask for the injury. The workers, this is about to celebrate the New Year, simply stop working for a month, rectify, and pay more subsidies to let the workers live a good year."

Originally, I didn’t expect Qiu Feiqian to be reminded by him. He couldn’t help but sigh and didn’t eat breakfast. He frowned and said: “He Xiang, you said that someone is behind us, how can we be so smart? The same construction site, connected with three accidents a month, although it is not too serious, but if you do this, the workers still have their minds to work. I have to believe the rumors outside, I feel that there are really ancient tombs under the construction site. Haunted."

"What ancient tomb is not ancient tomb, we can find someone to explore before starting work, there is nothing below, don't think too much, it should be just a clever one." Yin Hexiang appease, patted her legs under the table, indicating that the children still in.

Qiu Feiqian stopped the topic and picked up the spoon again.

"What happened to the construction site?" Yin Yan suddenly asked.

Yin Le, who had been listening to the ear with his ears, had asked him to ask, and he was busy with the fun. He asked: "Yes, what happened to the construction site? Is the integrated shopping mall developed at the beginning of the year a problem?"

Comprehensive, comprehensive shopping malls?

The action of Yu Yu’s cake was once again, and the small heart was once again hit.

He has not asked what the Yin family is doing, and the result is so big.

"Not that, it was a problem in the theme leisure hall that started work at the end of the year." Qiu Feiqian replied, thinking that the eldest son would enter the head office, and simply no longer cover it. He said in detail: "It is the West City that is sandwiched between schools and gymnasiums." In the middle of the chicken rib triangle, your dad found a designer at the beginning of the year. It can be used to use the land. If you can't build a house, then you can get a theme leisure hall to benefit the students. Ok, the engineering team has gone in, but there have been two incidents in three days."

"The land was handed down. At that time, the peers were saying that the land was evil. Nothing was built. I heard that the government originally wanted to build the gymnasium on the side of the school, but I don’t know why it was so empty. It’s been abandoned for more than a decade, and it’s sold out again.”

Speaking of this, she took a look at Yin Hexiang and sighed: "It is estimated that a bunch of people are waiting to see the excitement now. The location of the land is very good. It is the size of the area, the shape is also wonderful, and now something is wrong."

"Well, it should be just a coincidence. I will look back and look for someone." Yin Hexiang patted her shoulder, and her attitude was very good.

Yin Yan suddenly looked at Yu Yu and said to Qiu Feiqian: "Which hospital the worker who was involved in the incident, I will go and see."

Yin Hexiang and Qiu Feiqian all glimpsed and looked at him sideways.

"It is for the company to warm up after the year." Yin Yan gave Yu Yu a cup of soy milk, added: "By the way, you can take the Yu in the B city."

The car stopped at the apartment downstairs again. Yu Yu wondered: "Is not going to the hospital to see the workers? How come here again."

"Go in the afternoon." Yin Yan untied his seat belt and motioned him to get off.

The two of them finally did not mention the ingredients. After entering the house, Yin Yan went straight to the side of the floor-to-ceiling window and called, "Nothing."

The white cat appeared and went to the Qiankun basin.

"Little no!" Yu Yu was shocked, and quickly took two steps to catch up.

"Nothing." Yin Yan stretched his arm and stopped him from letting him close.

The combination of Qiankun's turn and Yu's consciousness, he can see the scene inside the turn basin, and then see the virtual no-drilled in, immediately ran in the field inside, and also planed a few soil.

"What is it doing?" Yu Yu doubts.

Is it nothing to treat the soil as a cat litter, want to go to the toilet?

"To establish contact with the basin, so that even if you are outside, you can see the situation in the basin through nothingness." Yin Yan explained, the hand gently stroked, nothing stopped, and turned and threw out from the basin. I went to Yin Yan’s palm and sat down.

Yin Yan took out a collar of silver-silk material and put it on it, then buckled a strange jewel and handed the cat to Yu.

Yu Yu quickly reached out and took a reflexive look at the cat's head.

"Let's eat out at noon, you are free to move in the morning." Yin Yan handed him a ball and then turned to the floor.

There was only one person and one cat left in the living room, and Yu Yu and Nikki had no view. They couldn’t help but lick its head, and then licked it, and then licked it, and said it with pleasure: "Little, I teach." Are you breeding well?"

The emptiness was intimate, and I turned my head and glanced at the stairs, shaking the scorpion, "喵~", and stunned Yu Yu.

Take out the container that I bought yesterday, and find out the carved wooden box that is going to be loaded with lotus seeds. Take out the lotus seeds that are full of gratification, and touch it with touch, then break the mouth one by one, then warm the water and prepare to soak the seeds.

The lotus fragrance is faintly filled, Yu Yu dials the lotus seed in the water, remembers the innocent water that Yin Yan gave him that day, the heart is itchy, looking for nothing to come over, try to drop a drop in.

The surface of the water shook slightly, and the lotus seed in the basin was shocked. It suddenly rolled up, and then almost immediately, the lotus seeds changed color, and the fine buds grew, and the water surface was explored, turning into a green round lotus leaf.

The lotus fragrance became thicker, and Yu Yu looked at the lotus leaf that was crowded together in the pot. He looked at the green water bottle in his hand and shook his hand. He was busy to let the innocent water be collected. .

It's too exaggerated. This is a plant that can be planted. This is a powerful ripening agent!

The germination of the lotus seeds was completely unexpected. Yu Yu was busy taking out the pottery pots and began to cultivate the soil. However, it took a two-week period to cultivate the soil. Now it is too late to hesitate. He hesitated, and he asked for nothing to bring innocent water.

Just a drop, a drop.

He carefully dripped a drop of innocent water into the connected water, then immediately put the bottle on the mouth and gave it to nothingness. He reached out and stirred the water in the bucket, and then continued to cultivate the soil.

Lotus seed only soaked five, he planted one by one, pour water into the roots of the seedlings, and then moved all the pots into the basin.

This will be done immediately after the initial planting, as long as you pay attention to watering, do not let the lotus seedlings die.

The clapping hands stood up, he looked at the empty turn of the land, remembered the bag of seeds that he had been asked yesterday, and looked for nothingness to sit on the side of the coffee table and sort it.

Although it is only a seed used as a carrier, but so many, it is estimated that it will not be used all. He remembers that there are some kinds of flowers in it, first pick out the class.

Daffodil bulbs, lilies, roses, roses, peony, chrysanthemums... The villagers are giving flowers that are well-fed and commonly used, very well distinguished, but there are a few strange seeds that are somewhat inaccurate. .

Picking up a small, dry shape like a rotten root, he twisted his eyebrows for a long time and finally guessed what it was.

"Orchid species?" He carefully dialed the little things in his hand, and he couldn’t smile: "How bad it is, how long it has been."

Orchid is a flower that is difficult to grow directly on the seed. Healthy seeds do not necessarily survive after complicated fungal cultivation. Now it is too fast to recognize the appearance, and it is estimated that there is no value for cultivation.

"Most of the children are picked from the mountains."

He groaned, and when he reached out, he prepared to throw the seeds into the trash can. His eyes touched his own shadow on the ground, and he silently took it back. He dialed the seeds of the palm and stood up.

Try it.

Those who have lost most of their souls can struggle to live. These seeds may or may not be. After all, there are so many treasures.

When the seeds are rotten, the cultivation is not done. He uses the remaining diluted water to soak the seeds, finds a small corner in the turn basin, and buryes the seeds all in.

"Just... listen to the fate, come on."

He slaps like a child, he gets up, stretches out and looks at the city scenery outside the window, blinks and basks in the sun, and says to himself: "When Valentine's Day is coming, just plant some roses." ”

After I finished laughing, I shook my head and patted my head.

The rose has a long growth cycle, and it has to sleep in summer and sleep. If you don’t see the results in two or three years, what is your nonsense?

Yin Yan’s action on the lower floor was a meal. He looked at the Yu Yu standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and shouted: “Yu Yu.”

The person standing in front of the window immediately turned around and looked at the body, bathed in the sun, with a hint of unresolved smile on his face. At first glance, the baby fat on his face seemed to have disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Yu Yu stepped forward and asked, the body walked away from the window and the sun was too bright.

Yin Yan moved his eyes and went to the sofa to pick up his jacket and said, "It is time to go out for lunch."

When I came to B City, how could I not eat roast duck? Yin Yan, who inherited the original memory of the Lord, cares a little about this information, so she specially positioned it in advance and wanted to take it with her.

There are a few well-made shops in the whole B city, and there are only a few high-end ones. The original memory is often the same. Yin Yan is still in the process of exploring the world, so it is natural. Going to the place where the original Lord often went.

And this place where you often go, there will be a high probability of encountering an acquaintance.

"Yin Yan!"

The tall and strong man stood up from the best table in the street view of the street, waved his hand at Yin Yan, who had just been introduced by the waiter. He said, "I am here! I am going to go to your house tomorrow to find you." However, I did not expect to encounter it here."

Yin Yan’s footsteps turned over the identity of the person in memory, holding Yu’s hand and responding to the front: “Step by step, it’s so good.”

The man who was called Buchen personally got up and pulled him a chair, called the waiter to add bowls and chopsticks, and replied: "Who said no, I was abroad a while ago, I heard that you had something wrong when you came back, you said you Why didn’t I talk to my brother when I had an accident, and the phone couldn’t get through. If I didn’t hear it from the Tang family yesterday, I don’t know if you have returned to B.”

"The phone is broken, the number has to be changed, so I haven't used it recently." Yin Yan explained the sentence casually, but did not take a seat, but half-study Yu Yu, said to Stephan: "I love people, Yu Yu. Yu Yu, This is the step, my hair is small."

Small? Is that the person who is familiar with the original owner?

Yu Yu immediately played the spirit of one hundred and twenty, and politely said: "Hello."

Step by step, a glimpse, the line of sight stopped in Yin Yan’s hand on Yu’s shoulder, raised his hand and said hello, and then sighed at Yin Yan.

It is normal for a gathering between brothers to bring a companion together, but such a formal introduction also uses the word "lover", is this true? Hanya is there... So what kind of attitude should he take now on this metaphor?

"I and he have already obtained the certificate. After one year of the wedding, you will have to be my best man." Yin Yan moved the ring and let him see more clearly.

Has it been certified? !

Step by step, his face showed a funny expression, and then quickly returned to God, rubbing his hands on his body, revealing a nearly thick smile on his face, and warmly greeted him: "It turned out to be a younger brother, no, it was a brother." Hello, hello, I am step by step, and often come out later. Step lotus, how to sit still, get up and give you a greeting with Yan Ge and Yu Ge!"

I have been sitting on the opposite side of the step, and I’m standing on the opposite side of the door. I put down my mobile phone and looked up to Yin Yan and Yu Yu. I screamed half-deadly: “Yan is good at noon, Yu is good at noon, and the little girl is polite. ”

"You are so dead, give me a straight back!" Stephan glared at her and once again greeted Yin Yan and Yu Yu, and said: "My sister's cat died a few days ago, and this day is mourning. Face, don't be surprised."

"Brother! How do you mention it again!" Step Lotus suddenly frowned, squatted back and slammed his head back into his arm and began to cry.

Yu Yu scared his face, this, how suddenly he cried.

Yin Yan’s gaze swept in Buddhism and leaned over to wave his face in front of his eyes by whispering a scarf. He whispered, “It’s a cat demon.”

The air faintly fluctuated, and the scarf slightly blocked the line of sight. After the scarf was removed, there was a translucent black cat suddenly around the step, and the cat was still faintly black.

Seems to be aware of the sight of Yu Yu, it suddenly looked up, straight hook looked at Yu Yu, red blood like blood.