MTL - Tokyo Bubble Life-Chapter 332 321. The capitalists will cry when they hear this

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  Chapter 332 321, the capitalists will cry when they hear it

  Being in a routine every day, you won’t feel tired at the beginning, because the freshness will make you feel that everything is very interesting, but after a few days of repetition, the rest is boring and tired.

  Although the busy daily life is tiring, it always makes people feel fulfilled.

  The weather has been fine these two days. Every morning after getting up, Naoki Nagayama will take Eitaro for a jog first, and then he will take the dog to the studio to start the editing of "Boys Over Flowers".

   "Good morning, Naoki-san~It's good morning, too~" Riko Ono greeted one person and one dog, and hurried out of the gate of the studio, leaving Naoki Naoyama who had just entered the door too late to say hello.

  "Masataka-kun, good morning~" After seeing Masataka Komori on the next table, Naoki Naoyama asked curiously, "Why is Riko-chan so anxious?"

   "Ah, Naoki Sangzao." Masataka Komori had a fairy look on his face, holding a cup of pure black coffee in his hand, "Riko-chan, he should be preparing for Yuki-chan's debut recently."

   Ah, forgot a clean!

   Yuki Saito will debut during the live broadcast of the Japan Film Academy Awards~

   "SO ya~" Fortunately, there are capable subordinates who are busy, "Riko-chan is really capable~"

   Masataka Komori rubbed his face, and didn't care too much about Yuki Saito: "Naoki-san, shall we continue today?"

  I have quickly picked up some necessary materials in my hand, and I am ready to go to the editing room.

"Well, but... Zheng Xiaojun, you didn't stay up late last night, did you?" Yongshan Naoki looked at this guy who seemed to be sleeping in the company. After a few days, he was already like a homeless man, with big dark circles and an unshaven beard. Said that even the weight seems to have dropped a lot.

   "Well, I still want to see the finished film sooner!" Masataka Komori said with a smile, "Anyway, I'm fine when I go home~"

  The atmosphere in the workplace is ruined by you bunch of paper kings!

   Naoki Naoyama looked at this guy’s prematurely aging and self-satisfied look, and was really worried that he would “lay flat” on the job at a young age.

   "If you have nothing to do at home, go find a girlfriend! Get married and have a baby! What's the matter with being in the company?"

   Naoki Naoyama is resolute not to be the kind of boss who oppresses employees, "Masataka-kun, next time you stay up late at the company and work overtime, you will have to pay the electricity bill at night~"

   After finishing speaking, he took Euntaro by the hand, turned around and walked to the office~

  The staff next to him were dumbfounded. They stayed up late and worked overtime for the company, but they had to pay the electricity bill by themselves?

  The capitalists will cry when they hear it, and the Jews will kneel when they see it!

   "Uh" It took a while for Masataka Komori's sleep-deprived head to react. Naoki Nagayama told him not to work overtime, "Sanzhen Naoki"

   On the other side, Naoki Yongshan walked into the office and found Otomo Yoshimura packing his briefcase, as if he was about to go out.

   "Otomo-san, are you going out too?"

   "That's right, Yuki Saito's debut, you still have to go and see it for yourself!" Otomo Yoshimura didn't look up, "Besides the scene, you have to go to every record store."

  Saito Yuki's debut naturally started with the fans he already had. Through the screening of "That Summer, The Tranquil Sea" and appearances on TV shows during this period, she has accumulated a large number of fans.

  This time, we will hold a fan meeting first to announce our debut. At the same time, major record stores are also displaying posters and records of Yuki Saito today.

  But Naoki Yongshan didn't know it was today: "Is it today?"

   "Hey, this has been decided a long time ago. Isn't tomorrow the live broadcast of the award ceremony?" Fangcun Otomo glanced in surprise. Naoki Naoyama decided on this time.

   "Ah, it's been day and night for the past two days, and I have forgotten the time~" Naoki Yongshan scratched his head embarrassedly, "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

   "Naoki-san's words" Yoshimura Otomo thought for a while, then raised his head and said with a straight face, "It's absolutely unnecessary!"

   "Huh?" Anyway, I am also a celebrity!

   "Haha~" Fangcun Otomo put away his stern face, "Forget it, Naoki-san, we have already arranged the process, and there will be no problems! This is not the first time planning an idol debut~"

  Looking at the smile on the face of the old Mediterranean, Naoki Yongshan also understood that everything was going well and he didn't need to take action.

  Watching Yoshimura Otomo walk out of the office, Naoki Naoyama lamented once again how good it is to have a competent subordinate~

   Before Shuichi Ido arrived, Naoki Nagayama untied the dog leash and let Eitaro play freely in the studio. Anyway, he was already familiar with this place, and the staff also knew Eitaro.

   Then I sat at my desk and read the newspapers and magazines in the morning. As a brokerage firm and film and television production company, I must pay close attention to market trends in a timely manner.

   "Has Akina's "1/2のMythology" already ranked first on the Oricon chart? It's really amazing, it has overwhelmed Matsuda Seiko's "Secret Garden"."

"Sayuri Yoshinaga's new movie "Miyuki" is about to be released?" Hey, I have the impression that "Sayuri Yoshinaga" seems to be when Sayuri Yoshinaga is very beautiful, "But it will be released in May? So this period is a trial screening Will it?"

   Naoki Naoyama felt that he could try to get a ticket for the preview, since he is a well-known director! It is with the eyes of art appreciation to review and analyze movies!

   I flipped through the newspaper again, and found photos of several celebrities being taken, all of which were gossip, and there was no major breaking point. I looked at it again, this issue of "Weekly Wenchun" has not come out yet, that's where the real breaking news is.

   While watching, Yi Tangxiu opened the door and walked in.

   "Naoki-san, it's so early today?" He said and yelled, "I'm still sleepy here, it seems too late to work overtime~"

  Itang Xiuyi seems to have started to grow long hair since the last movie. It is already half-length hair, but he has not grown a beard. Now he looks like a literary uncle, with an inexplicable decadence.

"Xiuichi-sang is too old, and his physical fitness has begun to decline!" Naoki Yongshan said unceremoniously to the uncle who is about to go to fourth, "Since you are so old, don't dress up like a prodigal son to moles your little sister Already!"

   "Since when have I molested my little sister? Naoki-san should be responsible for his own words! I'm a man with a family!"

  Itang Xiuyi's upright speech can easily make people think that he is really an upright gentleman, but when he went to nightclubs and clubs, he chatted happily with his little sister, which fully exposed his inner sullenness.

   "Hey, hey! If you have a man with a family, go to work quickly!" Naoki Yongshan led the way to the editing room.

  The editing of "Boys Over Flowers" was actually not difficult, but it was a lot of work.

  Compared with the previous one-hundred-odd-minute movies, the length of the 9-episode TV series is almost three to four times the workload. And the editing of TV series is also a bit different from that of movies, you can spend more time on blank space and transitions.

   Naoki Naoyama recalled the TV series in Taiwan and Mainland China, and he changed the script a lot by himself, so the editing was not as smooth as editing a movie.

   "Masataka-kun, show me the storyboard again!" Naoki Naoyama asked Komori Masataka for the storyboard from the previous filming, "It seems that I didn't participate in this part of the filming"

  Itang Xiuyi lowered his head and carefully spliced ​​the films together, but his mouth was not idle: "Haha, I didn't expect the talented director Naoki to need the assistance of the storyboard~"

   "When Xiu Yisang is talking, please look at the storyboard next to you!"

  After Naoki Naoyama glanced at it, he found the material he needed, found the location, picked up the scissors and cut it with a click, then arranged it behind a section of film, and handed it to Masataka Komori.

   Masataka Komori, the bottom man in the editing room, naturally didn't join in the bickering between the two bosses, so he could only work hard in silence.

  Time passed little by little, more and more parts were edited, and the editing progress of the entire TV series was also slowly advancing.

  By the evening, the fourth episode of "Boys Over Flowers" has been completed.

  Watching Masataka Komori mark and put this master tape on top of the edited first three episodes, Naoki Naoyama rubbed his eyes, "It looks like today's work is done!"

   "Yeah." It's almost evening, "Speaking of which, it's half done."

   Naoki Naoyama nodded: "It shouldn't be a problem to release it in the second half of March."

  Ido Shuichi stood up and stretched his waist: "Naoki-san, let's stop here today! Tomorrow we have to attend the film awards ceremony."

   "Ah, that's right. My suit is still in the dry cleaner!" Naoki Yongshan remembered the formal suit he sent yesterday, and tomorrow's live broadcast should be more formal anyway.

   "Xiu Yisang, I'll go back first, and I have to get it before the dry cleaner gets off work!"

   As he spoke, he hurriedly found Yutaro, and drove towards Chiyoda at high speed.

  In spring, the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, but before the vernal equinox, the night still has a little advantage.

  However, Naoki Yongshan got his suit before the dry cleaners closed, and then ran to the restaurant he frequented to pack a sumptuous dinner.

  Back to the Sakura Garden, it was already dark, and the spotlights in the Sakura Garden emitted a faint white light beam, which made the taupe branches of the cherry trees appear dark white.

   "Next time, let's change the color of the spotlight. It's really scary"

   Opened the door for Ying Taro, and watched the dog happily run to the small nest in the living room, and started playing with the little yellow duck that he hadn't seen for a day.

   This little yellow duck is already the second generation. The first generation was naturally bitten by a tooth-grinding dog.

  Naoki Yongshan put the bought dinner on the dining table, and prepared dog food for the dog. He was about to fill his stomach, but he heard the phone ringing in the living room.

   "Moses, this is Yamazakura-in." Naoki Naoyama could only pick it up.

   "Naoki-san, good evening! I'm Morikawa Kuniji!" It took three seconds for Naoki Naoyama to react to this somewhat familiar voice, the senior editor of Shogakukan!

  But since the publication of "Love Letter", it seems that it has been a long time since I have not contacted. During the Chinese New Year, I sent a greeting card.

   "Ah, Kuniji-san, Jiushu greetings." It is natural to be polite, "Is everything okay recently?"

   "Thanks to Naoki-san, everything went well."

  Because of discovering two best-selling books in a row, Kuniji Morikawa has become the editorial backbone of the Shogakukan, and even the director is amiable when he sees him.

   After a little greeting, Kuniji Morikawa immediately stepped into the theme:

   "Naoki-san, I called today because of "Natsu no Ting" and "Love Letter"."

   "? What's the matter, is there a problem with the sales of these two novels?"

Kuniji Morikawa quickly denied: "No, the sales of these two novels are very good, and the overseas sales of "Natsu no Garden" are even more, and the royalties received by Naoki-san should have increased a lot, right? .”

Um. Speaking of it, Naoki Naoyama’s current income is too much, too complicated, such as rent, song royalties, novel royalties, and film revenues. After handing over the finances to Kitamura Mitsurei and Kakuda Momoki, it seems that I haven’t watched it for a long time. specific accounts.

  Every time I go to the financial office, I just ask how much money is in the account. After the assets increase, it is really just a change in the number, and I am not very sensitive to the amount.

   "Hey, I thought it was reprinted." Naturally, I still have to say the cliché, "What is Bangzhi talking about?"

   "It's about the film adaptation copyright of "Natsu no Ting" and "Love Letter." Kuniji Morikawa talked about the reason,

"A few days ago, Dongbao's staff came to the Xiaoxiaokan to learn about the copyright ownership of some novels. They originally liked "Summer Garden", but they knew that the film adaptation rights of "Love Letter" are also on Naoki-san's side. At that time, I wanted to know whether the copyright of the two novels could be sold."

"Toho wants to shoot "Summer Garden" and "Love Letter"?" Although it is routine for film production companies to make novels into movies, Naoki Yongshan never thought that such a thing would really happen to him superior.

   "Yes, Naoki-san, do you have an idea of ​​selling it?" Kuniji Morikawa actually had no idea, because he knew that Naoki Naoki himself was an excellent screenwriter and director, and he could completely adapt and shoot it himself.

   "Well" Naoki Naoyama thought about it for a while. The movie adapted from "Summer no Garden" is a novel written for teenagers, and the topic is relatively heavy. If it is filmed for adults, it does not seem to be very attractive.

  The film may be well-received or not popular, but for Dongbao, a veteran production company with deep pockets, what they want may be word-of-mouth.

  As for "Love Letter", a romance movie, it must be well received and sold well, so it's better to keep it to yourself.

   "Bangji-san, please help to reply to Dongbao, the film copyright of "Natsu no Ting" can be sold to them, but I want to save "Love Letter" to shoot by myself."

   "Hey, I understand! If there is any progress later, I will ask Naoki-san to discuss it in detail."

  Morikawa Kuniji replied without hesitation. Anyway, the copyright is with Naoki Nagayama, and he was just passing on a message. It doesn't matter to him whether the deal is completed or not, but today he just took advantage of this excuse

   "By the way, Naoki-san, there is one more thing."


   "Naoki-san, it's been a long time since the last "Love Letter" was published." Kuniji Morikawa lowered his tone, "Naoki-san, do you have any plans to release new works?"

Huh? Is this the editor personally urging the manuscript? This is the treatment only given to authors who have two novels~

  “.Haha, Bunji-san, no new book inspiration yet.”

   "Hi, I understand! If Naoki-san has new ideas, you can tell me directly, with a little experience accumulated over the years, maybe you can give a little help to the work."

   "Haha, if there is one, you must inform Bangzhi-san!"

   Naoki Naoyama said haha, he has not read many Japanese novels, maybe he won’t be able to remember them in the future

   After chatting with the senior editor of Xiaoshogakukan for a while, Naoki Naoyama finally returned to the dining table, and Taro next to him had already eaten up all the dog food in the rice bowl~

   "Taro, you are such a foodie! Don't wait for me!"

  (end of this chapter)