MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 16

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Seeing that hundreds of people gathered in this hall, even Wei Chuan arrived here, Xiao Heiben's expression on his smiling face became more and more meaningless.

"You bastard..."

Seeing Xiao Hei appear, Wei Chuan was slightly relieved.

At this time, Xiao Hei looked a little embarrassed, and there was a ferocious scratch on his right arm, in which the evil spirit rose.

"Let you run around."

Wei Chuan, who wanted to scold at first, just glared at Xiao Hei.

The wound on his arm should have been left by the corpse king. Although it was not serious, it was enough for Xiao Hei to suffer for two days.

Running to Wei Chuan, holding his knees and panting, Xiao Hei pointed to the stone gate that he had previously opened with a mechanism:

"That old rice dumpling is here, he eats a few little soldiers, I can't hold it anymore."

Hearing what Xiao Hei said, everyone looked at Xiao Hei's finger.

Almost as soon as Xiao Hei finished speaking, a figure surrounded by traces of black energy flashed in from the stone door of the mechanism.


"This is... Pingshan Corpse King?!"

Except for Wei Chuan, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

The tall figure in front of him seemed to be nearly two meters long.

He is wearing a Yuan Dynasty armored hedgehog, and he is wearing a moldy black and red brocade inside.

The most creepy thing was that the man's skin was dry, clearly a dead body!

But at this time, the male corpse stared at the people in front of him with a pair of cloudy and gray eyes with bloodthirsty eyes. Against that withered face, there was a chill.


click.. click..

Under the eyes of everyone, the corpse king twisted his neck heavily, there was a sound of bones rubbing against each other, and black mist surrounded his body.

Staring coldly at Xiao Hei who was standing behind Wei Chuan, he rushed forward.

Roar! .

Chapter 30

When such a scene appeared in the eyes, everyone was taken aback.

"This is Zongzi!"

"This is the corpse king! Shoot!"

A few timid warlord soldiers yelled out tremblingly, and then frantically pulled the trigger.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was not even time to give Chen Yulou Luo Laowai an order, and the sound of gunfire resounded in the huge cave.

Countless bullets burst out, bombarding the corpse king's body.

But the corpse king had rough skin and thick flesh, even if the bullet hit his forehead, it was only a small blood hole, let alone other parts. Countless bullets blasted up, just to make the corpse king run slower.

"Ho... hoo!"

Soon, the corpse king came not far from the crowd.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei grinned, pushed Wei Chuan and said:

"Shopkeeper, hurry up, there are a lot of good things in this guy's coffin."

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Wei Chuan rolled his eyes.

Before the relationship, Xiao Hei wanted to avoid moving mountains and unload mountains to eat alone.

It feels a little familiar.. Could it be that guys with special blood like to play disappear?

But Wei Chuan didn't think much about it, because in just a few seconds, the corpse king rushed to the crowd with dozens of guns on his shoulders.

At this time, a group of warriors and warlord soldiers retreated again and again.

Only he and Xiao Hei stood still, and even Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou stepped aside.

"The corpse king...hehe."

Seeing the pits on the corpse king's head that had been hit by bullets, Wei Chuan sneered.

It's just an old rice dumpling that can break through bullets, and it's not as good as the six-winged centipede.

If the six-winged centipede charged at him like this, he really had to dodge it.

He prefers to deal with this kind of zongzi compared to monsters like goblins and puppet. Just hard steel and it's over!

"Stay away."

Wei Chuan sneered coldly, holding the ghostly dragon's halberd in his hand, and walked slowly towards the corpse king.

Looking at Wei Chuan's back, all the people lowered their guns and breathed a sigh of relief.

They have all seen Wei Chuan's strength. All of them together may not be able to stop Wei Chuan's heavy halberd.

Even invulnerable monsters like the six-winged centipede can be killed, and the Pingshan Corpse King in front of him should be no problem!

"Wei Chuan..."

Seeing Wei Chuan walking towards his corpse king, Hua Ling opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to speak. He just looked at Wei Chuan worriedly.

Seeing the appearance of Junior Sister, Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner smiled at each other, and said to Hua Ling:

"Don't worry, even the six-winged centipede can't stop him, and the mere zongzi can stand him. What's more, we are not vegetarians when we move mountains."

"Junior sister, if you care about it, it will cause chaos. Senior brother, it seems that we will lose another person when we move the mountain..."

"Old foreigner! Don't talk nonsense! Be careful I'll give you laxatives!"

After being told by the two senior brothers, Hua Ling's worries were relieved a bit.

And at this moment, the Pingshan Corpse King seemed to have seen Wei Chuan's extraordinaryness, so he stopped and looked at Wei Chuan at a distance of several meters.

"Ho... ho!"

The corpse king opened his mouth and let out a roar, wisps of black mist were released from his mouth, and immediately threw his fist at Wei Chuan.

Seeing the corpse king's attack, Wei Chuan raised the corner of his mouth and laughed in his heart.

"The novice gift package does not need a sword but a halberd.. because an inch is long and an inch is strong..."

With his eyes fixed, Wei Chuan held the halberd in his right hand and stabbed directly at the chest and abdomen of the Pingshan Corpse King.

"The Immortal Executioner Halberd!"


When the corpse king's fist was about to fall in front of Wei Chuan's eyes, the ghost god's panlong halberd directly bombarded the corpse king's chest, and it actually sent the corpse king flying upside down and fell to the ground.

On the other hand, Wei Chuan waved the heavy halberd twice in his hand, squatted down, and assumed an offensive posture. Very chic.

"Even if he is called a corpse king, he is still just an old rice dumpling after all."

Seeing the corpse king staggering up from the ground, Wei Chuan said coldly: "How many moves can I take..."

The voice fell.

Before the corpse king could stand up completely, Wei Chuan ran two steps straight, collapsed to the ground and jumped up high, holding the ghost and **** coiled dragon halberd in both hands, bent into a bow shape, and smashed violently at the corpse king's head go.

"Killing God Broken Halberd!"


The corpse king got up a little later, roared at Wei Chuan, and crossed his hands horizontally, trying to resist Wei Chuan's move.

boom! Click..

When Wei Chuan's heavy halberd slammed on the corpse king's arms, the sound of bone cracking and explosion sounded in vain.

A mountain-like sense of oppression swept out from Wei Chuan's heavy halberd, and that huge force almost split the corpse king's two forearms.

The power of the heavy halberd remained undiminished. After knocking down the crossed arms of the Pingshan Corpse King, he slammed heavily on the Corpse King's shoulders.

Under the tremendous pressure, the corpse king bent his legs and was directly smashed by Wei Chuan to his knees.

"Pingshan Corpse King, this is it?"

Seeing the two halberds of the Mountain Corpse King, he fell to his knees. Although his hands felt a little tingling from the shock, Wei Chuan felt more joyful in his heart, and his momentum became more and more surging. .

Chapter 31

Read please, old man, it's dawn after five recovery. It's not right to live, there are few new ones, and it's two days to clean Dali's house. It is inevitable to get together and go back to the home of many friends and relatives. next solution

Chapter 32

Wei Chuan won the power and was relentless. After bombarding the kneeling corpse king with two halberds, he drew out his halberd suddenly.

"Subduing Demon Absolute Shadow Halberd!"

The 300-jin heavy halberd was as light as a feather in his hand, and he swung the body of the halberd in a circle, slashing at the corpse king's neck like a big knife.


The sound of breaking wind roared.

The Pingshan Corpse King who was kneeling on the ground could only raise his arms that were almost cut in two by Wei Chuan again, and hit the heavy halberd.

It can only be said that the old zongzi is very powerful. If this kind of injury is replaced by another person or an ordinary zongzi, it would have been difficult to handle.

However, Wei Chuan's third halberd is no better than the first two halberds!

The Coiling Dragon Halberd Technique is a halberd technique that can only be performed by relying on momentum and the secret method of exerting strength. One halberd is better than one halberd, just like the legendary Guan Erye's three skills of dragging a knife. Once used, it will be unstoppable.


When the heavy halberd collided with the corpse king's arms, there was a low impact sound.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse king's arms, which were as hard as iron, were cut off directly like tofu.

The power of the heavy halberd remained undiminished, murderous aura emerged, and it landed on the corpse king's neck in an instant.

A deep and cold black light bloomed, and flashed past the corpse king's neck with a heavy halberd. Then the heavy halberd slammed on the masonry.



"This... is this dead?"

"Is this how the corpse king of Pingshan died?"

"Master Wei, this is too scary."

"This is the legendary Captain Mojin... amazing!"

The eyesight of the people present was a little weaker, and they didn't see clearly what happened at all.

They only saw Wei Chuan rushing towards the bottled mountain corpse king, and when the three halberds fell, the bottled mountain corpse king knelt on the ground and remained motionless.

Taking a closer look, I saw that both the arms of the Bottle Mountain Corpse King had been cut off, and the incisions were smooth. Even the head fell off the neck and slid to the floor.

The scene in front of them shocked everyone.

Even the two leaders, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou, couldn't believe it.

Although Wei Chuan's halberd technique has been seen before, every time he sees it, he is inevitably shocked.

Too hard, too fast!

From Wei Chuan's attack on Pingshan Corpse King, it took only ten breaths until now. Just the three halberds went down, and the taboos in the mouths of the Miao people in Xiangdi were eliminated.