MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 179

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Everyone looked behind them one after another.

I saw a man in a black robe holding a samurai sword with low blood in his hand.

In the other hand was a head with wide eyes.


"Zhang Chen! You are dead!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall evacuated to the back.


If this is not evacuated, the next person without a head will be himself.

on the high platform.

Zhang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

A cold light shot out and pierced directly into the eyes of the man under the stage.

The dazzling eyes are particularly dazzling.

Chapter 181 The six-winged centipede is so ferocious!

The man in the hall on the first floor changed his expression and felt a heartbeat.

What look is this!

Why is it so fierce, he didn't dare to look at it directly.

If this look could kill people, he would have died hundreds of times already.

But looking at the corpse of his subordinates, there is still a look of horror on his face.

The ninja from the small island nation bit his tongue.

A gust of sweetness irritated his throat.

"Baga, hurt the elites of my small island nation, you should be damned."


The samurai sword in his hand pointed at Zhang Chen.

"Today, you, Zhang Chen must die!"

"I said so!"

"Even if the people from Jiumen come, they can't save you!"

For a while, the people in the hall on the first floor who were still trembling in their hearts all burst into laughter at this time.

"Ahaha, this person is so **** laughing at me. Could it be that people in this island country have this kind of virtue?"

"It just made me laugh. I've only heard that the hair is long and the knowledge is short. Is it possible that the people in this small country have such short knowledge?"

"That's not it. But this is a man who is much more upright than these six people. You see these six people are timid, and go to assassinate Mr. "Four Seven Seven" Mr. Zhang in the middle of the night. This person knows how to shout from the front door. ."

The man added another sentence.

"Although I know that I will definitely die, this courage is commendable."

"Old Li, are you complimenting or cursing? Why do I feel that you have bad intentions!"

"Bah, you **** have bad intentions. This is my most intuitive evaluation. Anyone who is unconvinced can come up and have a contest."

This is someone who stepped forward and said unconvinced.

"I heard that you have been speaking ill of Mr. Zhang these past few days. Is it possible that I will still wrong you?"

Hearing this, the man was immediately busy with his excuses.

But the people at the scene looked like they didn't believe it.

All turned their heads to look at the high platform.

"Did you say that Mr. Zhang will solve it himself? I really want to see Mr. Zhang's force."

"Come on! How could Mr. Zhang's force be easily revealed? You are just wishful thinking."

"Hehe, what if Mr. Zhang just wanted to do it himself? Could it be that your daughter-in-law wants others to work?"

There was laughter all around.

"Old Zhu, you **** I'm not finished with you!"

"Go, go, go home and play if you want to play, don't disturb Mr. Zhang's atmosphere here."

At this time, the people from the small island country saw everyone talking and laughing.

I can't help but feel that I have been severely neglected.

Suddenly, a roar rushed towards the guests in the hall, and it flashed three or four times in a row.

Zhang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

But he is often seen in books.

I didn't expect that there would be real ninjutsu in this world.

But it's all jumping clowns.

Just jumping a few times is not just using blindfolds to achieve the effect of cool movements.

Zhang Chen smiled disdainfully.

Feng Shigu, who was beside him, saw his master's expression and asked in confusion.

"Master? Do you want me to take care of them?"

Zhang Chen waved his hand.

"You can kill a chicken with a bull's knife!"

What is the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken?

Feng Shigu shook his head.


Box on the second floor.

The old man watched with great interest what was happening below.

If it were him, it would definitely be unpleasant to be provoked like this, and even the people in Xieling who would directly call him directly copied the guy.

But at this time, Mr. Zhang was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching what was happening in front of him.

How can you be so calm.

Young people should be more grumpy.

There's really nothing like a young man.

Unlike his own son, a group of people surrounded him at every turn.

The old man smiled proudly.


Zhang San Lianzi looked at the old man curiously, and when he saw the old man's smile, he immediately understood what the old guy was scheming here.

"Old man, don't think about it, Mr. Zhang is much better than Yulou!"

The old man was unconvinced.

"Mr. Zhang must have a good chance."

He's still making excuses for his son.

In fact, he knew in his heart that there was no comparison at all.

This is the life of a good person, and will always be belittled by people's unprovoked associations.

"Cut, I just think about it, I'm not bad at Xieling."

Zhang Sanzian didn't speak.

Just quietly watching the scene that is about to happen in front of you.

Everyone in the lobby on the first floor fled to Zhang Chen's stage.


third floor.

Boss Yin snorted angrily.

"A small islander, are you bullying me for no one at the Crescent Hotel?"

"Stick slave!"


In an instant, all the stick slaves of the New Moon Hotel jumped off the floor in unison.

Surround the islanders.

Boss Yin said at this time.

"Do you know where this place is?"

Just listen to the arrogant words of the islander.

"You are Boss Yin, right? My Kojima Chamber of Commerce's consumption at the Crescent Hotel is not high, but it is considered a VIP level. Why does Boss Yin allow this person to slaughter recklessly?"


"Nonsense, everyone present is very clear, the people from the Kojima Chamber of Commerce have no problem in my Crescent Hotel. As for the Crescent Hotel, it is beyond my control."

"Second, Mr. Zhang doesn't have any hands-on conditions, so don't spray feces all over your mouth!"

These words made this popular face flush.

"Who else could he be, only he can do it in the capital. Haha, I have inquired about it. Several massacres in the capital were all created by the Mr. Zhang you said."

"Isn't it?"

Boss Yin was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect people in this small island country to be so eloquent.

"Humph! Vulgar."

"Now I'll stand here and tell you that I did all those massacres."

"It's not Mr. Zhang."


The man in the audience said loudly...0

"If that's the case, then there's no need to say anything earlier."

"I didn't expect that the famous Mr. Zhang would be behind a man who is greedy for money. It's ridiculous that there are still people scrambling to listen to the executioner's story."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately contemptuous.

"Do people in this small island country like to speak to others from the moral high ground?"

"Does it feel particularly shameless?"

"It's more than shameless, you can almost match the city wall with this shame."

"That's it! This face is shameless."

Boss Yin on the third floor heard it.

this is amazing

"Damn, this **** is criticizing me from the moral high ground."

"Look for death! Do it! Stick slave!"