MTL - Too Early-Chapter 1581 People are not smart enough

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In the Chamber of Secrets, Qin Haoxuan and Wu Dao sat on their knees together, bursting with enthusiasm.

Mortal ... Fairy ...

After all, mortals and immortals, is this world the world of practitioners, or the world of mortals? In terms of combat power, mortals cannot compare themselves with practitioners. An immortal is enough to destroy a country.

But the number of mortals in the world is far more than the practitioners!

He thought back to his wife, his children ... all sorts of sentiments rose in his mind.

Behind him, eight fairy palaces emerged.

Among these eight immortal palaces, two of them are slowly merging towards the middle.

These eight immortal palaces are all condensed by himself, have a common breath, and can even be said to be from the same source, as the free devil said, in theory, it can indeed be merged.

But even if he tried to merge the fairy palace with the method taught by the free devil, he found that even if he knew where the fusion was, it was really too difficult to integrate it.

Although the Immortal Palace is condensed by himself, each time he condenses the Immortal Palace, his perception is different, and the atmosphere contained in each Immortal Palace is also different. Some immortal palaces are condensed by the wall of his perception, there are The immortal palace is condensed by the perception of the different world, and some immortal palaces are mainly composed of the three characters of "Nantianmen" ...

He is just trying to merge the two immortal palaces. Among these two immortal palaces, an amazing repulsive force came immediately. The two immortal palaces even had a vague sense of struggle ...

Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved, and the method of fusion researched by the free devil was successful, but it was after all a method of his own fusion. Everyone takes a different path, so even if you master the method of integration, the actual integration is different, and after the integration, it may be different.

Like their own fairy trees, they are different in the hands of the reincarnation fairy king and the blood-killing fairy king.

Compared with the free devil, he owns five bodies. If the five bodies are allowed to guard the fairy palace, and then merge, the connection between the fairy palaces will be closer, and the fusion should be more effective!

Qin Haoxuan's thoughts fell, and the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Animal Dao flew up and fell into the two fairy palaces.

All of a sudden, January has passed.

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly and walked out of the closed chamber.

Under the way of heaven and earth, the immortal palaces should have been one by one. If you want to merge them, it is to forcefully change the way of heaven and earth. Why is it difficult?

This month, even if he had five bodies to help, he only integrated three immortal palaces into one.

It was the two immortal palaces that he condensed at once when he became a Taoist palace! As well as the heart demon fairy palace.

Immortal Immortal Palace is an immortal palace and even a magic palace.

In the fusion of the magic palace, there is also a fairy palace as the foundation, such as the free devil.

The fusion of fairy palaces must have a magic palace as the foundation!

It is more difficult to integrate the fairy palace with the future.

It took him twice as long to fuse the third Dao Palace.

He had just walked out of the secret room, and a familiar figure quickly came over.

Cao Qinghua.

He had been waiting here since he learned that Qin Haoxuan had returned to Zizai Mountain, waiting for Qin Haoxuan's retreat to end.

"Lao Tangzhu ..." Cao Qinghua immediately asked Qin Haoxuan with a look of excitement: "Lao Tangzhu, I heard that you have found a fairy, he is calculating the position of the beginning!

A glance can definitely calculate the position of the beginning, and find the beginning. Can we find it too early? In the early days, I can finally find the early days, old host, can you take me with me? I am also the first person! "

Qin Haoxuan looked at Cao Qinghua's face full of expectation and shook his head gently, saying: "It's not that I don't want to take you, it's just that the place where it was originally was too dangerous.

You should know that this time we entered the ruins of Fei Xian. This time, many ancestors of Dao Palace Realm entered the ruins of Fei Xian, but you know how many ancestors of Dao Palace Realm died in the ruins!

Where we were in the beginning was a place no worse than Feixian's ruins, and even more terrifying. This time, I am going to go alone. "

He said that he paused a little and looked at Cao Qinghua: "This time, I was in the ruins of Fei Xian, and I got a lot of sentiments. You are now a fairy baby realm. I pass these sentiments to you, You should practice hard and strive to leave early to break through the Tao Palace. "

Qin Haoxuan talked about his insights from Fei Xian's ruins, as well as his insights after accomplishing the Tao Palace realm, and then passed them to Cao Qinghua.

Cao Qinghua is not a free devil. Without such a powerful mind, if he directly transmits all his sentiments to Cao Qinghua, Cao Qinghua simply cannot bear it.

After explaining the good practice of Cao Qinghua, he walked towards the free magic palace.

In the Devil's Palace, the Devil Lord was very relaxed on a wicker chair. When he saw Qin Haoxuan coming, he didn't stand up, but raised his head. He was slightly surprised and said: "I didn't expect you to get out so quickly Now. "

"It's almost time, and a glance should almost calculate the position of the beginning. I'm going to find a glance." Qin Haoxuan paused slightly and sighed: "What's more, the method of integration is harder than I thought. a lot of."

"The unity of the Taoist palace is to change the way of heaven and earth, and it is not easy." The free devil got up and looked at Qin Haoxuan with interest. "What is going on now? With your qualifications, you should have joined a fairy palace." Right. "

"Returning to my predecessors, I have merged three Taoist palaces. It's just that the fourth Taoist palace, I'm afraid it can't be merged in one moment." Behind Qin Haoxuan, there were six Taoist palaces floating, and one of them was three in one. Made.

"Three have been merged? It's much faster than my phenomenon." The free devil is a little surprised: "How did you do it?"

He merged all the ten magic palaces, knowing the difficulties, especially, the more difficult it is to merge.

"Senior, I have five bodies. After they have guarded the immortal palace, they will merge again, and use the power of reincarnation to pull ..." Qin Haoxuan described his own method of fusion.

The free devil heard the sound and immediately sighed: "The power of reincarnation really changes endlessly. I'm more and more curious about the second body of the reincarnate fairy king. If you have seen him, tell him to let him sit on the mountain. . "

"Good senior, I will tell if I see the reincarnation." Qin Haoxuan nodded seriously.

The free devil looked at the serious look of Qin Haoxuan, and felt helpless, and said much more lazily, and continued: "I heard that you have also played against three people who withdrew from the top three list this time?"

"Yes, it was a fight. The ancestors of Fengchun, Xiaofeng, and Babing. They arranged an ambush in advance.

In fact, if there is that way, I can fight the three of them alone. "When Qin Haoxuan spoke, there was strong confidence in his eyes.

"The three of them?" The comfortable devil disdained: "I know the three of them, they are lack of energy and too much distractions. However, they are considered to be the masters of today. And you are also lucky this time. It's time for these three people to be placed on the list. "

Qin Haoxuan heard the voice, slightly surprised: "In addition, are there other reasons, and who withdrew from the top three?"

"There is also a situation where they voluntarily withdraw from the list themselves. They feel that it is meaningless to stay in that list, so they voluntarily withdraw from the list and deliberately lose to the victim. They are like this It ’s a real headache for someone who retires. "

Qin Haoxuan was full of surprises: "I didn't expect there are such characters. What does the devil mean, do you also want to take the initiative to withdraw from the list?"

"No." Free Devil Lord shook his head gently: "I think it's quite interesting to bring it in this list, but I'm waiting for someone to challenge me and surprise me. I have no intention to retire . "

Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly, but he underestimated the people who withdrew from the list. The meaning of the devil, some masters think they have no meaning in staying on the list, and deliberately withdraw from the list. Those people are really powerful.

"Demon Lord ... If it's okay, I'll retreat first, and when I return, I'm here to find the Demon Lord." Qin Haoxuan made another salute to the free Devil Lord before he left.

This time, fortunately, both Chen Danzi and him came to Zizi Mountain, but after he went out, he didn't find the two. Zizi also felt the atmosphere of the two.

I do n’t know. Fortunately, I went to practice Chen Danzi. He no longer cares about the two of them. He left and flew back to the God ’s door.

In today's Shenji door, especially after Qin Haoxuan opened the altar, the disciples in the school had already worshipped him, and even many people subconsciously regarded him as a **** machine door.

He flew into the gate of God's machine in the eyes of the disciples who worshiped the gatekeeper, and went straight to the point where the fairy reckoned.

It was just a glance that the immortal was still in that big formation, his whole body of breath circulated, sometimes frowning, sometimes wondering, sometimes hitting me suddenly, obviously in the calculation.

Ancestor Meng Zhong walked out from the side and whispered: "One eye fairy has been calculating, but the ancient and modern Yin and Yang fairy king's tomb does not know how terrible, he has never calculated."

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly. He also knew that he understood the horror of the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times, but those two fairy kings, how could their tomb be so easy to calculate.

Ancestral Meng Zhong seemed to feel that Qin Haoxuan's mood was a bit low, and he said comfortingly: "Qin Laozu, you can rest assured. A glance is the first person in today's calculation, he has agreed to help you calculate, he must be To figure it out, all we need to do is wait. "

He said, looking at Qin Haoxuan, he looked slightly forward and said: "Qin Laozu, just this month, I have some improvement. Although I know that I am not Qin Laozu's opponent, but I still want to and Qin Laozu, you compare and compare to see my current combat strength.

Anyway, idleness is also idleness. Qin Patriarch gave me lessons? "

"Since old friend Meng Zhong is interested, I will accompany you." Qin Haoxuan was also interested in hearing the news, just to take this opportunity to test his power after the unity of the fairy palace.

"Ancestor Qin, please come with me." Ms. Zhong Zhongzong took Qin Haoxuan directly towards the distance, and flew all the way to the remote place of Houshan before stopping.

The two flew through the air, but they caused the attention of the Sea Demon Lord during the retreat.

The sea swallowing demon master Yukong flew up and flew to the side, looking at the two with curiosity. After a while, Kungfu Zi also felt the breath of the two and flew from afar.

Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved and merged two other immortal palaces into a palace of immortals, forming an immortal palace, floating above his head, looking at the dream ancestor said: "This time, I will fight with an immortal palace you."

"A fairy palace ... Ancestor Qin, don't blame me for ruining it." Meng Zhong's ancestor heard the sound, and the seven Taoist palaces appeared behind him. In the Taoist palace, the spirits were agitated, and there was a hint of immortality.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly laughed, no wonder he wanted to challenge himself, it turned out to be a lot of improvement.

Under the turmoil of the seven Taoist palaces of Meng Zhong's ancestors, a silver sword appeared in his hand. His figure flickered and flew through the air, and he stabbed straight at Qin Haoxuan.

He naturally knew that he was not Qin Haoxuan's opponent, but now, Qin Haoxuan is only a fairy palace, and he is seven Dao palaces, although this is not to say that now they have played the equivalent of an ancestor of seven Dao palaces against one. The ancestor of the fairy palace.

After all, Qin Haoxuan only used a fairy palace, but his feelings and experience on the battlefield were there, but he also took a huge advantage.

To his surprise, Qin Haoxuan didn't use subtle swordsmanship in the face of this attacking sword, and also used the breath of operation to stab him towards the dream Zhong Laozu.

This sword is just an ordinary sword.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of Meng Zhong's ancestors. Qin Haoxuan wanted to abandon his sword skills, abandon his battlefield experience, and abandon all his advantages. Is it really to compete with himself with pure power?

In this way, Qin Haoxuan is almost really equivalent to an ancestor with a Taoist palace.

Even if he is a genius, no matter how evil it is, a fairy palace, even if it is a fairy palace, how terrible might it be?

The two's long swords collided in the air, and suddenly emitted a string of bright sparks.

The surrounding air was turbulent, and the gusty wind roared. The layers of white clouds scattered above the sky, and the mountains oscillated above the earth.

The two then exited almost a mile or so away!

Patriarch Meng Zhong felt the power of the giant earthquake coming from his arm. His eyes were full of unbelievable colors, but they were only a simple comparison of strength. Qin Haoxuan was just a fairy palace, not inferior to himself?

He didn't believe in evil and got up again, slashing with a sword.

Qin Haoxuan also stepped forward, stabbed with a sword.

Above the void, the two men fell one sword after another, making a loud trembling noise. The sky and earth on the side of the earthquake were almost torn apart. There were obvious cracks on the sky.

Patriarch Meng Zhong was more and more shocked.

Qin Haoxuan is only a fairy palace to deal with him, but actually did not fall.

"Don't fight, don't fight anymore." Meng Zhong's ancestor was greatly stimulated, and he directly said: "My Dao Palace is already condensed with immortal energy. I thought I could support it a little bit in front of you, but now, You are just an immortal palace, and it beat me like this.

This ... how is this possible? "

Patriarch Meng Zhong said that he began to doubt himself.

In the distance, the Master Swallowing the Sea and the God Machine saw that the two had concluded their studies and flew over. They were also curiously looking at Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan seemed to have some autistic dream ancestors when he watched, and he suddenly laughed: "I said, you really think that my immortal palace can be like you?"

Below the size, above his head, that fairy palace suddenly dispersed and turned into three fairy palaces.

"This is actually three fairy palaces, not a fairy palace."

"Three Immortals Palace? How ... How did your Immortals Palace stack together? Can Immortal Palace be like this?" Meng Zhong Laozu looked at Qin Haoxuan with surprise, the whole person was completely stunned: "You put three immortals The Taoist palaces are superimposed. Doesn't it mean that all your Taoist palaces can be superimposed together? "

"Theoretically, it ’s just that I ca n’t do it now. Now I can only superimpose three of them together. If my eight Taoist palaces are superimposed together, it ’s the ancestor of the nine Taoist palaces. It's not a hit in front! "

Qin Haoxuan looked at the ancestors of Dream Zhong Zhongzu and Swallow Sea Demon: "In fact, this superimposed method is taught by the free demon master to me, this method ..."

He imparted the method of unity of the Taoist palace to the ancestors of Meng Zhong and the Lord of Swallowing the Sea.

For a long time, Meng Zhong Laozu shook his head slightly: "There must be a fairy palace or a magic palace as the base, and ... Forget it, I can't learn this method, but I have another idea myself. I can study it. At that time, I said there should be no surprises. "

Qin Haoxuan looked back at the Master Swallower.

Now, it has been more than a month and a half since the Lord of Swallowing Sea Demon blew his back and scales. He has fully confirmed that the Lord of Swallowing Sea has broken his road to success.

There is a smile on the face of the Lord Swallowing Sea: "This method is really magical. I have the Dragon Palace. Perhaps I can use the Dragon Palace as the basis to superimpose the Dao Palace. This method will help me. Perhaps, as I condense into this The Fa, and the way to become an immortal again, maybe. "

"It's good to help, by the way, this time, I communicated with the free Devil Lord, but I also got some new insights." Qin Haoxuan knew that the Lord Swallow said this, only to comfort him, her reverse scale has exploded, new How easy is it to become a fairy?

The only thing he can do now is to help Tun Hai as much as possible, and give everything he feels to Tun Hai to see how much he can understand into her own perception.

Qin Haoxuan revealed his consciousness to the Lord of Swallowing Sea.

After a long time, after the Lord of Swallowing the Sea fully understood the sentiment, he asked, "Oh, yes, this time, I am no longer, did the punishment come here to find us? When I left, I used to Send a message to him, and he will come to the God's machine door. If he looks for me, he should come to the God's machine door. "

"He didn't arrive. By the way, during this period of time, a glance once told me that the first yin and yang fairy cemetery in ancient and modern times is too difficult to find the exact location. It will take some time before he can find it." The Lord said and looked at Meng Zhong's ancestor again. During this period of time, she was mostly closed, at this time Meng Zhong's ancestor was more clear.

Meng Zhong did n’t even think about it, and just shook his head simply: “No. Nowadays, the degree of worship of Qin Patriarch in our **** machine door, if anyone comes to Qin Patriarch, I am afraid that all the people of the whole religion will know, but this paragraph Since time, no outsiders have entered our **** machine door to find Qin Laozu. "

There was a worried look on Qin Haoxuan's face. For a long time, the punishment should have been closed and he came to find himself. Why didn't he appear?

Although he is a strange birthplace of heaven and earth, he practiced from scratch, and he does not know how far he has practiced now, and is still in such dangerous places as the ruins of Fei Xian.

What's more, his strange birthplace, in the eyes of outsiders, is no different from peerless treasure.

No, I need to see him!

Exactly, Yixian also said now that he needs time to push the specific position of the beginning.

Qin Haoxuan thought of this and looked at two people: "I am a little worried about the punishment. I need to go back to the Feixian ruins again."

The Shenji, who had been standing silent all the time, heard an anxious look on her face. She hesitated, and a struggling look appeared on her face. Suddenly, she threw herself in front of Qin Haoxuan.

"Teacher ... what's wrong with you?"

"Shenji Daoyou ..."

The three of them were startled by the sudden action of the Divine Machine, and they looked at the Divine Machine in amazement and surprise.

Qin Haoxuan exerted mana power in his hands, holding up the magic machine. The magic machine is the master of the God machine door and represents the God machine door.

And he owes the dream of Tianji Jizi to him, but he owes the grace of the door of God. How can he let Mengji Zi kneel in front of him.

He had just lifted up the dream machine, but the dream machine was puffed, kneeling on his body again, begging: "Please ask Qin ancestor to teach me the law, I will personally avenge the dream machine and kill Puguang Pavilion!" But my strength is not enough. I hope Qin Laozu can teach me Dafa. "

Qin Haoxuan and others have already told her why the dream machine died. He doesn't blame Qin Haoxuan, he doesn't blame the devourer of the sea, the dream machine is the resource to help Qin Haoxuan and the devourer of the sea, no wonder both of them.

She has complaints about Yixian, but she will not blame it. She knows that Yixian is the best friend of Mengji, and she also knows that Yixian has been trying to save the dream.

She blamed the Puguang Pavilion. If the Puguang Pavilion had found three ancestors in Fengchun, how could the dream machine die?

She wants revenge!

However, although her cultivation ability is good, it is far from enough.

To avenge her revenge, she must have great opportunities and breakthroughs, so she is asking for Qin Haoxuan.

She knew that she was the master of the God Machine Gate, and she kneeled towards Qin Haoxuan to represent this.

She also knows that a cultivator, not to mention the palace, just a cultivator, their perceptions, their avenues, and their methods of Dao will not be easily taught.

Even their disciples may not be fully taught.

She knew that her request was excessive.

If this kind of request is passed on, it will even be treated as a joke. Didn't a master of her divine machine understand this?

But she couldn't help it. She wanted to make a quick breakthrough, only to find Qin Haoxuan.

She wants revenge, if she can get revenge, she is willing to give up everything.

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly in his heart. The **** machine of the day got the news of the death of the dream machine. It seemed calm and calm, but she might be the most sad one.

She was the leader of the Supreme Church, but in order to avenge her, she abandoned her dignity and knelt twice ...

Qin Haoxuan's breath came out of his body, and he held up the Divine Machine again, and hurriedly said: "It doesn't have to be this way ... Daily friends of the dream machine died on that day, and I blame myself.

My avenue, there is no ... you are ready to see if you can accept as much as you like. "

Qin Haoxuan used his consciousness communication to directly understand all his feelings and all Taoisms in recent years with the consciousness, whether it is the Taoist disc of the King of Water, who is quickly enlightened in the remains of the flying fairy, or the law of the Heavenly King, or The method of forming fairy trees into forests, the method of superposition of Taoist palaces, and even the enlightenment of the way of heaven and earth, there is no trace of hidden secrets to be taught to the **** machine.

After the **** machine received the consciousness, the whole person instantly entered into epiphany. Her body fluctuations were constantly approaching the heavens and the earth, and the faintly heaven and earth all resonated with it. A burst of air fluttered out of her body. The epiphany divine light condenses around her body.

Qin Haoxuan was quite surprised to feel the vibrations of the world around him, and suddenly turned back, looking at Meng Zhong Laozu said: "Your teaching is very strong, the talent is even more amazing, she is a waste of teaching, change another one. Otherwise, she is so distracted as a teacher now, which is not good for her practice. "

Unlike many small denominations, the strongest person is palm teaching, those who really teach, the strongest person in teaching is never palm teaching. Because the palm master is to manage one thing, that is too much delay in practice.

Naturally, it is a kind of practice to do palm teaching and management teaching. But after doing it for a period of time, with the realization of this practice, they will all resign from the position of teaching and concentrate on practice.

Meng Zhong knew that his talent for teaching was excellent, but he did not expect that he had reached such a level that Qin Haoxuan and other current giants would praise them. Since then, he replied: "At the beginning, we had plans to persuade Zhangjiao to resign from the teaching. Only in our magical machine door, these words are all instructing ourselves to resign from the position of control, but others are Hard to say.

After all, to teach, still respect. This time, since Qin Laozu proposed it, I would dream of Zhong Zhong's reliance on the old and sell the old once, taking the initiative to mention it based on my seniority. "

Patriarch Meng Zhong said a pause, and looked at Qin Haoxuan and asked: "Yes, Patriarch Qin, you have been in our Shenji door for some time. I wonder if Patriarch Qin has any good recommendations? "

"This ... I haven't really been long when I came to your God's machine door. I don't know anyone from your denomination. Besides, I'm not an outsider who can interfere with your God's machine door." Qin Haoxuan side As he retreated towards the back, he secretly slandered in his heart. This dream clock old man looked honest and honest, but who knows it is an old fox with routines everywhere, he ca n’t answer anything he says, otherwise he does n’t know how to make it. He gave a pit.

Meng Zhong looked at Qin Haoxuan speechlessly and sighed helplessly: "Qin Laozu, we are all friends. What's wrong and appropriate? You just say yes, can I still hang you?"

"Daoyou, let's say with a conscience. You haven't pitted me once or twice. I still have things. I'm going to the Feixian ruins. I'll teach the candidates. It's okay if you choose yourself."

The last voice fell, Qin Haoxuan was already in the position of dozens of miles, and flew away quickly outside the gate of the God Machine.

Ancestor Meng Zhong sighed, Qin Haoxuan became smart now, not fooled.

He originally asked Qin Haoxuan to say that as long as Qin Haoxuan said a candidate, he could say that since he was selected by Qin Haoxuan, there would naturally be no problem.

But it ’s your choice, right? Is it inappropriate for you to ignore it later? How much do you have to help in the future, right?

As a result, Qin Haoxuan was really not fooled.

"It's really unpopular. People in this year always think of others as bad and unpopular!" Ms. Zhong Zhong walked around while shaking his head and sighing.

The Lord who swallowed the sea was suddenly speechless, obviously you want to pit others, Qin Haoxuan, okay, why did it change to your mouth? Now that she is familiar with it, she finds that this guy, Meng Zhong, is very different from the outside world.

Well, it's shameless.

Qin Haoxuan left the Shenji Gate, cast wings to cover the sky, and flew all the way to the remains of Fei Xian.

He has already merged the wings of the sky and the wings of freedom, and now under flight, he has both the hidden power of the wings of the sky and the speed of the wings of freedom.

The Fei Xian Ruins have been open for a long time, although no one is getting together as before, but as some people leave the Fei Xian Ruins, more and more people learn that everyone has a great chance in the Fei Xian Ruins. Or, in addition to being jealous, many people came to Fei Xian's ruins after deliberation and wanted to enter the ruins.

However, at this time, it is already the best time to enter the ruins of Fei Xian.

Today, this ancestral Taoist ancestor is gathered outside the remains of Fei Xian, constantly calculating.

Because some people have left the Feixian ruins, they also know roughly where to enter the Feixian ruins is safer, but they are still constantly calculating.

They knew that some people had the highest chance in the Feixian ruins, but there were also a large number of Taoist ancestors who died in the Feixian ruins.

Some people hold magic weapons, calculate the route of the ruins, and calculate the large array of ruins. Some are responsible for protecting the law on the side, but none of them provoked actively.

Their purpose is very clear to enter the ruins to find opportunities ~ ~ Moreover, the ruins are extremely dangerous, and fighting at this time is really unwise.

There are even a few Taoist ancestors who are guarding the law and have begun to discuss how to unite.

"Among the ruins, there is space turbulence, and even space vortices, which are extremely dangerous, and the ruins are large enough, and they are not afraid. When we enter along the way, we will **** each other's chances. After the turbulent flow of that space. "

"Yes, my suggestion is that after all of us work together to calculate the safest road, we will work together to walk through the turbulent area of ​​the space, and then we will separate."

"Everyone is for chance, let go of all the battles for the time being!"

Everyone discussed the room. Suddenly, a figure flew from afar, and the figure was hidden very well, and they only saw it when they were near.

But don't wait for them to say hello to each other, the figure is already in the ruins of Fei Xian!

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