MTL - Too Early-Chapter 4 The poisonous valley in the early mountain

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In the mad heart, it is even playing a small ninety-nine. If I am confused with the position of the teacher, it is not the Xianglong national guardian national immortal, this is the name of the prestige than the emperor!

At this time, Xu Tenghu took over the words: "Hey, if I can walk into the sinister poisonous valley at the beginning, take the magic weapon that was left in the battle of the fairy, and it is the first religion of Xianglongguo in the district!" Aton, proudly said: "We are too early to teach that there is an advantage that other sects do not have, that is, the battlefield that is closest to one of the fairy wars hundreds of thousands of years ago - the sinister poison valley!"

"The fairy magic war has fallen into countless strong people, and the various treasures that they have spent all their lives collecting are scattered in the sacred poisonous valley. There are long-lost ancient spiritual laws, magic, and many others that can make the whole repairing world The magic weapon of **** hurricanes!"

"That... isn't it going to get it?" The old-fashioned arrogant arrogant ears listened to Zhao Jialong and Xu Tunhu's words, for fear of missing a word, when I heard the scattered fairy tales of countless treasures in the vicinity of Taichu. And it was still an unexplored virgin land, and suddenly anxious: "If you are stolen by other sects, it is not bad!"

Xu Tenghu’s contempt was a sneak peek at the IQ of IQ, and he sneered: “If you can ask for it at will, will you use it to remind you? If other sects dare to invade my Taishi’s sphere of influence, when I am too early Teach no one?"

The ridiculously arrogant arrogant Xu Yanhu, but the face showed a thick smile, repeatedly called.

"When the fairy devil battled to the most critical moment, the magic road revealed the defeat, and one of the devil's ancestors, the venerable demon lord, blew himself up, and the poisonous demon sorcerer was innumerable, except for a few who were similar to his realm. The strong man is lucky to escape, no one is spared! The poisonous demon is the ultimate strong, and now the immortal will enter the sinister poison valley and will be poisoned, even if you know that there is treasure inside, how dare to break into the treasure hunt!"

"After the venomous demon blast, the poison gas spread over half of Lantau Island, forming a sinister poisonous valley! Now Lantau Island is only one-third of the original Lantau Island, even the extremely high-level cultivators do not dare to break in, the same It’s hard to get into the poisonous valley, and it’s hard to stop the poisonous gas.

Qin Haoxuan listened secretly. He was attached to the snake and had explored the depths of the Xiaoyu Mountain. It was extremely dangerous and easy to get lost, not to mention three times more than the first mountain of Lantau Island in Xianglong. It was the sinister poison valley of the fairy magic battlefield!

Xu Tunhu whispered in a low voice: "The place between heaven and earth to the yin, to the poison or the sun, it is easy to produce a variant of the elixir. After so many years of gestation, the sinister poisonous valley has certainly given birth to many variant drugs. Can make these variants of the elixir out, maybe the ancestors of Zongmen Shouyuan will be able to break through to the fifth layer of Xianyingdao, and then get a few hundred years of life, so I can get the strength of the early teaching Take off once!"

Listening to Xu Tenghu’s words, Qin Haoxuan gradually summed it up. These so-called gods were originally cultivated immortals. Although they can fly to the sky, they are not real gods. There are still places in the world where they dare not go, as well as disputes and forces. The scope, and not as long as the legend, is not old. If you want to live long, you must break through the new realm and add life to the sky.

"The two brothers are so powerful, presumably also the third layer of the fourth layer of master!" Zhang smirked and flattered.

"Which is so simple!" Xu Tenghu said that the practice is also sighing: "The first layer of cultivation of Xianxian planted the sacred roots, only to guide the heaven and earth aura into the body, watering the fairy species, let the fairy germination long leaves only break through to the second layer In Xian Miaojing, Xian Miao can grow forty-nine leaves. The more strength the fairy leaves are, the stronger the strength is. After the birth of the forty-nine leaves, there is a chance to pull out the seedlings into trees!"

"I have been in the 30 years since I started. I only broke through the fairyland and grew eleven cents! Zhao is the leader of our generation. It took more than 30 years to open twenty-two cents. If it can't be pulled out. Miao Chengshu, breaking through the third layer of fairyland, after the exhaustion of the life in 150 years, there is no magic bullet to extend Shouyuan, only one way to die! The third layer of the third layer of Xiuxian Road is said to be on the mouth. It’s that simple!”

“If there is a panacea to assist in cultivation, will it get twice the result with half the effort?”

" Nonsense, if the magical medicine for auxiliary cultivation is inexhaustible, even if the elder son of Huang’s old firewood has the cultivation of the seventeenth leaf of the fairy seedlings, if the brother of Zhao’s brother is also the elder of the teaching, to Zhao’s brother Talent qualification..."

See Xu Xuanhu said that the more outrageous, Zhao Jialong fake cough a few times, cold voice: "Xu Shidi! Shen Yan!"

Xu Tunhu looked cold and realized that he had said more, and he closed his mouth and did not dare to speak again.

The three people of Qin Haoxuan have their own thoughts, and each of them has a small ninety-nine.

It seems that the cultivation of immortality has no qualifications, and there must be countless panacea and precious treasures as an aid, so that progress can be faster! Although his qualifications are not as mad as they are, but they win in a small snake with no poison, they may be able to attach themselves to the sinister poisonous valley. If you can get one or two treasures, you will be able to shine in the early days!

Although it is very dangerous, Qin Haoxuan’s idea of ​​treasure hunting in Xianxian is even stronger!

In the early days, there are many people who have better qualifications than themselves. There are also many second generations with a golden key. The qualifications are generally not unique. If you can’t seize this opportunity, let’s go and have no hope. The martial arts of the Wanmen disciples mixed their heads.

All the way, no sleep, the horses rushed for three days and three nights, they finally came to the foot of Lantau.

Lantau Island, the first gate of Xianglong Country, is a mountainous place with rolling hills.

In the heavy stack, the main peak of Huangdi Peak is straight into the sky, and a sturdy but imposing Tongtian Ladder leads directly from the peak to the foot of the mountain. The starting point of the Tongtian Ladder is a huge bluestone carved door, simple and beautiful, but not fancy.

Two blood-red books on the mountain gate - "too early."

At the end of the Tongtian Ladder is the Taichu Treasure Hall. The entire Xianglong people are fascinated by the Xianjia heavy land. If it is not a pre-teacher disciple, the emperor of the dragon, even the dragon of the human being, can only enter once in the lifetime.

The poor mountains and waters of Lantau Island and Xiaoyu Mountain, which are filled with the aura of Xianjia, are completely different. They walked to the foot of Huangdi Peak along the birds and flowers, especially the Huangdi Peak, and the clouds floated like a fairy voice.

Even Qin Haoxuan, who is calm in heart, can't help but stunned. How did Lantau, which was close to the sinister poison valley, be a bleak and miserable one? The early teachings must be deep in Lantau. I thought the depths of Lantau must be more dangerous than the depths of the Lantau. They have already set aside their lives, and they are ready to go to the mountains to learn the art. But they did not expect it to be a fairyland on earth!

"Lantau Island is the best place for Xianglong's feng shui aura. It has also been infiltrated by my ancestors for thousands of years. It is normal for the mountains and rivers to be beautiful." Xu Tunhu did not laugh at them because he had just entered the division 30 years ago. They are also shocked.

“Hurrying for three days and three nights, I finally arrived before tomorrow’s final test!” Zhao Jialong sighed and turned to dismount the horse. He was also immersed in the beautiful scenery of Qin Haoxuan. “The Yellow Emperor Peak is forbidden to ride up the mountain. You are compliant. Walking through the ladder to the half-mountain pavilion, there will be someone to arrange for the meeting, you have a good night's rest tonight, the final test is very important tomorrow, remember!"

After guiding Qin Haoxuan to register at the registration office under the mountain gate, he and Xu Tenghu went up the mountain, the speed was extremely fast, and soon the figure could not be seen.

In addition to Qin Haoxuan in front of the mountain gate, there are always newcomers who have been recruited by the early teaching disciples to pass the assessment. They also confessed that they disappeared after being received by the Banshan Pavilion. The hurried estimate was to rush to meditate and make up for the losses that went out in the past few days.

Qin Haoxuan used the fastest speed, and it took him three hours to walk to the Banshan Pavilion. At this time, the sky will be paralyzed, and the sunset will be swayed in Lantau.

Standing on the mountainside, it is a delicate building, with red bricks and green tiles, tall and tall trees, and colorful flower beds. The flowers and trees are just right.

The Banshan Pavilion is actually a long corridor. It is also an external publicity column for the early education. The low-rise wall of the corridor is carved with various patterns. There are rare animals, famous mountains and rivers, and many strange gods. There is also part of the history of the early teaching.

This gallery is crowded with people, about one or two hundred, and is a new disciple who was chosen this year.

The Taichu religion, which has thousands of years of history, surprised these hairy guys. They looked at the murals and words one by one, and they all gave birth to an emotion that I was proud of being a disciple.

After the arrival of the newcomers, the sun has already gone down, and a 40-year-old Taixue disciple has come to him, and he looks proud and said: "Follow me!"

After spending more than two hundred new people in the cafeteria, he shuttled through the exquisite buildings to the residence. A noble teenager with a luxurious dress and a jade pendant can't help but sigh: "I am awkward, this is even more beautiful than the Imperial Palace!"

I think that I want to live in a fairyland that is more beautiful than the Imperial Palace Garden. Most of the poor disciples who are born in poverty can't help but feel excited and full of expectation.

However, the leader who was leading the road turned around and took them to a low-rise and dilapidated cottage.

"Tomorrow morning, you will gather here, someone will take you to the final test, and the top of the mountain is the sect of the sect. You are not qualified to enter now, remember not to run around, otherwise you will be evicted from the wall and never be included!" Looking at the low-rise and dilapidated cottage, said: "That is your residence tonight."

A group of teenagers who hope to burst, although they are cursing in the heart of the early childhood, but no one dares to express their dissatisfaction, watching the leading brother turn and leave.

"Slow! Is this a kennel? Is this for people?" A juvenile teenager frowned and questioned without any scruples.

He wore a yellow shirt, embroidered with two golden beads in the chest, a white jade plaque with his hair, a carved dragon-shaped jade on his waist, and an amber jade finger on his hand. I know that it is not an ordinary child.

The road leader stopped and turned a sullen face. If he didn't see the boy's dress, guess his identity, a newcomer's disciple hadn't mixed his head yet. He was stunned, but also The tone was not good, replied: "The new introductory disciples only have this treatment, and refuse to accept the elders theory!"

"Bold, do you know who he is! He is the third emperor of the Xianglong Kingdom, the most loved by the emperor, Li Jing!" A third emperor Li Jing next to a classmate said loudly, this class is also a brocade suit, Yu Xuan An, should also be a child of the right .

The smile that appeared on the face of the road was full of despise taste, and the big sleeve said: "It is your emperor and the old boy who are in person. On the Lantau Island, you must also observe the rules of the early Taiji, the three emperors? The identity of the mortal, less Posing at the beginning."

After all, he Shi Shiran away.

Li Jing, who had eaten awkwardly, and several powerful children around him were gloomy. Li Jing laughed and said: "The father does not always teach us to go deep into the people and understand the hardships of the people. Isn't this a good opportunity for experience?"

It is worthy of being a royal child. This self-reliance succeeded in finding a step for myself, and also won a lot of good-natured children.

Li Jingyi first entered the bungalow, and a musty smell came. This narrow and long bungalow was dark and damp, and one foot stepped on the ground and stepped on the water to make a sizzling sound.

Li Jing’s identity as a prince has attracted the attention of many people, and many people have taken the initiative to join him to meet him.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Yang are filled with enthusiasm and smiles. They have already gathered several teenagers and chatted with each other.

When everyone is making friends and ganging for their future, there are also a few people sitting on the bedside. These people are either inferior or inferior.

Qin Haoxuan did not go to join in the fun, for the initiative to talk with his young boy, a selection of a quilt, began to drum up hygiene.

Next to Qin Haoxuan, a thin boy with only Qin Haoxuan’s shoulders stood tall and timid, and he was very arrogant. He seemed to be the first time to go far away. For the first time, he was in the same room with so many people because he was thin and small. Small is very humble, and no one takes the initiative to say hello to him.

"Hey, help me pull the quilt together?" Looking at his lonely and unrelenting appearance, Qin Haoxuan's heart was moved, and he greeted him with a sigh: "Small Xiaoshan Qin Haoxuan, what about you?"

The boy smiled slightly, revealing the white teeth, and the quilt took the and Qin Haoxuan together to shake the dust, and said: "Xu...Xu Yu..."

When most people were in communication, Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu who made the bed made Li Jing’s attention.

Thin and thin Xu Yu does not say, Qin Haoxuan is very open sun, a bronze muscle and a strong body, indicating that his physical fitness is good, the qualifications should be very good.

Li Jing went to Qin Haoxuan and said, "Li Jing, ask the brothers and Taiwanese surnames!"

"Qin Haoxuan." Qin Haoxuan also held a fist back.

"Qin Brothers, we are all disciples of the early teachings, and they are the same brothers of the same year. The teachers who are in the early days are like clouds. The disciples who are just getting started are not valued. Afterwards, everyone will promote each other and advance and retreat together!"

Li Jing’s radiant smile, with Qin Haoxuan’s shoulders, is very intimate.

After all, Li Jing is the three emperors of Xianglongguo. He took the initiative to talk to himself. If he was perfunctory, he would be too sloppy. Qin Haoxuan smiled and chatted with him, but the thin Xu Yu stood next to Qin Haoxuan. However, Li Jing did not look at it, as if he had no such person at all, and he did not care about him at all.

Soon, Qin Haoxuan had an evaluation in his heart. Li Jing’s superficial enthusiasm was very powerful and he only had the potential to have potential.

The group of teenagers chatted for a while, the sky was completely dark, and the cold mountain wind blew in from the cracks in the wall.

In the early autumn, the temperature is not low during the day, but the temperature difference between day and night is extremely great, especially in this cold and humid bungalow, some of the weak constitution has shivered.

Although these two Datong shops are more than enough for two hundred people to sleep, and they have placed more than two hundred quilts, these quilts are wet and thin, and they can pinch out the water with a force, and they also emit a pungent musty smell.