MTL - Top Furious Doctor Soldier-Chapter 67 Open street

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"Are we young? Can we get a shot?"

A murmured voice sounded behind No Trace in the East. "Liu Feng is a very good boy, but I have enough brothers. I believe this Shili Lane will be very fierce for a while."

"Go ahead, I hope you have enough brothers, and you want to play well." Dongfang No Trace voice is cold, eyes full of the revenge.

"You'll know right away. The brothers I brought can stand on this street. Everyone!"

When the sound of that yin rang again, the two sides of Shilixiang Street rushed out of the strong men holding steel pipes.

The number of these strong men is really too large. When they appear, they will almost fill the entire street.

So many people are holding out their weapons and letting out gas at the same time. The killing alone makes ordinary people a little unbearable. Many pedestrians on the road are scared to hide into the small singing hall or massage room. The strong man rushed out of these stores.

Liu Feng's front and back soon filled with people, and these people also approached him actively.

Ha ha!

"This scene is not small!" Liu Feng looked at his empty hands and said in a self-deprecating tone: "So many of you, also holding weapons, to bully me on such a bare-handed handsome guy, are jealous of me handsome ?"


I didn't know it was a sudden shout, and then all the strong men lifted the steel pipe and rushed towards Liu Feng together.

"It's really boring to hit you ordinary people, but don't blame me if you have to come and fight."

风 Liu Feng yelled and rushed back towards the crowd in front.

Bang bang bang!

I smashed three steel pipes at Liu Feng, but Liu Feng just crossed his left arm and blocked it with a forearm grid. And Liu Feng's right hand, three consecutive straight punches, smashed the three noses burst into blood.

It's not over yet. Liu Feng's shot is a beautiful combo. After punching, his body spins and jumps, kicking five feet in the air, and kicking five people.

As soon as he took a move, he smashed eight people in less than a second, and immediately emptied a space in front of him.

刘 When Liu Feng re-landed, the people behind him also rushed out, but before these strong men shot, Liu Feng's figure turned again, and his right leg swept backwards.

Bang bang bang!

I was a series of muffled sounds. At this moment, I don't know how many people's calves were cut off by Liu Feng.

There was a scream in the street of Shili Lane.

刘 When Liu Feng stood up, several steel pipes had been scattered under his feet, and his right toe picked up, and three steel pipes flew into his hands.

"The gopher game starts again!"

风 Liu Feng shouted with a smile, then turned around and flew out a steel pipe.


钢 This steel turn, two people were shot sideways, and both were shot on the face, and two blood lines burst instantly.

"Come again!"


Another steel pipe flew out, and a strong man's head came into close contact with the steel pipe. The result was that the steel pipe was bent, and the strong man's head burst into blood. This man even held his miserable hands. Squatting down.

"carry on!"


The third steel pipe flew out, and two more people were shot by the steel pipe.

Then, Liu Feng picked up with his left toe, and four more steel pipes in his hand.

Like this, Liu Feng, like Super Mario, went all the way forward, hitting monsters all the way, in this narrow street, it was almost unstoppable.

The countless number of strong men rushed forward with a steel pipe, and then they were knocked to the ground by Liu Feng. The scene was simply too spectacular.


On the second floor at the end of the street, the East can be seen clearly without any trace. He hammered the window sill and turned his head and asked, "Sun Chengfeng, don't you say that this plan will definitely work? See for yourself. Liu Feng is too good, right? "

Yes, it is Sun Chengfeng who took the initiative to find Dongfang Wujin to cooperate.

The young and old Sun family, in the end did not listen to his father's advice, decided to work out Liu Feng.

Sun Chengfeng stepped forward, his eyes were full of sinister and vicious, "I know he can fight, but can he get through the street? This time I transferred out the Sun family battle hall and hunting hall, a total of more than 300 people Even if you are tired, Liu Feng will be exhausted. What are you afraid of? "

"More than three hundred people! Okay!" Dongfang Wujin was also taken aback by Sun Chengfeng's masterpiece.

Sun Chengfeng said: "It's not just my three hundred people. Since I chose Shili Lane, I have naturally informed several bosses in this lane. They also have more than 200 people, and they will also go up."

"More than 500 people!" Dong Yuan Yuan was shocked again.

"Ha ha! There are still five hundred people. This is the situation that my dad didn't know. If he would support me, it would be normal for a thousand people!" Sun Chengfeng said with confidence.

In the effort of talking between these two bad guys, Liu Feng has opened up half a street, and the ground is almost full of people. If you count it, there are at least one hundred.

Suddenly, it took less than ten minutes to bring down a hundred people.

Sun Chengfeng, who was on the second floor, raised his hand and slammed his fingers, "Use a knife, don't be polite, cut this guy off."


孙 Behind Sun Cheng, five people turned and left immediately.

After two minutes, a group of strong men emerged from all directions. These people were holding a two-foot machete in their hands, flashing a dark red coldness under the neon light.

"Oh, even the knife is used, this is a life-threatening!"

Liu Feng frowned slightly. In his capacity, if the killing was launched, I am afraid that none of the people here could survive. But Liu Feng is not a murderer, punishing the principal can be a little bit harsh, but it is not enough to deal with these ordinary characters.


At this moment, among the crowd that rushed out, I didn't know who yelled, and then these brave men raised their machete and rushed towards Liu Feng.

既然 "Since you are beating, fight."

Liu Feng held the steel pipe in both hands and kicked back.

This time, Liu Feng was not playing a game of gophers. Instead, he used textbook-like street fighting techniques. One hand was used to block and the other was used to attack. Flick right, flick forward, flick back and forth in the knife light.


As soon as a strong man's knife fell through, his face was drawn by a steel pipe, and his nasal bone was broken. He sprayed blood along his nostril and fell back.


Another strong man, with a steel pipe on his elbow, immediately bent his arm back 90 degrees, the machete in his hand fell to the ground, and he even screamed in pain.

Bang bang bang!

Liu Feng really was like a tiger entering a flock. At the beginning, these strong men still could hinder him a little. After one minute of playing, the two steel pipes in Liu Feng's hands turned up and down, forcing more than one hundred people to go backwards and forwards. Someone kept going backwards to the ground.

"Nima! This person is too fierce?"

"Slump! We often have fighting incidents in Shili Lane. What a fierce fight this time!"

"I'm a bit skeptical. Is this a film company making a movie here? There are really people in the world who can make it a hundred!"

At this time, many people in the karaoke hall and massage room were watching the fighting outside through the windows. One by one, they were all crazy, and Liu Feng was like an invincible God of War in their eyes.

Similarly, Sun Chengfeng and Dongfang Wujin on the second floor can't stand a little.

"Sun Chengfeng, how can this Liu Feng fight so much?"

Dongfang Wujin suddenly felt very nervous, even if he had a reserve of nearly 300 people on his side, he also had a snack.

Sun Chengfeng said, "Don't be afraid, it won't work. We can use guns."

During the conversation, Sun Chengfeng pulled a pistol from his waist and patted it on the window sill.

Dongfang's body without a trace was involuntarily stunned again. He used a gun. Although he was a rich second generation who did not like to do good deeds, he never killed anyone from a young age, and never used a gun.

Sun Chengfeng continued: "The main thing is that we still have a hole card. Isn't Peng Jiaqi not a girl in our hands? At a critical moment, we can use that girl to threaten Liu Feng."


As soon as Peng Jiaqi was mentioned, the tensionlessness in the East also disappeared. "In order to catch Peng Jiaqi, I spent 10,000 yuan to buy her roommate, and this only tricked him out of the school dormitory. My money It can't be spent in vain. "

"No white flowers, Liu Feng is dead today." Sun Chengfeng sneered and patted Dongfang's shoulder without a trace.

At this time on the narrow streets, some of the ground couldn't get down, because there were people lying around, and some people were afraid of being trampled after being knocked down, and they tried to roll to both sides, but they did n’t roll far enough and they were crowded. Go back.

Liu Feng is getting fiercer and fiercer, and his speed is getting faster and faster. Sometimes he empties the front, and he will run up and jump, and plunge into the crowd to chase.

"Nima! How could this guy be so fierce?"

"Let's be gang-bashing, why do you feel like being gang-banged?"

"Brothers, stop talking nonsense, fight with him, if we hundreds of people can't cut him one, I'm afraid I won't have the confidence to live."

壮 This group of strong men are still cheering themselves up, indicating that the quality of the Sun family's thugs is not bad. If they were replaced by ordinary hooligans, and faced with such a fierce man, they would have been beaten up and run away?

"Well said, you guys are really a bit boned. I like to beat boned people most. If you run away or beg for mercy ~ ~ I'm sorry to hit you!" Liu Feng sighed loudly, two The steel pipe waved faster.

"Sun Chengfeng, let everyone under you go up. This will not work. As long as there are enough people, the pile will also pile him." The East on the second floor has no trace, and finally gave a constructive opinion.

Sun Chengfeng nodded his head, "Okay, everyone is pushing up, they are not allowed to retreat, and even if they are pressed by someone, they will press Liu Feng down to the point of death."


At this time, the last three brothers behind Sun Chengfeng also went down, and then, from the end of the alley in Shili Lane, a dense crowd crowded in again.

The entire narrow street was almost crowded with people, forming a torrent of human flesh, rushing towards Liu Feng.

Some people crowded in the front and some people pushed in the back. In this case, even if Liu Feng injured someone, he couldn't empty his side because the injured person fell at most in place, but someone immediately rushed up behind him. Almost stepped on the companion and pushed up.

"It's cruel enough, but this will stop me?"

风 Liu Feng sneered, and suddenly rushed towards the left.

风 Under the attention of hundreds of pairs of eyes, Liu Feng jumped up, his feet slamming forward against the wall of the roadside store.

His body was almost in the air, two steel pipes turned the flowers into the crowd, almost sticking to his face, and the crowd fell to the ground.

As soon as Liu Feng rushed, he would run more than ten meters across the wall, but then repeated the other side.

Twenty-five minutes later, Liu Feng was almost going to the end of the lane from one end of Shili Lane.

"Break through the street!" The eastern invisible eyes on the second floor were on fire, and some hysterical shouted: "Sun Chengfeng, are you there? Are there anyone else? Liu Feng really wants to open the street!"