MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 165 (1)

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Whether it was Red Bird or Jingcha, they thought they would face a fierce battle after returning to the train. After all, before they entered the abyss, there were already dead bodies dormant in the box.

But what they didn't expect was that after returning, it was Chi Yiyin, who was supposed to be not good at fighting, who calmed down the situation in the box without any risk.

It doesn't even cost a single soldier.

Red Bird looked at the train conductor who was lying on the ground and was still crying, and was in a daze for a while, feeling that the world was **** magical.

Chi, Chi Yiyin, this is the biggest boss on the train!

They even used Li Sijun as a hostage to "extort a confession" from the conductor of the train, making him tell the situation on the train even though he was reluctant.

——If you talk about the understanding of trains, who can compare with the train conductor?

Even if it is a god, or something else, the NPC who directly manages the train does not have a thorough understanding.

Although the train conductor still has the professional ethics of being an NPC, he doesn't say anything about the details. At most, he provides Chi Yiyin with a general direction, and vindictively stated the ultimate purpose of the train.

But for Chi Yiyin, this is enough.

He didn't expect to be able to solve all the problems on the train at one time, so that the "proctor" missed the questions, which was already inclined to the respondents.

They still need to walk the rest of the way.

After the goal was achieved, Chi Yiyin lost interest in the train conductor, turned around and sat opposite Red Bird, wanting to discuss the next countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, the red bird jumped up like a spring under its buttocks, and jumped back again and again.

In the blink of an eye, the distance from him has already been opened.

Chi Yiyin: "?"

"what are you doing?"

He asked Red Bird wonderingly: "Can I eat you?"

The red bird looked at Chi Yiyin in horror, but did not dare to answer.

—You don’t eat people, but the boss behind you is jealous!

Even Jingcha noticed that the atmosphere in the private room was not right, and froze when Li Sijun stared at him.

For the first time, this fearless and violent rabbit didn't blow his hair, but sat on the sofa in a stiff posture. After missing the best time to escape, he had to freeze in place and dare not move.

From an angle that Chi Yiyin couldn't see, Li Sijun looked at the two people opposite him with a gloomy and cold gaze, as if those two had snatched Chi Yiyin's attention and left him in the cold.

Red Bird: Don't take me with you on the relationship between the bosses, what if it disappears?

Chi Yiyin also realized something from the reaction of the two, and turned to look at Li Sijun in doubt.

But when he looked at it, Li Sijun immediately restrained his horrified eyes, his brows and eyes softened, and he looked harmless.

It can even be said that it is the appearance of a retired old man guarding his lover.

The golden-red sunset glow came in from the car window and sprinkled on Li Sijun's body. The smile on his lips made the originally stern face soften like an oil painting.

It seems to be the painting that the artist devoted his heart and soul to.

Just touch it a little, and it will be so sweet that honey syrup will flow out.

The years are quiet and gentle, like Chi Yiyin, who is already the world in his eyes now.

Chi Yiyin was stunned for a moment, and was amazed by the scene in front of him for a moment.

He quickly came back to his senses, subconsciously clenched his hands into fists, and gave a fake cough to his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable being watched by Li Sijun.

But after Chi Yiyin returned to his normal state, he let him look left and right, but he didn't find anything wrong with Li Sijun, which made him feel a little strange, and looked at Red Bird again.

But the moment Chi Yiyin turned around, the smile on Li Sijun's lips faded.

Red Bird, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, raised her heart tightly again, so frightened that she didn't even dare to breathe.

Chi Yiyin: "...?"

"need any help?"

He asked politely and tactfully.

Underlying question: Are you sick?

Red Bird wanted to cry but felt like Chi Yiyin suspected her mental state.

But he couldn't prove himself.

He finally understands that as long as Chi Yiyin is not in front of Li Sijun, this boss will be in danger because of his displeasure.

But if Chi Yiyin is to see the danger of Li Sijun, he needs to not see Li Sijun... This is a contradiction, and it is completely impossible to realize.

"…never mind."

Red Bird hugged her disgusted self in distress, and picked up Jingcha with a wounded look: "Let's go back to our own box."

Chi Yiyin tilted her head, inexplicably: "There is no conclusion on what to do next, so you are going to leave?"

Red Bird: "QAQ, let's give the child a way out, can't we chat on the communication terminal?"

Chi Yiyin smiled and pointed to herself: "I'm right here, do you have to talk through a wall?"

Unfinished words: Are you sick?

Red Bird: "..."

Jingcha... Jingcha silently shook off Hongniao's hand, and rushed towards the door of the box like a dog having fun.

"Anyway, I can't understand what you're talking about. Brother Chi doesn't need my brain, so I won't participate!"

Jingcha has never been so happy that she has no brains: "Talk first, I will wait for you outside the door!"

When Chi Yiyin turned around and looked over, Jingcha had already closed the door with a bang.

Only Red Bird stretched out his hand with tears in his eyes: "No—wait!"

Chi Yiyin: "...Didn't you really lose your mind after being frightened in the dungeon?"

In the whole box, the one who understood Red Bird the most was the train conductor who was on the opposite camp.

The train conductor looked at the red bird with pity, and felt that his boss's love brain was indeed astonishingly lethal to a certain extent.


"Why did this thing follow?"

The train conductor pointed to Chi Yiyin's feet wonderingly: "I wanted to say just now, can this thing... also be brought over from the abyss?"

A skinny little monster, holding Chi Yiyin's calf tightly, its too thin body follows Chi Yiyin like an ornament, and when Chi Yiyin doesn't need it, it stays motionless , It seems to be just three-dimensional embroidery on suit pants.

After the train conductor asked, the little monster turned his head and stared at the train conductor with those watery eyes that seemed too big. He didn't speak, but just watched silently.

But it made the train conductor feel unspeakable pressure.

It seems that the weight of hundreds of millions of lives is accumulated, and all of them are piled up on the little monster at this moment, and they look at themselves along with it.

Even though he has worked in the system for twelve years, he should be familiar with every plant and tree in the game field, and he should belong to the same camp as the little monster, but the train conductor still felt his scalp tingle under that glance.

He felt that he was being watched so that his whole body was about to explode.

What's worse...Beating a dog depends on the owner.

Just look at how attached the little monster is to Chi Yiyin, and even Li Sijun has acquiesced, even if the train conductor has the strength to protect himself, he doesn't dare to really do anything to it.

—What if Chi Yiyin turns around and troubles him?

The train conductor who didn't know what happened in the abyss to cause this scene was simply having a headache.

Red Bird, who witnessed the whole process in the abyss, looked up at the sky after sneaking a peek at the little monster, as if nothing had happened and everything was normal.

It seems that except for Chi Yiyin, no one dares to explain the train conductor's doubts.

The train conductor turned his head to look at Chi Yiyin anxiously: "If I had any regrets when I died, it must be because I didn't get the answer today."

Chi Yiyin smiled, and reached out to the little monster.

It immediately came over like a puppy docilely, and stuck it in Chi Yiyin's palm.

"Since you asked, let me introduce you."

Chi Yiyin even rubbed the little monster's head, not despising its ugly appearance at all.

"This is my new companion, you can call it Koike."

Train conductor: "..."

Train conductor: "???"

"No, don't you think it's weird?"

He was dumbfounded, and when he glanced at the little monster, he felt that his eyes were hurt by its ugliness, so he quickly looked away.

"This is a collection of deaths! Did you take it with you and even give it your surname?"

The train conductor had mixed feelings: "You have to know that every move and test in the game field has the significance of "concept". You give it a name, which is equivalent to classifying it into your own team category."

"I'm afraid it's in the system now. This thing has been registered in your name, and you are its guardian and guarantor. If it got into trouble, it's all on your shoulders. Failure, danger..."

The train conductor glanced at Li Sijun quietly, with a cautious look of condemnation in his eyes, as if he was complaining to Li Sijun, why didn't Chi Yiyin stop him before he did such a stupid thing.

Even if Chi Yiyin, who is a player, doesn't know, how could Li Sijun, the supreme being, not know?

"However, that's the end of the matter."

The train conductor sighed, and looked at Chi Yiyin with worries that shouldn't exist: "You sleep at night, remember to lock it outside. Beware of it."

"A thing that doesn't even have a soul or self-awareness, and is completely a collection of death concepts... I don't know how you dare to trust it."

Even though the conductor was paralyzed on the ground, he silently took two steps back to distance himself from the little monster.

"Although this thing rarely leaves the death cemetery once, and there is no record of killing people before, the probability of it killing people is by no means zero."

He wasn't worried about Chi Yiyin.

He was just afraid that if this little monster attacked Chi Yiyin secretly, it would definitely arouse Li Sijun's fury.

If the gods are angry, what kind of consequences will it cause...

The conductor of the train looks at the sky.

—That probably means that the 12-year planning of World Consciousness was all in vain. The gods can overturn the playing field in no time.


Make a ghost!

The god's only beloved believer has been attacked, what a joke, just destroy the whole world, okay?

Thinking of this, the train conductor said to Chi Yiyin earnestly: "For the sake of the world, please ensure your own safety."

Chi Yiyin smiled lightly and patted the little monster, not paying attention to it.

"Compared to humans, it is much safer."

He laughed and said, "At least, it won't betray or stab a knife in the back. Things like the destruction of the alliance will never happen to it."

"Right? Koike."

The little monster nodded, responding to Chi Yiyin's expectation.

The train stared at the little monster for a long time, but suddenly remembered something.

From just now, he felt that Chi Yiyin, who came back from the abyss, was stronger than before and difficult to deal with. It seemed that this literati who was better at strategy had acquired strength overnight that was not inferior to that of the awakened fighters. .

And if anything has changed during this time...

The biggest change, one is Li Sijun.

There is another one, the little monster in front of him.

The train conductor originally thought that Chi Yiyin's strength came from Li Sijun, and it was something that happened in the abyss that made Li Sijun give his own strength to Chi Yiyin, so that he could protect himself and even fight back.

But now, he thought of another ridiculous possibility.

Could it be... This little monster lent its own power to Chi Yiyin, right?

Forces are reciprocal after all.

The train conductor only said half of what he said just now, but Chi Yiyin's act of giving his surname to the little monster not only put the little monster into his range, but also made him be included in his own by the little monster. scope.

The two of them are connected, so the power can be shared.

No matter how you think about it, the train conductor thinks this is the most reasonable explanation.

It's just... Do you want to talk to Chi Yiyin?

He was a little hesitant, wondering if he would continue to leak more violations to Chi Yiyin after he had crossed the line.

It was this flash of hesitation, when the train conductor looked at Chi Yiyin, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

—Chi Yiyin, when did you have such a kind character?

He is not a saint who influences everyone with love and saves all living beings.

But for those who appear in front of Chi Yiyin, pray that they will not be used to the point that there is no scum left, it will be a good ending.

The reason why Chi Yiyin treats this little monster so well...

The train conductor moved his gaze slowly and sluggishly, looking at the little monster who was obviously very close to Chi Yiyin, and a most impossible guess was on his lips, ready to come out.

When did a monster formed with the concept of death have such intimacy with other people?

Others may not be clear, but as the conductor of the Yunhai train, he is very clear about what will be encountered and what will exist on this train.

The little monster is not an ordinary monster, it itself... is the embodiment of the abyss of death.

After all, it is feared by all the ghosts of dead bodies, and it can treat dead bodies as snacks for teeth grinding.

It has no humanity, only appetite, and it should only see food in its eyes.

But now, the little monster is humanized... Ah no, it is a good friend of human beings, the little dog.

Those eyes reflected Chi Yiyin's figure.

The train conductor has no doubt that if someone wants to attack Chi Yiyin, I am afraid that now, in addition to the inhuman beings summoned by Chi Yiyin's own awakened power, there is also a little monster ready to fight the enemy desperately.

Chi Yiyin...

He is really like a god, gathering the admiration and intimacy of everyone around him.

There was a lot of response.

Just like that lunatic named Chu Yueli before.

——That guy is completely a fanatic who only has Chi Yiyin in his eyes, and he triggered a reverse hunt on the Yunhai train, adding a lot of unnecessary trouble to the train conductor.

Just thinking of him gave the conductor a headache.

And after thinking about Chu Yueli's state, the train conductor was even more convinced that Chi Yiyin's closeness to the little monster had ulterior motives.


Could it be that Chi Yiyin knew the identity of the little monster from the very beginning, and used this method to deliberately gain the power of the little monster, right?

The train conductor was shocked and felt that this guess was outrageous.

But if the object is Chi Yiyin, it seems reasonable?

As if to verify the train conductor's guess, Chi Yiyin raised his eyelashes and glanced at the train conductor with a half-smile.

And under his palm is the little monster next to him.

"Let's go, it's time to look outside the box."

Just before the train conductor was wondering whether to ask the exit, Chi Yiyin naturally withdrew his gaze, as if nothing had happened, and turned to look at the red bird.

"Since we walked in the abyss and almost died there, judging from the usual style of the game field, it is impossible for other players to be idle outside. And..."

Chi Yiyin turned around, looking in the direction of the box door thoughtfully: "Don't you think it's been too quiet outside since we came back?"

"Red Bird, you have been at A-level for so long, have you seen other A-levels, will you stay in a certain place obediently in the dangerous dungeon? Or will you scout for information?"

Chi Yiyin's words reminded Red Bird.

Red Bird was stunned for a moment, and quickly woke up from the previous pain: "If they didn't scout around for news, they wouldn't be them, otherwise there wouldn't be a black market and alliances in the game field before."

"There is only one possibility, to keep them quiet like this."

Based on Red Bird's understanding of that group of people, it is absolutely impossible for them to stay in a certain place and keep their own place.

Let a group of very experienced high-level players give up the only possibility of detecting intelligence in the new environment.

That's -- something happened to all the players.

They encountered a wave of corpses in the abyss, and when they were fighting with the corpses, other players either entered somewhere in the dungeon pool, or they also encountered a similarly dangerous crisis on the Yunhai train.

Red Bird immediately turned over and got off the sofa, limping anxiously towards the door of the box, more active than anyone else.

"Brother Chi, hurry up! If you go late, all those people will be dead."

Red Bird wasn't really worried about the safety of other players, but the reason was simple.

The reduction in the number of players, especially the death of high-level players, will only weaken the power of the players, making them even more unable to compete against the huge game field.

Although being by Chi Yiyin's side allowed Red Bird to come into contact with a lot of information that should not have been known by the players, he knew that the game field was a god-making field, and he also knew that only two people would survive this dungeon, but he still Want to keep more players alive.

This is not unnecessary kindness, but the unfulfilled wishes of those who died in the alliance.

Red Bird knows how much Jingcha cares about the alliance, and hopes that the members of the alliance can leave the game field alive and return to their relatives and friends in reality.

Although the members of the alliance have died, at least the other players still have a chance.

Red Bird didn't want to see Jingcha's disappointed face.

When Chi Yiyin saw the expression on Hongniao's face, he knew it already.

He shook his head with a laugh, and got up slowly, with one hand in his pocket, ready to follow behind the red bird.

When passing Li Sijun, Chi Yiyin hesitated for a moment, then stopped and looked down at him.


Chi Yiyin's expression was complicated, she moved her lips, but was unable to speak for a while.

Seeing Li Sijun's face made Chi Yiyin involuntarily think of what happened in the abyss.

Especially, the scene when Li Sijun walked towards him through the endless sea of ​​blood.

Chi Yiyin couldn't deceive himself, his rationality made him feel like a bystander's perspective even when his heart was moving.

It was as if his soul was suspended in mid-air, watching his own body standing in front of Li Sijun with cold eyes, feeling the heart beating faster in his chest and his body temperature rising.

When Li Sijun stepped forward in the dark underground city and reached out to him, Chi Yiyin admitted that at that moment, he had complicated emotions for Li Sijun.

He can see clearly.

In the eyes of this god, there is only his figure, full of heart and eyes, as soft as melted honey.

There is only one possibility for a **** who is indifferent to death and destruction to show such obvious tenderness.

That is - the love of the gods.

But that other kind of emotion came towards him.

Chi Yiyin doesn't understand why Li Sijun has feelings for him. Although he writes and reads people's hearts, he has never experienced emotions with others.

Reason prevails.

Chi Yiyin cannot deliver her trust and emotion to others without reservation.


If it is Li Sijun.

He thought of the complete peace of mind when he was protected by Li Sijun in his arms.

Chi Yiyin pursed her lips, still made up her mind, and slowly extended her hand to Li Sijun.


He sent an invitation.

Red Bird has already opened the door to find Jingcha, and hastily explained the situation to the other party.

The two stood at the door of the box, their heads touching each other, murmuring, concentrating on responding to the situation in front of them, not noticing that the atmosphere in the box behind them changed quietly, and the temperature rose sharply.

And Li Sijun stared at Chi Yiyin's outstretched palm, and without making him wait too long, he leaned forward and took his hand.

A smile slowly appeared on Li Sijun's lips, and the look he looked up at Chi Yiyin was infinitely gentle.

"it is good."

"We are together."

Chi Yiyin frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

But Li Sijun has turned his back on the guest, and his knuckles tightly wrapped Chi Yiyin's hand, leading him forward together.

The train conductor hurriedly got up from the ground and staggered to follow.

"No, eh?! Chi Yiyin, you have already completed your own test, why are you rushing to go to other people's test to do it again?"

The train conductor was so anxious that he called him by his first name: "It's dangerous! It's completely unnecessary!"

It's not that he's afraid of Chi Yiyin being hurt, the main problem is - he's afraid that Chi Yiyin will be hurt, and the gods will directly destroy the train in a rage!

Chi Yiyin chuckled and glanced back: "When did the game field start worrying about the players?"

"How do I feel that the more you don't want me to do something, the more it proves to be correct?"

He was even in the mood to tease.

The train conductor was so anxious that he wanted to show him the heart, so that he could retreat quickly.

But obviously, if she would shrink into a box and be a turtle for this reason, it would not be Chi Yiyin.

The conductor was standing in the corridor, still looking serious, looking like a robot.

But when he saw the little monster on Chi Yiyin's calf, the conductor was obviously stunned.

He didn't seem to have thought that this little monster would be so close to a certain player, he couldn't gather his emotions for a while, and was caught by Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin squinted her eyes and didn't say anything, but she also became suspicious of the little monster's true identity.

Just as the train conductor guessed, Chi Yiyin would bring the little monster with him because of its power.

But at the beginning, Chi Yiyin just wanted it to be a "bodyguard".

The little monster who can only be tempted by food is much simpler and more reliable than humans, which makes Chi Yiyin feel at ease.

But in the underground city, when Li Sijun protected him and left, Chi Yiyin turned around and took a last look at the collapsing city.

And it was in that glance that Chi Yiyin saw a familiar figure.

-grim Reaper.

The awakened "Reaper" who suddenly appeared in Tangjia City, this time, unexpectedly appeared in the underground city again.

He was standing at the top of the spire, still covered in black, his face and identity could not be seen clearly, countless black mist lingered around him, like death itself.

The **** of death stood on the top of the tower without saying a word, watching Chi Yiyin coldly leave from the dark sky.

Chi Yiyin was stunned.

In Tangjia City, there was a reasonable explanation for the appearance of the Grim Reaper. After all, the random rules were triggered by successive deaths.

But now?

Those who can enter the new world are all A-level players, but the **** of death is a title that has never appeared before Tangjia City. No one knew before then.

But the problem is...

If it is an A-level player, it must have experienced countless crises of death. If it is an awakener, it will be triggered and awakened long ago, and it will not be so late.

But the awakening of Grim Reaper was an unexpected event, which contradicted the reasonable experience of A-level, so Chi Yiyin could only deny the real identity of Grim Reaper, the possibility that he was an A-level player entering the new world.

Moreover, the sight of the **** of death is not actually on Chi Yiyin.

Just before leaving the abyss, Chi Yiyin finally realized that what the **** of death had been watching was actually the little monster beside him.

As for the little monster, it can devour death itself.

Chi Yiyin suddenly realized, and then made a decision.

—He gave his surname to the little monster, reversed the rules of the game field, and put the little monster by his side, making its power become the power of Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin was well aware of the train conductor's previous advice. He knew how dangerous a monster with only food in its eyes but with too much strength could be.

But he also knows how precious the power of the little monster is.

For this purpose, Chi Yiyin thought it was worth a try.

Facts have proved that the little monster has accepted him well, and has already shown its strength, allowing Chi Yiyin to share its power.

It's just... Looking at the conductor's reaction now, it seems that there are other problems with the identity of the little monster?

Chi Yiyin didn't ask, but just watched the conductor quietly.

The conductor seemed to be confirming whether he saw a little monster or not. He froze for a while, and then realized when the conductor hurriedly followed him out of the box. bowed to the crowd.

"There's no need to go, right? It's almost night, and it will be ten o'clock in a few hours. That's the curfew time."

Pointing to the sky outside the window, the train conductor continued to try to persuade: "I can help you bring the food here, so as to avoid the possibility of you encountering danger outside, you..."

"So, are the other compartments in danger now?"

However, Chi Yiyin keenly grasped the information accidentally revealed by the train conductor, and asked, "Especially the dining car?"

The conductor shut up.

He covered his mouth and looked at Chi Yiyin in horror, quite annoyed.

What does it mean to talk too much!

That's it.

In front of Chi Yiyin, I am afraid that only the stone is safe and will not be tricked into stealing information.

However, Chi Yiyin looked the train conductor up and down, and then showed a clear smile: "It seems that not only that, but also accidents in other boxes?"

"That's not okay, monkey. How can you take away the joy of playing games from me?"

He shrugged and said, "Since it's called a carnival game field, naturally all players can play to their heart's content. Why are you targeting me alone and hindering my fun?"

The conductor staggered for a moment, and immediately felt like cursing.

Is that called hindrance! For other players, isn't it all as far away from danger as possible!

Which lunatic would happily rush forward knowing that there is a storm ahead! Gamble your life? This is S rank, S rank!

Please show some respect to the S-level copy!

The train conductor roared wildly in his heart and smashed his head against the wall to grab the ground.

But he could only maintain a polite smile on his face with difficulty, and even a little envious of the conductor next to him.

Why isn't he a facial paralysis?

That's better than being "interrogated" in front of Chi Yiyin.

The train conductor was afraid for a while, and his gratitude to Li Sijun became even stronger.

If Li Sijun hadn't ruined the "rules", his leaks up to now would have been enough for him to be imprisoned in a small dark room for thousands of years.

—Although Li Sijun's original intention of destroying the "rules" was to chase Chi Yiyin.

After Chi Yiyin got the news she wanted from the train conductor, she nodded contentedly and prepared to leave with the others.

After a long bow and salute, the conductor finally straightened up, but instead of being a blind and deaf robot as usual, he turned his head and looked in the direction Chi Yiyin and others left, trying to take another look at the little monster.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he raised his head, he suddenly met Chi Yiyin's smiling eyes.

The conductor was shocked, as if he had been caught.

At that moment, he felt his heart stopped.

Chi Yiyin silently mouthed to him and pointed to her shoulder: zero, three.

As soon as the conductor lowered his head, he saw that the number written on the armband of his uniform was zero three.

All the conductors look exactly the same, and even their movements are made of the same model, like a robot working on an assembly line, making it hard to tell which is which.

The only thing that can distinguish them is their label.

They have no name, only a unified identity, and a label that can barely be used as a name.

It's just that no one wants to call them that.

Except Chi Yiyin.

He's telling the conductor - I noticed you and know who you are.

The conductor pursed his lips, and in the long and narrow corridor where the sound of footsteps gradually receded and became quiet, he turned slowly towards the direction Chi Yiyin left.

His eyes were dark and deep.

Because Chi Yiyin was the one who triggered the S-level new world in Tangjia City, as a bonus, Chi Yiyin and the few people who were classified as his teammates all lived in special private compartments.

It is precisely because of this that this box car appears more quiet and safe.

Several people stepped on the thickly carpeted corridor, and their voices seemed to be absorbed by the carpet and wallpaper. Even though they were talking non-stop, there was still a strange sense of tranquility.

It was as if all the sounds were swallowed by the monster's mouth wide open.

Chi Yiyin smiled and talked to Jingcha, and glanced at the box next to her from the corner of her eye.

Except for his one, the doors of the other boxes are wrapped with welcome flowers and ribbons.

Apparently, the others didn't go back to their boxes.

That is to say, when Chi Yiyin entered the underground city, Chu Yueli, Skye and the others never came back.

But... Tong Yao should also be with those two people.

Besides, with Chu Yueli's personality, he would definitely be more willing to stay where he is.

Although Chi Yiyin didn't say it, he knew very well how fanatical and abnormal Chu Yueli's admiration for him was, it was a madness that could be named belief.

Since he is here, Chu Yueli will definitely approach him as much as possible.

Even if Tong Yao couldn't do it, Chu Yueli's title "The Hanged Man" allowed him to see the truth clearly, and he would definitely know that he was here.

But Chu Yueli did not appear.

So, sure enough, something happened in the other compartment?

Chi Yiyin remained calm, but before he pushed the door of the carriage, he was already mentally prepared for the attack.

He took a deep breath, and when he lowered his eyes, he seemed to glance casually at the little monster at his feet, and it immediately understood what he meant.

The little monster blinked his big eyes and nodded obediently.

The carriage door was slowly pushed open in front of everyone.

Little by little, the restaurant carriages were revealed to everyone.

The red-purple sunset is like perfume in a crystal bottle, slowly fluctuating outside the car window, colorful, and when it falls in the car, it is as beautiful as a dream.

The sound of melodious music floated, and the aroma of food came.

The diners sit at the dining table, chat with each other in whispers, or enjoy the beautiful scenery alone by the window. The thin voices are mixed into a low hum, like the chords of piano accompaniment, without any abruptness or Noisy feeling.

It seems that this place is really a corner on an expensive luxury tourist train, where the courteous dignitaries come and go, enjoying the wonderful travel time.

...If Chi Yiyin hadn't seen the holes in some passengers' eyes.

Chi Yiyin saw the passenger who was in the same compartment as her.

He remembered very clearly that that person exposed his identity as a player because he didn't adapt to the environment, but at that time, there was emotion in the opponent's eyes.

He could easily see that there was a real person under the disguise of the traveler.

But now, the passenger still looks intact, but there is only a dead silence in his eyes, and there is no more light.

It looked like a corpse that had been soaked in formalin for too long after death, and it was already stiff.

Opposite the passenger, there were two people who seemed to be companions. They whispered in a low voice, their expressions were normal, and they didn't seem to realize that their companion was dead.

What was in front of them was simply a puppet with an empty shell.

Chi Yiyin frowned, looked around, and found that there were not many passengers coming to the dining car to eat.

When he boarded the car, he roughly checked, including the NPC whose identity could not be identified, the number of all passengers was hundreds of people.

But now there are only about twenty people in the dining car.

Moreover, it is still unclear whether most of the passengers are players or NPCs.

Chi Yiyin believed that even players who would expose their identities due to lack of proficiency, after experiencing the crisis just now and surviving, would have hidden their identities deeply and would not reveal them easily.

This made it more difficult for Chi Yiyin to distinguish those people.

But when he felt a headache, he suddenly found a familiar face.

Chu Yueli?

Chi Yiyin raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

He thought that Chu Yueli didn't come to him because he was caught in a crisis. But unexpectedly, did Chu Yueli come to the restaurant directly?

The passenger that Chu Yueli was pretending to also noticed Chi Yiyin's gaze.

The other party raised his head and looked at Chi Yiyin with completely black eyes, but there was only a cold gaze, without fanatical admiration and joy of reunion.

It was as if he was not familiar with Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin's steps stopped suddenly.

he frowned, no