MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 852 The same day!

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Ji Mo Luo Ke enemy Mo Tianji smiled at the same time, the past of a group of brothers, and some people forgot to bit by bit.

That is... all my brothers, a little secret of the boss, is also the only secret of the brothers who are in the middle of this life.

At that time, everyone rushed to the nine heavens, the first time in the place of Mo Yuntian, Xie Danqiong, together to deal with the Yuantian limit. Xie Danqiong’s position as the emperor has already taken shape.

That is, that time, let everyone really have ambition and confidence. Make an agreement with each other!

If I am the Emperor of Heaven, my brother is the throne!

Scorpio Supreme, the throne is the hero; commanding the world, Do not dare! The sky is in the sky, there is no competition! Brothers are united, the world is the same name!

This is the agreement of the brothers!

It is also the depth of the hearts of all the brothers, the greatest respect to Chu Yang, and grateful!

Today, it was the first one that was broken by Dong.

Xie Danqiong’s heart was awkward. When he saw Dong’s injury, he must count the accounts. This kind of goods did not even have a discussion. So he was leading the dictatorial line... This is not going to make Laozi ugly? At the beginning, Xie Danqiong was the first to climb to the top of the world...

No, absolutely not! Be sure to settle accounts!

Mo Tianji still carries the infinite joy, and continues to announce the second message: "...there is no harm in the great emperor to declare that in the midst of the heavens and the whole, to fully combat the true spirit of the heavens! In the midst of the Heavenly Kingdom, everyone must take the annihilation of the true spirit as their own duty. It was originally the power of the Holy Palace, and it will be destroyed in every way! Never let one!"

"Zhongjitian, took the lead in picking up the action of boycotting the monarchy, and the Emperor Tiandi personally shot and destroyed the power of the Holy Palace in the middle of the sky... The current situation has not been transmitted yet, but will soon be further Detailed information." Mo Tianji said: "But the innocent emperor said: But anyone who takes the master of the Holy Palace to come to ask for merit, only to verify the identity, there will be a reward for the official position; Jinpao added. As a glory... ..."

"Oh..." everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Then I took another breath.

It’s true that Dong is not hurting this hand.

The Holy Palace has been refined and the whole army has been destroyed. It still exists in all the worlds, but there are some sorts of churches and the like, although they are scattered and numerous. But the real peak player is almost gone.

Even if there are one or two, it is definitely not the opponent of the Emperor Tianhou! Moreover, there are still people who offer rewards. For ordinary Scorpio masters, only one person needs to be killed. You can get a bright future...

This will make the vast majority of people in Zhongjitian crazy!

The fact that Dong did not hurt this order is tantamount to the extreme existence of the Holy Palace.

Mo Tianji and Chu Yang looked at each other: This last man's head reward order is definitely not the one that Dong Wu can not think of. If it is not from the tears of the handwriting, it will definitely come from the hands of Wenwu Baiguan...

"Then is the Qingtiantian, the evil cloud of the Great Emperor and the evil spirits cloud also announced that the worship of Chuyang is the seat of Qiongzhen; the whole Qingtiantian. Simultaneously began to kill the true spirit of the Holy Spirit and destroy all the forces of the Holy Palace... Personnel. And the opening of the head of the reward, Xu Shijue!" This is the second news, the arrogant cloud has also begun to act.

This cargo is even more embarrassing, in order to kill the Holy Palace without leaving any trouble, even the title may go out.

"And Mo Yuntian, Qionghua Emperor Xie Danqiong also announced the same news, respecting Chu Yang as the seat of Qiong Yu, comprehensively attacking the people on the cloud, killing the forces of the Holy Palace. There are orders for the true spirit of the Holy Spirit! The same It’s a reward for people. Now, Mo Yuntian has been in the midst of chaos, everyone is eager, and everyone is vying for the first.”

But this information came out. The people immediately looked at the Qionghua Emperor Xie Danqiong who was still here. Isn’t Xie Danqiong posing as a retribution person and being pretending to be impersonated?

Xie Danqiong did not mind the strange eyes of everyone, but some of them said: "These things, naturally, someone is doing... It should be done by my wife. She issued the order in my name. It’s normal. It’s good to have a good help. Some bachelors are envious of this kind of thing."

Everyone laughed, and they couldn't figure out how to fight their fists. The value of hatred increased sharply. It seems that all the brothers are ignorant and not guilty. This provokes this hatred, but it is a lever.

"You are waiting!" I can't help but threaten.

After the Eastern Emperor, there are also elves and five gods. At the moment, they are shocking and inexplicable. They are all aware of one thing. The brothers who are not here in Chuyang have not won the position of the Emperor for their hard work. Valued.

Not only these people, but also these people have their own considerable power, but how they have valued it.

Since ancient times, no matter whether it is the Tianzhu Temple or the human emperor, there is a saying that 'women can't do politics'; and this Qionghua emperor, as a party emperor, actually gave the wife of the supreme power representing the supreme power to his wife. Go play... and be able to post any commands for him...

This is simply an incredible thing! Then, the other boys didn't feel surprised at all, but they were all supposed to be so. I know that these people are the same thing!

Even if it is the highest power, it is not as good as the brothers! Husband and wife are heavy!

This is their heart, their persistence.

This kind of persistence gave the Emperor of the East a great shock. The two looked at each other and saw the envy and approval in the eyes of the other party.

They are the most lively... and the most eager to go.

"Da Xitian..." Mo Tianji continued to read: "...Gu Binghang’s re-aggregation of Tianbingge troops and the savage swordsman launched a new round of fierce battles. Gu’s own deeds are invincible, but because of the disparity between the two forces, the situation is caught. In the stalemate, but after the news of the people in the cloud actually for the Lord of the Real Spirit, the army of the Great Western Heavenly Sword and the Emperor of Heaven was broken in a very short time, and the defeat of the army was like a mountain. It’s cold, the sword is retiring, and it’s announced to withdraw from the world...”

The people were shocked.

But think about it, of course, it is a matter of course.

The Holy King is the true magic of the sun... and it is fully supportive of the Madonian Emperor. Now, the mad sword Tiandi Wu is also crazy, but the yellow mud fell into the crotch, not awkward.

In addition to slamming out, there is no other way. If you still have to resist, I am afraid that the great emperors will join hands to encircle the squadrons, kill them, and kill them.

"Swordsman Emperor Wu also madly admit defeat on the spot, respecting Gu's behavior as a lone emperor, and handing over all the rights at hand, and then leading a team of confidant masters, starry night and rushed to Zixiaotian to fight against the demon..."

"Oh..." Snow and tears sighed at the same time as the demon.

Daxitian mad sword Tiandi Wu is also mad, has always been in the post of the nine emperors, not a figure, but also a reckless personality, easy to impulsive. It has always been an unbiased neutral, but this time, it was actually pitted by the holy king.

Up to now, naturally, there is no face to occupy the position of the Emperor.

"But Wu also can make such a choice at the last minute, but it is still a man." The people sighed silently.

Mo Tianji smiled coldly: "He was so miserable by the Holy King, even if he is going to fight against the demon, others may not really believe him... and he only has this way to barely show his heart... This is It’s not a man, it doesn’t matter. Maybe he’s really a **** man, but now, no one will pay attention to this.”

Everyone thought, not because of the cold sweat, as Mo Tianji said, Wu is also mad at the present status, really is extremely embarrassing. No matter how it is done, there is suspicion on the buttocks.

The sacred prince directly makes a generation of heavenly emperors, in addition to the battlefield of the purple scorpion, there is no longer a place to live!

"The lone traveler is alone, and the news is released the first time after the end of the war. Respecting Chu Yang, for the Qiongyu throne, the entire Daxitian, encircling the Holy Spirit! Encircling the Holy Palace!"

"At the same time, several emperors issued orders at the same time: all the world is preparing for war, all the troops are assembled and training, all departments are fully prepared, ready to go north, and extermination of the extraterrestrial demon!"

"This is... the demon command!"

Mo Tianji read here, everyone is already full of blood, it is difficult to suppress.

The Tumor Order finally blossomed in the Nine Heavens!

The extinction of the demon, that is the desire of many generations of the nine heavens, how many people, for this day has been looking forward to how many years! The blood of the heart has never been extinguished!

Now, finally, has it finally reached the present level?

However, after receiving another new piece of information, Mo Tianji seemed to be hesitant and wanted to stop.

"What else? Is it bad news?" asked the demon.

Shengjun’s defeat and loss will naturally not cause a counter-attack. He has been operating in Tianzhu for more than a million years, and his powers are not in a minority. It is also reasonable to make a counterattack in the first place.

"Cough cough... I really don't know if this is good news or bad news, hehehehe..." Mo Tianji coughed twice, and smiled and continued to read: "The demon king demon palace officially released news, respecting Chu Yang For... Joan’s throne, and, throughout the demon day, encircle the Holy Spirit, and annihilate the embers of the Holy Palace...”

After the demon stayed for a while, immediately stunned, rushing and angered: "This little rabbit scorpion mixed things! He will be Chu Yangzun as the Qiong 霄 throne, but where is his mother? Where is this old lady? On his side, he has already sought a pilgrimage and changed his dynasty. What is the opposite of his mother?"

Everyone forcibly held back the smile, coughed and screamed, and the inner stomach had to smile. It’s no wonder that Mo Tianji’s morality was just like a dog’s blood. I don’t know how to explain this news. It’s hard to say who is standing. This fact is good to say no. Nice.

You said that you are so happy, you are so busy...

Just wait for the demon to go back, that is, in an instant... This product can't even wait for this moment, and it is directly on the bustle.
