MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 60

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Zhou Chengwang and the two obviously didn't expect that there would be such a problem, he asked, "Could it be forgotten?"

Du Yuling firmly denied, "Impossible, don't even think about it, I will never let that **** marry my sister."

Jiang Lin patted him, "Don't get excited, don't worry, I will never let our sister get involved with that kind of person. The source of this matter is your sister. As long as your family doesn't agree with this marriage, Can Jiang Zhen still come to **** the marriage?"

If he really dared to do this, he would not be able to say that the Du family was at fault even if he was killed.

Jiang Lin diverted the carriage, "Go to Du's house, I will meet your sister and talk to her for a while."

Since he had more good sisters, Jiang Lin felt that he had become a friend of women, and it shouldn't be a problem to talk to little girls.

When they arrived at Du's house, Du Yuling's parents were all angry, while Du Yingying was crying, obviously because she had just been scolded.

The little girl had never heard a harsh sentence since she was a child, and she was suddenly scolded severely, and she was not allowed to marry her sweetheart, so she was afraid that she would not be able to accept it for a while.

Jiang Lin stepped forward and said to the two elders of the Du family, "Uncle and aunt, let me talk to sister Yingying for a while, she is crying so pitifully, you two don't scold her."

Father Du looked at Jiang Lin with suspicion, Jiang Lin took out his trump card, "I'll take sister Yingying to Wei's house and cook something delicious for her."

Thanks to Du Yuling, the people in Du's family did not eat less of Jiang Lin's food. Of course, the taste was not to mention, but when the food was mentioned, their mouths salivated uncontrollably and they became greedy.

Du's mother hurriedly said: "Don't go to Wei's house, just cook it in the mansion, the back kitchen has everything." After it's done, they can eat something.

Du's mother's words were unanimously approved by the Du family, and they can eat more if they are close.

Jiang Lin couldn't guess what they were thinking, he smiled, "Auntie, the Wei family also has a few little girls, I'll take sister Yingying to talk to them, they are about the same age, we can talk together."

Du Yingying also wanted to leave with Jiang Lin, but just after being scolded, she felt sad and sad, and she didn't want to see her parents for the time being.

Speaking of this, Mother Du couldn't keep people anymore, but her smile was gentle and full of hints.

Jiang Lin understood, "Uncle and aunt, when sister Yingying comes home, I'll ask her to bring you some food."

"Hey, okay, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Lin took the little girl back to Wei's house, but he didn't let Du Yuling and the others follow him, and he didn't take the carriage. He walked back slowly with the little girl.

In this era, most of the girls from rich families were kept in boudoirs, and they didn't have much time to go out, so every time they went out, they were like birds released from the cage, and they were extraordinarily cheerful.

Du Yingying was curious about everything, she didn't have any money with her, she looked at Jiang Lin eagerly, but she was too embarrassed to ask him for it.

Jiang Lin gave her a tael of silver, "How about we have a competition, let's each take a tael of silver, and see who buys more."

Du Yingying had never made such a bet with anyone before, so she immediately agreed.

When she was buying, Jiang Lin was watching from behind, not approaching. When she was done buying, Jiang Lin went up to buy the same thing and negotiated with the stall owner. Along the way, Du Yingying's one tael of silver was quickly spent, but Jiang Lin kept on buying, and when the silver was spent, he could hardly carry the things in his hand.

Seeing Du Yingying pouted, Jiang Lin asked with a smile, "Aren't you happy?"

The little girl nodded honestly, "Brother Jiang Lin, why are you so good?" She looked at the pile of things Jiang Lin bought with envy in her eyes.

Jiang Lindao: "Because brother, I have seen the world."

"Let's go, I'll talk to you slowly when I go back."

Jiang Lin took people back to Wei's house, and then called out all the little girls in the house, and distributed all the things he bought to them.

Du Yingying was a little embarrassed, because she didn't think about it so much, and she bought what she liked. She looked at Jiang Lin in embarrassment and helplessness, hoping that Jiang Lin could help her.

Jiang Lin asked, "Yingying, when you usually go to various houses, the gifts you want to give are prepared by your mother for you, right?"

Du Yingying nodded, "Well," she just needs to take the maid with her.

According to Du Yingying's status, she doesn't need to curry favor with others. Usually, others will come to her and talk to her, so the little girl doesn't have to worry about anything.

"Then when you get married and your mother is not around, how are you going to arrange the gifts for these exchanges of affection?"

Du Yingying was at a loss, "But I won't get married so soon, my mother said that she will teach me how to house the house when I reach my fourteenth birthday."

"But don't you like Jiang Zhen and want to marry him?"

When Wei Yunjia and the little girls heard Jiang Lin's words, they all looked at Du Yingying in surprise, obviously they didn't expect her to like Jiang Zhen.

When it came to Jiang Zhen, Du Yingying was still a little shy, "I, I just wanted to get engaged to him first, and I didn't want to marry him so soon."

"If your Jiang Zhen brother wants to marry you immediately, if you don't agree, he will marry someone else, what should you do?"

Du Yingying almost subconsciously refuted Jiang Lin's words, "No, brother Jiang Zhen likes me, he won't force me to make this choice, he said he would wait for me to grow up."

Jiang Lin sighed, this little girl was too ignorant of the world and people's hearts.

He asked Wei Yunjia and the others to accompany Du Yingying and cook for themselves.

Before leaving, Jiang Lin gave Wei Yunjia a wink and asked Wei Yunjia to persuade the little girl.

Although it is not good to have a child director too early, it is even worse to raise a child who is too naive.

Jiang Lin was busy in the kitchen for a while, made two small snacks, and when they brought them out, Du Yingying was crying again.

Jiang Lin asked Wei Yunjia with his eyes, and Wei Yunjia said, "I just told Sister Yingying about "Secret Records of the Hou Mansion". She couldn't hear such a tragic story, so she cried." Wei Yunjia was also very innocent.

Jiang Lin understood. In the "Record of Secrets Attached", he wrote about the process from Yun Wanyan's meeting with Uncle Anyang to Yun Wanyan's early death. A simple girl like Du Yingying must have felt uncomfortable hearing this.

Jiang Lin put the cake in front of her, "Eat it, I just made it."

People are also easy to coax, when she was holding the cake and eating like a little hamster, Jiang Lin asked her, "Do you think this story is actually very familiar, does it look like you and Jiang Zhen?"

Du Yingying didn't dare to answer the words, she wanted to say that she didn't like it, but after thinking about it carefully, it was just a different way of falling in love at first sight.

Jiang Lindao: "You have met too few men, and Jiang Zhen is probably the first one who tried to coax you. It's normal for you to be tempted. I don't advise you to forget him, as long as you don't agree to him so quickly, you can tell him Jiang Zhen, as long as he can insist on writing to you and giving you things every day for a year, rain or shine, without letting anyone know, you promise him after the one-year period expires, how about it?"

Du Yingying asked, "Why is this so, a year is so long."

Jiang Lin, "No, one year is too short. If he really loves you, he can persist even for ten years. Don't you believe in Brother Jiang Lin?"

Du Yingying looked at Jiang Lin and at the pastry in her hand, she didn't dare to say no.

"Okay, I'll stay for dinner later, and I'll take you home after eating. You talk to Yun Jia and the others first."

When Wei Yunzhao came back in the evening, Jiang Lin told him about Du Yingying and Jiang Zhen. Wei Yunzhao had the same opinion as Jiang Lin, thinking that it was probably Zhao Qiuru who ordered Ren Denggao to slander Jiang Lin.

Zhao Qiuru's beloved daughter died, although the Queen executed her, but Zhao Qiuru would not blame the Queen, she would only think that Jiang Linha was responsible for all of this, the reason why there was no movement for so long was obviously something brewing Big move.

When Jiang Lin knew that the queen was going to attack Jiang Jinyue, he had been waiting for Zhao Qiuru to make a move. Now that something happened, Jiang Lin still had the feeling that it was time to come.

He even breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Wei Yunzhao: "I'm afraid that she won't move at all. In that case, either her mind is broken, or she may hold back the trick to die with me. It's too scary."

Wei Yunzhao laughed, looked at the little girls who were reading Jiang Linxin's storybook on the couch, and asked him, "What are you going to do this time?"

Jiang Lin showed a wicked smile, "It's hard to say how much Jiang Zhen loves the little girl, but he wants to take advantage of it for sure. Jiang Zhen has come to your door. If you don't torment him, I'm sorry."

Wei Yunzhao reminded him, "Jiang Zhen is a son, if you torture him hard, maybe Zhao Qiuru will really do something like die with you."

Jiang Lin shook his head, "No, because she has another son, and I will quickly make her lose her mind on Jiang Zhen."

Jiang Lin didn't say exactly how to do it, he called the little girls over for dinner.

Du Yingying spent the whole afternoon with Wei Yunjia and the others, and now she is not sad at all, and in front of delicious food, Jiang Zhen is nothing, it can't attract people at all, the little girl eats happily, and even wants to come again tomorrow be a guest.

Jiang Lin didn't agree, and when he sent the little girl back home, he asked her to write to Jiang Zhen, telling him about the one-year agreement, and seductively said: "If you listen to my brother, I will cook you a meal every month." Delicious, do you want it?"

There were two food boxes on the carriage, which contained food for the Du family. The smell wafted through the carriage. Even though I was full before leaving, I still feel hungry after smelling the smell.

Du Yingying nodded almost without hesitation, "Okay, then next time I will eat as much as today."

"no problem!"

Jiang Lin sent the people there, talked to the Du family for a while, and told him about his plan. Anyway, he was going to toss Jiang Zhen for a year.

Du Yuling immediately said: "One year, I don't think he can last for a month, what kind of good guy can he be with his belly full of colorful intestines."

"So, let's just wait and see a good show."

The food box was left behind, and Jiang Lin went back by himself after speaking.

He was still thinking about Wei Yunzhao's weakness that he said during the day.

Jiang Lin hurried back and found that Wei Yunzhao had finished bathing. He went over to poke Wei Yunzhao's face, "Are you running away?"

"As a husband, I really want to play in the water with my wife, but the bathtub is too small, and I can't use it."

Wei Yunzhao pointed to the bathing place in the back, "The hot water has been prepared for Madam, don't worry Madam, I have ordered the housekeeper to ask him to find someone to customize a large bathtub, which will surely satisfy Madam's wish."

Jiang Lin thought about the ambition he had set in the morning, and smiled gently, "Okay, I'll go right away, the husband will go to bed and wait, I will come soon."

When Jiang Lin finished washing, there was no image as he imagined——Wei Yunzhao patted the bed and said, come to sleep.

Instead, he first listened to Chang An's report on Ren Denggao's recent movements that he had inquired about.

When Chang An mentioned this Ren Denggao, he looked disgusted, "Master, you must not have imagined what this man has been doing recently. He hangs around brothels all day long!"

Jiang Lin was really not surprised. After all, Ren Denggao exuded an aura of excessive indulgence all over his body. It was quite normal for such a person to visit brothels.

"And then, what else did you do besides visiting brothels?"

Chang An shook his head, "No, I just go to brothels, not even academies."

"It is said that a new oiran in the building was fascinated. I secretly took a look at the oiran. It looks good, but there is an indescribable weirdness in the whole person."

Chang An felt that Ren Denggao was the best person he had inquired about, so he went out every day pretending to go to the academy, and then turned around and ran to the brothel.

"No," Jiang Lin felt that this was not right, "Ren Denggao went to brothels during the day, which brothel is still doing business during the day?"

"Yes," Chang An was reminded by Jiang Linyi, "Then I'll go and have a look tomorrow, and I did go in during the day."

Jiang Lin, "Well, pay more attention to who are the people who go down to the brothel, and whether everyone is going for the oiran."

Chang An nodded hurriedly, "Okay, then I will inquire carefully tomorrow."

After Chang An went out, Jiang Lin sat at the table and pondered why it was a brothel again, Jiang Lin had an intuition that there was something hidden in this brothel.

"Ma'am," before Jiang Lin could think carefully, Jiang Lin suddenly heard Wei Yunzhao call him.

Jiang Lin raised his eyes and found that Wei Yunzhao had gotten into bed at some point, and was waving to him with the quilt lifted, "Madam, come quickly."

The scene in his imagination came to fruition, what kind of brothel and Ren Denggao were instantly forgotten by Jiang Lin, he got up and walked towards the bed, "Here we come."

Jiang Lin took off his clothes and went to bed, looked at Wei Yunzhao expectantly, "Say it quickly."

Wei Yunzhao said, "It would be more meaningful to discover such a secret by yourself if Madam looks for it by herself."

Jiang Lin thought so too, first he leaned over and kissed Wei Yunzhao's ear, and deliberately blew hot air on it, but Wei Yunzhao didn't respond.

Jiang Lin stared at his neck again, "You said if I leave a mark on you, how will your colleagues react when they see you tomorrow?"

Wei Yunzhao thought for a while and said, "I might say that the little wild cat in my house is too wild."

Jiang Lincai didn't want to be a little wild cat. He stripped off Wei Yunzhao's clothes, took a bite at his collarbone, and could clearly feel Wei Yunzhao's shortness of breath.

Jiang Lin smiled, pointed at the place he had gnawed and said, "This is one place."

"Okay," Wei Yunzhao admitted.

Then, Jiang Lin untied Wei Yunzhao's clothes directly, and moved his fingers down from the neck inch by inch, carefully observing Wei Yunzhao's reaction.

He stayed in the abdomen for a long time, and I don't know if this person has practiced secretly, the abdominal muscles are more obvious than before, and the hand feels better.

Jiang Lin became ill-intentioned and kissed Wei Yunzhao's abdomen. Maybe it was excitement or accident. Wei Yunzhao straightened his back, subconsciously wanting to escape.

Jiang Lin got up straight up and pressed Wei Yunzhao under him to prevent him from moving, and drew circles on his strong abdominal muscles with his fingers, "So does this count as well?"

"Forget it," Wei Yunzhao said in a low voice, with a bit of forbearance.

Jiang Lin didn't seem to notice, he said, "I've already thought about it during the day, I'm going to kiss you until your whole body goes limp, so you lie down and I'm going to start."

Wei Yunzhao said hello again, thinking in his heart, Madam seems to be more greedy for his body than before.