MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 82

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The system can hear the conversation between Jiang Lin and Jiang Rou, and it also has a certain range of detection functions. Although it is not as emotional as a real person, the system feels weird that Jiang Lin will know about it.

When Jiang Rou asked the system why it had to kill Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao for the first time, the system chose to remain silent and did not answer.

Jiang Rou was very afraid that the dagger in Jiang Lin's hand would directly cut her throat and kill her, so she was very anxious and shouted, "I don't want to die, system, system, please tell me, please, tell me Why?"

Jiang Rou, who didn't get a response from the system, almost cried.

Jiang Lin cut off a strand of Jiang Rou's hair with a dagger, and blew it onto Jiang Rou's face in one breath. Jiang Lin said, "I know you can hear me. I think there is a limit on the number of hosts bound to your system. Jiang Rou should It's the second person you bound, you said I killed Jiang Rou, will you just disappear in her mind or will you have a chance to find a third person and then bind?"

"But it doesn't matter, because no matter how many people you bind, the task you want to complete will always be aimed at me. I will soon know who your next host is. I will kill her just like I did with Jiang Rou."

"I can kill as many people as you can, until you completely disappear from this world."

Jiang Lin's heart skipped a beat when Jiang Lin heard it, as if killing people was as common and simple as eating in Jiang Lin's eyes, he could kill whoever he wanted, including her.

Jiang Rou became more and more anxious, holding her head with both hands and beating, "Speak up, please tell me, please tell me, Jiang Lin will really kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Jiang Rou cried out, scared and helpless.

Jiang Lin's words also caused a trace of instinctive fear in the system. It began to search for the possibilities in Jiang Lin's words. Soon, the system got 100% of the search results, and Jiang Lin would destroy it.

In fact, it only has two chances to bind the host, and it can give up the first host to find a more suitable second host, but the disadvantage is that if the second host dies without completing the task, it will be blocked by the main system. Recycled, completely become waste.

The system hesitated, Jiang Rou also called the system to help her again, and quietly discussed with the system in her heart, as long as she is alive this time, she will definitely find a chance to kill Jiang Lin.

The system is clear, if Jiang Lin gets the answer he wants, it is even more impossible to let it go, so the answer cannot be given. After multiple searches, the system came to a conclusion, [You have never really killed anyone, so Jiang Lin will not kill you directly, as long as you procrastinate and survive tonight, you will have a chance to turn defeat into victory, host, please hold on, it will be dawn soon. ]

Jiang Rou subconsciously looked at the dark sky outside. The system's words reassured her a little, and she repeatedly confirmed with the system in her heart, "System, will Jiang Lin really not kill me?"

System: [After data testing, all the people Jiang Lin killed were killers who wanted to kill him, and there was no indiscriminate killing of innocent people. He was just threatening the host, trying to break the host's mentality, so he had to listen to him. ]

"Okay," Jiang Rou said immediately, "we won't say anything, we won't say anything, just wait until dawn."

Knowing that she would not die, Jiang Rou breathed a sigh of relief, and then pretended to be afraid while crying and begging the system.

But whether a person is really scared or just pretending, the difference is too obvious, and Jiang Lin also noticed Jiang Rou's obviously relieved reaction, knowing that this is another new idea from the system, and convinced Jiang Rou.

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed, "I have limited patience, and I don't necessarily ask for an answer."

Jiang Lin patted Jiang Rou's face with the dagger, and with a light stroke, Ru Hua's face became a little red.

Jiang Lin asked softly, "Do you think I won't kill you? Jiang Rou, have you forgotten what you have done? I still remember the time you asked someone to plant a bewitch on Yun Qi. And bewitching refugees to kill innocent people indiscriminately , to trouble the Wei family, do you think I won't settle these accounts with you?"

With the knife in his hand, Jiang Lin pierced Jiang Rou's hand with the dagger and nailed it to the bed.

Jiang Rou let out a shrill scream, and tears fell down in pain.

"I just don't kill good people. A rotten person like you, why do you think you'll be spared," Jiang Lin said, pulling out the dagger and quickly slashing it down, stabbing Jiang Rou's leg.

Jiang Rou was in so much pain that she could only scream, unable to react at all.

The system also sensed Jiang Lin's killing intent in its mind. It realized that Jiang Lin knew more than it imagined. Although Jiang Rou had never killed anyone directly, her ideas killed many people. Jiang Lin Lin put this account on Jiang Rou's head.

Jiang Lin's voice sounded again, speaking to the system, "How much do you think your host can bear?"

Seeing the dagger fell again, Jiang Rou shook her head instinctively, ", please, don't kill me..."

Jiang Rou cried out in pain while begging the system, "System, I beg you, can you tell me the answer? I'm going to die. Jiang Lin didn't just say that he would really kill me. I don't want to die. don't want to die."

Jiang Rou felt that she shouldn't listen to the system. Jiang Lin dared to abolish the fourth prince, so how could she not do anything to her.

Jiang Lin ignored Jiang Rou's begging for mercy, the dagger pierced through the palm of her other hand, blood flowed out, staining the quilt red, Jiang Rou was so painful that she couldn't even speak, she didn't beg Jiang Lin didn't beg anymore system.

The system sensed the crisis, and in order to keep its last host and itself, it chose to compromise and asked Jiang Rou to repeat its words to Jiang Lin.

"It's... the system says it's the cannon fodder rule, and the plot requires... that the cannon fodder must die...otherwise the plot can't proceed correctly..."

From Jiang Rou's intermittent narration, Jiang Lin knew the reason why the system had to get rid of him and Wei Yunzhao, just because they were the cannon fodder set in the original book. The fate of the protagonist has undergone great changes.

If the system wants the protagonist to unswervingly follow the plot of the original book and complete the prescribed tasks, it must eradicate other characters who will bring about changes. Not only does the system want to kill them, but all the important characters in the original book who might stand against them will want to kill them, such as Emperor Changde, Cao Lan'er, Zhao Qiuru, etc., all feel that they must die.

And the opposite characters are also very easy to have emotions such as disgust and hatred towards them, and the emotions will gradually accumulate and increase, and eventually evolve into killing them.

This is why the world in the book is full of malice towards them, and it is also the reason why so many people are targeting them and wanting them to die.

Trash plot, Jiang Lin's eyes turned cold.

"If the system can't complete the task, what will happen?"

Jiang Rou relayed: "It will collapse, the whole world will be completely occupied by cannon fodder, and all characters standing on the opposite side of cannon fodder will die."

"Ah, that's really great," Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with the result, so he really had to win.

Jiang Lin pointed to himself, "We cannon fodder haven't done anything bad, but your so-called protagonist has killed one person after another, so I'm curious, why does such a protagonist exist? Could it be that the life of cannon fodder is not Is it dead?"

The system said that this is the setting of the original book. It only follows the plot, and only needs to achieve the goal. As long as the protagonist succeeds, the novel world will automatically create a reasonable background for the protagonist's behavior.

In short, as long as the protagonist succeeds, no matter how many heinous things he did before, it is right.

No wonder, Jiang Lin suddenly wanted to understand why Cao Lan'er killed two people with blood bone worms twice, but no one thought she was wrong.

Yue Heng is a villain, because he has attacked the protagonist group, so he deserves to die, and Cao Lan'er's murder of Concubine Li in exchange for a son will be downplayed and erased, and no one will pursue it.

As someone who has read novels, Jiang Lin also found that when he read novels and after transmigrating into books, he had completely different mentality when facing the same thing.

The so-called halo of the protagonist is really powerful and powerful, Jiang Lin felt that he had learned a lot.

"Then it may be that these garbage protagonists' behaviors of killing innocent people make God look down on them, so there is me."

After getting the answer he wanted, Jiang Lin took out a small bamboo tube from his sleeve, and he shook the bamboo tube at Jiang Rou, "Mother-child Gu, remember? You once had someone plant it on a five-year-old child. .”

There were two Gu worms, one big and one small, in the bamboo tube. Jiang Lin planted the big Gu worm on the fourth prince's body, and placed the small Gu worm on the wound on Jiang Rou's palm, "I'm a good person, so I kindly let you and the fourth prince Even if the prince dies, he will die together, and he will have companions on the way to Huangquan."

Gu worms like blood, and the little Gu worms moved into her body along the wound in Jiang Rou's palm.

"For the sake of the system's answer, I won't kill you. Wait for the person who should really kill you to do it."

Jiang Rou shook her head excitedly, shaking her bleeding hands, trying to pull out the Gu worms, but how could it be possible.

Jiang Lin knocked her out, wiped the dagger clean, and took Chu Ba back home.

Chu Ba was puzzled. He didn't understand what the young lady told Jiang Rou about the system. He walked beside Jiang Lin, turning his head to look at him repeatedly, trying to attract Jiang Lin's attention.

Jiang Lin took the initiative to speak, "The eighth day of the eighth day, are you curious..."

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, Chu Ba nodded like a rattle, curious, but too curious.

Jiang Lin finished the sentence, "Are you curious why we were in the courtyard for so long just now, and none of the Fourth Prince's subordinates saw it?"

Eighth day: "..."

Chu Ba looked at Jiang Lin accusingly and resentfully, the young lady was deliberately trying to whet his appetite!

Jiang Linquan pretended he didn't see anything, and explained to himself, "Because those people have all gone to Wei's house."

"There is also a good show at home. If we walk faster, maybe we can catch the tail."

The author has something to say: just these 3,000 words, I’ve been writing since ten o’clock in the morning until now, I’m stuck, the stupid author wants a hug~