MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 159 The Emperor's Little Phoenix 11

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It turns out that the magic sea is really the same as the sea. --

The layers of clouds are as vast and vast as the waves, flowing and undulating, reaching the farthest horizon, looking beautiful and spectacular.

Here, as a forbidden land for the Tianzu, even the little phoenix that grew up in the heavenly family was the first time to come. It was not attracted by the scenery that had never been seen before, and even the big eyes were amazed. What I want to win is only the hidden danger here, and the safety of the little phoenix.

Ever since Xiao Feng tortured out that he had to go to the Magic Sea, he was determined to go with him, and he won to win him. Whenever he was a loser, he did not mean what he meant. There is no legendary horror and danger in the magic sea in front of you. Instead, it is calm and safe, and it makes you feel more uneasy.

"Don't worry," he noticed that he was winning the tightness of his body. Little Phoenix took his hand with great care. "I will protect you and prevent you from going wrong."

I don’t know what the biggest worry about wins is the little phoenix. Although it is inevitable that there is a lot of love because of this sentence, the attention is still on the vigilant environment, only nodding.

Hearing the perfunctoryness in his voice, Little Phoenix is ​​not happy. "Do you not believe me?"

He wins and realizes that his young boy has grown into a youthful rebellious period. This question can be answered well. He is busy with his look and tone. He is 100% serious: "I believe, I don't believe that I believe in you."

Xiaohuang suddenly expressed a small embarrassment, which sounded very cute. If he was not afraid of the dangers that might arise at any time, he would never help but kiss his face.

Sure enough, just as they were about to step into the depths of the clouds, the calm sea suddenly screamed.

Shocked | The change is so fast, the moment seems to have set off a huge wave, and the place to follow is also violently shocked!

One of the little phoenixes did not stand firm and almost caught up in the clouds. Fortunately, he was stunned by the win. At the same time, four giant beasts emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, standing at the four corners of the southeast and northwest, and they were firmly trapped in the middle.

It is the soul of the beast. The forehead has a sharp unicorn, and the neck and back are still covered with barbs. The gray eyes of a pair of violent eyes are cold, so people can’t help but fear, and then they will be entangled. Launched an attack.

The loud sounds blasted one after another, and several thick purple thunders rushed to the head. The power was extremely fierce, and it seemed to be able to destroy the earth. The left and right were countless ice crystals like sharp edges, and the bones were cold.

The first round of cooperation between Xiaofeng and Yuying was tacit to unexpected. A sword was like electricity, and the ice crystals were cut off at the fastest speed. One finger condensed Xianli and ran straight into the purple mine. The thunder and lightning will be exhausted.

The swordsmanship that won the battle was wide open, and Jianguang eventually formed a dense enchantment, covering him and the little phoenix densely. Perhaps it is self-awareness, and the four heads of the beasts have stopped at this time, but they are not stopping the battle, but in the assembly process. In the next moment, only the golden light converges in the air, condensing a vague gilt-like phantom.

The shadow suddenly spurred, and soon covered the whole piece of the sea of ​​clouds. Xiaofeng suddenly heard someone humming in a language he didn't understand, and he turned around and heard a strange familiarity.

The content is the emperor's soul-striking song, especially for those who are in heaven, it is very easy to be dragged by this song. From then on, the spirit is isolated and sleeps on the spot. Little Phoenix knows badly, but he is uncontrollably attracted by it, and his mind begins to drift and drift.

The opposite of the mind is the body, which is like a fire, and it is like an iceberg. In the pain, Yu wins the sacred sword again with the remaining wisdom, trying to scatter the golden bell of the heart. For example, the sword of the rainbow made the shadows fade a few points, but he quickly failed to make it clear, his face was pale, and his mouth was bleeding. Then he bit his teeth and put all his strength into it. He took the little phoenix in one hand and hit the center of the tactics with his hand.

With a bang, the loud noise shook the earth, and the entire magic sea was faltering. Then, the clouds rushed like a huge wave, and both of them were involved in the sea of ​​clouds by the unstoppable horror.

The little phoenix that came back from the spirit of the soul only felt that he was spinning at a high speed, just like being brought into the bottomless abyss, but there was always a big hand holding his wrist, which made him feel at ease. Then lose consciousness in a cloud that is thick enough to breathe.

When I blinked, I found myself in a magnificent hall.

I am afraid that very few people in the Four Realms know that there is such a palace within the Magic Sea. It is rare to have them. The floor and walls in the hall are made of rare high-grade stone, and four huge night pearls are set in the four corners, and the façade of each bump is shining, such as the stars in the night sky.

Little Phoenix had no time to appreciate it, just stood up in a sore body and stood up, looking for a win-win figure.

However, there was nothing left in the air, and there was no life at all. Xiaofeng’s heart is getting more and more panicked, and the voice of shouting can’t help but tremble: “Well, where are you?”

There were a few partial houses on the left and right sides of the palace, so Xiaofeng set aside the gods to find the past, from the tea room study to the dining room bedroom. The tea room was unremarkable. On the desk of the study, I found a picture of the character that was not finished. The man in the painting was proudly independent in the sky, and his body was tall and elegant.

It is a pity that there is only one silhouette in a robes. It must be that the artist has not come and finished painting and temporarily dismissed the pen. There are still unused ink in the next stage, and a brush full of ink and no dry. . Around the light, you can even see the light dust dancing like a streamer.

Little Phoenix was not interested in preparing to turn and leave, but was taken aback at this time - I saw that the time for the painting was 5,000 years ago.

Suddenly, there was an unspeakable chill on the brain, and the little phoenix was breathing a little. He rushed out of the study and ran to the next room.

Soon there will be only the last one.

The last door was open. Xiaofeng tried to set the god, walked in with the hope of finding a win, and actually saw the center of the dark house with just a few candle lights, and released a Yingying The huge jade of shimmer. It is a very rare translucent jade, can clearly see the look of the people in the middle of the squat, a man in the ink-coating man lying calmly inside, just like sleeping.

The scattered light is intertwined into a hazy smoky blue color, which is broken into a falling star point. And when he wins, he sits in front of the coffin, his eyes are closed and he is in a coma. His face is pale and amazing. The silver-gray clothing on his chest has been dyed dark black by the blood he spit out.

Xiaofeng refused to look at the people in the squatting, just flew to the front of the win to investigate his situation. I don't know if it is too nervous or too busy, and I can't find the other person's breathing by sticking out a little trembling hand. Although he suffered a minor internal injury because he had broken the scorpion beast, he did not reach the point of dying. Little Phoenix did not know that he was in a coma. What happened, I only know that the moment of winning or not, whether the pulse or the heartbeat is low, if it is not, it is at stake.

A heart suddenly sinks to the bottom, and the unprecedented panic is full of body.

Little Phoenix has never experienced this kind of taste since he was so big. He still can't say what it means to him. He only knows that when the other person thinks he will die, his chest will be too difficult to breathe.

I don't know when, the win has become an indispensable and unique existence for Xiaofeng.

He would kiss his forehead in the morning and call him up. He would read the story at night and let him fall asleep. When he said that he was hungry in the middle of the night, he would climb up and cook for him. When he fell asleep, he always remembered to cover him. He will also accompany him to read books when it rains, until he is sleepy; or accompany him to take an umbrella and walk on the road, holding his umbrella in one hand and holding him in his arms, not letting the rain drench him even if it is a trace. Even remembering his most subtle preferences and habits, he doesn't even have to speak. He can send what he wants to him with just one look.

Although Yifu Yimu and Qingyi Hongxi also love and take care of him, Xiaofeng knows that the win is not the same. The righteous fathers and other people have to care and take care of them, but they are the only ones who win.

And death means that he can't see him anymore, he can't talk to him anymore, he can't embrace and kiss him.

He can't let him die.

Thinking of this, the little phoenix's constantly shaking hands were stabilized, and the whole person calmed down. Although he does not know any healing spells, but as a phoenix, there is a little-known secret that is firmly blocked by the Emperor, that is, refining the medicine with heart, can be brought back to life.

The phoenix's heart of blood is the best way to cure all diseases, not to mention the heart, even if the dead can save. The sputum of the win has gradually disappeared, and the little phoenix has no time to hesitate, and finally has a claw in one hand and stabs to his heart.

I still remember the words of the Emperor when I was young, and told him that he could not use this method to save people. Although the phoenix's dead hole is in the eyebrows and not in the heart, he will not die after losing his heart. The lost heart even has the ability to regenerate, but the damage caused is incalculable. Even if it has been cultivated for thousands of years, it will not be restored. Quality and mana have also been greatly affected. What's more, the heavens and the roads can't be violated. The life and death of all things are determined by themselves. The people who cultivate the immortals should be optimistic about life and death, weigh the pros and cons, and change the life of the heavens may plant the roots of the other party, and let them bear unnecessary cause and effect.

But Xiaofeng is still too young to understand why life and death are bearish. I only know that at this moment, no one can let the people in front of me die.

The sharp claws are sharper than any blade in the world, reflecting the flickering light. The little phoenix can even hear the sound of blood flowing from the claw tip when it is pulled out of the body. Although the process of digging the heart is only a short moment, the wound quickly heals itself in the next moment of the heart, and it can be difficult for anyone to bear the pain. The dizziness that accompanied the pain caused the little phoenix to fall to the ground, and it was dark in front of him, and even had no strength to continue the movement on his hand. The huge golden eyes burst into tears because of the pain, and they went straight to the closed eyes.

The isolated heart was eventually refining into a reddish red pearl by the phoenix fire.

The little phoenix clenched his teeth and endured the pain from the chest to the limbs, and then used up his last strength to send the Danzhu into the mouth.

A little bit of movement caused a sharp pain. Little Phoenix couldn't keep up with the human form. The face that won't be able to start to improve with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath and pulse that had stopped stopped were revived.

The red feathers have gradually emerged on the skin of the little phoenix, and there is a faint golden glow scattered from the whole body. Three thousand green silk also slowly changed color, Guanghua Ruo dream, inch inch spread. Long hair and feathers shed on the ground like a flame.

His uncomfortable huddled into a group, did not see the resurrection at the same time, the man in the jade was actually turned into a blue smoke, and eventually dissipated in nothingness.

I won a dream.

He actually saw his biological father, lying quietly in the jade, like a sleep. Although I have never seen each other, the blood is so wonderful that I can recognize his identity at a glance. The other party clearly did not move, but it seems to be summoning and waiting for him to come, but in the next second he opened the jade, there is a strange red light from the other side of the chest.

In an instant, the red light is flourishing, and a two-year-old flower is gradually appearing. At the same time, more and more evil spirits are lingering around each other. It is as if the seal is broken and the ground is broken. When Yu Sheng realized that the danger was already late, the red light hit the chest with a thunderous force, and the violent impact made him vomit a big blood!

The demon flower began to madly capture his mana and vitality as if it were rooted in the blood-sucking vine in the bone, letting him disappear like a dead tree. On his dead ground, slowly spread a large piece of thick and viscous blood, and the black and black that appeared in the bright red is like an abyss that can swallow everything.

Yu wins and woke up in such a heavy suffocation, suddenly opened his eyes and found his arms in front of his little phoenix, in front of him is the jade seen in his dreams. The residual candle in the house will be exhausted, leaving only the last line of light, and the micro-mans scattered on the jade will disappear, and the dim projection is like the old dream accumulated in the old age.

There was no one in the air, and there was no figure of his father. It just said that everything was just a dream. The appearance of Xiaofeng at this moment makes it even more difficult to think about it, but wrinkles his eyebrows.

Because the other party has become a semi-phoenix, if it is not seriously injured, it will never be the case. The half-small face of the juvenile that showed the fire and phoenix road was very pale. The tail feathers dragged to the ground were like the unparalleled skirts of the world. The roots were fierce and flamboyant, but the luster on the ground was obviously faint.

Fortunately, Xiaofeng quickly opened his eyes, but there was not much radiance in the shackles. He only consciously went to win in the arms, and instinctively sought warmth.

The weak and full of dependence depends on the fact that he wins the distressed heart. He explores the spirit of the little phoenix and is detrimental. He thought it was caused by the soul of the soul beast, but he was a demon person and could not help the little phoenix with spiritual power. The repair can only be low and low: "Oh, let me endure again, this palace enveloped an enchantment. When I unpacked the seal, I could leave from here."

犴 Winning the plate sits in the center of the house and begins to close the eyes and cast spells. The slender and powerful fingers fly up and down, and successively produce various complicated handprints. I saw that the whole palace was getting brighter and brighter, and eventually it slammed, and the roof was as open as the opened box.

But this is not the result of winning the spell, but it is derived from a powerful force from the outside. The little phoenix, whose mind and body have recovered, raised their heads, but they could hardly stand the bright light from the face. Only a blank white can be seen in sight.

The buzzing sound was heard into the ear at the same time. It seems that there are many people around, and the familiar voice then sounds, and there are obvious concerns and urgency: "Hey!!"

Little Phoenix has heard the voice of the owner, the subconscious opening: "... empty brother?"

When the eyes are adapted to the light, the line of sight in front of the eyes is restored clear, and the other party is seen as empty. It was just that handsome, jade's face lost its usual gentleness, his brows were wrinkled, and the deep red scorpion was a haze and anxious.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the following goddess of the big thunder and grenades and rockets!

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