MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 94

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The world is settled, and the new emperor ascends the throne.

In Wei's mansion, Wei Cheng set up a few tables in his yard.

The owner of the house, Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Lin, the servants of the family, Guan Shiquan and all the subordinates of the Yin family celebrated together.

Wei Cheng doesn't need to come out to take charge, he has time to accompany the children.

Wei Cheng accompanied his little darling to read enlightenment books and play with the little darling, so Yin Shenglin had nothing to do.

Strangely, Yin Shenglin usually occupies the small glutinous rice **** all day long, and if Wei Cheng hugged him for a long time, he would ask, but this time he didn't say a word and just stayed by the side.

Yin Chenglin asked Yin Wu to find some books for him. He didn't know what kind of books they were, and read them one by one.

He used to be silent with a cold face, but now he will greet Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan politely when he sees them, which makes Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan confused.

Ren Nianluo: "What happened to Xiao Lin these days?"

Lin Xiyu: "I guess it's about parting. After living in the mansion for a long time, I have feelings, so I can't bear it."

Ren Nianluo: "But why did he only change his attitude towards Wei Dong's family and Yuan Yuan? I can understand Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan takes care of him a lot. Wei Dong's family doesn't have as much contact with Xiao Lin as the two of us."

Lin Xiyu: "...I don't know."

After a few days.

Yin Chengfeng and Qi Yihan hurried back to Jinzhou. The husband and wife rushed directly to the Wei Mansion without entering the gate of their own house.

Wei Cheng calculated that these two people would come back in a few days. The matter in the imperial city is over, Yin Chengfeng and his wife are worried about their son, and they will not stay in the imperial city.

Sure enough, a familiar voice started shouting all the way from the gate:

"Wei Cheng, where is my little dumpling—!"

Yin Chengfeng and Qi Yihan are back!

Those who heard the news rushed to the front yard and gathered in the main hall.

When Yin Chengfeng and his wife saw the little dumpling in Zhou Yuan's arms, they were immediately excited, with joy in their eyes.

Yin Chengfeng walked over directly and hugged Xiaotuanzi into his arms. Excited, Yin Chengfeng hugged his son and kissed him fiercely.

"My Xiaotuanzi, I've made your father think about it! Does Xiaotuanzi really miss my father and mother!"

Xiaotuanzi didn't know if he wanted to, but when he saw his 'strange' father, he struggled to keep his body small and refused to hug him. Unable to struggle, Xiaotuanzi has a temper, I don't know if it is the temper he learned from Xiaobaozi, and he has become less afraid of strangers, and will not cry loudly when being hugged by strangers.

The courageous Xiaotuanzi made a small face, and Xiaomi showed his teeth, biting down on the face right in front of him with fierce tits—

Yin Chengfeng didn't pay attention, Wei Cheng and the onlookers all saw it, and they all watched the show and smiled without reminding them, and then with a hiss, Yin Chengfeng shouted: "Who! Who! Which **** taught my Xiaotuanzi to be broken, and even bit him? people-"

Yin Chengfeng's voice was so loud that he frightened Xiaotuanzi who had done something bad, and then—

"Wow!! There are bad people~~" There are bad people!

Yin Chengfeng stopped yelling to find the culprit, his son was crying and he had to coax him.

Qi Yihan also went up to coax his son, the husband and wife were in a hurry to coax, Xiaotuanzi didn't buy half of the face, and continued to cry loudly, his little hands kept stretching towards Zhou Yuan, and his little body struggled to pounce on him.

Seeing his son crying non-stop, Yin Chengfeng couldn't coax him well, so he handed his son to Zhou Yuan. The couple looked eagerly at the son who soon stopped crying in Zhou Yuan's arms.

I feel sad for a while.

The son doesn't recognize them anymore.

Xiaotuanzi stopped crying, was still sobbing, and complained aggrievedly, "Bad~~"

Seeing that his son refused to be hugged and even bit his father, Yin Chengfeng immediately glared at Wei Cheng, "Wei Cheng, why doesn't my son know me anymore!"

Wei Cheng laughed at him bluntly, "The strange father who has been away for almost three months, you will recognize him by letting Xiaotuanzi bite him a few more times."

"..." Yin Chengfeng shook his face with small teeth marks, and his face turned black!

Next to him, Qi Yihan wanted to hug her, but was afraid that his son would cry, his eyes were reddened.

"Xiao Tuanzi, do you still know who this is?" Zhou Yuan hugged Xiao Tuanzi and said softly, "He is your mother and father."

With Zhou Yuan coaxing him patiently, Xiaotuanzi stopped crying and looked at the person in front of him with his little head sideways, feeling very familiar.

Xiaotuanzi looked puzzled, Zhou Yuan handed Xiaotuanzi to Qi Yihan, Qi Yihan wanted to take over his son's soft and small body, but was worried that his son would not recognize him, Zhou Yuan encouraged him: "Yi Han, hurry up and hold Xiaotuanzi, but Xiaotuanzi I really miss my parents, if you hug him, he will know who you are."

Qi Yihan just took over his son's soft and small body, and after taking over his son, he held his breath to see his son's reaction.

Xiaotuanzi didn't cry this time, just looked at people with her small eyes.

Yin Chengfeng ignored Wei Cheng's ridicule, and moved to his wife's side to look at his son.


Xiaotuanzi called out in a milky voice, which was both strange and familiar.

Xiaotuanzi's crisp milk voice made Qi Yihan feel sad and joyful, his voice was hoarse, and he coaxed gently, "Baby, I am mother and father."

Everyone was waiting for Xiaotuanzi's reaction, but who knows, Xiaotuanzi burst into tears suddenly, Qi Yihan was startled, thinking that his son didn't recognize him, so he wanted to hand his son back to Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan didn't answer with a smile on his lips Pass.

Qi Yihan was anxious and distressed. Seeing that Zhou Yuan didn't take it, when he still wanted to stuff the little dumpling over, he suddenly felt his soft neck resting on top of it. His hand paused, tears fell from his eyes, and then he hugged his son tightly in his arms.

Xiaotuanzi hugged his mother and father, crying with grievance, as if he felt that this was the embrace he was looking for.

Yin Chengfeng stretched out his arms and hugged his wife and children into his arms, with tears in his eyes.

Xiaotuanzi was crying, tired from crying, and fell asleep lying in his mother's arms, with his little hands still hugging Qi Yihan's neck as he fell asleep. Patting his little back lightly, Xiaotuanzi calmed down.

On the same day, the couple stayed in Wei's mansion, worried that their son would be unfamiliar when they returned to the mansion.

the next day.

Xiaotuanzi still ignored Yin Chengfeng's father, but he knew Qi Yihan's mother and father, and could not get out of his mother's arms.

Yin Chengfeng had a handsome face, Qi Yihan smiled gently and patted his son's back, the baby still recognizes him, that's great!

A few days later, Xiao Tuanzi finally recognized Yin Chengfeng as his father after being courted by his father.

The whole family went home.

Yin Chengfeng returned to Fucheng, and the major families who heard the news wanted to come to inquire about the news, Yin Chengfeng and Wei Cheng directly closed the door of the Fuli.

They never see customers, how can they have such leisure time.

The Jin family and the Xu family were anxious like ants in a hot pot, but the Wen family was lucky that they didn't show their heads.

Xu's family.

Mrs. Xu: "What should we do now? It's okay, what are you going to do to provoke that Boss Wei? You want to kill the whole family, don't you?"

Patriarch Xu: "What do you mean I'm going to harm the family! Who would have expected that something would happen when everything was set in stone!"

"What should we do? Everyone else is waiting to see our family's jokes, so that they will make trouble!" Mrs. Xu suggested, "How about marrying our daughter to the Wei and Yin residences?"

The Xu family also has two concubine daughters waiting in the boudoir, and several concubine daughters. Concubine daughters are to marry rich and noble families, while concubine daughters are to marry in exchange for benefits.

Mrs. Xu meant to marry a daughter-in-law, so she didn't dare to fool people anymore, and she looked down on the mud legs, the most important thing was to protect the Xu family's status in Fucheng.

"You are confused—" Patriarch Xu reprimanded immediately, angrily, "You really have long hair and short knowledge. No one in Fucheng knows that the Patriarch of the Wei Mansion does not marry a common wife, nor does he accept a concubine. Young Master Yin even refused to arrange wives and concubines for the Duke of Yin to bring his family with him. Come to Jinzhou to settle down, otherwise, how could a dignified son of Yin Guogong’s family settle in Jinzhou. You are going to add fuel to the fire!"

This doesn't work, that can't be helped either!

Patriarch Xu sat powerlessly, sighed and said: "The Wei and Yin residences will not see any visitors for the time being, so we can only wait. Then we will come to the house to apologize."

And Jinfu.

Mr. Jin, who had retired behind the scenes, had to regain control of the Jin family to prevent the Jin family from being defeated by his son.

"Fortunately, it was the Xu family who came forward last time. You blamed everything on the Xu family. With the Xu family standing in front of you, let's lower our profile and go to Wei's mansion to apologize. The head of the Wei family was interested in overseas trade, so he reciprocated. , to give him the most important source of goods for Fucheng's overseas trade, and our gold price has shown such sincerity, the other party will not hold on to it."

"You have to remember that the new emperor has ascended the throne, and the status of the Duke of Yin's mansion is at the height of his power. I warn everyone in the family not to offend the Yin and Wei mansions."

Patriarch Jin said respectfully: "Yes, father! I know what to do!"

The Wen family is the calmest. They feel that they haven't even seen each other and have nothing to do with the Wen family, so they just pretend that there is no such thing.

With such naive thoughts and attitudes of the Wen family, the family is doomed to decline.

Later, when Yin Chengfeng learned that his property was coveted by the chamber of commerce, he became furious and wanted to settle the accounts with the chamber of commerce. Wei Cheng didn't bother to talk to him, so he let him settle the accounts by himself.

Yin Chengfeng was so angry, "Which side are you from? You are helping bad people!"

"It's the New Year's Eve, and I'm too busy with things at hand. And I also want to spend a comfortable year at leisure. If you want to find something to do, then go by yourself." Wei Cheng said.

"Most of the Jin family and the Xu family are people looking for trouble, and some people are making trouble. If you are interested in the gold and silver money of the Jin family and Xu family, do it. I am not interested." Too much wealth is also a burden, let alone ill-gotten wealth .

"What do you mean?" Earlier, Yin Chengfeng still felt that what his friend said was right. In recent years, there are many things to do, and you can be free when you can. There is no need to make yourself unhappy because of some little people, but what about the latter?

Wei Cheng didn't give him an answer, and despised him very much. Yin Chengfeng went to find his wife to understand the meaning.

The Jin family has its own government to fight against his opponent. If it is to trouble the two, although they have backers behind them. But if the Jin and Xu families join forces to fight back to the end, it will not be easy to completely destroy the two.

When the new emperor came to the throne, the officials were looking for opportunities to stand out, and the Jin family and the Xu family collided. This was a good opportunity to show their faces in front of the new emperor. The properties of the Jin family and the Xu family are the best guiding stones.

Therefore, when Patriarch Xu was escorted by Patriarch Jin in the name of the chamber of commerce to make amends, and Patriarch Jin acted like an uninformed person and sloppy in front of Wei Cheng and Yin Chengfeng, Wei Cheng and Yin Chengfeng just ignored it!

The head of the Jin family directly offered the most profitable resources of overseas products in his hand, and Wei Cheng accepted it directly, not for nothing.

Patriarch Xu and Patriarch Jin thought they had escaped, but they didn't know that the decline of the two families would begin next.

Not long after, the Xu family was swallowed up, and the Jin family lost most of their wealth so as not to decline, but their vitality was still severely damaged, and they were directly eliminated from the Fucheng forces.

Yin Chengfeng is back, and Yin Chenglin is about to leave for the imperial city.

Yin Chengfeng hugged his son and said to his elder nephew: "Lin'er, you are going back to the imperial city, be happy!" Qi Lu.

The eldest nephew Yin Shenglin turned cold and gloomy, and he didn't want to go back.

The family came to urge him, and he had to go back.

The new emperor ascended the throne, as the greatest hero of Yin Guogong's mansion. The situation outside is unclear, the remnants of the criminal party have not been cleared, and danger is still hidden. He is the eldest son of the Yin family, and his safety is the most important thing. He must leave to return to the imperial city.

Yin Chenglin's indifferent eyes sank, his eyes were firm, and he walked straight to Wei Cheng who was sitting holding the little glutinous rice balls.

Yin Chengfeng was puzzled by his elder nephew's behavior, so he hugged his son and approached him.

Zhou Yuan and Qi Yihan hadn't seen each other for a long time, they were chatting happily, and when they saw Yin Shenglin's move, they also looked over.

Yin Sheng stopped when he walked two steps away from Wei Cheng.

When Xiao Tangyuan saw Yin Chenglin, she stretched out her hand and called softly, "Brother, hug me!"

Yin Chenglin walked over again, took Xiaotangyuan and hugged him, and Xiaotangyuan put her arms around his neck and shouted happily, "Brother, go play in the garden."

A trace of reluctance flashed across Yin Shenglin's cold eyes, he kissed the little dumpling's white and tender face, and coaxed softly, "Baby, brother Lin will take you there later."

"Okay~" Xiao Tangyuan didn't make a fuss after hearing this, and obediently nestled in his brother's arms and waited, the softness and obedience made Yin Chenglin kiss his little face again.

Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows annoyed this time.

Yin Shenglin hugged the little glutinous rice balls, and Wei Cheng saw the solemnity and respect in the child's indifferent eyes.

I don't know what it means?

"As the next heir of the Yin family, I promise that I will make myself stronger and protect the baby from any harm..."

The puzzled couple: "????"

Holding his son in his arms, Yin Chengfeng was at a loss: "......" Eldest nephew, you must have made a mistake. You should say this to your Yama-faced father, his elder brother.

Qi Yihan was slightly surprised, with a smile on his face.

Then, the next words directly made Wei Cheng black-faced—

"...You cannot betroth the baby to anyone, I will definitely come back to marry the baby, my son-in-law hereby informs my father-in-law!"

What? ! !

This brat, what did he say—! !

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan were dumbfounded—

Yin Chengfeng was also dumbfounded—

Although Qi Yihan guessed a little bit, he was really surprised when he heard it.

After finishing speaking, Yin Shenglin saluted Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan respectfully, then ignored the stunned people, and went directly to the backyard garden with the little glutinous rice **** in his arms, thinking about what kind of pastries he would ask his servants to prepare for the baby.

Yin Chenglin walked out of the hall completely, and Wei Cheng was furious after recovering.

"You kid, get out of my house immediately—"

Yin Chengfeng also foolishly said to Xiaotuanzi in his arms: "Son, your cousin is going to steal your wife from you..."

Zhou Yuan and Qi Yihan laughed at the same time, in exchange for Wei Cheng and Yin Chengfeng staring at the same time.

Wei Cheng: Daughter-in-law, you are still laughing, the little glutinous rice **** are missed! Our little glutinous rice **** are only three years old!

Yin Chengfeng: Daughter-in-law, our daughter-in-law must be snatched back!

The two laughed helplessly.

the next day.

Yin Sheng has just returned to the imperial city.

Wei Cheng directly told the brat to go away.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle, aunt, please take care!" Yin Shenglin said goodbye respectfully.

Wei Cheng: "......"

Mrs. Wei Lei, Mrs. Wei Hu, and others who didn't know what happened yesterday, all stared wide-eyed—


Wei Cheng immediately turned black.

Before the man got into the carriage, he ordered the door to be closed, but Zhou Yuan pulled his husband to persuade him, "Husband, it's just a child's talk, so you really can't do it." That's why the door wasn't really closed.

As a result, Wei Cheng turned his anger on Yin Chengfeng, and Yin Chengfeng came to Wei's mansion and was shut down for ten days and a half months.

Yin Chengfeng didn't want to enter, but his daughter-in-law and son were both in the Wei Mansion, so they had to enter.

There was no way to get in, so I had to climb the wall to get in.

After dozens of days of disgrace, Wei Cheng showed mercy and let him in.

Yin Chengfeng looked at this angry lion and thought to himself, from now on he would teach his son to chase his wife in secret, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to enter the gate!

Another year.

Years ago, the son of Wei Lei and Ren Nianluo was born.

About the incident in the imperial city, I later learned from Yin Chengfeng that the injury of His Highness the Crown Prince was intentional in order to let the second prince reveal the troops and forces hidden in the imperial city.

The young master of the Yin family crouched in the dark and watched the changes.

Yin Chengfeng and Qi Yihan returned to the imperial city and did not leave to enter the imperial city. They did not take any further action until they got in touch with First Young Master Yin.

He was directly ordered by Eldest Young Master Yin to stay in the other courtyard without interfering. With his three-legged cat skills, he would not be caught as a hostage.

This sentence was said by his daughter-in-law, so he had no face to say it.

Later, they still helped, probably because Yan Yi pretended to help in the imperial city.

The attack signal symbol was seized, Yan Yi appeared to assist, hacked and killed the enemies hiding in the dark, and then recaptured the signal symbol, and released the attack signal in time.

The situation in the imperial city is stable, and His Royal Highness the crown prince is a certainty.