MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 104

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Lin Tantan returned to the clinic with a small hamster in his arms, but before he entered the building, he heard another howl.

At this moment in the middle of the night, many people have rested, but there are also many people who don't, such as the gate guards, such as the people who study the magic machine, and these people are already numb, and they only plug their ears silently.

Lin Tantan suddenly felt that this matter was really disturbing.

She went into the clinic. The power of the clinic mainly comes from the energy stored in the solar panels on the roof during the day. The energy is very sufficient, so the whole building is very bright. So as soon as she entered, she saw people languishing in the corridor of the hall. Some were covered in blood, some were muttering something, some were nervously going in and out of the ward, and some were directly lying on the bed and became injured.

And each of these people has black and blue eyes with bloodshot eyes.

The smashed things on the ground have been picked up, and there is still a faint smell of blood in the air.

Lin Tantan sighed, she had been away for less than an hour, and these people were depressed again.

This was the howling sound coming from upstairs again. As soon as Lin Tantan went upstairs, he saw a girl running out with disheveled hair and bare feet, shouting as she ran, "There is a ghost, there is a ghost!"

It was the person who said he was most afraid of ghosts, and there were two people chasing her behind her, and pressed her down to calm her down, while the other patients watched this scene numbly.

Mingze also caught up from behind and sighed: "It seems that the team leader's experience really doesn't apply."

Lin Tantan walked over: "What doesn't apply?"

Mingze said: "Didn't you say that after you had a nightmare, you can sleep peacefully immediately after falling asleep? Some people just tried to fall asleep for the second time, but the dream is still a dream, and this Zhang Jiujiu is also the same. Like this, but she said that she was very sleepy and wanted to sleep too much. She secretly took sleeping pills, but she was still woken up by fright. This is the fourth time."

Lin Tantan frowned and looked at the girl with distorted expression and collapsed face, hesitated for a long time and sighed: "Want to sleep? Let her lie down, I'll try."

Mingze was a little puzzled, but still found an empty room for Zhang Jiujiu to lie down.

Lin Tantan put his hand on her forehead, and Zhang Jiujiu, who was struggling endlessly, fell asleep after a while, looking very peaceful.

Several people watched her with bated breath, and there was no movement for five minutes, ten minutes.

Lin Tantan didn't see her wake up after she took back her hand. Lin Tantan looked at her hand. The patient who used to suffer from insomnia for many days slept peacefully under her hand, and the person who was plagued by nightmares could also find peace under her. Now she has the spirit of zombies Attackers can also be put to sleep by her.

Well, the hypnotist saves me, she can do it herself.

Mingze looked at her in astonishment: "Team leader, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, it's just using energy to soothe her spirit and quiet her overly excited brain. I just came up with a method." Lin Tantan said, "Anyone else who wants to sleep especially, come and sign up. Although the solution is a temporary solution but not the root cause, it should at least allow them to sleep peacefully for a while."

She didn't intend to expose her wood element and its role in this aspect. Ye Xiao also reminded her like this, but seeing the patient wanting to sleep but not daring to sleep, wanting to wake up and unable to hold on, she was about to collapse after tossing around like this. There is no way to stand on the sidelines.

Mingze went out and asked who wanted to sleep, and the ghost statue-like people in the corridor looked at him numbly or in horror, as if he was a devil.

Mingze said speechlessly: "Zhang Jiujiu has already fallen asleep and didn't have a nightmare. Our team leader thought of a way to let you sleep for a while." After thinking about it, it's definitely not good to say something, and he remedied, "But it doesn't necessarily mean to anyone. Both work, it varies from person to person…”

Before he finished speaking, these people came alive from the ghost statue, rushed to where Zhang Jiujiu was, and crowded around the door to watch.

"Ah, she is so peaceful!"

"It's really peaceful."

"It's so peaceful."

"I want to be so peaceful!"

No one said that they didn't want to sleep. Originally, it would not be a big problem for the supernatural beings to stay up for several nights, but they have been disturbed by repeated nightmares, and their bodies and spirits are almost exhausted. Now that there is a way to put them to sleep and temporarily forget about it all while they recharge, they are of course crying for this benefit.

So these people lay down obediently, Lin Tantan put his hands on their heads for a few minutes, and they fell asleep obediently.

The last person fell asleep, four hours passed, and it was dawn, and even the first person who fell asleep had woken up for an hour or two, but the clinic was still peaceful. After waking up, people were very relaxed, with black and blue faces The depression and depression have dissipated a lot, and there is a smile on the face, talking softly in the corridor, afraid of waking up those who are still sleeping.

"Doctor Lin."

Seeing Lin Tantan coming out of the last room, several men and women who were talking at the end of the corridor immediately said hello.

Lin Tantan, who was twisting his stiff waist, immediately straightened his body: "Are you awake? How long have you been asleep?"

"I have about two hours."

"I have about three more hours."

"I only had more than an hour, but I feel that the quality of sleep is very high, thank you Dr. Lin."

These people sincerely thanked Lin Tantan, that Zhang Jiujiu was there, she slept for three hours, and her exhaustion was almost wiped away at this time, recalling the previous collapsed state, it was like escaping death, the whole person was very excited, I wanted to hold Lin Tantan's hand and cry, but of course I didn't dare in the end.

Lin Tantan said: "You still have to think about what the expert said, combined with his personal advice to you, to see how to solve your nightmare, this is the most important thing."

Several people nodded repeatedly.

Lin Tantan nodded like a famous doctor and left, her shoulders immediately collapsed, she let out a long breath, she couldn't help but feel lucky, fortunately there are only more than 70 people here, if more than 300 patients are here, she will vomit blood directly Bar?

Mingze followed her all the time, and said at this time: "Team leader, you should go and rest quickly."

Lin Tantan waved his hands: "I just need to move around. Is breakfast here? I'm going to starve to death."

Mingze remembered that she was also one of the patients, but she could make others sleep peacefully, but she couldn't use this ability on herself.

Mingze hesitated for a moment and asked, "Team leader, can I learn this ability?" Afraid that she would misunderstand that he wanted to steal the teacher, he hurriedly explained, "I mean, I can share your worries after learning it."

Lin Tantan said that I really hope you can help me share my worries, but she shook her head: "This kind of thing is aimed at the human spirit, and requires extremely high abilities, especially when the other party is also a person with abilities and their spirit is very unstable. , when your ability enters their brains and touches their spiritual world, they will instinctively resist, and then they will hurt others and themselves."

Mingze lowered his head.

Lin Tantan said again: "But you can try with ordinary people."

Ming Ze raised his head.

"Ordinary people without supernatural powers, who have trouble sleeping and can completely trust you." Lin Tantan thinks that people in the last days are prone to mental problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, and too much pressure to survive If you can't sleep at night and feel irritable or something, don't have too much!

Psychologists are very popular in the last days, but it was in the next few years, when people’s survival was no longer so difficult, and people began to pay attention to their mental health, but at that time, the perverts had already gone everywhere, and it was difficult to correct psychological problems. up.

This time, more than 300 patients were plagued by nightmares. Although they were caused by zombies, there are definitely many people like them. They are plagued by various nightmares or certain pains every day. They are extremely depressed, irritable and anxious, and cannot sleep well at night. I feel... but the degree will not be so serious.

Lin Tantan feels that paying attention to the physical and mental health of these people starts with letting them sleep well.

Lin talked with Mingze Balabala and thought of a new business direction for their clinic.

Mingze: I just wanted to learn a technology to solve my urgent needs, but I was suddenly pulled to plan the blueprint for the future of the company.

Not to mention that Lin Tantan started the teaching of sleep aid and recuperation, the outside world is also very busy.

Today is the last day when the base is open to entry and exit before the tide of corpses comes. Ordinary people who want to leave the base should take advantage of this day to go out and store as much food as possible for themselves, so as not to besiege the city in case the tide of corpses encircles the city. For too long, they ran out of water and food.

Some people started to deploy against the tide of corpses, and the reinforcement work of the city wall has reached the final step.

At this time, the base is not the same as before. A ravine several meters wide and several meters deep has been dug at the base of the city wall. If the river water is introduced, this is a veritable moat. This is all to prevent the tide of corpses, and the city wall is also reinforced. It has been raised a lot, and it looks even taller and majestic in the sun.

Boom boom boom, dozens of huge bombing vehicles were transported to various parts inside the city wall, and Ye Xiao was patrolling a section of the city wall near the side of the brigade.

The defensive work of this section was handed over to the Zhengyang Brigade, which accounted for about one-tenth of the entire defense line, but basically it all depended on the Zhengyang Brigade itself. In addition to the brigade members, Ye Xiao also hired through the intermediary system of Bai Cheng. Some reliable and capable people were hired.

Today we must ensure that all personnel and equipment are in place, and all arrangements must also keep up.

Beginning in the afternoon, people outside came back one after another, those who were free to move, those who had withdrawn from the battle of the corpses, and the team entering the base had never been short-changed. People from the Zhengyang brigade outside also came back one after another,

At dusk, all the core team arrived, including Bai Cheng and others who had been at Lu Jianping's place for the past few days, and they had to concentrate on fighting on the side of the Zhengyang Brigade.

Then there was a meeting to make final arrangements and discussions. Lin Tantan was naturally there, and her treatment team played a very important role, but in the middle of the meeting, there was a faint noise outside.

Ye Xiao frowned, feeling that it was from the clinic, and asked someone to ask what happened. The runner came back with a strange expression, and looked at Lin Tantan's position: "It's from the clinic. There are many patients and their families."

Before Lin Tantan could speak, Ye Xiao's face darkened: "Come to make trouble?"

"No, no, no." The errand runner said hastily, "They said they would come to help our brigade defend the city wall, but each of them was very excited to push each other away."

Ye Xiao looked at Lin Tantan, and others also looked at her. She also looked puzzled: "It is said that there are new patients coming, but let's not quarrel, you continue the meeting, I will go and have a look."

She let Mingze continue to sit here, and went out of the large conference room by herself. Ye Xiao looked at her and stood up: "There is no room for mistakes in medical treatment, I will go and have a look, Bai Cheng, I leave this to you."

Then he followed suit.

At this time, there were indeed a lot of people inside and outside the clinic, and they were arguing with each other, mainly divided into two camps.

One camp is the old patients who stayed in the clinic yesterday, and the other camp is the new patients who just arrived today.

Why are there new patients? This is because these patients did not stay in the clinic yesterday due to various concerns. After they left, they did not perform much better than those who stayed in the clinic. His relatives, friends and companions were completely caught off guard and couldn't be stopped at all. Some of them violently injured others, disturbed the people, and made a lot of noise all night.

Only then did these people realize how powerful they were. Originally, they had heard that the people who stayed in the clinic were also very miserable, so they had no idea, but they ran over this morning to see that dozens of people left the clinic one after another with smiles on their faces.

What the **** is this?

How can they still laugh? Driven crazy?

Some people went up to ask these people when they left the Zhengyang brigade to go back to their homes. Some refused to say the reason, and some vaguely said that they had slept peacefully in the clinic for several hours.

Although I don't know the reason, those who didn't stay in the clinic were still moved, so dozens more came to beg for shelter in the afternoon.

Lin Tantan saw that there were too many people, but the Zhengyang brigade accepted these patients instead of the base, and was responsible for doing what they could to help them treat them. The words have already been released, and there are too many patients. She just wanted to see if anyone could solve it earlier. In my own nightmare, if I set an example for her, I would not refuse any comers, so I made a rule: within six hours, she will help a group of people to sleep, with a group of 30 places, and they just line up to go.

Then...they were dumbfounded.

To be precise, the old patients are dumbfounded. A group of six hours can help 120 people sleep a day. If there are more than 120 patients, wouldn't they have a turn less than once a day.

If you don't sleep, you will die!

They don't like these new patients very much. They are naturally unhappy when the new patients are excluded. This clinic is not your private one. Why don't you let us come? Then when Lin Tantan didn't know, they would complain up.

And then I don’t know who will be in the front row and get more opportunities, so let’s talk to please Lin, but how to please, the big battle is coming, naturally defending the city wall of Zhengyang Land will satisfy him the most .

This idea spread, and many new patients planned to do this. The old patients were naturally unwilling to lag behind when they heard about it. Some people saw that this was not competitive, so they mobilized their relatives and friends to work with him for the Zhengyang Brigade, and others naturally refused. Learn from others.

When Lin was talking about the past, he happened to hear an old patient jumping and scolding: "Shameless, you brought two teams here!"

"Hmph, can't this young master have too many people? They are also idle when they are idle. What's wrong with coming to help the Zhengyang brigade? If you still don't let us come, are you hoping that the Zhengyang brigade will be bad?" The two rows of big men beside him The new patient snorted.

Seeing that Lin Tantan and Ye Xiao came together, the noisy people quieted down, and the new patient with two rows of big men rushed towards Lin Tantan excitedly, wanting to hug his thigh: "Doctor Lin can be regarded as seeing you." I beg you, let me sleep right away, okay? My twenty subordinates are all at your command, and three of them are supernatural beings. I just ask you to join me in the team! "

Of course, he was lifted away by someone before he reached his thigh.

Ye Xiao's expression was indifferent. Lin Tantan looked at this man, and found that his face was covered with a thick foundation, and the dark circles under his eyes could not be covered.

"Well, uh..." Lin Tantan scratched his face, looked at the twenty strong men who looked like two walls, and looked at the well-groomed appearance. The labor force and combat effectiveness are really hard to refuse.

She also heard at the meeting just now that they are actually very short-handed with more than 10,000 people, otherwise they would not need to hire people.

So she waved her hand: "Yes, but we don't want everyone, we have to pass our assessment."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Ye Xiao: "How about this, so we'll be recruiting temporary workers?"

Ye Xiao frowned: "Yes, yes, but will it tire you out?"

Lin Tantan whispered: "Even without these twenty people, seeing how miserable he is, can I really bear it if he cries and begs like this? Just charge some medical expenses."

So Lin Tantan's bribery behavior began. The original six-hour batch queuing rules remained unchanged, but within six hours, she accepted the behavior of jumping in line. The higher the contribution to the Zhengyang brigade, the better Enjoy VIP service.

As soon as this new rule came out, she found that almost all the patients came back, including those cool lone rangers.

And these lone rangers are all very capable people, otherwise they would not dare to go alone to fight zombies. In order to enjoy queue jumping and VIP sleep assistance services, these people have all come to work for the Zhengyang brigade. After not being someone with evil intentions, they were assigned to some important positions.

Except for the Lone Ranger, the abilities of other people are also very good. After all, they can deal with the zombie crowd. These patients are not weak in strength, and most of them are supernatural beings. He has always been someone that other forces covet and strive to win over, and even has a small force himself, such as the guy who brought twenty strong men and called himself the young master. And in this way, thousands of people rushed into the Zhengyang brigade at once.

Leaders of other forces: Damn, wood-type supernatural beings still have this effect?

And as Lin Tantan, who recruited more than a thousand capable combatants for the brigade, said: It was a pleasant surprise. If this is the case, this time she will honestly handle the logistics.

After eight o'clock, as the last person entered the base, the gate of the base closed abruptly. On the wide aisle on the city wall, all night watchmen were in place, and there was a person standing guard every few meters. Whether it was the central command room of the base, or nearby In the first-line command room on the city wall, they are all paying close attention to the information fed back by the zombie detectors and other instruments.

"The real corpse wave will arrive tomorrow, but there will always be some appetizers before the big dishes." When Ye Xiao talked to Lin like this, they stood in front of Shenji.

The magic machine was disassembled into many parts, and then slowly installed back. These days, Xu Qin and Jiang Xiaotian brought their respective teams and almost died here. In addition to the existence of Xu Tianjin and the original pilot After intermittent confessions, they finally figured out the principle of this guy, and the theoretical knowledge of driving was also understood.

"If we need to use it this time, then we can try." This is Xu Qin's words, "I added the ammunition carrying function."

Lin Tantan looked at the blueprints on the table and the floor, and was in awe of him. He not only figured out the principle and structure of the magic machine, but also modified it, which is amazing.

Then, in this night, Ye Xiao acted as a test pilot, controlling this big guy.

Everyone retreated far away, watching the big guy standing on the ground shake slightly, and then the site and surroundings began to puff, rising off the ground a little unsteadily, gradually rising into the air in a crooked way, and then stabilized , and started flying over people's heads.

It's really like a triangular flying saucer, but a little thicker and bulkier.

It will also drop a rope at the bottom to serve as an air rescue in an emergency.

As for bombing or something, of course you can't try it here.

Ye Xiao landed the magic machine steadily again, and he came out of the cabin with an extremely calm expression: "It takes a lot of practice to operate flexibly and proficiently, but if it is only used for close-range bombing and rescue, it is enough."

Lin Tantan asked worriedly: "What about the energy shield, can it be opened? Is the technology mature?"

Jiang Xiaotian replied: "We have made a lot of calculations. The energy shield can be opened for up to two minutes. If the time is long, it will easily cause energy instability. The most serious consequence is an explosion. Therefore, the energy shield cannot be opened unless it can be opened."

But even if the energy cover is not activated, this magical machine has an advantage in facing the birds in the sky. Compared with ordinary helicopters, it is not affected by the wind, and it will not crash if the blades or tail are damaged. Compared with ordinary fighter jets, it does not need any take-off runway, it starts and lands as soon as it is mentioned, and it is very flexible.

All in all, it's a really good thing, and it's no wonder so many people want it.

And the Zhengyang brigade with this thing also has an extra guarantee.

While they were talking about magic tricks, late at night outside, as Ye Xiao said, the appetizers came. Amidst the beeps of the zombie detector, the first batch of small-scale zombies came out of nowhere. The zombies crashed into the city wall, and the battle began.

With the first batch, there will be the second batch, and the third batch. By the dawn of the next day, corpses of zombies have fallen in front of the base.

Then came sporadic attacks all morning, like a drop or two of rain before a storm.

In the afternoon, with the frantic sirens of the zombie detectors, groups of zombies slowly emerged from the ruins of the city in the distance.

There were thousands of zombies. They seemed to have traveled a long distance for a lifetime and finally saw the travelers in their dream hometown. They also seemed to have wandered in the desert for a long time and found an oasis when they were dying of thirst.

In short, these guys are all crazy, roaring and rushing towards the base, in all directions, like a black and gray tide.

They ran across the wide open space, some were blocked by roadblocks, some fell into the moat, and some climbed up the city wall, but were beaten down by the people above.

Then the ground exploded with bang bang bang bang, flames, metal fragments, dust, and smoke exploded in the open space in front of the base, and ant-like zombies were thrown into the sky and fell to the ground again, like rags Dolls, become fragmented.