MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 122

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Lu Xin thought a lot in his heart, and he stopped thinking about admonishing Ye Xiao. He is a person with vested interests, and he must have a talk with Lin. It is better to stabilize him first, and then make plans after he leaves here.

So what he said was: "I misunderstood, I read it wrong, it doesn't matter if you talk to Lin about all of this, your fate is very good, and it is normal to be able to create a foundation."

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. This person's eyes didn't mean that. He could feel that the other party seemed to have struggled violently after seeing him before he said such words against his will. The vigilance and prudence in the other party's eyes He didn't miss even a flash of killing intent.

Ye Xiao is very sensitive to people's malice and hostility. Lu Xin is too young to tell lies in front of him, so he stepped forward: "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Lu Xin said: "I didn't want to do anything, I made a mistake."

Ye Xiao looked at him carefully, straightened up, and at some point there was a gun in his hand, he stretched out his arm and pointed it at his forehead with a click, and said indifferently, "I didn't come here from Jin City just to say a few words of no If it sounds good, how do you plan to deal with us, or how to deal with us? Do you have any accomplices?"

Lu Xin's body was stiff: "No, I don't want to deal with anyone, and I don't have any accomplices."

After a moment of stalemate, Ye Xiao put down his gun: "Since you refuse to tell the truth, just stay here honestly." After he finished speaking, he was about to leave, Lu Xin was in a hurry: "I have already apologized, I really misunderstood, You can't continue to lock me up, you have no power!"

Ye Xiao looked back at this person who didn't seem to understand the situation: "If you dare to come to my site, you should be prepared for no return, don't you think you can still swagger after you said that my vice-captain is a thief?" leave?"

As for power? In this era, weak people are not qualified to speak of power.

You are weak, and you are not honest enough to stay in your own den. You want to run to other people's fields and talk nonsense, and you even gather a herd of beasts to do something, so why do you think you can get out of your body?

After Ye Xiao came out, he asked Qin Han: "Have you let He Fan see it? Does he have supernatural powers?"

"I've seen it. He Fan said that he has supernatural powers. I can't tell what kind of power it is. It shouldn't be strong, but I've never seen him use it, and it can't be detected with a detector. When asked him, he only said that he didn't have it. Ability, I don’t know if the ability is too weak to use.”

Ye Xiao said: "Then continue to ask, find out how much he has, how many people like him do he know, where is that woman?"

"That's an ordinary person with no supernatural powers, but something came out of her mouth."

The mysterious organization in Jin City was just a gathering of a dozen or so people with mutated beasts around them, and later gathered many like-minded people. These people either had their pets mutated before the end of the world, or they were subdued after the end of the world. mutant beast.

There are also special ones, such as being an animal trainer before the end of the world, so after the end of the world, you can tame more mutant beasts, or have a natural affinity for animals, and even have the ability to communicate with mutant beasts simply.

This group was not in Jin City at first, but it was Lu Xin who calculated that Jin City was the last place protected by dragon veins and the heart of the whole country in the future, so they moved there.

However, not long after arriving in Jin City, not only did Jin City not get better and better, but it became more and more chaotic and dark. Zombies did not avoid walking, talents did not appear, even the water source gradually became muddy, and the crops planted in the ground It also looks listless, without the slightest sign of being an outstanding person, let alone a pure land where people can live and work in peace, it becomes difficult to survive in it.

This was different from what he said, so Lu Xin started to calculate again, and found that the general situation of the world was very different from what he expected. Originally, most of the luck should have gathered in the north. Now the chaos in the north is still serious, but there is an unexpected A base is thriving.

So I felt that someone used magic to remove the luck.

Ye Xiao sneered: "Nonsense!"

Going to Jin City by myself and doing nothing, holding a so-called dragon vein as Shangfang's sword, waiting for God to drop the pie for them, and thinking that someone else stole the pie before he waited? It's ridiculous!

Qin Han also thought these people were quite funny, he said: "This Lu Xin is called a master by them, and his status is very unusual, and that girl, she is the owner of the raccoon cat. That girl also has a high status in the organization, if the two of them were arrested, the organization should not let it go."

"Then let them come." In Jin City, he only dared to hide and hide, and he didn't toss out anything for such a long time. What can be done.

Ye Xiao has no prejudice against incompetent people, but he has to yell about incompetence everywhere. People who feel that others are blocking their way are very dissatisfied. If some organization comes over, he doesn't mind teaching them to be human.

Leaving aside this unpleasant episode, the development of Zhengyang Brigade is still very smooth.

The most important thing now is to plant the land. There is food for the winter, but they are almost on the road as soon as the winter is over. can't stop.

The number of people in the planting team suddenly increased. They not only transferred many people from other teams, but also hired people from outside. These people built greenhouses, loosened the soil, selected seeds, and expanded the planting area. expansion. The fertilizer team is also busy, constantly producing chemical fertilizers, and collecting **** to make organic fertilizers.

In December, the Ning City base welcomed a large number of refugees, and more and more bases could not survive. The Ning City base was unable to accommodate so many newcomers. A group of refugees who entered the base killed an aborigine family for food and shelter, causing After public outrage, the leadership of the base issued a notice that they would no longer accept refugees.

Liu Wen came from a base 500 kilometers away. He was a white-collar worker before the end of the world, and he was also a weak chicken. With brute force, he took his parents out of the hardest-hit area in their hometown and came to a base. After the base fell into chaos due to the food crisis, he decisively took his parents away.

I heard that the Ning City base is a very reliable base. There are powerful supernatural beings there, and there is also a five-line supernatural being who is said to be very powerful. He and many people wanted to go there, so everyone went together.

The journey was not easy. His parents were old, and Liu Wen was under a lot of pressure. He lived carefully every day, and started on the road every day before dawn, just to walk a longer distance and reach the base in Ning City one day earlier.

But even so, they still encountered several groups of zombies. The team of thousands of people became less and less, and people left or died every day. In the end, there were only two or three hundred people left. His father also fought with them in a zombie group attack. Scattered and drowned in the corpses.

Liu Wen came to the Ningshi base with his mother on his back. When he saw this tall city, he almost burst into tears. However, this is not the end. They were told that from December onwards, the Ning City base would no longer accept survivors unconditionally, unless they were able to pay high access material standards, or they were people with supernatural abilities.

Not to mention the first condition, few people can achieve it, the second condition is quite exciting, but a supernatural person can only bring an ordinary person in, but the leaders of the Ningshi base also know that it is not easy for everyone , agreed to let people build temporary shelters outside the city walls and let them spend the winter under the walls.

Liu Wen's heart was cold. Looking at the tightly closed door, he was extremely desperate. He is not a supernatural being, so naturally he couldn't bring his mother in. There are supernatural beings among his companions, and there are at least one relative or friend around him. The palace is scheming to compete for favor, and the one who is alone has become the most sought-after sweet pastry, and every ordinary person has tried his best to get in.

Liu Wen took his mother to a hut of a certain size under the city root in silence. After obtaining the consent of the people here, he used the branches and plastic boards he picked up to build a hut beside the hut that seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind. , rags, foam boxes, etc., and made an even more dilapidated small house, and lived like this.

He was worried that his mother would stay in the house alone, and he took his mother out every day. They went out to find food and pick up all kinds of rags that could be used. They try to avoid people as much as possible, and if they encounter a group of several people, the hard-to-get things are likely to be snatched away. If you meet the aborigines of the Ning city base, you may be beaten even if you have nothing to do, because these people hate outsiders like them.

The weather is getting colder and the food will only get less and less, so these people hate them who come from other places to grab resources with them, and "their shabby households exude a ferocious and evil atmosphere, with vicious hearts".

But at the same time, as the weather got colder and colder, more and more refugees came to the base, and there were more and more dilapidated shacks on the city root, almost completely built along the city root, and the people who came later could only live in the outer periphery. place to settle.

There were also new residents outside Liu Wen's house, but he didn't feel a sense of security because he knew that a wave of corpses would tear them all apart.

And this winter, he and his mother had almost no warm clothes. How could they survive in that dilapidated house with drafts on all sides?

Ye Xiao is also thinking about this issue. The refugees outside the base have gathered hundreds of thousands, far exceeding the estimated number. If they do not find a proper resettlement method, these people themselves will be a source of disaster.

"Ye Xiao. "Lin Tantan waved his hand in front of him, "Why are you thinking so seriously? "

Ye Xiao smiled: "I'm thinking about the refugees outside." "

"Oh, I've also heard that there seems to be another group of people coming yesterday, and there seem to be a lot of small bases that can't hold on recently." " Lin Tantan said as he hung a sweater on the clothesline.

The weather is good today, and it is likely to be a rare sunny day before winter. She took out all the winter clothes from last year, and planned to dry them in the sun and bake them to get rid of the smell.

Lin Tantan has a lot of old winter clothes. Physically speaking, she is not very afraid of the cold, but if she does not wear warm clothes in cold weather, it is like asking her to stay up at night, and she will feel very miserable.

But today she wants to see which clothes she doesn't need, and weed them out for others. Clothes resources are extremely tight now. Countless people don't have enough clothes to keep out the cold, and she doesn't want to occupy too much by herself.

Ye Xiao took the time to come over and help her organize her clothes. While taking out a fluffy bread jacket from the bag, he said: "Well, most of them are bases along the coast. Recently, there are more and more mutated creatures in the sea, and They are all huge in size and ferocious in temperament. The bases near the sea are not very sustainable, and many inland bases near rivers are also moving. "

Lin Tantan took a look at the pink-gray bread jacket, said he didn't want this one, and asked: "Then what are your plans? Do you want to do something?" "

Ye Xiao said: "I'm still thinking about it. "

Lin Tantan laughed. Usually when he said that he was thinking about it, he was not thinking about whether to do it, but how to do it well.

She rested her chin on the clothesline: "Is there any difficulty?" "

"If I want to take care of this matter, I have to take care of it to the end, and I will take these people with me when the time comes. " Ye Xiao said.

He talked to Lu Jianping, and the old guy became more and more tactful, and he talked about his difficulties, saying that the population of the base has grown to 650,000 to 600,000, which is too much, and no more can afford it.

The life of the refugees is life, but so is the life of the people in the base. He can't take care of both sides, so he can only choose the people in the base.

If Ye Xiao sympathizes with the refugees outside and wants to take them in, Lu Jianping agrees and supports them very much, and he is also happy to make them less troublesome, but if Ye Xiao does that, then he has to be responsible until the end, when they go to Liangshi Everyone must be taken away.

Ye Xiao also understood what Lu Jianping and his team were thinking. The base in Ning City has long been full of people. They don't welcome refugees at all, but because they are restricted from entering, the refugees may have a lot of resentment towards the base, so the base would rather these people die outside, in this winter.

If the Zhengyang Brigade is willing to take them in, it is true that refugee riots and the like are unlikely to happen, but their survival rate will also be greatly improved. At that time, the Zhengyang Brigade will pat their butts and leave, leaving behind a group of people who are hostile to the base. People, it is inevitable that there will be no troubles.

And what Ye Xiao was worried about was the problem of bringing so many people on the road together.

Now the Zhengyang Brigade has nearly 40,000 official members, and it should reach 50,000 in March next year. He was sure that 300,000 people had crossed several provinces and arrived in Liangshi safely, but no matter how many people there were, it was hard to say.

Moreover, the number of refugees has been increasing.

After listening to Lin Tantan, he said: "Then train them, you just know this, give them a militarized training, let them enforce orders and prohibit them, punish those who don't obey, and reward those who do well." Those who have bad conduct and those who like to sneak around and fight and kill will set up a strict punishment system to restrain them. "

She lay on the clothesline and thought: "There is also food. This is indeed a big problem. What we produce in the field is definitely not enough to feed so many people. Let's produce nutrients." "

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Nutritionals? You mean to learn from certain bases to produce artificial protein? "

"Yes, artificial protein, synthetic meat, and then add some vitamins and amino acids to maintain the necessary nutrition. "Lin Tantan said, "I heard that some bases specially raise some fast-growing and fast-reproducing bugs as a source of protein. Be transparent and hygienic. "

Some unscrupulous bases launched some nutritious meals, and the result was dark cakes made of cockroaches and mosquitoes. They had to be sterilized but not sterilized, and they had to be cleaned but not cleaned. Many people were killed and ruined by eating them. Of course they can't do this.

Ye Xiao's expression was a bit weird, he didn't really want to eat bugs, but this method could indeed be considered.

"Also, don't we produce some vegetable leaves, vegetable stems, meat leftovers and so on every day, either to feed livestock or to fertilize the fields, in fact, those things can be eaten by people, but they don't look very good , It's too ugly to make dishes, those can be used as raw materials for nutrients. Also, I went to the vole shed and saw that the vole is so good. We don’t like to eat it. Now it is used as a reward and remuneration for others. We can add the vole meat to the nutrition. "

The more Lin Tantan thinks about it, the more he realizes that there are many ways. As long as the technology is mastered, there are things that can be processed into nutritional supplements everywhere.

Her thoughts diverged: "The food problem has been solved, and all kinds of daily necessities are indispensable. Most of the refugees have no property, and there are not many usable things left in the city now. Ye Xiao, can we build some factories by ourselves?" Come to produce, the factories that make airplanes can be produced, there is no reason to produce daily necessities, right? "

Ye Xiao looked at her with a smile and said, "That makes sense, let's have a meeting later." "

As a result of the meeting, of course, these proposals were passed.

Although everyone is not very willing to play with refugees, it would be nice if they can be subdued. The Ning City Base no longer needs population, but their Zhengyang Brigade does.

As for production, as long as the refugees are obedient and obedient, there will be hundreds of thousands of laborers, and there will be no one to work?

As a result, the nutrient factory started to run immediately after the meeting. Relevant food chemistry talents were recruited, and the necessary equipment and materials were prepared one by one, and then the raw materials were also prepared.

The first batch of nutritional supplements had very mixed tastes. The raw materials included the leaves and stems mentioned by Lin Tantan, leftovers and offal from the slaughterhouse, minced voles, and a batch of harvested in summer, but everyone didn’t like it very much, so they still wanted to eat it. Large radishes piled in a warehouse.

Naturally there are also artificial proteins.

These materials are either paired in pairs, or all are mixed together. New factory masters who do not have much experience mix different proportions, follow different procedures, and experiment while making, and the nutrients produced are liquid and solid. , There are also semi-solid ones, some clear and transparent ones, and some turbid ones.

Ugly is a bit ugly, but hygiene and safety are guaranteed, and it is absolutely not bad for people.

It's just the taste... As the suggester, Lin Tantan also went to observe it, and then picked out a semi-transparent jelly-like cake that looked the most reliable, took a bite, and then his face became distorted.

People who tried to eat crabs like her all had weird expressions, and some people sighed quietly, it's not easy to be a refugee.

To eat something so unpalatable.

Considering this is still normal material, there is a wave of people looking for the right bugs.

They are more sympathetic to the current refugees and future compatriots, and they are much less dissatisfied with mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people for them.

The first batch of nutritional supplements left the factory in a hurry. Outside, Ye Xiao did not directly announce that the Zhengyang brigade would accept refugees, but said that the Zhengyang brigade would expand the new area, and the refugees who were willing to work would sign up. Workers Lunch and dinner are provided, ranging from one to two nutritional supplements per meal, mainly depending on labor efficiency.

The refugees naturally became overwhelmed and signed up enthusiastically, and then many people were scared back by the strange nutrient.

Liu Wen was one of the candidates who went to apply for the job. Like everyone else, he was told that the nutritional supplements produced by the Zhengyang Brigade were in the trial stage, and they were not good enough, but the materials used were absolutely safe. Barely, but will not send other food.

Liu Wen looked at the clearly displayed formula list, and felt that it was quite reliable, so he tasted the nutritional supplement as if he were dead mud?

He thought, the taste was not very good, but it was not as bad as expected, and he could even taste the taste of white radish, which was very fresh and refreshing.

Liu Wen only hesitated for a second before deciding to take this job. There was no other way. Food was becoming more and more difficult to find, and the weather was getting colder. He didn’t want to take his mother to look for food every day. That's exhausting.

Liu Wen successfully passed the recruitment. On the first day, he was assigned to dig trenches. He has great strength, digs fast, and received two nutrient supplements.

The nutritional supplements are vacuum-packed in a relatively thin transparent bag. After receiving two servings at noon, he ate one. To his surprise, this nutritional supplement has a poor slogan and looks ugly, but it has a good satiety effect , I only ate one serving, which was like half a bowl of ordinary rice, and I wasn't very hungry until three o'clock in the afternoon.

At the end of the work in the evening, the foreman came to look at the ditch he had dug, generously gave him two nutrient supplements, and smiled and rubbed his shoulders: "Good work, keep coming tomorrow, by the way, come early tomorrow." , After working for an hour, you can get breakfast. You can receive a nutritional supplement, which is a benefit. Also, you can bring your own container in the future, and the weight can be a little more than this vacuum-packed one. "

Liu Wen was very happy, and left the construction site with three nutrient supplements. His old mother was already waiting not far away, her stooped body trembling in the evening wind, her face full of concern and anxiety: "Ah Wen, how is this job going?" , have you been bullied? Is it really for food? "

"Mom, let's go back and talk. "Mother and son returned to their small, drafty house. Liu Wen took out three nutritional supplements and told what happened today. Mother Liu was very happy. One was left.

This night, the mother and son both had some food in their stomachs and were in a good mood. It was rare for them to have a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, the two shared the rest of the nutritional supplement. Liu Wen just ate a little, and he could have breakfast in a while. Mother Liu wanted to keep it for him, but he didn't. Jean, it's not safe to keep food on your body in this environment.

In this way, Liu Wen started working on the construction site. A few days later, he felt that the Zhengyang Brigade was indeed reliable as rumored, so he asked the foreman if there was any job suitable for Liu's mother.

He asked anxiously, but the foreman answered readily: "Yes, there are many. Now the food factory needs people. It is said that many factories will be opened in a while. Let me tell you, the people in these work bases also need workers." We are rushing to do it, but our leaders only need outsiders. "

Liu Wen seemed to be aware of something, and he also felt a little these days that the treatment here was too good to be normal. It's not that he's a masochist, he was bought off with a few pills a day. But the refugees are all aware of the benefits of this job, and they are rushing to come to work. Basically everyone here accepts it, and the salary has not changed.

Obviously even if the salary is halved, there are still many people rushing to come.

He looked a bit like doing charity with work instead of cash.

He asked: "Why do you find someone from outside?" "

The foreman smiled and said nothing, but revealed another more shocking news: "In the future, more and more people will come to work. There will definitely not be enough small foremen like me. Everyone in the brigade has their own responsibilities. Even if it is delegated, it is impossible to start from such a small position. " He patted Liu Wen on the shoulder.

Liu Wen's heart thumped, does it mean that he also has a chance to be a foreman?

He immediately worked harder and took his mother to apply for a female worker in a food factory. It went smoothly, and the mother and son no longer had to worry about food. Later, Liu Wen was promoted to a small foreman, and his salary became better and better. He even became the first batch of people who were assigned to live in the houses after the first batch of houses were built on the construction site. He envied countless people and became the favorite of countless refugees. example.

At the beginning of January, after the city wall of this new construction site outside the planting area of ​​the Zhengyang brigade was completed, two large auto repair shops were built inside. The car used, which will add a lot of jobs.

In addition to cars, there are indeed some small factories that have also made clothes, shoes, tents, backpacks, tarpaulins, water bottles, ropes, manual power generators, solar power generators, everything that can no longer be found in the city, or is almost exhausted. , You must learn to do it yourself. As a result, new groups emerged one after another, all pre-apocalyptic technologies were picked up again, and professional teams were established one by one.

Mother Liu was sent to the clothing and shoe factory because of her good sewing skills, and was soon promoted to the group leader of the small group because of her hard work.

There are more and more jobs, and more and more refugees are put into work, and they are under the jurisdiction of Zhengyang Brigade. Later, people say that this period is the period when Zhengyang Base flourished for the first time, and it was also one of the easiest periods for members to be promoted. one.

Lu Xin, who was locked in a solitary cell, didn't know about these things outside, but he could see that the luck of the Ningshi base was gradually weakening, while the luck belonging to the Zhengyang brigade was getting stronger and stronger.

This Zhengyang brigade is really evil. That Lin Tantan has such a strong ability to absorb other people's luck?

His expression became more serious day by day, and the nasolabial folds became deeper and deeper on his face, which was thinned by Qin Han's daily torture, as if he was facing the most severe and difficult problem.

Qin Han looked at him worrying about the country and the people all day long, as if the sky was about to fall, and couldn't understand him even more.

Is this person actually mentally ill? But the "torture" that he works on others is useless to this person.

Zhang Jiujiu also tried to brainwash him, but it didn't work.

This person seems to have his own very firm beliefs, his brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people, and he doesn't get involved at all.

"When will you let me go?" Lu Xin asked again, grabbing the iron bars. He seemed to be on the verge of collapse after being imprisoned for so long, with an anxious and gloomy expression.

Qin Han said: "When will you say something useful, we will think about it."

Lu Xin stared at him coldly, then turned his head and went back. Qin Han inexplicably felt that something was wrong, and he didn't see anything from him for the rest of the afternoon. He went to knock on the door for dinner, but he didn't come to pick up the meal after knocking for a long time. Team leader, he's dead! He's dead!"