MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 137

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Lin Yuan, Ye Xiao has been sitting here for a long time.

After returning from that illusory scene, he came here. The whole forest was quiet and quiet, except for the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, a few birdsong, a few mutated beasts, and the sound of water flowing, there was almost no sound. other noises.

Ye Xiao sat under the dripping tree and had been thinking for a long time.

He ran over and over again what the teacher had said.

It is known that the way to talk about living is to integrate her soul with her original body. The past cannot be changed. The only chance is to **** her body away during the period after she was taken away by those government personnel. return.

So the question is, where is her soul? If she is still in this world, with her soul and body in two separate worlds, should she bring her body to this world, or bring her soul to that world?

Ignoring how to take this process for now, which world will it be more beneficial for her to stay in in the future?

"Squeak!" The trouser leg was torn off by something, Ye Xiao lowered his head and saw a small light brown hamster grabbing his trouser leg with its small paws, he paused for two seconds, then bent down to grab the little thing, Put it in the palm of your hand and rub it, and asked in a low voice: "Little thing, do you know where your master is?"

The little hamster looked at him with misty black bean eyes.

Of course Ye Xiao didn't hold out hope for it, thought for a while and said, "Give me a notebook and a pen."

The little hamster tilted his head to look at him for a while, grinned, and spat out a pink notebook and a pen.

On the cover of the notebook is a little bear holding a handful of balloons. The bear is cute and the balloons are colorful. The whole picture is full of childishness. It is about the style she likes. She said she would use this notebook to learn how to draw, and later gave it to Wei Jie. But he took it back again.

When I opened the cover, there was nothing inside, it was all blank.

I knew she was lying when she said that she wanted to learn to draw.

Ye Xiao smiled slightly, and unscrewed the fountain pen. If the world he talks about is called World A, the world he is here is called World B. The timeline of World A is three hundred years later, where the rules of the world have been formed. Don't accept variables, so talk about being ostracized, power collapses for no reason and weakens her body. Before her soul completely dissipated, her teacher brought her to the B world.

The timeline of World B is three hundred years ago, at the beginning of the end of the world. At this time, the old rules are no longer there, and new rules have been born, but they have not yet been finalized. Therefore, World B accepts variables.

However, Tantan is not just a variable for it, but also an outsider. What the teacher said was that the rules of the world did not fully recognize Tantan, and did not use words like "rejection" and "obliteration" like the laws of the A world. .

Including talking about the accident, it was mainly because he was not protected by the rules of the world and he was weak, so he was succeeded by the rich. The rules of the world did not take the initiative to do anything.

Therefore, the rules of the B world should be in the meaning of talking to each other without protecting or rejecting it, and just watching from the sidelines.

Ye Xiao's thoughts became more and more clear, and he drew a circle on the letter B among the words A and B on the paper.

Then he wrote down the words "world rules".

What are world rules? Before they are finalized, they are constantly improving. According to the teacher, the evolution of world A is not complete, so the rules of world A can only maintain a matching level. If world B finally evolves completely, the rules of world should also be able to rise to a higher level .

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky through the gaps in the leaves. Except for a piece of blue, there were only floating clouds. He was searching for something, and said slowly: "Do you also have your own thoughts and pursuits? If I help you become a more advanced The rules of the world, can you give me something?"

The sky didn't answer, but there was a green leaf dangling from the branch on the treetop.

Ye Xiao reached out and pinched it.

He turned the stem and watched the veins on the green leaves.

The teacher revealed in his words that the fundamental reason for the incomplete evolution of world A should be that no one, whether human beings or other creatures, can evolve completely and reach a new level, so world A is in an awkward state. The law also hangs there awkwardly.

That is to say, in this world B, in the end, as long as there is one person who can fully evolve, he can bring the whole world into a new dimension.

"...The more powers you have, the stronger you are, the closer you are to the limit, especially for people with five series of powers. When all five powers reach the full level, the body will undergo qualitative changes, exceeding the standards of this world..."

Ye Xiao stroked the leaves with his fingers, thinking about this sentence in his heart.

Is it full level?

He is not a person with five series of abilities, he only has one ability, but when this ability reaches the full level and exceeds the limit, will it also cause some changes?

And just imagine, when world B and its rules are stronger than world A, it would be more beneficial for him from world B to do something in world A. After all, if he takes away Tan Tan’s body, he may have to fight against the rules of world A .

Ye Xiao gradually found his direction, and a thousand words are still a sentence, becoming stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can there be infinite possibilities. The teacher said that he is in the best era, which probably means that the ceiling of this era has not yet been set, and how high he can reach depends on how hard he works.

Ye Xiao scribbled on the paper, before the rules of world B are finalized, try his best to climb up, figure out the threshold and method to go to world A, **** her back, and then talk to her, so that her soul and body can merge.

Now that I have sorted out my thoughts, there is only one last question left: Where is the talk?

Is she okay? He will definitely not be able to do those things for a while, can she afford to wait?

Ye Xiao's brows slowly wrinkled again.

Behind him, there was an old man floating there, stroking his gray hair, nodding his head and looking at him, while looking at him, he said to the big tree beside him: "You have a good eye, this kid has good abilities and a good mind, say It might not be successful.”

The big tree didn't seem to hear his words, and didn't give the slightest reaction. The old man sighed, and stroked the trunk with his dry hand: "I don't know how long you'll sleep, I'm leaving, why don't you wake me up before I leave?" rest assured."

Ye Xiao suddenly stopped writing, and suddenly turned to look at the big tree behind him.

The old man was startled, thinking he had found something, Ye Xiao searched around, but found nothing, but just now he felt that he was being watched. His eyes fell on the big tree, stared at it for a long time, thoughtful: "Is it a kind of complete evolution for a tree to become a spirit?"

I don't know if the young tree in front of him has become a spirit, but he suddenly thought of Tan Tan and told her that there is a very huge tree in the mountain, and that tree can speak.

He thought, he should go and have a look at the big tree, and he did it when he thought of it. He immediately closed his book, got up and left.

Seeing him go, the old man jumped up again: "I have been studying with those half-baked Taoist priests for so long, it's fine if I don't see me, I don't even have a sense of it!"

He turned his head and looked, suddenly heartbroken, there was a vague and thin shadow in the trunk of the big tree, who was still sound asleep a moment ago, but now he squatted up, holding his cheeks in his hands and staring blankly at the boy walking away .

The old man patted her: "Girl."

The shadow didn't pay attention to him at all, with a confused look on his face, he couldn't see anyone, so he lowered his head, changed his posture, and continued to roll himself into a ball, as if he hadn't slept for thousands of years, and continued Go to sleep.

The old man was so angry, she didn't say a word, but she just got up and looked at him, and she couldn't hear him how many times he called her.

But he was angry, his student still felt distressed, he thought about it, rubbed his hands together, and a ball of light came out, he looked at it reluctantly for a while, and pulled out half of the light, he was satisfied now , and sent the remaining half of the ball into the trunk.

Lin Tantan felt that he was a big tree growing by a lake, where it was very quiet, and there were animals, big and small, running around from time to time, but for some reason, these animals didn't seem too happy.

Occasionally, a tall man would come over and stand by the lake for a whole night, or sit under her canopy for a whole night.

She felt that she knew this man, but she couldn't remember it. There seemed to be a piece missing in her mind. She didn't even know when she was born. Just because she woke up in a tree, she felt that she should be a tree. As for why the tree has a name, she also forgot, probably it was given to her by the person who planted her.

She felt that the person who planted herself should be this man, but he never talked to her, and he was always silent, as if he was very unhappy. When he came under the tree and she was awake, she couldn't help but do something to attract his attention, but she seemed to be just conscious and not very good at controlling her body, so she could only drop a few pieces at most leaf.

Sometimes the leaves fell on his shoulders, head, and face, and she felt a little happy, but more often the leaves fell to the ground, and she had no choice but to keep falling. Because the leaves on her body are very healthy, each one seems to be unwilling to leave the branch, so it is very difficult for her to do this action, so she always feels very tired, as if she can't wake up.

This day he came again, seemed to be thinking about something, writing and drawing on paper, finally he looked up at himself, she immediately dropped a leaf, luckily, this leaf was pinched by him, she He felt very happy, but soon he let go of Ye Zi and continued to write and draw.

Alas, humans are so annoying, why are there so many things to think about, can't you just stop and play with her?

She fell asleep unknowingly, and suddenly realized that he was leaving, and she woke up immediately, only seeing a figure from behind.


Why did you leave so early today?

She is a little lost, but also a little obsessed, and the back view is also beautiful.

There was an old man talking beside her all the time, but she couldn't hear clearly at all. She was sleepy again, yawned, closed her eyes and wanted to sleep, but suddenly something was stuffed into her mind.

The picture suddenly changed, she felt that she was stuffed into a new body, her whole body hurt like it was about to shatter, her tears welled up all of a sudden, who, who hates putting her in such a body so much !

She opened her eyes and looked, she had small hands and feet, she suddenly became so small! She is obviously a tall and strong tree!

She wants to cry even more!

"Tan Tan is good, Tan Tan don't cry, don't eat sweets." A gentle voice came out, she opened her tearful eyes, and saw a young woman.

She was stunned, and her body called out with a step of consciousness: "Mom."

In front of me was a gentle and beautiful woman who looked less than thirty years old, but because of years of worry, the corners of her eyes were stained with age, she looked several years older than her actual age.

Mother Lin responded with a smile, and patted her head: "Hey, do you want to eat orange flavor, or cola flavor?"

"Don't give your child too much sugar, it's bad for teeth." A man's voice sounded, and then a smiling man walked over from the door, bent down and hugged Lin Tantan: "Daddy's little baby, are you at home today?" Did you listen to your mother obediently?"

Being hugged by the man's arms, Lin Tantan's eyes widened. He felt that this scene was very familiar, as if he had experienced it before, but he couldn't remember it.

She clasped the man's shoulders, leaned her small body back, and stared at him with round eyes. She was not very handsome, but the man who could definitely be called Zhou Zhengwen smiled and nodded her nose: "Why? I haven't seen you for a day, so you don't know your father after talking about it?"

She murmured, "Dad."
