MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 2

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For a moment, Lin Tantan was in a daze, and it took a long time before his soul possessed him.

Pain pain pain pain!

Lin Tantan burst into tears, tried to lift the bed that was pressing on him, grinned his teeth and got up, then looked at the bunk bed lying on the ground, a little dazed, why is the antique bed so unstable?

She just wanted to jump out of the bed out of excitement, but she didn't expect the bed to be so far from the ground, she subconsciously grabbed the edge of the bed, but she pulled it so hard that the whole bed fell down.

Lin Tantan lifted up his trousers, looked at his left ankle with a large layer of skin torn, bloodshot, and swollen visible to the naked eye, tears were about to fall.

It hurts, but also being fooled by myself.

Can she really help the male **** like this? Don't be disgusted just by approaching.

Lin Tantan subconsciously wanted to use supernatural powers to heal himself, but... his body was empty and there was nothing.

Lin Tantan was startled, the ability is gone? ! She hastened to look inside her mind. This process has been done countless times before, and she is more proficient than eating and drinking. Now it is extremely difficult and difficult, and she managed to "see" clearly the inside of her skull before making herself dizzy.

The energy core is gone, replaced by a cloud of mist, with five intertwined colors, it seems that it still has all five elements.

She breathed a sigh of relief. It is said that the supernatural beings at the beginning of the last days, because their abilities were too weak, the energy nucleus—called the crystal nucleus at the time—had not yet formed, it was just a cloud of original energy in the form of mist. Once the nucleus was formed, it meant Ability has entered a new phase.

She looked at her current body again. This body should have been in the stage of supernatural awakening before, but it was a pity that she didn't make it through. In the end of the world, it takes a long time to awaken supernatural powers, and the death rate is still high...

Wait, Awakening? The end times have already begun?

She didn't care about the pain anymore, and quickly turned on the mobile phone she was still holding, and the time showed 14:01. Lin Tantan remembers clearly that the end of the world started at 13:45, and it has already started for 16 minutes!

"Bang! Bang!" There was a sudden knocking sound outside the door, and the entire off-white dormitory door was knocked and shaken.

"This is..." Lin Tantan swallowed. Someone who can smash the door like this, who can have such strength, in the early days of the end of the world, what else can there be except zombies?

It was probably because the sound of the bed falling just now attracted the zombies outside. Fortunately, there should be only one zombie outside.

Lin Tantan climbed over the bed and limped to the door, lay down on the bed and looked, there was indeed only one pair of feet outside.

But only one zombie is not something he can deal with!

Although Lin Tantan was also known as a powerhouse in her previous life, she had never fought. Except for wood and gold, she had basically never used the five types of abilities. Besides, she is a newbie now. Department is also unable to send out.

After thinking about it, Lin Tantan turned around and moved the fallen bed up with great effort, dragging and dragging it to block the door.

On both sides of the entrance to the dormitory, there is a closet on one side and a toilet on the other. There is only a one-meter-long corridor in the middle, which is just enough to put the upper and lower beds in. However, Lin Tantan pushed halfway behind, and the door was slammed. Knock it away, just hit the bed, forming a half-open and half-closed angle, the zombie outside wanted to come in from there.

Lin Tantan saw real zombies for the first time, and realized that those guys in movies with tilted heads, rotten faces, dragging intestines, and white eyes were already beautified.

Although you can't see the whole body of this one in front of you, but there is only that face, the shriveled flesh hangs on the face, and the eyes are as pale as the eyes of dead fish, as if they are about to fall off in the next second, with wide open eyes. The drooling mouth was screaming, and the long black and gray nails were still scratching the door and scratching inside. The visual effect and the rotten death air rushing to the face will definitely scare the timid to cry. .

Lin Tantan had also seen many **** wounds, but he was still terrified at the moment, pushing the bed hard behind him, trying to block the door back, but the zombie was also very strong, Lin Tantan and It struggled for a while, and its temper also came up. It looked left and right, picked up a black and curled stick (pulling stick) that was unknown in the corner, climbed to the lower bunk of the bunk bed, and kept going there. The zombie's head stretched out in Li's head was swung away heavily.

This stick is quite heavy, even if it is elastic, it is not easy to use, but once it goes down, the zombie is pushed back a few steps, and then it pounces more ferociously. , just lifted his right foot, pressed the door, and beat that head desperately.

Clap clap!

Lin Tantan didn't know how many times he had punched, but suddenly the punch was empty. Looking carefully, it turned out that the whole head was knocked off the neck.

Lin Tantan: "..."

Lin Tantan hurriedly poked out the stuck neck and the body underneath, closed the door, and looked down at the rolling head on the ground with its mouth opening and closing, some didn't know what to do.

But soon, a mass of paste-like gray-black sticky tissue slid out of the head together, and there was a hard thing, and then it seemed to have lost energy, and the stinky mouth finally stopped moving. .

Lin Tantan suddenly felt a surge of excitement, that object glowed with green light, could it be the legendary zombie crystal nucleus?

She pulled the thing out with the stick in her hand, then opened the door and quickly pushed the head out, took the broom beside her, and swept out the mess on the ground, she didn't even need the broom, and went to Throw it outside and close the door again.

The door lock was broken, so she directly used the bed to hold the door, then found a pair of chopsticks, picked up the thing, got into the toilet from between the upper and lower beds, and rinsed it in the sink.

As soon as the water flushed, the thing revealed its true colors. It was indeed a crystal nucleus, light green in color, not very pure, which meant that it was a first-class wood crystal nucleus with impurities, and the quality was not very good.

But Lin Tantan was still overjoyed.

It is said that the supernatural beings in the last days mainly rely on the crystal nuclei in the brains of zombies to practice. Unlike three hundred years later, there are already very advanced instruments that capture the energy in the air, soil, and sea, classify and evolve, and make Adult artificial energy stone.

There are even some places where natural energy ores have been formed after three hundred years of accumulation.

There is no such thing in the last days. Although there is a very majestic energy in the air, the types are too complicated and the energy is too violent. Before there is no serious cultivation method, it is almost impossible for the supernatural being to use it. They can only rely on the zombie crystal nucleus. It can be seen that The importance of this stuff.

What makes Lin Tantan even more excited is that this is a wood-type crystal nucleus, and the wood-type is exactly the ability she most wants to cultivate first! Although she can directly absorb the wood energy in the air, but if relying on crystal nuclei, the training time will be greatly shortened!

She looked up with a smile, saw a face very similar to herself in the mirror, and froze suddenly.

She can vaguely remember some memories of this body. Her name is Lin Tantan, and she is also twenty years old this year. It seems that being reborn in this body is not a complete coincidence, right?

Lin Tantan heard from her parents that they named her Tantan at first, hoping that although her life would be as short as Epiphyllum, she would also be as gorgeous as Epiphyllum, but then they felt unlucky and changed her to the current name. name.

She touched her face and said softly: "Dad, Mom, teacher, little brother, I was born again. I came back alive on the first day of the catastrophe of the last days. I will be fine in the future. In that world, you should also good."

"Lin Tantan, I used your body. Although it wasn't you and I made an agreement, I still thank you very, very much. I owe you my life. If you have any wish, I will fulfill it for you."

She waited for a while, and some emotions appeared in her chest, which seemed to be nostalgia for her relatives, but it was very vague. Lin Tantan didn't get Lin Tantan's memory of her family, so she had to suppress it for the time being.

She touched her conscious leg, jumped a few times, and then screamed because of the pain in her left ankle. When she looked down, her entire ankle was swollen like a steamed bun.

But she is still very happy, she came back to life, not only has healthy legs, but also came to this era, where there are people she admires and likes!

Both wishes before death came true!

Lin Tantan excitedly washed off the zombie dirt on his hands, got out again holding the crystal nucleus, and sat cross-legged on the open space, placing the crystal nucleus in the palm of his hand, and began to absorb it energy of.

I saw her sitting cross-legged on the ground with her back straight, her eyes lightly closed, her whole body seemed to be asleep, her breathing became long and steady, and her chest hardly rose and fell.

Gradually, the light green crystal nucleus in the palm of her hand emitted a long green smoke-like thing, which was absorbed by the two opposing palms. If there is an instrument that can capture the trajectory of the supernatural power in the body, it will be discovered, then After the green mist entered Lin Tantan's body, it slowly moved forward along a certain path, merged into the mind, and then emitted from the mind, and continued to wander through the whole body, finally forming a perfect cycle.

And in Lin Tantan's mind, in the static mist-like energy, a touch of green slowly rotates, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the color is getting thicker, but the other four colors of mist are not affected.

The green mist is constantly rotating, the circulation of supernatural powers in the body is constantly going on, and the energy in the crystal nucleus is constantly being absorbed, and the color fades little by little.

An hour later, the crystal nucleus was absorbed by the light energy and shattered suddenly. Lin Tantan opened his eyes and felt refreshed. Even his left ankle did not hurt much. The left foot, which was originally swollen like a steamed bun, , has gone down a lot, but still swollen.

The energy of the first-level crystal nucleus is limited, and Lin Tantan was reluctant to use it for himself. He moved his ankle, making sure that it would not hinder walking except for a little pain, so he ignored it.

She looked at the time, it was fifteen seventeen, and the sun was almost setting, so she hurriedly jumped up, walked around, and had to leave soon!

She remembered that Ye Xiao's first comrade-in-arms was scratched and infected by a zombie around the afternoon of January 2, and was killed by Ye Xiao himself when he was about to turn into a corpse.

That was the first time he killed his companion with his own hands, and it was also the first time he shed tears in the seven years of the last days. The second and last time was when Deputy Team Bai died (don’t ask Lin Tantan how he knew, the movie is That’s how it’s acted and the novels are written that way).

When watching a movie, this was the first time she cried. After that, every time Ye Xiao died, she had to cry once. A movie basically ended in tears.

Good fans, how can you make your male **** shed tears? To help him, we must start from the beginning!

By the way, she only knew where to find someone, but where did she come from?