MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 32

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Chapter 64 lo*ic*n? No, I am in full control!


Two-dimensional seeding system

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Kayege two-dimensional seeding system

Chapter 64 lo*ic*n? No, I am in full control!


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Chapter 65: The Crisis of Izumi Sagiri?

What would you do if someone provoked you one day and said they wanted to beat you in the field you are good at?

Do you choose to avoid or accept the opponent's challenge?

Or do you take the initiative to counterattack and overwhelm the opponent with an absolute advantage?

Heizumi Sagiri is currently facing this problem. At this moment, her brows are furrowed, and her face shows a hint of anger.

Just now when she was browsing the forum to find paintings of women with plump bodies, she met such a person.

An illustrator whose ID is "Elmi".

The girl described by the other party is famous for being full of flesh and sensuality. She has a good reputation in the forum, and even surpasses her, the teacher Erromanga, in terms of popularity.

In other aspects, she is roughly the same as her, hiding her gender and true appearance, and only showing her under the pseudonym "Elmi".

However, from the tone of the sentence uploaded by the other party, it can be inferred that it seems to be a male, because whenever he addresses himself, he will use the title "Lao Tzu".

In addition, he is also the illustrator in charge of the popular writer Yamada Goblin's work "Blazing Dark Goblin".

In terms of painting experience and skills, she is far beyond her.

"This Elmi is really abominable. She took most of my fans away by relying on her two-handed painting skills!"

Izumi Sagiri felt distressed when she saw that 877 had lost more than half of her followers on the page.

This is not the first time she has had a fight with the opponent, but she used to play small things and did not pay attention to it. Now when she goes online again, she sees that the original number of fans has dropped by nearly one-fifth and changed to the opponent's name. severity.

"Do you really think I'll back down?"

"I accept your challenge!"

At the same time, in a certain room, a girl with a brown double ponytail was sitting in front of the computer and took a sip from the teacup beside her.

When she saw a sentence appeared at the bottom of the post, the corner of her mouth hung a slight arc.

"Are you going to start?"

"You don't deserve the pseudonym of Mr. Erromanga,"

"I'll get it back."

The fire of war is about to break out!

"Even if your painting skills are better than mine, what if you paint a painting based on the audience's evaluation and use one sentence as the basis, and the person with the most votes wins, do you dare to challenge?"

"How dare you, it's just a clown jumping on the beam. It's an insult to the pseudonym of Mr. Erro (ceab) Manga!"

"Okay, let's see the real chapter under our hands!"

So the forum completely exploded!

What is the hottest topic right now?

The thriving Lolita religion?

A funny expression full of magic?

No, that was the past.

It was Mr. Erromanga's challenge to Mr. Elmi!

The confrontation between the two popular illustrators in the forum represents the collision of the two peaks of small **** and big breasts!

Soon a post titled "The Peak Showdown, Who Do You Support?" was pinned to the top by the forum owner, and the number of replies rose like a rocket and exploded in just two hours.

Countless follower posts followed, occupying the entire homepage for a while, and almost everyone discussed the same topic: do you prefer small **** or big breasts?

Around this topic, there are roughly two groups of people, one supports Mr. Erromanga and claims that poor **** are better! A group of people supported Teacher Elmi and shouted the kingly way of big breasts!

Judging from the current situation, there are many people who support Mr. Erromanga, because of the Lolita Sect created by Ye Feng, they flooded into the forum.

"Poor **** are heavenly, but **** are cults!"

"Lori Saigao! I am the only one in my life."

"I take Lolita as my bones

Take cuteness as my body

Chapter 65: The Crisis of Izumi Sagiri?

Take cuteness as my body

for my blood

I have pushed down countless lolitas

never miss

never satisfied

I am alone in the loli

So this life has no meaning

So I pray

Unlimited Lolita system. "

"The Xiongtai above is so wet!"

"I am over-flattered."

"I'm sorry, the person who wrote the poem just ran out of the mental hospital, and we have already captured it."


At the same time, many opposing voices emerged:

"Where did a bunch of idiots come out of the forum!"

"I haven't logged in for a day, how come there are so many newcomers? It's still so lively, what happened?"

"Big **** are justice, ah~ Her Lady Queen, step on me with your feet!"


In addition, there are a small number of neutral people:

"There's nothing to argue about, anyway, both of them are men, maybe they look like a dead house."

"The idiot above [woo-], looking at the ID, these two must be cute girls."

"Could it be that the good professional upstairs is an old driver?"

"That's right, it's the famous autumn mountain bike **** Fujiwara Takumi."

"Wow, the old driver takes me with you!"


There was a lot of discussion in the forum, but whether it was supporting "Mr. Erromanga" or "Elmi", they all turned their attention to the post that was pinned to the top, and began to argue about a sentence used for this painting showdown.

After the discussion, the Elmi Party praised the same sentence

"The Whipped Queen"

And the Erromanga Teacher Party also respects the same sentence.

"Loli in the cuteness"

At the same time, the war spreads again.

"It's not fair. If it's a queen, then it's a big breast attribute. This is not the field that Mr. Erromanga is good at!"

"Then it's useless even if you use Lolita. Teacher Elmi is an all-purpose illustrator. Whether it's **** or Lolita, you can use it at your fingertips."

"Damn, even like this, Erromanga-sensei won't lose!"

"Wait for failure!"


The current situation seems to be turning unfavorable for Izumi Sagiri again.

Although there are a lot of people who support it, they are not as good as the other party in terms of drawing skills. No matter what the last sentence is selected, the other party can perfectly describe it.

"I bet on the reputation of Mr. Erromanga, no matter how strong the opponent is, I will never give up!"

Speaking of which, Izumi Sagiri in front of the computer's eyes became more and more firm. .

Chapter 66: Ye Feng with the second mode fully open

Not to mention that Ye Feng, who was in crisis, was facing a very dangerous thing at this time.

That means the Yamada Fairy has turned black.

Yes, it is blackening, a complete blackening, the kind of blackening that would cut the head with a knife.

He pretended to be dizzy and was discovered, of course, it was not discovered by the other party, but by the other party.

He originally just wanted to tease the other party, he didn't want to use this despicable and shameless method to deceive the kiss, so he took the initiative to wake up when he was about to kiss.

It's not enough to wake up, but laugh at the other party for being an idiot.

In other words, this series of actions completely blackened the opponent.

Blackening is very cruel, women usually do many things that cannot be crazy after blackening.

This can't help but remind him of an anime that Zeng Jin had watched, in which the male protagonist was killed by the blackened female protagonist and then had his head cut off.

"That... goblin, can we put down the knife and talk properly?"