MTL - Two-dimensional Seeding System-Chapter 60

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Seeing this scene, Penglai Shan Hui Ye's expression remained unchanged, and he was indifferent to this sudden change, so Yakumo Zi wondered: "Little one, don't you care about your father's whereabouts?"

But he saw the other party shook his head with a smile on his face, "Second father's strength is very strong, and your ability is at best a little troublesome, so there is no problem."

Chapter 121 The prayer of Fujiwara sister red

But he saw the other party shook his head with a smile on his face, "Second father's strength is very strong, and your ability is at best a little troublesome, so there is no problem."


Kyoto, Fujiwara House.

No matter how prosperous the place is, there is a dilapidated and dark side, even here. In a remote thatched cottage, a young woman lay quietly on a chuang piled up among bricks and hay.

It's just that this face is covered with wind and frost, and the black hair on the head is also mixed with a few strands of silver threads, which makes the young body of the original double decade full of decay.

At this moment, he was closing his eyes tightly, as if he was going to lose his breath. The room was filled with the smell of decoction, and along with two coughs, a little girl with a medicine pot ran out from the side room.

"Mother, wake up, Sister Hong has prepared the medicine, you should get up and drink it." She put the medicine pot aside and gently pushed her mother's body, but the other party didn't agree with her. did not wake up..

"Mother, take the medicine quickly, you will get better after drinking the medicine."

The little girl pushed a few more times, but there was still no response. Finally, she couldn't help lying on her mother's body and started crying. Big tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Her real name is Fujiwara Meihong, and she is the daughter of the second right minister, Fujiwara Bubi. It is for this reason that she was given this name, and the tragedy began at this time.

Born into a wealthy family, this is a very lucky thing, but it is also the biggest misfortune. Her mother is an unidentified maid, and she is only the product of being drunk in Fujiwara.

Because they were excluded from the main house, the mother and daughter were placed in this small and dilapidated residence.

Due to the hard work day and night, the pain mercilessly eroded her mother's body, and she finally collapsed three days ago, leaving Fujiwara sister Hong alone.

In her impression, her father had never been here once, and even if her mother fell ill, she would not be there. Perhaps she and her daughter had already been forgotten.

In order to cure her mother's illness, she gritted her teeth and risked punishment and ran to her father Fujiwara Bubi's house alone, but the other party ignored her and knelt for another day and night, finally begging for some herbs.

But this is only a drop in the bucket. The illness is like a mountain, and her mother's body has been exhausted by 5.2 years of hard work. How can such a crippled body stand the torture of illness? At this point, it is about to die.

Fujiwara Meihong continued to cry for a while and then stopped, sobbing and wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, she knew that there was no way to save her mother's life by crying like this, and now her only hope was to rely on the ethereal **** and Buddha, so she put her palms together. Close up and pray sincerely.

"Master Suzhan Wuzun, please save your mother, Meihong is kowtowing here." Although her expectation could not be fulfilled, she kept praying.

However, at this moment, a gap suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a figure fell from it.

"Lord Suzhan Wuzun!" Sister Fujiwara cried with joy.

ha? Ye Feng had just regained his senses with a confused look on his face, at a loss as he looked at the girl who had obviously cried in front of him. .

Chapter 122 Girls grow up to marry after all

"Little girl, where is this place?" Although I don't know the general situation, it can be seen that the other party regards him as a god, and he is one of the three gods in the legend of the island, Suzhan Mingzun.

He was about to reject this view, but when he saw the little girl in front of him kneeling down and praying, "Zun Su Zhanming, please save my mother!" He could only shake his head.

"You get up and talk first. I'm not Suzhan Mingzun, I just came here for some reason. Let me talk about the situation. If I can, I will help."

And when Fujiwara Meihong heard that Ye Feng was not Suzhan Mingzun, the last hope was shattered, but when she heard the back, the fire of hope was rekindled.

Although the other party is not a god, he must be a powerful Onmyoji-sama who can descend from the sky out of thin air. If so, he must be able to save his mother, "Master Onmyoji, this is the Fujiwara House in Kyoto. My name is Fujiwara Meihong."

When she said the name, she used a hateful tone, with tears on her face, anger hidden in her clenched teeth, and then she said with a sad expression: "My mother fell down because of overwork, It hasn't gotten any better now, so Lord Onmyoji can help Sister Hong?"

Facing the little girl who kept begging, Ye Feng sighed 11 times. When he heard the name "Fujiwara Meihong", he decided to help the other party, not only because she was Kaguya's "friend", but more importantly, the face He couldn't bear to be so **** such a poor girl.

But saving people is also within the scope of his ability, because he is very strong in combat, but he is very lacking in treatment methods. If he is facing a terminal illness, he is helpless.

At this time, Fujiwara Meihong was not the pure man in Gensokyo later. Although dressed in plain clothes, that small face showed a perseverance that did not match his age, perhaps because he had been treated too much unfairly and his mind had matured.

Then he walked over to Chuang and looked at the woman in front of him with her eyes closed and her face full of old-fashioned expression. This woman seemed to have completely cut off her breath and had long since died, and her body was starting to get cold.

In this situation, if I were to switch to another doctor, I would probably turn around and leave. Just kidding, what else would a dead person save? But it would be too cruel for Meihong to tell the truth directly.

So he put his finger on the patient's wrist, and then used the sword energy to penetrate into the other party's body to investigate the situation. Because the patient's body was already fragile, he was very careful. With his exquisite control ability, he only used a tiny wisp of sword energy.

Then Ye Feng's brows furrowed tightly. This scene made Fujiwara Meihong worried, for fear that the other party would suddenly shake his head and issue a death notice, "Master Onmyoji..."

"Don't talk." Ye Feng raised his index finger and said "shhh", this scene made Fujiwara sister Hong immediately cover her mouth with her hands. At the same time, the corner of his mouth hung a slight arc, and he continued to concentrate on investigating the patient's condition.

After a while, the sword energy was withdrawn. Fujiwara Meihong's mother's body was already on the verge of collapse. It seemed that she had died, but in fact there was still a trace of her heart. Simply put, it was suspended animation.

If this kind of situation were changed to a general doctor, it would have been judged as dead long ago, but now I have encountered Ye Feng, and the same situation has different results.

Does Ye Feng know medical skills?


But there is exactly one thing on him that can bring back to life, and this thing has been in the storage ring for a long time to eat ashes, if not for this situation, it would have been forgotten.

Chapter 122 Girls grow up to marry after all

But there is exactly one thing on him that can bring back to life, and this thing has been in the storage ring for a long time to eat ashes, if not for this situation, it would have been forgotten.

Once in the world of "100,000 Cold Jokes", a nourishing thing given by the Prince of the East China Sea that can prevent all diseases after eating -- ambergris.

I used to regard such a thing as a chicken rib, because Ye Feng's strengthened body is not needed at all, but now it just comes in handy, and it is the best use of it to save a dying life.

The next moment, a beautiful box appeared out of thin air in his hand, and before he opened it, he could feel the spiritual energy overflowing from it. Although this thing was useless in Ye Feng's eyes, in Fujiwara Meihong's eyes, it was a fetish, and it could save life as well. something of a mother's life.

Then the box was opened, and a grass with green awns came into view. There were a total of nine leaves on the rhizome, but only one of them was picked. He still knew the truth of the lack of compensation.

She squeezed the patient's mouth open, put the leaf in it and closed it under Fujiwara Meihong's expectant gaze, and then an incredible scene happened!

I saw the green fluorescence reflected the same color on the cheeks, and then flowed to the throat. The bit suddenly spread, and then the whole body was green and gleaming. This is the light of life and the light of miracles!

Under the gaze of the two, the green light gradually dissipated, and the man on chuang finally slowly opened his eyes, while Ye Feng also showed a smile.


Fujiwara Meihong couldn't bear the excitement in her heart and shouted out, tears poured out of her eyes again, and the other party said weakly in a warm tone: "Meihong, don't cry, mother didn't go here, didn't you?"

"I have taught you how many times. No matter how painful it is, you must never cry. This is one thing you must learn." Then he turned his head to Ye Feng with a forced smile.

"Master Onmyoji, I really don't know how to thank you. I was paralyzed and couldn't move the outside world, but I knew it was saved by you."

"The grace of saving my life is unforgettable, but I know my physical condition very well, and I'm afraid that 453 will not live long, so..." She said here she looked at Fujiwara Meihong again, "Although Meihong is still young, she has been raised for a few years. It’s also a bit of beauty, if adults don’t dislike it…”

"Mother..." Fujiwara's little girl blushed and buried her head. Her mother's intention was very clear, she wanted to give this Onmyoji master in front of her as a concubine.

Ye Feng is very clear about what Fujiwara sister Hong's mother means. Although the other party was rescued by ambergris, this is only a superficial phenomenon. The potential of the body has been exhausted, just like a barrel full of holes temporarily sealed with glue On, one day there will be another leak, and when the old and new injuries recur together, it will be out of control, so there is the intention to care for the orphan.

He instinctively wanted to reject this, because it was just a dungeon and he wouldn't stay for long. He would leave as soon as the mission was completed. When Kaguya returned to the moon, what would the other party do?

At this time, Fujiwara Meihong whispered, "Mother, Meihong... Meihong just wants to stay by her side and doesn't want to leave."

The next moment, the mother's hand and her head said, "Silly child, a girl should marry someone when she grows up, this Onmyoji is a good person, she won't endure hardship when she gets married, don't fall in love with someone like a mother, you shouldn't Beloved person."

At the same time, Ye Feng shook his head. Although he rejected the proposal, he had other arrangements for Meihong. .

Chapter 123 Rabbit Demon Girl

So Ye Feng left after explaining some things. No one saw when he left. Even the owner of the Fujiwara house, Fujiwara, didn't bother to look at it. He was really worried about this toad who wanted to eat swan meat. Can't think of visiting.

The most important thing now is to return to the original residence. Kaguya is still waiting for him. The other party has eight intentions and Erin secretly protects him. There will be no problem, so it is not in a hurry.

After walking for a long time, I asked a lot of people and found that the distance from Dazang Village was too long. Even if he fully exerted his light power, it would take ten days.

I can only laugh wryly at this. It's really scary for a woman to remember her hatred. Now she guesses where she is hiding and peeking at him in embarrassment, because from the time she left the Fujiwara house, she felt a faint gaze fell on her, and as time passed. The passage became stronger and stronger, so he tentatively called out, "You've been following me for so long, it's time to come out!"

However, Yakumo Zi didn't come out, but with his sharp perception, he sensed strange fluctuations in the air, which was very consistent with the other party's aura. He seemed to be afraid of being discovered, so he went back.

It seems that the next journey can only be walked slowly, he shook his head and stopped relying on each other, walking on this land to experience all kinds of different feng shui customs.

Hungry wild fruit, thirsty and thirsty for mountain springs, and occasionally expelling some little monsters who don't have eyes, they lived a very unrestrained life.

On this day, he was passing through the barren mountains and was about to find a suitable place to rest when he suddenly heard a "click", as if stepping on something. He looked down and saw that the soil under his feet was buried in a folded Two pieces of bone.

This is not an ordinary bone, but a genuine human bone. The surface is still stained with bloodshots. It seems that it has just been eaten clean by a beast. There is a complete skeleton lying not far away, with two dark eye sockets. towards him.

Originally, this was not enough to attract his attention, but the key point was that there was a demonic energy left on the bones, which was much stronger than that of ordinary monsters. Although it was not at the level of a half-demon, it was still considered to be the level of a demon king.

This is the first time Ye Feng has seen the footprints of the Demon King. The monsters that he kills in normal times are small monsters that are not good enough, and big monsters like Yakumo Zi basically stay in one side and do not come out to do things, so the middle-level monsters The demon king can dominate the mountain.

He felt the violence and killing from this demonic aura. Obviously, the other party was not a good person, so he could only laugh about it. It's best not to provoke him, otherwise he wouldn't mind sending it to Yama Temple to report.

Just after taking two steps, he saw two wisps of flames burning in the skeleton's eye sockets, and at the same time, green gas began to seep from the pale bones.

"Dust returns to ashes, dirt returns to dirt, since you're dead, don't forget about the world." Ye Feng didn't turn back, and said this sentence softly in his mouth.

The next moment, the fire was extinguished, and then the whole skeleton began to disintegrate into dust, and it dissipated as soon as the wind blew.

Because of the tragic death, the resentment in his heart is difficult to calm, and he turned into a lonely ghost and possessed the body before his death, so he kept the complete body and was not scattered by the jackal. Just now, Ye Feng's powerful sword energy completely disappeared.

Although this era is dominated by humans, it still lives under the rule of monsters and survives under the support of mages and onmyoji.

No one knows when these giant demons living in dwellings will convene a group of demons to completely exterminate human beings, so they are regarded as forbidden places for deep mountains and old forests, and they dare not set foot easily.

"Looks like he's really a guy who doesn't know how to live or die! He actually hit me with his attention."

At this moment, Ye Feng's face turned cold, he turned around and said coldly, "Aren't you going to show your face after being with me for so long?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of snow-white rabbit ears appeared from behind a rock not far away. This scene eased his expression. It was obvious that the other party was not the demon king who came with malice.

Chapter 123 Rabbit Demon Girl

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of snow-white rabbit ears appeared from behind a rock not far away. This scene eased his expression. It was obvious that the other party was not the demon king who came with malice.

However, the owner of the pair of rabbit ears obviously didn't know that he was exposed, and he still didn't show up, so he silently used his stealth ability and quietly went behind the rock.

This is a little bunny girl, who looks like a twelve-year-old human, with short black hair and a pink dress. She is looking forward in surprise, as if she doesn't understand why the target of observation suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, when the neck tightened, it was lifted up, and he hurriedly struggled with both hands and feet, "Let go of me!"

"Tell me, why are you following me?" Ye Feng said with a smile, while the subdued bunny girl looked horrified, "Otherwise I wouldn't mind having a rabbit pot for dinner."

"The big bad guy, let me go, someone kindly came to remind you that you did this to me!" The rabbit demon purred and seemed to be greatly wronged.

Ye Feng smiled at this, "Since you have something to say, why don't you follow it until now?"

Faced with this question, the demon bunny girl said angrily: " grab a little girl so rudely, how can people talk."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell from the air, buttocks hit the ground first, and then called out with a "wow", "Hey, why are you like this!"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes, clapped his hands, and said, "You told me to put it down, but I'm the one who blamed me for coming. Okay, let's not talk nonsense, and make things clear, otherwise don't want to leave today."

"I just want to remind you not to go forward. This is the Tiger King's territory. It eats the passing humans. If you don't want to die, you should leave quickly." dust.

"That's all?" Ye Feng asked with blinking eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the bunny girl jumped up anxiously, "Hey, aren't these scary enough? Kindly remind you that the tiger king can swallow you whole with one mouth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of hearty laughter, "Little sister, your worries are unnecessary, don't worry, what a **** tiger king, if he dares (money) to come, I will chop the tiger's whip and drink it."

As soon as she heard the word "tiger whip", the bunny girl's face turned slightly red, and she was about to say something when suddenly a bad wind hit, accompanied by a roar, as if the earth was shaken, as if a behemoth was coming here .

"Oops, it's the Tiger King's subordinate stone demon!" The rabbit demon girl's face was full of horror, "It's all your fault, if I hadn't talked to you for so long, I wouldn't have come across this thing, hey, run away, There is a passage here."

Ye Feng's expression remained unchanged, and calmly said, "No problem."

During the conversation, the vibration became bigger and bigger, and the gravel on the ground trembled obviously, and then two big hands made of stones stretched out from the dense forest to break the trees to both sides, revealing a huge stone head in the center. .

There was another deafening roar, "Who wants to provoke the great Tiger King?"

"it's me!".

Chapter 124: The Lucky Rabbit, Emperor Inaba

"Hey, don't you want to die as a human? This stone demon can crush you with one foot!" The rabbit demon girl jumped up in shock when she saw Ye Feng standing out, and hurriedly grabbed the other party's clothes and tried to pull it away, but she didn't. Nothing moved.

"Don't make trouble, it's just a broken stone." Ye Feng shook his head with a smile on his face, "I accept your kindness." After that, he hugged the bunny girl, "You haven't told me yet. what is your name."

The bunny girl who was attacked blushed, and her face was full of panic, "Are you still thinking about this kind of thing at this time?" As she said, she struggled, "Let me down, you want Don't take me to death!"

However, just after she finished speaking, Ye Feng had already rushed towards the stone monster with her arms around her. He was shocked but couldn't do anything. He could only watch the stone monster's giant hand grab it here. From the distance, you can feel the breath of death rushing towards you.

It will definitely be smashed into meat sauce!

She closed her eyes and quietly waited for death to come. She felt a little regretful about taking care of this human being, but after a while, she didn't feel the pain, instead she could hear the "huhu" wind in her ears.