MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 008 Is it suicide?

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"Zheng Xiaorui's crying can be miserable, but she has to pay for the things she has done. [Miantang novel network] Why Li Anqi was humiliated, but she lived well, and also found a rich second generation boyfriend , want to continue to live in life? No way!"

Dong Zhengfeng’s mouth pulled a smile, and the smile gradually expanded and became more and more crazy. “Then she was pushed down by the man. How did Li Anqi die when she died? Li Anqi, I avenged her, revenge, Hahahahahaha!"

Dong Zhengfeng smiled madly, smiled and smiled. Suddenly the voice was getting lower and lower. Finally, the laughter was gone, but it burst into tears.

"It's me...I killed them..." Dong Zhengfeng's tone suddenly changed. Everyone knows that this is the original Dong Zhengfeng's return.

Perhaps because another Dong Zhengfeng deliberately let him know the truth of the matter, and it turned out that Dong Zhengfeng deliberately stared at him.

"In fact, I am too timid. I obviously want to let Li Anqi’s person die, but I don’t have the courage to do it. It’s him... he helped me.” Dong Zhengfeng’s mouth is hooked, and the smile is relieved. "I know his existence. From that time I found photos of Zheng Wentao and Zheng Xiaorui. I knew. A few days ago, there were always muddy shoes in the house and very dirty clothes. I know him, just daring. Little escape, pretend not to know."

"I just graduated from college and entered the high school. I know that I shouldn't like Li Anqi. I am a teacher. She is my student. If I want to know this, it must be for the society. It bothers us both. I don't dare let anyone know, just look at her. I want to wait until she graduates, go to college, and I will confess with her. Who knows, she likes me too."

Dong Zhengfeng's expression fell into memories, and some of them were embarrassed. "But we are afraid to show it. We have made an appointment. When she graduates, we will be together. Who knows Zheng Xiaorui because her favorite boys don't like her, like Li Anqi, To threaten her. That is not Li Anqi's fault, not that Li Anqi let him like her, she did not say anything to the boy. Just because she brought Li Anqi to a remote place, Li Anqi was taken by the animal. insult."

"And. <> Marshmallow novel network" Dong Zhengfeng bit his teeth, said, "Where is so smart, they just left, Li Anqi met the animal. Health? To say that Zheng Xiaorui is not arranged, I don't believe it! It was not her arrangement, but she was harmed! It hurts Li Anqi’s life. At that time, she fell in front of my eyes and broke her blood. She turned out to be so white and beautiful, but after she fell, her head was broken. Under the body is all blood. The person who was so fresh, smiles at me every day, but lies in a pool of blood, not angry at all. When the message spread in the school, I want to go to her and tell She doesn't care. If she is worried about other people's gossip, she has gone to the university in the field, and I also resigned to work in the local area, with her, no one knows her past. I did not expect that I have not said these words yet. She could jump and say that she was so stupid! Why is it so stupid!"

"At the time, I was standing there, watching her fall in front of my eyes, I seem to see her looking at me, as if she saw her say sorry to me. Why can't she wait for me! Why! ”

Dong Zhengfeng’s eyes were red, and when Qi Youxuan and others thought that another Dong Zhengfeng was coming out, Dong Zhengfeng only blinked and calmed down.

"You must have asked the school. After that, I was dyed with cleansing. I couldn’t touch anything dirty. At the beginning, it seemed like how to wash my hands and feel **** in my hand. I always think she The blood directly infiltrated into my flesh and couldn't be washed away. I always had that smell. After that time, I washed my hands and couldn't even sweat. I could only go to the hospital. I I knew that this was a mental illness. I also went to see a psychiatrist. I just didn’t expect it. Later, my condition was controlled. Although it was not as normal as before, it did not threaten my life. I thought it was good. However, I did not expect it, but quietly developed a second personality."

Dong Zhengfeng’s madness on his face at this time seems to be in harmony with another personality. “But I don’t regret it, they **** it! They are damned!”

Qi Youxuan, they quietly retired, let people come to Dong Zhengfeng to be held up, Zhang Ming also came back. "You are right, found a male body in his trunk, has been handed over to the Forensic Department. ""

Later, according to the report of the Forensic Department, it has been proved that the dna of the liquid remaining in Zheng Xiaorui coincides with the male body, and Dong Zhengfeng was formally charged with murder. However, because he split the second personality and had a doctor's report, he still had to go to the mental hospital.

"This is a sea of ​​people. After Dong Zhengfeng resigned from his post as a teacher, he was an ordinary employee. How can he find such a **** in that year? The clues of that year have been broken. Even if we are, we want to find the rape. It’s not that easy to commit a crime.” Zhang Ming said inexplicably.

Jiang Yuecheng also felt that this incident was very strange and said: "Go to the mental hospital in the afternoon to see his mental condition. If conditions permit, ask this question. I also think that things are not simple, there is always a place. Not quite right, can't say it."

The case is closed, and the person is indeed killed by Dong Zhengfeng. There is no doubt. What is the point of doubt after the case can be closed?

"Jiang team." Xing Jiadong came in with a calm face and said, "Dong Zhengfeng committed suicide in the hospital."

Jiang Yuecheng stood up awkwardly. He was still discussing the question he was going to ask. The person then died. If there is no problem, he does not believe it.

"Is it a suicide?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

"The hospital has already confirmed it, because Jiang Yuecheng's mental state has stabilized, so the hospital has not tied him. Every day, he will let him go for a walk and communicate with other patients in good condition. Today, the lunch break ends, the nurse comes. Look at him, who knows that he committed suicide, is biting his tongue."

"How much courage is this and dare to bite out." Zhang Ming's eyes widened in surprise, and this has not been seen for many years.

Generally, the ancients did this. If modern people choose such a painful way, they want to die.

Generally, if you want to die, you must die. It’s really a big decision. You don’t have to say much about the pain you endure in the process. Think about it and feel tortured.

And this kind of death is due to three reasons.

First, after the tongue is bitten off the base of the tongue, the remaining part will block the trachea, causing people to suffocate and die.

The second is because the tongue is rich in blood vessels. After the bite is broken, it will lead to excessive blood loss and death.

The third type is because the severe pain after biting the tongue will temporarily make people lose their senses. A large amount of bleeding and oral secretions are likely to be inhaled by the trachea, which may further aggravate the hypoxia. Death can result from mechanical asphyxia and traumatic coma.

The blood vessels on the tongue are very rich, and once it breaks, it will cause major bleeding, leading to ischemia. And the tongue is very close to the brain, so the nerves above are also very rich. Once strongly stimulated, it will strongly stimulate the central nervous system, causing damage to the central nervous system and leading to death.

In addition to the ancient palace eunuchs being forced to helpless, they will choose this method of death, otherwise they will endure greater torture, and modern people are really not so classical.

"Is it because he gave Revenge to Li Anqi and felt his wish, so he would commit suicide to accompany Li Anqi?" Xing Jiadong said, his face was quite confident and he felt that he would reason.

Usually look at Qi Youxuan's calm self-determination, as if everything is in control, although the mouth always with Qi Youxuan lifted the bar, but my heart is still very admired, very envious. So I have been very addicted at this time, and I feel that it feels really good.

If before, Jiang Yuecheng may feel that this is a good statement, but since there is doubt, this statement can not convince him, but even think that even Dong Zhengfeng’s death has become suspicious.

But there is no other clue, and this case can only be put down.


Because Dong Zhengfeng’s case was broken, Qi Youxuan had no reason to run to the police station every day. Originally, Qi Youxuan said that if the case was broken, Wei Weiran would give him the answer. However, it was only a few days later that Qi Youxuan broke the case.

Before her attention was on the case, there was no time to think about it. The case suddenly broke and she broke. She was not prepared at all.

Now I am afraid that Qi Youxuan will come to her suddenly and ask her to answer. She really doesn't know how to answer him.

But these days, Qi Youxuan has never been here, Wei Muran should have been relieved, but inexplicably feel a bit boring, as if he did not actually put this matter in his heart.

"We have worked hard these days, the case has been sorted out, and the case is completely closed. I have to eat at noon, because I haven’t had a good rest before. I will give you a half-day holiday after dinner, and I will take a rest after going back." Jiang Yuecheng said.

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