MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 014 Being happy by a man is like this, really not holding it!

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"Yeah, Mu Mu told me, I also said that I came to pick her up, I did not expect the Jiang team to be quite persistent. (Muffy candy novels provide Txt free download)" Qi Youxuan said with a smile, no longer Take care of him, "Mu Mu, get on the bus."

Wei Muran looked at Jiang Yuecheng with some regrets. He felt that it was embarrassing to let him run a little white, but he was still very determined to go here.

As a result, Qiyou, who is directly pouring a sound, is cool, "Wait a minute!"

Looking back, Wei Zikai came out unexpectedly, followed by Wei Muche, who was ready to take a ride to the school. When he saw Qi Youxuan, he smiled at him and sneaked into the back.戚 compares the amount.

"You don't have to fight anymore, my daughter, I will send it." Wei Ziyu looked at Qi Youxuan with a thief-proof, saying, "In any case, Mu Che will go to school, they are going to a big."

In the face of Wei Zikai, Qi Youxuan did not dare to call Dad directly and shamelessly. It was really a psychological pressure caused by Wei Ziwei when he was a child. There are still shadows.

However, Qi Youxuan is still cheeky and said: "In this case, it is better for me to send Mu Mu and Mu Che, anyway, we all have to go to a big."

Qi You advertised his mouth and refused to shout out the "father of the father". He only said: "You will go directly to the company, which is more convenient."

"Oh." Wei Zi looked at the face of "a small sample, how can I make you stunned", said to Wei Muran and Wei Muche, "not on the train."

Wei Muche gave Qi Youxuan a smile of gloating, and Wei Muran also looked at Qi Youxuan with a comfort, followed by the car of Wei Zi. [Super good looking novel]

Qi Youxuan’s grievances looked at Wei Fanran, and it’s only after Wei Zi’s drive left the car to regain his gaze.

Wei Ran came over and comforted the pat on Qi Youxuan’s arm. "Nothing, wait for him to come back and talk about her."

Last night, she only euphemistically expressed her name with Wei Zi, and she did not mention Qi Youxuan’s name. Wei Ziyu said: “Qi Youxuan’s little **** doesn’t want to take my daughter away!”

"Mom, you have to be the master for me!" Qi Youxuan pitifully groaned.

Wei Ran was softened by his jealous heart, and one of his heads agreed.


Qi Youxuan, Jiang Yuecheng and Wei Zikai's car are the front and rear feet to the gate of a, because the Weizi 戚 foreign vehicles can not enter, Jiang Yuecheng showed the documents, you can directly enter.

Therefore, Wei Zi's face was particularly dark, and he snorted. He was still reluctant to let Wei Muran go to Qi Youxuan's car.

Qi Youxuan stood in front of him, and his smile was particularly shy. When he saw the Weizi biting his teeth, he felt that Qi Youxuan was like this. It was typical to get cheap and sell it!

"Brother, you didn't even tell me when you came to a big, you don't know how to carry me on the road, it's not enough!" A charming female voice sounded behind me, listening to the voice was really angry.

Qi Youxuan looked back and saw a Mercedes-Benz suv next to his car. Qi You-Ning was just coming down from the car. He was particularly dissatisfied with the waist and pointed to Qi Youxuan.

Gradually growing up, Qi You Ning, who had smoked a lot, also faded away from the appearance of the fat scorpion when he was a child. Now he is a beautiful girl, very delicate and lively, and the whole body exudes infinite vitality.

Then I saw a young man in the car, a handsome suit, and his body was more and more straight. Young Fenghua Yushu, that handsome and beautiful look, really can not meet leisurely.

Qi Youxuan looked at the young man and said, "Are you someone here?"

Believe it or not, if he dares to grab the smell of the work, can you be anxious with him?

Referring to the cold-faced youth behind him, Qi You Ning was in a good mood and raised his chin. "That is of course! Auntie is the best for me."

The expression behind him was soft, and even a soft smile appeared. His eyes only looked at Qi You Ning, and no one else could see it.

However, Qi You’s words turned, and he said, “But you can’t mention it! Even if I have an aunt to send, you have to love your sister, do you know?”

"Well, I will love you next time." Qi Youxuan can only appease the road, but he did not forget to give a look to Qi You, who was behind him. He was relieved and would not rob him of his work.

The smell of the face, after receiving the hint of Qi Youxuan, the expression was good again.

Wei Ziyi finally drove back to the company. Wei Muran and Wei Muche both sat on Qi Youxuan's car. Wen Yan's car could not enter the school. Qi You Ning also took Qi Youxuan's car.

Before getting on the bus, I heard the faintly looking Qi You Ning, and I didn’t say anything.

"That... you, you are careful on the road!" said Qi You Ning.

Wen Wei still did not move, Qi You lemon face red, only twisted, rubbed his face and kissed him, "I, I miss you!"

Wen Wei was satisfied with the lips, nodded, and looked down at the girl who was close at hand, as long as she could take her to her arms in the first half step.

He reached out and squeezed her hand, bowed quickly and licked her lips, and then went back to her car.

Qi You Ning blushes, and quickly slams his mouth, squinting at the big eyes like a rabbit, then immediately narrowed his eyes, the thief thief, waved and waved, and looked at Wen Yu driving away, this was on Qi Youxuan Car.

Qi Youxuan looked at his sister's laughter through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but pout. When he was kissed by a man, he was so happy that he was really unruly!

Everyone entered a big, the entire dormitory has been blocked, and several students are surrounded by the dormitory.

There are other hostels, just heard that I have not experienced this horror personally, so it is okay.

Although the rest of the dormitory is overwhelmed, it is still better. Only the students on the same floor, the face has been white and white, not to mention the people in the dormitory, have long been scared.

If there is a roommate who supports each other, I am afraid I will enter the hospital at this time.

Even if they lived upstairs, they are not very good. They seem to be worried that if they go downstairs in normal times, they will have ghosts coming out through their layers. I think there are people hanging in the corridors. I looked in that direction.

The uniformed police separated the students and gave Jiang Yuecheng their car to the place, allowing them to drive directly to the bottom of the dormitory.

The people got out of the dormitory and the police in charge of the area generally introduced the situation. He said: "The deceased is Feng Haoli. The junior student is found dead at the door of the dormitory. In the morning, the person in the dormitory opens the door to go out. I bumped into the corpse hanging from it. I was almost scared of half life. The forensic doctor has checked it."

The dormitory where the body was found was on the fourth floor. This old dormitory has a total of six floors. Because it is an old dormitory, it has been 30 years old. There is no toilet in the dormitory room. There is only one public toilet at both ends of the dormitory.

"We asked the students, they didn't dare to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, it was scary. Everyone prepared a urinal. If they were uncomfortable in the middle of the night, they would solve it in the room and go to the toilet the next day. Off. There is no monitoring installed in the dormitory," the police said.

"There is no monitoring in the dormitory building, so I don't know when it was, who did it." The policeman briefly introduced it.

He is a film policeman in this area. He can't manage too much. When he receives a report and comes with someone, he quickly contacted the criminal investigation team. It is better to think about it or let the people of the criminal investigation team ask questions by themselves.

Jiang Yuecheng nodded. The group went to the fourth floor. He saw that the body had been lying on the stretcher. The white foam was doing the final check. The person in the appraisal department was collecting blood samples from the surrounding fingerprints.

After checking it for a while, the white foam stood up, licked the hair of the lower ear, and spit out the gas. It seemed to be tired.

"The deceased died of suffocation. The death time is about 1 am to 2 pm today. There are two traces of hemp rope on the neck of the deceased." The white foamed finger pointed at Feng Hao's neck. The blue-and-white mark, "This article is the trace of being pulled by the rope from behind."

She also pointed to the place above the squat. "This is the deceased who was hung on the door frame, because this is an angle that is inclined upwards and there is friction behind the ear. In addition, there is a rope on the knuckles of the deceased. The traces of friction should be left after struggling. But it is still impossible to judge whether the deceased was strangled and then hanged, or was it just a coma before, not really dying, and hanged here to die."

"The trace on the finger was left when the deceased was first arrested. Moreover, it was the first time he was killed. The deceased was suspended from the beam after death." Qi Youxuan said, walking to the body, kneeling and observing .

Everyone looked at him inexplicably, and the foam was also surprised. "How do you know? This time, even if you go back to do a detailed inspection, you may not be able to draw conclusions."

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