MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 014 She uncomfortably opened the distance from Qi Chengzhi

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When I arrived at the entrance of the apartment, it was already half past eight, and the sky was all dark, and there was still a small snow that was sparse.

Song Yuxi was frozen in red hands and went into the building.

This building is old, there is no elevator, Song Yu climbed up two steps, went to the fourth floor, looked up and saw Qi Chengzhi leaning on her door, fingers slap the phone, I don't know what to look at.

Should be heard the sound of her footsteps upstairs, Qi Chengzhi turned quietly overlooking her still under the half-floor stairs.

Song Yu’s heart was hit, and Qi Chengzhi stood there quietly. His eyes were faint, and he was not in a hurry. It made her inexplicable in her heart to give birth to the phrase “waiting for the quiet of the years”.

She bowed her head and walked up silently, seeing the cigarette **** at his feet.

“Has it waiting for a long time?” Song Yu looked up and could not see his gaze through the lens.

"Yeah." There is no such thing as a guest, and it is very simple to admit.

"..." Song Yu looked at him again, and couldn't see if he was angry or not, and silently took the key and opened the door.

Passing in front of Qi Chengzhi, entering the door, he did not let it, the tall and straight body stood on the side, almost occupied half of the door, let her shoulders lick over his chest, hot Song Yu trembled, walking The posture has also become stiff.

She felt that Qi Chengzhi was just behind her, and the back seemed to feel the heat of his body. His eyes stared at her back and made her back hurt.

Gate closed, Qi Chengzhi looked at her small house.

A one-bedroom house, a living room is also used as a dining room, a coffee table and a dining table are placed together, and a sofa is added, and the space is piled up.

Originally, Song Yu was also free to move in this small space. After living for a long time, he did not feel crowded. One of them could stand in, and the top of the head quickly felt like a ceiling. It immediately made her breath difficult.

She uncomfortably opened the distance from Qi Chengzhi, and Qi Chengzhi looked in her eyes and did not move.

"Did you eat?" Qi Chengzhi sat on the sofa, and he felt like he was in his own house, but he had some wrongs in his long legs.

"When I was looking for me, I was preparing to eat." Song Yu said truthfully, there was a bit of complaint between the words.

Qi Chengzhi smiled. "I didn't eat it. It was just a little hungry."

"..." Then you don't have enough to come back.

Song Yu turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window, and the little snow that was sparsely pulled. "Would you like to go out and eat some?"

"Too lazy to move." Qi Chengzhi leaned back on the sofa, and his posture was free.

"Then I will go out and buy some more."

Song Yu is ready to go out, but he listens to Qi Chengzhi: "It’s late, it’s so cold, it’s too dangerous for you to go out with a woman.”

"..." I am afraid that I will not go.

"Then I will take a takeaway." Song Yu took out his mobile phone and rummaged for a takeaway phone nearby.


Early update for collection, there is a more ~~
