MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 156 You can really get a good shot, it’s a profiteer.

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"If you are not pitifully hiding in our house downstairs today, and following our car, we will not ask you to come. <> The latest chapter read the full text." The old man said.

This is also to be seen, Chang Zhiyuan is really good to marry his daughter, no matter who his nephew is, as long as his sister's daughter, he will treat her well.

So looking at Chang Zhiyuan’s pitiful look, it’s really a bit unbearable.

They mean, Chang Zhi far understands.

Qi Dan morning will recognize him, but he is him, the old lady is an old lady, and the family is still slowly getting together.

He nodded. "I know, I won't go home until I get your consent. Just... just let me see Danchen."

The old lady smiled and nodded.

Chang Zhiyuan is facing the table behind him. Everyone only sees the old lady laughing like a spring breeze, especially amiable, and suddenly it is not calm.

Although I just decided to wait and see what has changed, how can Chang Zhiyuan change to the main table?

It’s a great joy to talk to my mother’s family, which is not the rhythm of Qi Dan’s enmity with the elder lady!

Then... How do they treat their homes in the end?

Qi family is playing with people like this, not at all kind!

The hearts of the people were still confused. The wedding march rang, so everyone could only calm down and look back together. They saw the door of the auditorium open and the two children walked in first.

The little guy was wearing a suit, still a little fat, very cute, next to Xiaomun also wearing a small dress, both hands carrying a basket, grabbed petals from the inside and sprinkled on the red carpet, all the way spilled Standing at the forefront of Qi Chenglin's feet.

The little guy looked up and grinned at Qi Chenglin's brilliant smile, which was returned to his family with Xiao Muran.

Yankeshan took Yan Dan morning slowly along with the rhythm of music.

When Qi Dan morning went halfway, he saw Chang Zhiyuan sitting at the main table, and was looking at her with a twisted head. Chang Zhi was red-eyed, his lips licked, and he wiped his eyes again.

Qi Danchen smiled at him slightly. This smile directly made Chang Zhiyuan unable to bear it anymore. The tears fell directly, and he quickly turned back and covered his face.

Qi Danchen and Qi Chenglin exchanged vows and wedding rings. The little guy excitedly liked what he was doing. He was very proud of the palms underneath.

When Dan Dan looked at his son and smiled, he looked up into Qi Chenglin and the warmth of the scorpion. Before the ceremonies said that the groom would kiss the bride, she had already stepped forward and picked up her feet to kiss Qi Chenglin's lips.

The following guests were shocked, or the first time I saw the bride who was so active at the wedding!

Even if you are especially arrogant, you must be shy at the wedding.

Qi Chenglin was laughed at by the eyebrows of Yan Danchen. I feel that this is the wife who cares about herself especially. I am especially sure of myself. I especially like my own proof!

When Dan Dan saw himself in front of so many people, he was very happy. He seemed to express his love for him. He was satisfied and returned. The result was stopped by Qi Chenglin, and his arms tightened around her waist. Followed by and kissed up, so that Dan Dan can not run in the morning.

The following guests couldn't see it, but Dan Danchen felt his lips move and said, "You can't just take the initiative, I have to take the initiative."

The following guests feel a little confused, how can these two people not divide the occasion? Marry, at this time, kissing is just a way to do it. If you can't go back, you can't go back!

The masses did not admit that they were deeply embarrassed!

Hey, the old man smiled happily, and was very happy.

"Cough!" The ceremonies finally couldn't help but reminded them under the concealment, and let the two men separate.

Qi Dan morning red face, was taken to change the dress, and then came out toast.

Qi Chenglin was very calm and stood aside, taking the pair of cold blacks to the next, and watching who would dare to laugh at his wife!

Ha ha! Everyone feels that they really can't afford Qi. This group of eyes only has a wife. They feel that their wife is the best. What the wife said is a neuropathy.

So they turned their heads and talked to people who were not familiar with them next door, better than being so cold-hearted by Qi Chenglin. <>Marshmallow


Next to Song Yu, Xiao You is sitting in the children's chair, and he has a bib on his neck. He is holding a piece of watermelon in his hand. He has made all the red meat in the hands of watermelon, and the small children's chair. The table is also the juice of a beach here. Even if it is a relative and a mother, it seems strange and disgusting. Song Yu can't help but wipe the paper with him.

Xiaoyou also stretched out the juice, and the slimy hand crossed the table, and there was still watermelon juice dripping down from his little white hand.

The little hand pointed to the two boxes of candy in front of each person, eagerly screaming, and a pair of eyes like the extreme Qi Chengzhi took off.

Song Yu couldn't look straight, Qi Chengzhi's eyes were sharp and deep, and the outsiders had to look at it twice. As a result, this little boy had a pair of eyes that were exactly the same as Dad, but he showed the stupid look of this kind of food.

Even Qi Chengzhi felt that his son was corrupting his image.

"Ah! Ah!" Sugar, I want to eat sugar!

Qi Youxuan thinks that he is the biggest winner today, and he personally attended the wedding of Mom and Dad. With this, Xiaoyou can't match it.

When the uncle and the aunt were married, the younger brother did not understand things in the aunt's belly!

So Qi You Xuan gave Xiao You a special smug, especially the eyes of the sorcerer, see Xiaoyou is inexplicable.

Xiaoyou Jin only received Qi Youxuan’s enthusiasm, but he didn’t know why his brother was so eager, so he was ignored without any heart. The little hand continued to point at the candy box.

"Ah! Ah!" Sugar! sugar!

Qi Youxuan felt that he had not received the envious eyes of his younger brother. He was very unsatisfactory. The **** eyes fell on the sugar box of Xiaoyou’s fingers. He slammed two times and then stretched out the soft and chubby hands. Live the candy box in front of your eyes, open in the face of Xiaoyou Jin, take out a heart-shaped Gothic chocolate.

Looking at Xiaoyou, he looked at his eyes straight, not like he just looked too lazy to look at him.

Qi Youxuan also "snapped" two sounds, looked around, and everyone started drinking and eating at this time, they are very casual, not too much etiquette.

So the little guy climbed down the chair again, and protected the two boxes of chocolate in front of him, hugged in the chest, and ran to the front of Xiaoyoujin. In the face of Xiaoyoujin, he touched the hand on the hand. Heart shaped chocolate.

This is not a pretense, just a touch of a mouthful, the mouth is sweet and smooth, the taste of the chocolate is so pleasing to the little guy that it is easy to squint, immediately throwing a whole piece into the mouth, but reluctant to bite, it has been Including, use your tongue to lick the chocolate.

Look at the finger, but also a little melted chocolate, and quickly put it in his mouth, the mouthful of sweet, let him feel that the fingers are also sweet, chocolate has not been clean.

I also don’t care about Xiaoyou’s, and Qi Youxuan’s heartfelt feelings are really delicious. I don’t give up on the cleanliness of my fingers.

Finally, I felt that it was not good, and I still had a little chocolate in my mouth. The little gang on the other side also bulged out.

He swallowed the mouth with a sweet, sweet taste of chocolate, and looked up and was shocked by the sight.

Xiaoyoug unconsciously opened his mouth, his saliva was exposed from his mouth, dripping down the chin, and the bib was wet.

Then I licked my mouth, swallowed my mouth, opened my mouth, and the flow of saliva was even more fierce.

Qi You announced that he was pouting, and satisfied Xiaoyou said: "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Xiaoyou Jin has been crazy, and he is too anxious. At this time, he looked at Song Yu eagerly and seriously. Then the little hand pointed at the chocolate with great strength. It was rare that Song Yu showed a particularly serious expression.

"Ah!" Sugar! Son, eat sugar!

Seeing Xiaoyou is anxious.

Song Yu: "..."

This kind of serious, high-end expression of the son is actually used for eating.

At this time, Song Yu was really difficult to explain what kind of mood he was. He just looked at the Qiyou Xuan, a happy face who had eaten chocolate in front of him.

It seems that the blind man took his son.

Song Yu was helpless. He could only open a box, and cut a small piece from the dining knife and put it on Xiao Youjin's hand. "You can only eat so much. This is too sweet, not good for your teeth."

Although Xiaoyou Jin felt that he was not satisfied, but he could touch the taste, he put the small piece of chocolate into his mouth and smashed it a few times.

But the eyes that are still sweet by chocolate are picked up, happy to be on the top of the seat, and the little hand is waving, like eating a big baby.

Qi Youxuan licked his mouth, and silently gave his brother a silly word. He turned to the next table to find his family.

Xiaoyou said, "Ah," cried, pointing at the chocolate, a slap in the face, especially the appearance of imposing, strongly demanding to eat more.

"Yeah! Ah!" Come again, come back!

As a result, my mother still didn't respond. The big eyes that didn't fall in the autumn saw her brother ran to the table next to it, and the old people who followed the table spoiled.

The pudgy body rolled in the arms of Mt. Keshan, and there was no pressure at all. He did not see the expression of Ms. Keshan’s stomachache.

Yan Keshan had a painful face and was happy. Finally, Qi Youxuan climbed down from his arms and stared at the chocolate on the table.

When Yankeshan’s eyes lit up, he quickly pushed two boxes of chocolates into the arms of Qi Youxuan. Chen Minxia didn’t know where to make a bag and swept all the chocolates from their tables into the bag and gave Qi Youxuan.

Qi Youxuan’s eyebrows opened his eyes and smiled. Xiaoyou watched his brother put a large bag of chocolate into the backpack he brought with him.

"Oh!" Xiaoyou was anxious, with a small finger on the back of the table, that is the Song family, his grandmother!

He...he is also a grandparent!

The child chair that Xiaoyou was sitting on is a wheeled one. He is a little fart. The stock is trying hard to bend, and the waist is twisted and twisted. He wants to find a grandmother.

Qi Youxuan feels that he is a good brother. How can he not satisfy his brother's wishes? So he ran over and pushed Xiaoyoujin away.

Song Yu saw Xiaoyou rushing to Yu Qianying's arms and asking for help. The look of Confucianism was a big outburst.

Yu Qianying also ate his set, shouting "baby, baby" while holding him into his arms.

Xiaoyou Jin took a few squats in Yu Qianying's arms, and then he turned his head and stared at the chocolate on the table. The saliva could not be stopped.

Yu Qianying glanced at the chocolate on a table and called it over to the waiter. He asked for a bag and gave it to Xiaoyou. "Give it, give it to you!"

"Oh!" The grandson is very happy!

Qi Youxuan sneaked back and looked at Qi Chengzhi, and whispered to his younger brother: "It's delicious, you have to give it to your grandmother to be assured, or let the uncle know, it will be confiscated."

"Yeah!" Xiaoyou would like to agree with this sentence.

"That brother will help you to collect too much grandmother!" said the little guy, he had already thought of a bad word in his mind, no, it was a special love for his younger brother.

Xiaoyoug nodded happily, "Yeah! Oops!"

My brother is right!


By the end of the wedding, Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen went to change their clothes. Qi Jiahe’s family went to the upstairs rooms and waited for Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen. Other guests left on their own, Chang Zhiyuan thought about it and followed the family.

When Qi Chenglin and Yan Danchen changed their clothes, Yan Danchen saw Chang Zhiyuan, and he did not know what to say. It was a bit rusty.

The old man and the old lady are particularly pleased to see beside them, granddaughter... Sun daughter is still with her family!

Chang Zhiyuan especially wanted to kiss her hot and hot, but she didn't have a good intention to speak. I still don't know what attitude is Dan Danchen. Besides, Qi Jiahe’s family looked at it here, and Chang Zhiyuan felt deeply that he was weak and particularly guilty.

"You--" Yan Dan sees Chang Zhiyuan looking at himself with enthusiasm, and his heart is soft.

Chang Zhiyuan quickly said: "You don't want our family to know, I won't say it first, I will always respect your thoughts. As long as... As long as you can recognize me, it is good."

"Hey." Xiao Dan morning smiled.

In fact, the family members did not recognize it. The most embarrassing thing about Chang Danchen was Chang Zhiyuan. He only heard that Qi Chenglin said that he had a feeling of being with Chang Yuehuan, and he felt that he was so selfish and could not hold him.

Now that she has this opportunity, she naturally does not care.

This voice, called Chang Zhiyuan's old face is red, busy "squeaky" should be down, "that ... after that day, if there is a chance, can I come out with your aunt to see you? Just your aunt, Without someone else, of course, if you can bring your cousin, then --"

Qi family and his family members used Chang Xingyuan to look at Chang Zhiyuan with the expression "You can really get an inch, not a beggar." Chang Zhiyuan also smiled and sighed twice.

"Okay." Yan Danchen smiled. "When we come back for the honeymoon, we will go to you."

"Oh, good!" Chang Zhiyuan can be happy, other people in the Chang family do not care, the temper of the anti-normal old lady, but also not to offend the death of Yu Dan in the morning, it is better not to recognize.

As for Chang Zhixing, his wife is unclear, so Chang Zhiyuan has no psychological pressure for his own mother and younger brother.

He can have it with his wife and daughter and his daughter and Lele!

Chang Zhiyuan was satisfied and gone, and no longer accepted the eyes of Qi and He’s family. Although he was despised, Chang Zhiyuan was in a particularly good mood.

This is really the brightest time since these days.

Just waiting for him to return home, his mood is not very bright.

The old lady sat on the single sofa of the living room, the same ancestor. Looking at her expression, it seems that there is nothing good.

The first place to sit is Chang Zhixing, next to his wife Liu Xiangwen, sitting opposite Mo Xinxin.

Mo Yinxin's expression is not very good, but Chang Zhiyuan can see that his wife is not against him. It is obviously a dissatisfaction with the old lady, but it is her own mother-in-law and can only endure.

And the elder lady, from time to time, turned to Mo Yuxin's fierce eyes, only to feel that the expression of the daughter-in-law is really unsightly, not filial!

Chang Jingqiu did not sit on the sofa, but did not know where to move a chair, and sat next to the old lady.

"Mom, how come you?" Chang Zhiyuan frowned, but he took a sigh of relief and asked for his temper.

Seeing Mo Yuxin looking over, he walked over and Mo Yinxin gave up his seat and let Chang Zhiyuan sit down.

Chang Zhiyuan held Mo Yinxin's hand and turned to look at the old lady.

"I heard that you went to the wedding of Qi family today?" Mrs. Chang was not happy to ask.

Chang Zhiyuan was originally a beautiful mood, and suddenly he sank.

He looked at Chang Zhixing and Liu Xiangwen across the street and said to the old lady: "I just came back from the dynasty, you will know, this news is quite spiritual."

After that, Chang Zhiyuan looked at Chang Jingqiu without any traces. When I didn't pay attention to it, I ignored the past, but now I have stayed in my heart. I really see the panic and the calculations in Chang Jingqiu's eyes.

Although it was quickly collected, it was still called Chang Zhiyuan who had been paying attention to her.

Chang Zhiyuan sneered in the heart, Chang Jingqiu is young, self-righteously concealed very well, others can not see it, but I do not know that she inadvertently still can not hide.

Chang Zhixing was somewhat dissatisfied and blinked at Liu Xiangwen, who had been annoying her broken mouth.

Liu Xiangwen was not convinced, but he rushed to Chang Zhi to reveal a smirk. "Isn’t it not very pleasant to have a family before? Isn’t the family unreasonable, we must suppress the family and let the family’s status be special now? Hey. Not to mention those public banquets and celebrations, as long as it is confirmed that Qi family is participating, no one dares to invite our family again.

Liu Xiangwen has a deep understanding. In the past, she has always been a card, and her gatherings are not limited. Everyday life can be enriched. If you have nothing to do with the people, you will be able to compare the millions of jade that you just bought today. She is drying the sapphire that is specially used to go to Sri Lanka. Every day, I exercise the fighting power of my own mouth, and my tongue and the war are winning. That is really something to be proud of.

But now, she can only be flustered at home in the whole day. It is really unbearable. She pulls her face down and takes the initiative to contact her friends in the past, but she evades everything one by one. As a result, she sees those people in friends. Taking a photo of the party, it is mad at her!

"I usually met outside, and I said a few words that I was afraid that I would misunderstand the relationship with my family." Liu Xiangwen said.

The old lady also listened to her anger and remembered her grievances these days. Found that because of the Qi family, the outside juniors are not respectful to her!

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