MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 158 Hey, why are you here?

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In the meantime, I was grateful for the fact that I was looking at my body at this age. [The book of cotton candy novels wants to see almost all of them. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

"Yeah! Yeah! Ye Yiyi!" Hey! What to say! I am very handsome!

Xiaoyou is clinging to his fist, especially not convinced.

"Children, wait a little longer to lose weight." Mrs. Qi picked up the watermelon on the table and gave it to Xiaoyou. "The fruit can be eaten more, the sugar can not be eaten, or it is not good for the teeth."

Xiaoyou insisted on catching the watermelon and immediately smashed it up.

Qi You Xuan immediately rolled into the arms of the old lady. "Grandma, Mom and Dad go out for honeymoon, put me alone here, I am lonely!"

"Would you like to pick up You?" The old lady saw the little guy's eyes and understood.

The little guy thinks that grandma is really a good partner for his life!

Qi Youxuan is particularly satisfied with the old lady. "I am not alone when I am a companion!"

Then, the old lady turned her head and stared at Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu. "I heard that Song Shutou has recently done a new design. Is it very busy?"

Song Yu: "..."

The old lady smiled more and more and said: "Do you want to stay here for a few days?"

Qi Chengzhi: "..."

He feels what is wrong with a forest?

Qi Chengzhi can only promise in the end, just by this opportunity, with Song Yu two worlds, it is quite good.

Xiaoyou Jin seems to know that she can open her belly to eat in the next few days, and she is not reluctant to be a father or mother.

When Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu left, he still squatted on the carpet and waved with the two.

This ruthless and shameless attitude has completely ruined Song Yu’s heart.


When Qi Chenglin and Qi Danchen went to honeymoon, Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang drove for more than seven hours and went to a county-level city under the city of J, where they stayed for one night. Early the next morning, another car was opened for more than an hour before arriving at a village entrance.

The village is not small, but it can't be said how rich it is. Looking at the past, only two or three of the two lived in three-storey small houses, and two two-storey ones, but they were not beautiful, just like two or three floors. The square box has no design sense, and the exterior walls are also paved with ordinary tiles.

Chang Zhiyuan didn't have the mood to look at it carefully. He just drove in and drove all the way up until he opened a hill. The bottom of the tire was all the sand of the yellow scorpion. On one side were some bungalows with yards and on the other side. hillside. There are some wild grass wildflowers on the roadside, and some stones of different sizes are firmly tied in the soil.

The road was bumpy, and finally the Toyota jeep stopped at halfway up the mountain, next to it was a junction.

The intersection is too narrow and the pits are not flat. If the economy car is barely able to enter, this Jeep will not work.

Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang got off the bus and walked into the intersection on foot. There were rows of houses along the road, with the yard and the door was quite strong.

From the appearance of the courtyard door, it is basically possible to judge the rich and the poor of this family. Some of the courtyard doors are open, and you can see a black-and-yellow dog in the dark, and there are tricycles and tractors at the door.

At the end of the intersection, the house suddenly became abrupt.

The short brick wall, the courtyard door was broken, and the thin wooden door could not stop anything. Compared with the simplicity of this family, those people who have just passed by have become particularly high-end.

Chang Zhiyuan glanced coldly and nodded to the old beam. "Let's go in."

Lao Liang went up to the front door and heard a woman’s voice from inside. "Who?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce dog barking.

After a while, the wooden door screamed, the door was opened, and there was a woman with a dark face and rough skin.

Wang Lixia was shocked and looked at the two men standing in front of their own eyes. The two of them were too elegant to wear. At first glance, they were not ordinary people. How could they appear at her doorstep.

Wang Lixia somehow, she suddenly thought of Chang Jingqiu.

I don’t know the two people in front of me, but they are connected together. I thought that Liu Ronghua suddenly appeared at her doorstep and gave her a surprise. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

Perhaps it is because the two people in front of you are wearing the same decent appearance as Liu Ronghua, and their temperament is different from them.

"Two, who are you looking for?" Wang Lixia's eyes drifted back and forth between Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang's face.

"What's wrong?" Huang Pinggui also walked out, followed by a young boy with a face.

Huang Pinggui wore a sloppy shirt, and the black trousers were covered with dust. The young boy behind is very thin, with dark blue eyes and a lack of sleep.

Wang Lixia looked back at them and said only: "I don't know, I don't know what to look for."

Then, he said to the boy: "When you come out, you will go back to review, and you will have a college entrance exam. Don't delay your time."

After the teenager "oh", and looked at Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang, they slowly turned back.

"You are Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia?" Chang Zhiyuan said.

"What are you doing?" Huang Pinggui raised his voice. It seems that the momentum is relatively strong and he can be courageous.

"Don't be nervous." Lao Liang smiled softly. "We are sent by Miss Chang."

Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia looked at each other and Wang Lixia did not think much. He asked: "Is Qiu Qiu letting you come?"

Chang Zhiyuan knew that they were right.

Also Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia are two people who have no culture. Usually they have a little calculation in their minds, but they are really not smart. It is really good.

Lao Liang nodded with special sincerity. "Are we advanced to say?"

Because of his work relationship, people from all walks of life know each other. The acting is really not outstanding. Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia are his opponents.

In addition, the old beam itself has grown such a sincere and kind face, which is simpler than the villagers who are serious in this village. This natural advantage directly makes Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia without any sense of crisis.

Seeing Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang’s well-dressed, they are very rich, and Huang Pinggui can’t think of anything else. Hurry and ask them to go to the house.

I got a good waist and put up a spectrum in front of Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang. I said to Wang Lixia: "I said, Jing Qiu will not look at the hardships of suffering. Is it not that she is suffering from shame? No matter how Say, we are her parents. If we let us suffer, it is not filial, we must fight thunder!"

"That is!" Wang Lixia also laughed at the flowers and nodded.

Chang Zhiyuan was shocked and took a look at Lao Liang. They are just temptations, and they are all ready. It is impossible to be so smooth. Whoever thinks these two people will say it themselves!

When Chang Zhiyuan and Lao Liang discussed it, they also guessed that Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia didn't know what it was to have with Chang Jingqiu, or they took hold of Chang Jingqiu's handle. I did not expect that these two people turned out to be the parents of Chang Jingqiu!

This can also explain clearly why Chang Jingqiu will give them two money. It was only at that time that the person who sent Chang Jingqiu to Chang’s home clearly said that she was the sister’s daughter.

This shows that at that time, that person also knew the true identity of Chang Jingqiu, but he wanted to deceive them deliberately!


Chang Zhiyuan’s expression was gloomy and some could not be controlled. Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia are also afraid. Looking at Chang Zhiyuan, it seems that they are not sending money to them.

"You...who are you?" Wang Lixia stammered.

"Hey, why are you here?" At the door, a panicking female voice suddenly sounded, even with trembling.

Chang Zhiyuan turned back and saw Chang Jingqiu standing in the doorway. His face was pale, he looked at him in panic, and looked at Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia. I don’t know if these two people have said anything that they can’t say.

"How come you are here?" Chang Zhi asked with a blank expression.

In fact, I don’t have to answer Chang Jingqiu, he knows.

He went to the wedding of Qi family, or sat with his family, how can Chang Jingqiu feel at ease?

So she is still here, wanting to ensure that her identity will never be revealed.

He wanted to know what she was going to do to preserve her identity.

"I..." Chang Jingqiu turned his eyes and said, "Uncle and uncle are the parents of a friend of mine. My friend is gone, so I take care of them for her. Come and see from time to time."

After Huang Pinggui decided to ask Chang Jingqiu for a sealing fee, she was all looking for it. It was obvious that she was suspected of her identity. Is it really stupid?

I only gave 800,000 last time. I have to ask for more this time. I am not afraid that she will not give it.

So now, Huang Pinggui first cooperated with Chang Jingqiu and nodded: "Yes!"

"Oh? You didn't say that just now." Chang Zhiyuan ridiculed.

Wang Lixia blushes and keeps shaking her head. "I...we didn't say anything!"

Lao Liang took out a voice recorder from his pocket and pressed it down. The voice of Huang Pinggui came out inside. "I said, Jingqiu will not look at the hardships of suffering. Is it not that she is bitter?" Anyway, we are her parents. If we let us suffer, it is not filial, we must fight thunder!"

"Nothing to say?" Chang Zhiyuan hooked his lips. "I see you are saying everything you can say."

"Oh, they are nonsense!" Chang Jingqiu took a step forward and pointed to Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia. He was stunned and sweared. "I take care of you, why are you yelling at me!"

"How do you marry you? Didn't you give them 800,000? Are you giving so much money for non-intimate reasons?" Chang Zhiyuan said coldly.

"Oh, yes... it’s my friend, she’s out of her business, she can’t worry about her parents. She is a good friend of mine, so I promised her to take care of them. I also know that they are not living well, and the son is going to University, I can't go to college, I can't even get tuition fees. I promised to take care of them, so I will give them money. 800,000, enough for them to have a good life here, let the son Going to college, repairing the house, you don’t need to go to work anymore, as long as you don’t spend it, it’s enough.”

Chang Jingqiu angered Huang Pinggui’s husband and wife and said, “Why are you yelling at me? I am doing my best to you, what are you dissatisfied with, so can’t you see me? 枉I still want to take care of it. You, it’s a group of white-eyed wolves!"

Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia’s face flashed unevenly, but they endured and did not speak.

"Hey, let's go." Chang Jingqiu's grievance grabbed Chang Zhiyuan's arm. "It is said that now I can't be a good person this year. Instead, I have to be sold. I didn't expect to do good things for my friends. The story of the farmer and the snake is like this!"

Chang Jingqiu just wants to take Chang Zhiyuan away quickly.

"That can't, how can you let them marry you?" Chang Zhiyuan stood still, so that Chang Jingqiu couldn't move her, she could only stand nervously with him.

Chang Jingqiu always carries a heart and does not know what Chang Zhiyuan intends to do.

She did not believe that Chang Zhiyuan had no doubts about her, otherwise how could he find it here, even if she gave them 800,000 things.

I was worried, but I listened to Chang Zhiyuan and said. "I think it is better to solve this problem once and for all. You and the two of them are going to be a paternity test and hold the report in their hands. They are not afraid that they will marry you again. Otherwise they are talking nonsense outside and breaking your reputation."

Chang Jingqiu suddenly became a cool heart, and the foot was vainly and softly followed by a small half step. I can’t be lucky anymore, I think Chang Zhiyuan still doesn’t know.

He came over today and clearly knows everything.

"Hey...hey..." Chang Jingqiu's face was pale and shouted.

"Why, don't you do it?" Chang Zhiyuan sneered.

"I..." Chang Jingqiu was cold. "Oh, I..."

"Is it really you?" Chang Zhiyuan asked quietly.

Seeing Chang Jingqiu's face pale, Chang Zhiyuan's face is stretched. "I still don't admit it? I really intend to let me tear my face and spread the evidence?"

"Hey!" Chang Jingqiu plopped, it was squatting.

She pulled Chang Zhiyuan's sleeves. "Hey, I didn't mean to be embarrassed. I just don't know what to do! Oh, I don't want to! I just became a regular family for 27 years, and suddenly someone came out to follow. I said, you are not my family, they are! I don't know what to do. Hey, I only treat you as my family. I don't know them at all, I am not familiar with them! I only know that they I sold it for the money at the beginning. Now I am looking for me for money. Just like this, how do you let me treat them as family members?"

Chang Jingqiu cried and said: "In my eyes, you are my family! Even if they have blood relations, I never know them. I suddenly came out to ask for money, let me tell them how to contact them. Close? I am afraid... I am afraid that if you know it, you will not want me. After all... After all, I am not really your daughter. But I still remember that you are good to me, grandma, you, so good to me. I can’t bear it, I really can’t bear it! I really treat you as a family and I’m reluctant to leave. I’m really afraid that you don’t want me...”

Chang Jingqiu’s crying is not sounding, and it’s very pitiful to look at it.

Chang Zhiyuan opened her face with a cold face. She has been in Changjia for 27 years. What kind of person is he, he still doesn't know?

At this time, did she really take him as a fool?

"Do you want to be reluctant to us? Or do you want to reluctantly get the money from the regular family? Can you reluctantly change the status of Miss Changjia?" Chang Zhiyuan asked, pointing to Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia who were at a loss. "You are afraid that people will know that these two are you." Parents, can you look down on you? You have been talking about Dan Danchen before, and the old lady is sorry for Dan Danchen. As a result, you are the one who is unbearable, and you are afraid."

"No, no!" Chang Jingqiu shook his head desperately. "I took you as a relative! I can't bear the grandmother, I can't bear you! I know that my grandmother and you hurt me at home, I can't bear you!" ”

"You also know that I hurt you the most, but how do you do it? Everyday in the face of the old lady to play with the right and wrong, say your aunt. Isn't it, you just repay my love for you?" Chang Zhiyuan asked coldly.

Chang Jingqiu groaned, I didn’t expect Chang Zhiyuan to know.

Chang Zhiyuan sneered, "You don't want to give up on us, but have you ever thought about my real nephew daughter, what should she do? I am good to you, because my sister, because I thought you were my sister's daughter. So even if you usually do things, I will be facing you, and I will take care of you for the accident. It is not because of you, it is because of my sister! But since you are not, why should I still feel bad about you?"

"Hey, even if there is no blood relationship, let's live together for 27 years! Do you have any feelings for me?!" Chang Jingqiu slammed Chang Zhiyuan's sleeves.

"How can there be no feelings, and there are still feelings when raising cats and dogs for a long time." Chang Zhiyuan said, Chang Jingqiu was happy, but he heard him say, "When you know, why are you holding us? Since everyone Have feelings, you say things out, I will not chase you naturally, but you have to kneel, you let my real nephew daughters shed, you occupy the nest, what is your heart? Our family has been educated since childhood You, have taught you so delicately, have never done a thing that I am sorry for you, are you rewarding us like this? Let our true relatives live outside and intend to marry us forever?"

"You are selfish, you don't care about our feelings for yourself. This is the 27-year relationship you said, the family in your mouth! Even if it is a dog, it knows to be loyal to us, what about you?" Shi Yuanqi trembled, "If you are a good, I will raise you together. Think of you as a foster daughter of our family. You are still the daughter of our relatives. I will never treat you badly. But what are you doing now!" ”

"Oh, I was wrong!" Chang Jingqiu's hand was waved by Chang Zhiyuan, and she glared at his pants. "Hey, I know it is wrong. I really know it is wrong. Hey, I am selfish. How can people be selfish? But the selfish place is different. I just just knew this when I was shocked and didn't know how to be good."

"I admit, my first choice is wrong, it makes you sad. But I am just too scared, really scared. Hey, I am wrong, I am really wrong. You forgive me, don't I, I beg you." Chang Jingqiu cried, "You... can you bear to push me to these two people? These two people are people who can sell children for a little bit of money! You put I pushed them, just push me into the fire pit, hey! They know my identity, don't want to recognize me, don't want to be good to me, just want to manage my money, just why do people like this, why should I recognize Go back to them?"

"Oh, I was in the beginning of my mind, I couldn’t figure out what I was doing, I made a wrong decision. I really didn’t mean it. I knew it was wrong." Chang Jingqiu was on the ground, what face was not careless. Chang Zhiyuan’s trousers cried.

She only knows that she can't be abandoned by her regular family, otherwise she will have nothing.

She can't stand being trampled down.

As long as you can pass this level, you can naturally report today's insults!

Chang Zhiyuan naturally does not believe her. To be as she said, where did Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia threaten her?

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