MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 160 feeding pigs are not so fast

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However, Lao Liang also holds a hope in his heart. This is the hospital in the county. After all, whether it is a doctor or a hospital, it cannot be compared with the city of B. [The book of cotton candy novels wants to see almost all of them. It is much more stable than the general novel website. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

"I don't know if I can take her to the hospital now?" asked Lao Liang. "Our family is in the city of B, and it is convenient to go to the city of B."

It is not clear that I do not trust the hospital in the county.

Moreover, Lao Liang is not their relatives in the end. It is not good to make decisions without authorization. It is better to give them to the regular family. So no matter what point, it is safer to send them back to the b city first.

However, doctors also understand that even people from rural villages and villages come to the hospital to see a doctor. If they encounter diseases that are not cured by their hospitals, they will also recommend them to the big cities. The medical conditions of the hospital and the experience of doctors are not as good as those of the top three hospitals in the big cities. It is also a fact that there is nothing so unhappy.

"No problem, we will give her some temporary first aid so that she can keep going back to the city of b," the doctor said.


Qi Chenglin and Qi Dan came back to the old house after the honeymoon, and the old man directly asked Xiao Fan to pick them up at the airport.

As soon as I entered the house, the old lady took a look at the morning and the next day, and saw her ruddy face, and the people were rounded again, which was reassuring.

"How is it outside? Is it tired?" Because Qi Dan morning was pregnant, the month was still shallow, and the old lady was afraid of her something.

"He took me on vacation, didn't take a lot of roads, sleeped in the hotel all day, naturally wake up, drove to the destination to play for a while, took me to rest without taking a few steps, and then ate and drank." The face, "Although I look in the mirror every day, I look at my face and I am used to it. I don't see much change, but I hold it, as if the meat is a little more."

The old lady was happy to hear it. "That's right! It's a little round!"

"..." Yu Danchen pinched the meat on his face, and looked at Qi Chenglin. He always felt that he had smothered himself and fed himself fat, not all because of pregnancy.

She inexplicably sniffed out the taste of conspiracy, but in the end what conspiracy, I want to break my head and can't think of it.

It can be seen that Qi Chenglin is just as frank, and he feels that this conspiracy is really bad.

He took Qi Chenglin for a long time, only to exchange him for picking his eyebrows.

"Right, Yu Xuan?" Yan Danchen found that the living room was too quiet, not only the little guys were not there, and Xiaoyou, who said that he was playing with the little guys, was not there.

"They took a nap in the house and watched the time and woke up." Xia Wenna said, "You just came back and took a break, let Liu Wei make the pot of meat at night."

Qi Danchen snorted and took a sip of water. He sat down on the sofa with Qi Chenglin and said, "Great, I want to die at home. Going to Europe, those buildings are pretty, looking fresh, the environment. It’s really good, but that diet is really not used to it. I can’t afford a little appetite. I smell the bread, the pizza, the taste, I can’t feel full, even if I’m hungry, I smell it. I have no appetite at all. I feel that their food is a taste."

"What I want to think about is instant noodles, but unfortunately I can't eat it." Dan Dan touched his stomach and felt that his mouth was lightly like anything.

"This child, let you eat enough at night." Guan Liya said with a smile.

When Dan Danchen distributed the gifts he had bought to everyone, he heard a simple and pleasant child voice. "Mom, Mom, mine? What did you buy for me? Chocolate? Cheese? German sausage? Big pig's elbow?"

"Give you a chocolate back." Yan Danchen took out a box. "There are several kinds inside, but not many."

"You are still not awake?" Xia Wenna asked.

When I said this, I heard a baby who was particularly angry.

"It’s really ignorant, and this wakes up." Song Yu said, and he went to Xiaoyou.

As a result, Dan Danchen was shocked. They only went out for 10 days. What did Xiaoyou Jin experience?

"What did you do to your brother?" Qi Chenglin was also shocked, and his eyes were pumping.

Only 10 days, Xiaoyou looked at them a few times before they went fat. <>Read the full text of the latest chapter

The little babies who were especially delicate and delicate now live a big meat dumpling.

Feeding pigs is not so fast!

"Nothing, I just eat delicious food, and I also think about one of my brothers." The little guy said that he was particularly innocent and resolutely refused to admit that he was deliberately feeding his brother.

"My brother is too embarrassed! I eat cakes, as long as the mouth moves, he immediately looks at me, keeps looking at me, don't turn around, don't turn, don't cry, it's terrible! That saliva can flow It’s so long and long!” The little guy made a plan. “I don’t know how powerful he is. I’m taking a nap. I just want to wake up as soon as I eat.”

"..." Qi Chengzhi couldn't bear to say, "As long as you don't deliberately eat something very special next to him, he won't wake up."

This kid, feeding his son with bad water!

I am fat, and I don’t allow my brother to be more handsome than him.

Song Yu is now struggling with his son, and he is not moving.

Xiaoyou looked at the large and small boxes on the coffee table. The flowers were very beautiful, and they immediately became curious. They excitedly reached out to the box on the coffee table. The chubby arms fluttered, especially uneasy.

Song Yu was sweated by his tossing, and he felt that he couldn't hold him. He was afraid that he would slip on his hand and put him on the carpet.

Xiaoyou Jin climbed to the table with short arms and short legs, and raised his small arms. The chubby hand grabbed the coffee table and held himself up. His eyes looked at the beautiful box on the table.

"Yeah! Yiyi! Oh!" It's delicious! Is there any delicious food! Give this young master!

"We bought some children's foods that are suitable for you to eat now, some baby rice noodles, fruity nutrition powder or something." Yan Danchen pointed to a bag that was previously placed at the table, which was filled with a lot of things. "We also bought me some milk powder from the children in Chengyue’s stomach and prepared them in advance."

Xiaoyou did not know if he understood the words of Dan Danchen and released the coffee table. The people slammed and the five bodies fell on the carpet.

Fortunately, in order to fear the child's injury, not only the current Xiaoyou Jin, but also the small milk baby who will be born in Qi Chengyue's stomach.

Qijia changed the carpet from home to thick and soft. Not only the old house, Xia Wenna and Guan Liya both of them have also been replaced, not to mention Qi Chengyue, Song Yu and Yan Dan morning home, have long been ready.

Xiaoyou Jin rushed to the carpet like this, and did not feel pain, perhaps the pursuit of eating goods, the food in front of me, the pain does not feel. The fat hand and the fat feet climbed and climbed on the carpet, and climbed to the side of the bag. The small hand pushed the paper bag down and smashed the big and small boxes from inside.

The box of baby food is particularly beautiful. It is printed with colorful and attractive food pictures. Xiaoyou is looking at the eyes and it is all over. The mouthfuls of water are all on the box, which leads to a wet idea.

"Yeah!" The son is hungry!

Xiaoyou would hold one of the boxes in his arms with his hands together. Fortunately, there are some powdery things in it, so it is not heavy. The little box was particularly large in Xiaoyou's arms, only his limbs and small heads were exposed, and the body was completely blocked by the box.

Xiao You’s patted the box and waved his hand, “Oh!”

Hungry, eat!

After these ten days, Qi Youxuan apparently has developed a revolutionary friendship with his younger brother. Xiaoyou Jin’s baby language, most of the time, the big people can’t understand, but Qi Youxuan can understand.

So now, the little guy got to the side of Xiaoyoujin, pointing to Xiaoyou’s pocket with a pink paste in his arms. He said to Song Yu: "The big aunt, you are hungry."

Song Yu: "..."

Usually at this time, the son is not hungry at all, and the stomach is supported by the scorpion.

But now you are hungry, and you can't help him.

This kind of sadness is really no one can understand.

Song Yu looked sadly at Dan Danchen. You see that your son has fed my son and you have to be a pig!

Qi Dan morning coughed, touched his nose, and turned to Qi Chenglin for help.

Qi Chenglin only said to Song Yu particularly seriously: "You are hungry."

Song Yu: "..."

Helpless, Song Yu can only go to the kitchen to take a bowl back, take the box held in the arms of You Jin to open, take a bag from the inside and pour it into the bowl, use the boiling water to open, stir into a thick and sweet paste.

Look at Xiaoyou, and the saliva is even more uninteresting.

"It's too hot now, cool for a while and then eat." Song Yu said helplessly.

Qi Youxuan has taken a small spoon, took a spoonful and sipped a few mouthfuls, tasted it, sweet strawberry taste, "It's delicious!"

"Yeah!" is mine!

Xiaoyou was dancing and rushing.

Helpless, Song Yu can only blow while blowing on the lips to test the temperature, only a spoonful of spoonful to feed Xiaoyou.

Xiaoyou would like to eat the sweet strawberry flavor. Nowadays it is like a small face like a powder. The pleasant expression is very cute. A pair of eyes are rice, and I am happy to sit on the carpet and squat.

"Would you like to go to sleep? There is still a time difference." Guan Liya thought, and suggested, "Especially Dan Chen, rest is not good."

Qi Danchen actually can't sleep now. When he went out of the country, the biological clock was chaotic. However, he was afraid that the elders would be worried and nodded.

However, lying on the *., the time is long, and gradually fell asleep. Later, I felt that I was sagged and I smelled Qi Chenglin. I didn’t blink and knew that he was lying down. It was especially natural to arch in his arms and found a comfortable position. His arms and legs were circled on him. Like holding a pillow.

Qi Chenglin looked at her with a particularly comfortable look and wanted to hold her like this, but she didn't expect her to start.

However, she was trapped by her, and she was not comfortable. She took out one arm and one leg and carefully circled her.

Qi Chenglin tightened her into her arms again. Only then did she feel satisfied and comfortable, and then she went to sleep in the morning.

However, because of the time difference, Qi Danchen and Qi Chenglin did not dare to sleep too much, afraid to sleep more nights and could not sleep.

After sleeping for three hours, the two were called.

As a result, Qi Chenglin was comfortable with her soft and harmonious, and Qi Dan’s arms and legs were crushed by him.

Yan Danchen only felt that half of his body was not his own. When his left hand was sitting up, the right arm and the right leg were almost numb and painful. She was uncomfortable and grinned.

See Qi Chenglin's sleep to make up the spirit, the way to live a dragon, the dragon's left leg did not lick him, "How do you sleep so unreal!"

"What's wrong?" Seeing her uncomfortable look, Qi Chenglin was not angered by her.

"The arms and legs are crushed by you." When Dan Dan complained, he went to pinch his legs. It was really uncomfortable to die.

"..." Qi Chenglin was particularly guilty, obviously because he was too tight, so he was very sincere and sincere to give her a pinch.

This is the most uncomfortable time. When you touch it, it hurts. Qi Chenglin can feel her legs shrinking.

"You can bear it, and it will be good to endure this." Qi Chenglin can only comfort the road.

Dan Dan took a look at him and didn't want to think about who made it.

Qi Chenglin’s coughing, “My fault.”

When Dan Dan looked at him, he bowed his head and said that he was pinching his legs. He couldn’t think of the company’s imposing and unsmiling family in the weekdays. At home, he looked like a serious face to his wife. I didn’t like it at all, even if I apologized, I would open my mouth.

The painful numbness slowly faded away, and Dan Dan also suffered a lot. After licking his legs, he no longer let him pinch.

Looking up at Qi Chenglin's mouth, she smiled and looked at her. Her eyes were soft and tolerant. The man of Fenghua Yushu was already a pleasing thing in front of her. At this time, he was full of her eyes and could not tell the calm. Awkward.

Yan Dan morning leaned over and kissed him on the lips, because the legs were a little numb, but not serious, so he took a few steps and the hemp completely faded.

Looking at the watch, Dan Dan is only three o'clock.

The two are going downstairs together, and Qi Chenglin’s cell phone rang, it’s Jiang Yuan’s phone.

"What is it?" Qi Chenglin asked faintly.

"Chang Zhiyuan's wife, Mo Yuxin, called me because there was no contact between you and his wife. She said that Chang Zhiyuan and Chang Jingqiu were sent back to the city b early this morning and were hospitalized at Chutian Hospital." Jiang Yuan paused and said, "Chang Zhiyuan doesn't know how to do it now, and he has been waking up and not awake. She hopes that you and his wife can go and see."

"How can Chang Zhiyuan be unconscious?" Qi Chenglin asked.

I just came back with Yu Danchen, and I was so happy that I didn’t expect another such thing.

When Qi Chenglin’s words came out, Yan Danchen looked up in surprise.

Qi Chenglin appease her hand and let her not worry, then listen to Jiang Yuan: "The specific she did not say, only said that it is related to Chang Jingqiu. In addition, Chang Jingqiu's state is not good, the specific is not Let's just say that you will know when you go to the hospital."

Mo Yuxin’s unclear appetite is really a dislike for Qi Chenglin.

However, because of this sentence, he guessed that Chang Zhiyuan was injured, perhaps it was related to Chang Jingqiu’s dispute.

Possibly, Chang Zhiyuan has already found evidence of Chang Jingqiu and very family members.

"Know it." Qi Chenglin hung up the phone and greeted the worried expression of Yu Danchen, and said things.

Still waiting for Dan Dan to speak, Qi Chenglin said: "Let's go to the hospital to see."

Dan Dan nodded in the morning, told the old lady and others, and went to Chutian Hospital.

On the way, Qi Chenglin called Mo Yinxin. Originally received a strange number, Mo Yinxin thought it was a nuisance call, but when he heard the voice of Qi Chenglin, he was immediately taken aback.

"I am in the hospital." Mo Yinxin said.

"How is Mr. Chang?" Qi Chenglin asked.

Mo Yuxin looked at the illness and was still in a coma, Chang Zhiyuan, sighing: "No, there is nothing wrong with the inspection, but it is not awake. As for when I wake up, I don't know."

"We are on the way." Qi Chenglin said.

Mo Yinxin listened, somehow, as if he had the backbone of the heart, he told him the ward number where Chang Zhiyuan lived.


Qi Chenglin and Qi Dan went to the hospital and found the ward according to the number mentioned by Mo Yuxin.

The door of the ward was closed, Qi Chenglin knocked on the door. Not long after, Mo Yinxin personally opened the door.

In addition to lying in the ward * Chang Zhiyuan, and Mo Yuxin, there is also a person Qi Chenglin does not know, is the old Liang.

Mo Yinxin's eyes were red, and the two were brought in. They looked at Dan Danchen and looked at them.

"He was still good before, and he called me yesterday. Who knows the blink of an eye--" Mo Yuxin couldn't say anything.

"What the **** is going on?" Qi Chenglin asked in a deep voice, looking at Chang Zhiyuan's calm and lying on the sick *. It looked not painful.

Qi Dan’s chest was blocked and he went to the sick* while watching Chang Zhiyuan. This middle-aged man who had seen her at the wedding was careful that she was not happy, either because of her mother or herself. Well, I can't escape the word family, which is not doped with impurities.

It was because of his pure intention that he could not bear to reject him. Just because he was good at him, he was so happy, but he carefully considered her mood, for fear that he would ask for more.

But he is her relatives, and it is also appropriate to get close. Thinking of his embarrassing look at the time, Dan Dan is sad, blaming himself for not being nice to him at the time, why not invite him directly with them, why is it so cold-eyed? he's gone.

Obviously, I said it ten days ago. When they come back from honeymoon, they will come to visit him and Mo Yinxin.

Qi Danchen has already planned, and it is the same thing as Mrs. Chang, and Chang Zhiyuan is another matter.

But people who have been good before, now lying on the sick*.

Mo Yuxin is in a bad state now, only worried about Chang Zhiyuan.

Lao Liang said: "The two are good. My name is Liang Xuebin. I am a friend of Chang Ge and a private detective. I used to ask me to investigate everything about Chang Jingqiu."

So Lao Liang said the beginning and the end of the matter.

I don’t know what it’s like for a moment, and I’m still digesting what Lao Liang said.

"Chang Jingqiu also finished the operation. I was also worried that the conditions of the county hospitals there were not good. There were misdiagnosis or misjudgment. No matter the medical conditions or the doctors, it was not like this. She took her back to heal. I didn't expect to come. Chutian Hospital, called a doctor consultation, the result is still the same." Lao Liang Shen Sheng.

"Chang Jingqiu, she is... abolished." Laoliang’s voice was heavy, and his head shook his head. No matter how often Jingqiu Qiu was selfish, a girl who was a good old man, now...

"She will be in a wheelchair in the future, the second half. The body is not cured. The doctor said that in her case, the doctor who is famous again is useless."

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