MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7402 Hematophagy

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Blood Devouring

The blood-robed old man was surprised by Jiang Tian's strength.

But more is regret!

Both he and his companions underestimated each other, that's why the two blood-robed youths lost their lives.


The old man shouted ferociously, and his palm suddenly burst out.


The violent wave of blood bombarded out, bursting out with the potential of destruction!


Jiang Tian's expression changed instantly!

This blow was powerful, but it was not difficult for him to avoid it.

But the blood maple behind him will undoubtedly die!


He resolutely teleported backwards and came to Xuefeng's side.

Take her to teleport away again!


The wave of blood swept across, destroying buildings one after another, plowing out a terrifying gully on the ground!

Jiang Tian landed on the edge of the city, put down the blood maple, and teleported towards the blood-robed old man.

"Human warrior, do you dare to come back?"

The blood-robed old man's face was like frost!

The mission would have been perfect without these two strangers.

And because of their appearance, the two brothers both fell.

I thought that the other party would run away with all my strength, but I didn't expect to go and come back!

"court death!"

The old man shouted violently and waved his arms together.


Two dragon-like waves of blood rushed forward, and when they came to Jiang Tian's side, they merged suddenly!


A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and a blood-colored space crack spread out!

The power is extremely terrifying!

Hum rumbling!


Hearing the strange noise coming from ahead, the old man's face changed slightly!

Human race warrior, did not die?

The old man turned his hands into claws and leaned forward!

Bark... Boom!

The two ferocious blood hands transformed instantly, tearing apart the void and grabbing them into the billowing waves of blood!

Want to capture and kill Jiang Tian!

But the next moment, a strong crisis hit him from behind!


The old man yelled violently, and his whole body was full of energy and blood.

Brutely knocked back Jiang Tian who was attacking behind him!

The two looked at each other from a distance, their expressions were a little dignified!

Jiang Tian was surprised by the old man's reaction!

It has to be said that although this old man is the pinnacle blood emperor, his combat power is far superior to the three guardian elders of the Blood Saint Sect.

It can be said that the three members of the Blood Saint Sect will join forces and fight head-on with hard power.

It is definitely not the opponent of this blood-robed old man!

And the blood-robed old man was also surprised by Jiang Tian's methods!

The opponent has already used the instant killing technique to a superb level, and it is impossible to guard against it!

If it wasn't for his strength and quick response, he would have suffered a loss just now!


The old man snorted coldly and shot again.

As soon as he took a step, it turned into a blood rainbow and hit Xuefeng directly!


Jiang Tian smiled coldly, he had expected this!

Hum rumbling!

A purple light flashed outside Xuefeng's body, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

"Good boy!"

The blood-robed old man flinched, his eyes became more and more sinister.

He wanted to feint to attack Xuefeng, and then take advantage of Jiang Tian's help to capture and kill him.

But I didn't expect that the opponent's space secret technique could be used across most of the city.

This made his plan come to nothing, and he could only crush it with hard power!

"Even if you have space secrets, you will die!"


With a wave of the old man's hand, the Extreme Lightning Miekong Formation was activated again, and immediately launched an attack!


Thunder pillars of hundreds of feet thundered down wildly!

Jiang Tian is naturally not afraid of this, but Xuefeng can't bear it!

He teleported with Xuefeng to the sky above the city.

"Well, what are you going to do?"

The blood-robed old man was taken aback!

Not only did he not hide, but he took the initiative to approach the Jilei Miekong Formation, did he think he didn't die fast enough?

"Leiyuan Immortal Physique, increase!"


Jiang Tian urged Lei Yuan's immortal body madly, absorbing the power of the thunder formation with all his strength.

At the same time, sacrifice the void fairyland and bombard the array pattern!


The formation pattern was forcibly torn, and Jiang Tian directly sent Xuefeng out of the formation.

Then turned around and rushed towards the old man!

"A body with lightning talent!"

The old man in the blood robe shrank his eyes, deeply shocked!

The Extreme Thunder Miekong Formation is so powerful that even Xue Yufan of the same level can't hold it back.

This strong human race completely ignored its attack?


The old man quickly found out that something was wrong!

The opponent didn't just ignore the thunder formation's attack, but forcibly swallowed the power of the thunder formation into his body!

And after devouring so much thunder force, there was no backlash at all!


too exaggerated!

"What an amazing physique!"

A look of greed appeared in the blood-robed old man's eyes.

A fanatical idea suddenly appeared!

If he can devour the opponent's blood, maybe he can also get this terrifying thunder talent!

"Boy, die!"

The blood-robed old man was extremely excited!

Such a physique is nothing less than a great opportunity for him!

The reason why Xue Yufan and his dozens of companions fell was because they couldn't withstand the bombardment of Lei Zhu.

And with this super powerful thunder body, he can ignore the attack of this large thunder array by himself.

Just thinking about it makes his blood boil!


The old man took a step forward and pointed at Jiang Tian!

With both palms waved together, a terrifying cloud of blood surged out.

The void twisted and oscillated, creating terrifying billows of blood!

Crackling...cracking, booming!

A series of **** space cracks emerged, and the violent space power added blood pressure and enveloped Jiang Tian!

"Xianlong crit!"


Jiang Tian shook his fists and bombarded the blood cloud.

As for space cracks, don't care!

As a Void Immortal Physique, those things are not threatening, and can even help his Void Immortal Power.

Two celestial dragon strikes blasted out, but the next scene surprised him!

The old man forcibly took these two punches, but his body only swayed slightly!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

Also the peak blood emperor, this old man's combat power can definitely kill the three forbidden elders of the blood holy sect in an instant!

This is the crushing of hard power, a huge gap in combat power!

"Void fairyland!"

Jiang Tian did not hesitate to sacrifice the fairyland and cover the opponent.


Under the shroud of the fairyland, the blood-robed old man's body froze and his speed dropped sharply!

"Chixue Sword Essence, cut!"



The red and white sword slashed past, and the old man's body was instantly pierced.


The red and white sword flames surged up, rapidly permeating the old man's remnant body!


Jiang Tian covered the old man's head with his palm!

Soul search!

At the same time, he waved his left hand, moving the corpses of the two blood-robed youths who had been beheaded to the front.

The talent of blood devouring has been launched!


The blood essence of the three peak blood emperors poured into his body, pushing his aura to rise steadily!

"Blood spiritual power, forty percent?"

Jiang Tian was stunned!

According to his estimation, the bloodline spiritual power should rise to at least 50%, and may even approach 60%!

But in fact, it was only increased by 10%!

This speed is much lower than expected!

He stared at Vipassana and immediately understood!

There is still a big difference between the blood essence of warriors in the sky and warriors in the lower realm.

This difference makes the power of the two unable to be perfectly connected.

in other words!

The bloodline essence he had just devoured had to cover the existing bloodline spiritual power, and then there would be an increase on this basis.

A similar situation had already occurred once when he was in the Lower Realm of the Blood Realm.

So this time, it's not so surprising!