MTL - Ultimate Assassin System-v2 Chapter 6 Supplementary system information

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The next morning, Lina woke up in the harsh sunlight.

She stretched lazily and opened her eyes stupidly.

"咝!", Lina touched the area under the left ear involuntarily, there was a little pain there.

what's the situation……

For a moment, Lina, who had been stunned for a while, finally figured out the situation, and she turned around and looked around, no one. Barefoot jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom, no one was there.

Grabbed fluffy hair: "No! You look so honest, even if you play this hand with your mother, you will slip away after you wipe your mouth?"

Alas, what is that ...

Wu Wei waited for Lina to get angry, and the things on the table attracted her attention. Those things glowed in the sunshine.

"Gold, gold coins!" Lina cried out in surprise, quickly picked up the gold coins on the table, a total of five.

Brilliant colors, the national emblem of Bran, held in the palm of the hand with a little sunshine temperature. Lina was finally convinced that she was holding 5 gold coins.

She then thought of who left these gold coins, and the anger against Tang En was immediately washed away.

I want to know that the price of the nightingale is not high. Even a rare young woman like her can make up to 2 silver coins at a time. If you include the night, 6 silver coins and 5 silver coins are also bargaining.

现在 Now she got 5 gold coins, but that's her usual income for half a year.

Tang En naturally didn't know this situation. Last night Lina didn't tell him the price. He was the first time to "pack nights", plus he was stunned by others. Ashamed, 5 gold coins were left.

Tang En knows that the price is absolutely enough, after all, killing a person is also the price.

Since then, Tang En's first "Pack Night" operation has ended, and as a result, 5 gold coins have been lost, and nothing has been fished ... Completely defeated!

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Well, not to mention how excited Lena was in the room, let's turn the lens to Tang En again.

At this time, Tang En was standing in front of the gate of Bolton College in Laiyan City.

Simpton College is located in Beicheng District of Laiyan City. It is the only comprehensive university in Laiyan City. It teaches subjects such as magic, combat, alchemy, military, and noble etiquette. Contributed a large number of military and administrative personnel for Bran.

Tang En came here, of course, not to be a student. Besides, it is not the college's admission season. What he likes is the library here, and the old housekeeper urgently needs a lot of foreign materials to perfect the killer system. Otherwise, there are many killer trainings that cannot be carried out.

For example, the mastery of poisons in killer skills is to introduce how to configure and release poisons. However, most poisons come from various plants and animals, and the system is blank in this aspect, so it is impossible to talk about combining poisons.

After going to the Thieves' Union to confirm the task in the morning, he inquired everywhere and knew that Laiyan City's largest library was Bolton College.

Rybbotton College doesn't implement closed management like some Cavaliers Colleges, so it's easy for Down to get in. After asking a few students, he found the library smoothly.

Library is a three-story small building. Step into it, rows of bookshelves, neatly arranged books, and a kind of quietness unique to the library.

Tang En's purpose is clear, starting directly from the innermost bookshelf, picking up the first book, holding it with his left hand, and right-handedly "wow" from the first page to one page, hundreds of pages of books, but a few seconds . Then pick up the next ...

Naturally, you can't see much of this quick page turning, at most you feel that there are dense handwriting flashing in front of you.

But the system can ...

"Ding, the landform of Nishizawa has been entered."

"Ding, the orc tribe's religious sacrifice has been entered."


With a non-stop entry system for a book, all Tang En has to do is pick up the book, look at it, and then flip through it.

Dinging in his ears, Tang En was filled with emotion: There must be such a system before crossing, Tsinghua University of Beijing didn't cry and asked my brother to go, oh ...

Howling ...

Tang En swept through each row of bookshelves quickly, with an average of ten books per minute.

The books on the first floor are mainly history, geography, etiquette, and there are also some magical and energetic books, but they are general outlines and so on.

As soon as Tang En had just swept a poem and was going to pick up another one, a pair of tender green onions and jade hands picked up the book first.

As soon as Tang En turned his head, he suddenly felt bright.

The girl in front of me had long silky golden coffee-colored hair, and Yu Jinghuaming's face was slightly British, and the smile on her mouth was comfortable and luxurious.

同学 "Classmate, are you looking for a book?"

愣 Tang En froze: "Yeah, yeah."

"You said the title of the book, I might know. I think you found this from the first row of bookshelves."

呃 "Uh, this ... it seems to be a farmhouse."

"Grange ... well, free farm mode?"

"Yes, yes, this one ..." Tang En nodded in agreement. By the way, there are really books about farms ...

The woman blinked autumn eyes and said, "But that's forbidden."

"...", I'll go, should I be so accurate, it won't be so bad!

"But I also like this book very much. I just read it a few days ago. The views in it are very interesting. Returning the land to the farmers and letting them freely cultivate, this will not only enable both parties to get what they need, but also produce More products. Do you say this is true? "

"Uh, it should be true!"


"It's definitely not the same as planting things for others ..." Tang En answered without thinking.

"Yeah, it's for yourself ..." The woman was obviously thoughtful.

But then she returned to God, seeing Tang En's eyes obviously bright, and saw her gracefully bowing: "Hello classmate, can you meet me? My name is Johia."

希 "Hia ... hehe, hello Johia, my name is Tang En." It was her, no wonder her voice was a little familiar.

Tang En heard this name for the second time, the last time was yesterday when riding a ride at the city gate.

"I don't have this book here. I'll bring it to you next time."

"Uh, thank you!"

"You're welcome, don't bother, see you next time."


After a short episode, Tang En didn't take it seriously. Continue his sweeping plan.

A few days later, Tang En spent most of his time in the library.

去 During the thief union received a bounty, 4 gold coins and 50 silver coins. The union charged one-tenth of the commission.

When returning to the killer space, the system prompts him to complete the task, the task difficulty is F, and the evaluation C is completed.

According to the old housekeeper, C's evaluation is already very high, probably Tang En's knife is really clean. Of course, if he kills the bad gambler again without leaving a trace, the evaluation may be higher.

Finally get 150 experience and 200 blood.

Tang En's total experience now is 475, and blood is 450.

The total experience value of the Amaranth Killer system upgrade is 500 points. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com means that as long as Tang En gains 25 points of experience, he can meet the standard, and then complete the upgrade task, and the system can be upgraded.

Tang En can't wait for the system upgrade long ago. Seeing that there is still less experience, he quickly took another task. This time it ’s not killing. After all, it only takes 25 points of experience.

The task is to follow a baron and find out where his mistress is.

Tang En is now reading in the morning, tracking in the afternoon, training in the evening, and the laws of life are extremely good.

The tracking task has not progressed so far, it may be that the baron noticed something, so every day is just to deal with matters and attend the party.

If the only thing that is a little unexpected is Josiah.

乔 Since I was in the library that day, every time Josiah came to the library, I would say hello to Tang En, and talk casually.

Tang En naturally saw that Josiah's identity was not ordinary. Every time the two of them chat, people passing by will look at them in amazement.

But what really surprised Tang En is that this is obviously the noble Miss Josiah's thinking is a bit strange. From the conversation between the two, Tang En can clearly feel that she disagrees with the aristocracy, but instead pays much attention to the lives of the civilians.

Although there are some radical and naive ideas, it is surprising that a noble can think so.

Tang En usually didn't care too much when chatting with her, she just said whatever she thought. I have to say that Tang En's later thoughts have greatly moved Josiah. Every time Tang En casually says something, it makes her think for a long time.

Gradually, Josiah ran here more and more often, and Tang En didn't care. Although it was a little disturbing to his reading progress, it was a good time to chat with a pleasing beauty.